Saturday, February 18, 2023
As the world marches down the pathway of destructive materialism
1) Men and women who seek freedom for your posterity as for yourselves, pause to consider the mastery of your beloved Jesus over life and over death. His triumph was one which occurred within the individual domain and is possible for you to achieve today. As the world marches down the pathway of destructive materialism—that seeks to rob the very foundations of freedom and liberty by involving men in ceaseless processes unnatural in their very origins—let us ask ourselves these questions, “What can we do for the youth of this age and for the future of mankind? How can we stop the onslaught of a blatant materialism that casts its coils around the balance of life and honors the golden calf as the be-all and end-all of mortal existence?”
The acquisition of gold, of substance, of material gain and of status is set before the youth today as the standard by which the abundant life is measured. This type of example has far too great an influence upon society to be ignored, for the contamination of the age has been its result. Beautiful forces of light, strands of infinite holiness that beyond the stars themselves extend the glory of God in infinite realms as plan, p-l-a-n, are also at work in the world today; yet it is the juxtaposition of opposing materialistic forces that would seek to impugn man in matter and substance and rob him of his immortal birthright.
I say then in the name of Almighty God, the great accomplishment of the Lord Christ in the resurrection is today desecrated by those who proclaim it on the one hand as a feast of holy days and yet, throughout the balance of the year ignore the wonders of this immaculate concept of triumph locked within the heart and soul of man as God made him.
Let us then highly resolve that those men and women of good faith who have lived in past ages shall not be ignored and their lives rendered ineffectual today. Let us determine that a renaissance of spiritual culture and of treasures of the heart shall flourish in this land of America and be spread throughout the world as never before. Value and sense of value ought to be reconsidered until, by application to the divine pattern, the unfolding of cosmic possibility is recognized and the scale of cosmic values is understood by men and women who today are bound in a round of mortal circumstance and circumscription.
-Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 9:13
2) Jesus spoke to his disciples regarding life–the life of the soul in the physical temple and the life of the soul on the etheric plane. One of his admonishments that came forth as a result of that teaching and which is recorded in sacred scripture is “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” The so-called death of the body must be seen as the natural laying-down of a soul’s garment and the donning of another garment more suited to the next cycle of evolution.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 16:15
2.5_ There comes a time in the life of every initiate when he must face the temptation to believe that death is real. In the words of Paul “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” And you have read the words of Serapis Bey, his admonishment to resist death as the personification of the energy veil called evil as well as the impersonal force that would feign to deprive every man and woman of the inheritance of immortality–the gift of God to His creation. -Lanello, Pearl 17:22
3) Understand then that to see through the mists and the maya and to understand that only God is real is the way to heal and to hold the immaculate concept for yourself. But the fallen ones who come with their degradation and condemnation, they would always have you believe the fundamental lie that death is real “because the sin that produced it is real.”
Understand then that by your application to the Law that I have released in the first seven of these studies there is being builded within your aura a fiery coil of life. This coil which is approximately ten inches in diameter you ought now to visualize rising from the base of an imaginary sundial upon which you stand.
As you look down at your feet the coil proceeds from what would be the twelve o’clock line (positioned just in front of your feet). The coil is an electrode that winds in a clockwise direction, the coils being spaced three inches apart. -Djwal Kul, Pearl 17:42
4) To You Who Would Pursue the Spirals of Life, Not Death:
As you trace with your fingers the unfolding petals of the rose you contact a spiral of life, a geometrization of the God-flame based on the inner law of the blueprint of life. Hold in your hand an abalone shell or a chambered nautilus. follow the golden ratio of the movement of life and know that in the geometric designs of creation God is, and where God is there I AM. Behold, the I AM THAT I AM is within you as Law, as geometry, as the science of being. -Maitreya, Pearl 18:49
5) There is a cycle to every life, and to every life a cycle. There is a coil of energy into which you are born, a coil of energy that like a flaming fountain of light is given by God to buoy up the soul into the arms of the All-Father. This is the coil of light that is like the wave that when taken at its crest leads on to victory. It is a tide of the Great Central Sun, a tide that is greater than the affairs of men. It is a tide of fiery destiny. -Divine Director, via
Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 18, 1976 at Los Angeles, Pearl 63:37
6) I have lived again and again to set forth the truth of the ages. It is ever the light of the divine Theosophia to give unto the children of God the awareness of the unreality of death. This is the foundation of all of the teaching of the Mother. For you see if you can understand that death is not real, then all that leads to death must also be unreal. -Theosophia, Pearl 20:8
7) Do you dare trust that energy in the hands of the Luciferians, of the mad scientists who put down Atlantis and Mu? Do you dare leave that energy uncontrolled? Only the ascended masters have the right to contain that energy and that power; for human beings cannot be trusted, given the hordes of darkness who will play upon them, who will give them that itchy feeling, that trigger-happy feeling that they will set off that holocaust even without the word of their overlords.
Precious ones, this Earth is a powder keg. But I tell you that even those bombs and even those missiles and even that infiltration can be nullified. It can be nullified by your decrees if you but have the vision, if you but have the determination that the light which you invoke can nullify that energy, can render it powerless. It can be done, but it must be done by concerted action and by specific calls. -Saint Germain, Pearl 20:47
8) Beloved ones, our Messenger may not be here nor may you when these expressions are ultimately intended to be rampant upon the planetary body. Thus I release my Word as a portion of sacred scripture for the Aquarian age that you and your offspring and generations to come may read avidly and righteously out of the very Book of Life whence these truths are taken.
Our warning of the madness of the mad scientists is not only for the future; it also concerns the past as they have manipulated energy for the sinking of continents and distortion of life on Lemuria and Atlantis.
Those who would be initiates of sacred fire in the age of Aquarius must come to know the vastness of the mind of the Cosmic Christ that contains, as the Mediator of a cosmos, the complete awareness and record of all experiments ever made by souls of God with the uses of the energies of Christ and of sacred fire.
Therefore approach the mind of the Cosmic Christ with the sense that you the living soul will put on the mantle of responsibility to stand with your own beloved Christ Self and the Christ Selves of Earth’s evolutions to bear responsibility of dealing with and grappling with individuals who have been planning not only the conquest of this world but of many worlds for centuries upon centuries. They have manipulated their own karma, reincarnating again and again with one another of like frequency, cloning themselves, reproducing themselves, creating manifestations in the test tube that can be controlled for their purposes. -Maitreya, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1978 at Pasadena and Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 43:33
9) And therefore the judgment becomes only a great sphere of light—a sphere of light that is placed over each such an individual whose time is come. And therefore the judgment is ultimately the individual's own freewill choice. For by acceleration of death, by acceleration of the energy veil, by acceleration of hatred of the light of the Christ and of the Messenger of the Christ which is in the very midst of the Earth therefore that sphere of light that is lowered over the individual then becomes the catalyst for the return of that energy. And it is that energy itself which will20 ultimately39 judge20 the15 walking32 dead10 (=134=black11 x deals14).
Understand then the magnificence of the Law of God. Understand that energy itself and the choice to use that energy in God or in darkness become the very terms of the individual's sojourn upon Earth or, for that matter, in any world or any evolution whatsoever. -El Morya, viaThMessenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 21, 1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 57:16
10) Saints of the ruby ray, make haste to demonstrate the Law that you might liberate, with signs following, the blessed children of my heart yet in bondage to the law of sin–and the sinful sense of sin. For they have not the slightest concept of the meaning of those oft repeated words of Saint Paul “Christ died for our sins.” My beloved, to them that are born of God death is not real. It never has been real and it never will be. -Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 22:37
11) Beloved, changes come in many ways. Some man elects and some come upon him suddenly. The change most feared in this octave is the change called death. But, beloved, when you ascend spiral upon spiral up the mountain of being you find that the transition to eternal life is never achieved by death but by acceleration unto immortality—putting on that immortality that is thine own. Yet it is today the election of freewill, and immortality can be lost. -Archangel Raphael, Pearl 23:62
12) At the point of your God-determination to overcome the coils of death you then set the forcefield within your heart to magnetize a single angel of Life. And therefore the spires of Life as the spires of a great cathedral have been abuilding within your temple as coils of ascension light. And these as electrodes have begun to magnetize unto you the deathless solar garment, even the body of light—the wedding garment. -Lanto, Pearl 24:16
13) Why, can you imagine saying to yourself “I bought the Forbes Ranch. I bought the Royal Teton Ranch! I did it. I gave God that ranch!” It makes you have a sense of self-worth. It’s not in the wrong sense. God gives you that power to sponsor Him.
God becomes a baby in your arms, an embryo so tiny that those who have the mad power of the abortionists can have the satisfaction of killing Almighty God. And there are people upon the planet who love it. They do it every day. It’s a supreme satisfaction. “God, I have total power over You. I can kill You”—that’s what they’re saying.
And we say the opposite. “God, I can give you life on Earth. I can buy this ranch so You can do what you want to do and do it in a protected environment.”
That’s the whole difference between that ranch and here. We are vulnerable to the highway, to the city, to a population, to circumstances of economics, of breakdown of a major city in time of war.
Just get on the highway in five o’clock rush. You are totally helpless to move. That’s how it’s going to be in every major city if anybody has to get out in a hurry. Nobody’s going to get out of the city nohow.
And then you have the running out of water, you have plague, you have epidemic, you have rioting for food. All these terrorists that are trained by Kadafi—they know how to take over a city. They know exactly where to go. Reservoirs, power, energy, food to put it down overnight. They’re just not doing it -Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 25:21a (speaking of the difference between life in L.A. and in southwest Montana)
14) Blessed seekers after Life, I cannot withhold my presence from you as you keep the vigil of the hours with the child. I AM the Maha Chohan. I have heard your call. And I AM in the very midst of thee, O daughters of Zion, sons of Israel.
I AM here, O children of Sanat Kumara, to give hope, to give life, to give word that the Law is not thwarted, neither is the Law frustrated. For the Lawgiver himself as Sanat Kumara, as Moses, Maitreya, and the members of the League of Shamballa move across the world and upon the world to deliver the mandate of cosmic justice.
This is a moment of fervor and of intensity! An entire nation is aroused against this outrage. And the cry is heard across the land that this is intolerable, unthinkable, and this is abomination.
Blessed hearts, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and his servant-sons I empower you with the Holy Spirit with which he has empowered me. In the name of the I AM THAT I AM as you are able to bear it I give that portion. For others I come and touch you to remove uncleanness that therefore you might be more ready to receive this light in another day.
I AM the blazing light of Helios and Vesta, the Father/Mother of this system of worlds! I assure you that on the occasion of this vigil and this happening these twinflames rise from their thrones in the Temple of the Sun to stand in the hour of infamy and of blasphemy of Christ on Earth.
Their very standing is an act of disapproval and disavowal of these fallen ones. It embodies the full force of the deliverability of the judgment of Almighty God through them. They are willing and able instruments. As vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, I will repay! So hear then the word of Helios and Vesta this day.
Helios and Vesta:
We stand in the Sun of this system of worlds, and we recall from physical incarnation those who have placed their weight on the side of slaughter of the holy innocents. We accelerate the spirals of their own degenerate life. And therefore we call the cards from the Keeper of the Scrolls upon those lifestreams who have contributed, not to the flow of Life, but to the river of death!
Beware then the vibration of Styx. Beware the vibration of all of those who sing songs of the river of death. For they take you, my beloved, with them coursing. And the subtlety of the river of death moving through then these rock stars is that the river flows downward, deeper and deeper into the canyons of the astral plane until you arrive at the destination that was intended from the beginning of the spiral—the place of hell itself.
Beware27 the15 river36 of12 death20 (=110=5 x stealth, curses22), for when you enter it in the barge of life the scenery is pleasant, the entertainment certainly entertaining at a certain level and all things seem peaceful. And there is even a sort of bird that sings a sort of tune. All things are mimicked, including the sweet things of human life. Death itself becomes the sweet candy that is passed around on this barge of death.
Blessed hearts, beware when you enter the spiral of the downward beat, for you do not know where it is taking you until you have arrived.
I speak to the heart of every son of light on Earth! And I reveal to you by the light of my own heart as Helios and my own heart as Vesta the unreality of the rhythm of hell and its inability to convey to you the permanency of Life but only to peel from you layer upon layer even of the permanent atom of the seat-of-the-soul and base chakra until you know not that you have been stripped of the very necessary life, energy and consciousness.
-Maha Chohan and Helios/Vesta, Pearl 25:31
15) The Law—it can be demonstrated. It is physics. It is chemistry. It is psychology. It is beyond the senses and yet provable. It is intangible yet tangible.
To be scientists along the way of that royal road of reintegration the action of the eighth ray of the Buddha must be employed, for it is an integration of the flow of energies from Spirit to matter. And as Spirit enters matter it gives matter the impetus to rise back to Spirit, and therefore movement is the key to the inner science.
Experiment then with all aspects of the crystallization of the God-flame and study the components of the crystal. Take the microscope and look into Mater and see its components and then determine the structure of those components at molecular and atomic sublevels and see how matter was created to be the cradle of a flame.
See then as you look under a microscope at the cell, at the crystal how you can visualize within that which is revealed as invisible. See how you can project by the vision of the emerald ray a flame—first as a picture of a flame that you see in your mind’s eye and then as the vision of the flame taking on the qualities of warmth and love from your heart, the outline of the will of God, the flow of wisdom and aspects of the seven rays that you feel in your soul as purity, as transmutation, and as ministration to life. -Leto, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 15, 1976 at Los Angeles, Pearl 63:25
16) Blessed hearts, there comes a moment when, straying too far from the point of Christ Selfhood, the individual himself loses the thread of Life and of contact and therefore slips, as it were, into a sea of oblivion. This as you know was done through an outrageous disobedience of the fallen angels through their challenge of the Godhead. The clenched fist, the sign of the world totalitarian movements, the sign of aggression of peoples, binding of souls, suppressing of the light, and finally ultimate physical torture and cruelty, murder and death, bloodletting, et cetera—all of this began with the infamy of those fallen angels, the Watchers themselves and Nephilim. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearls of Wisdom 26:24
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17) Beloved ones, it ought to be a sign to the whole evolution of the planet how easily an error of those individuals who do not necessarily represent our Brotherhood can result in mass death and confusion. Do you realize how many areas there are on Earth this day in the physical octave which, if they were upset or triggered, would cause death to millions and tens of millions?
Think of all installations of nuclear weapons. Think of the many plants that generate electricity by nuclear power. Think of the many plants that manufacture poisons. Think of the coming of earthquakes or cataclysm and rupturing of pipes and systems and, in serious cataclysm, the setting off of those weapons that are positioned around the globe. Then you will begin to understand that, physically speaking, you are dwelling on a literal powder keg. —Jesus and Magda, Pearl 27:62
18) It is necessary for us to understand ourselves as the Lord’s instruments and as extensions of the heavenly hierarchy but not as independent challengers of death and hell and its denizens lest the epithet should be hung around our necks, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.” It is because you as Christed ones do not have the equivalent of the Office of Jesus Christ or that of Satan before he fell that it is not lawful for you to directly challenge that fallen one. But you must not fail to do so in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of your Christ Self and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. -Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 28:42
19) Aye, and that Middle Way is not the way of mediocrity, not the way of the lesser self. There is a way, beloved, the broad way that leadeth to destruction and the narrow way that leadeth to eternal life. And the narrow way is the very gate of the Kundalini rising; it is the narrow way whereby in a tight coil of spring you rise [to] that altar.
Blessed hearts, this is not a fanatical path. It does not even require total celibacy but [it is] a path where the light may be conserved, where moderation is pursued and the bliss of God may carry measure for measure that light that would otherwise be squandered whether in human emotion or anger or excesses or pleasures that deplete, do not heal and deprive you of the victory. -Arccheia Mary, Pearl 31:51
20) Thus Mercy’s dispensation of [having long ago] sealed that place where the energy veil of mankind does dwell does become a new mercy–a mercy of the Law that does provide opportunity (through the opening of the pit) to lifewaves who desire to ascend, to accelerate, to enter resurrection’s coil [and therefore to fulfill the requirement of the Law] to now stand, face and conquer in the very heart of the living Christ those conditions of their own human creation, those [karmic] conditions [of their own astral creation] which they must overcome if they would move up the spiral of being in the ascending process. -Elohim Hercules, Pearl 31:80
21) America spends $300 billion a year on defense. But as we sit here today, this nation has no system in place to stop one incoming nuclear warhead, whether launched by intent or by accident, by a terrorist nation or by the Soviet Union. How did we get into a position of zero defense against nuclear weapons? It’s not for a lack of money or technology. We have no defense against nuclear weapons today because of the nuclear policy of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD).
The nuclear strategy of the United States is deterrence–“Let’s avoid nuclear war by making the consequences of an attack by either nation too great.” But MAD can maintain stability only if both sides adopt the same strategy and play by the same rules. Soviet and American nuclear strategies have diverged fundamentally in the last 20 years. Most of the U.S. missile force is capable of attacking only Soviet cities. But most of the Soviet missile force is capable of destroying American nuclear weapons.
In his best-selling novel, The Cardinal of the Kremlin, Tom Clancy explains the strategic balance. Although fictional, it is a textbook explanation of modern nuclear strategy in simple terms. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 33:11
(numerology, a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc., used a couple times in the above. -r)
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