Tuesday, January 31, 2023
I AM THAT I AM the Ascended Jesus Christ in your midst, proving the present availability of my Presence to enfold you as I am enfolding this Messenger that you might receive my Word as I preached it to your very souls long ago in Galilee and in other places—and even in the uttermost parts of the Earth.
Beloved, truly I have preached to your souls then and now in all octaves of being. For I am come, the Presence of the Lord with you. And I come to redeem, and the redemption is of the Lost Teaching and the Lost Word. For here then is the restoration of the soul. As the dried fig is restored by the water of life, so may the fullness of your soul now become plump. Having drunk of this water, may you live forever and not be turned aside because you have heard a prognostication, to seek again and again predictions of your life. -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 29:67
Having taken up the commands to preach the gospel to every creature, to believe and to be baptized and to cast out devils, we come to the second sign that shall surely follow them that believe (meditate upon my Word day and night): “They shall speak with new tongues.”
Truly the speaking with new tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit that is given by initiation to souls who ardently pursue the living Word in the preaching of his gospel and who are daily believing and being baptized by meditation on and immersion in the living Father of the Lamb. The signs of the Spirit, of which this is the second, must be desired by you with all your heart, so much so that your temple is given over to the Holy Spirit to be His dwelling place forevermore.
-Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:42
Thus, beloved ones, in the sleep state one cannot be a conscious participator in this mighty interchange with Maitreya. The outer sleep is only symbol of the inner sleep of the soul beset with densities of that configuration which has become its own solar system which you have called the electronic belt. The soul has launched its satellites, and so they revolve around the lower self and the lower ego: encumbrances defining time and space, forging obligation which must then be fulfilled.
The proud desire to keep their word no matter what. Thus Herod agreed to give the head of John the Baptist to Salome. And thus by thy word thou hast created vast holdings of carnal mind and possessions. And these things, all of these things, cause sleepfulness in the watch of the dark, dark night of Earth when the soul is awake. Even if the body take its rest, the soul is awake. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 28:28
…………Again the Lord has warned “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” This renegade had no power to destroy the souls of the innocent in hell. But he tried. While he stands before the Four and Twenty Elders they will live to see the light of day on Earth, once again to challenge and be challenged by human tyrants masquerading as God.
The path of the masqueraders is the false crucifixion in which Marxists, Leninists and Communists throughout the world have enslaved millions upon millions, replacing the glory of the risen Christ with the glory of a superstate that will surely come tumbling down even as the Tower of Babel was destroyed through the judgment of love.
The world wallows in the fear of the religious cult. Let them heed the warning of an archangel and read the handwriting on the wall: the deaths in Guyana of innocent men, women and children were upon the altar of World Socialism to the glory of a godless society where the only gods are fallen angels and archdeceivers who have set themselves up in church and state for one purpose alone, and that to destroy the potential of the soul to realize the real Self in and as the living Christ.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:49
Now if we could, we would meet the children of God more than halfway. For even the masters recognize the advantage of stirring up astral dust: the cleansing of the intuitive faculties of mind and heart for a greater receptivity to truth. However in the past when the great Law has made an exception, allowing us to do just that we have found that the sea of mankind’s emotions was easily disturbed and that due to his astral preconditioning, his sensitivities were such that even in the presence of light he found the cosmic perception of beauty unacceptable. He resented being told the truth, and would almost rather have entertained a masquerading entity than angels unawares.
We believe, whether or not our counsels are given heed, that we should place prime importance upon reaching our students and informing them of the truth of being through the Pearls of Wisdom—one of the few media available to us—regardless of the consequences. And if we create thereby the antipathy to truth that wells up in natural man, then we shall send our angels to clean up the astral debris; and when the dust settles we shall once more send the missive of truth. Needless to say, popularity should not be the objective when one seeks to communicate the truth.
-Paul the Venetian, Pearl 13:43
In the matter of moods then we would suggest to every student who pursues God’s happiness: whenever he is invaded by a feeling that is less than God-happiness—a feeling of discomfort or disquietude—that he begin to look for the cause first in his own subconscious mind and in the centering of his attention around negative ideas which he may have allowed to enter his world and secondly in the person of masquerading or malevolent entities.
The nature of invading entities is such that whenever an individual seeks to improve himself by engaging in religious worship, by attending a constructive lecture or concert or by reading religious literature the vibratory action of higher pursuit makes the entity extremely uncomfortable. The entity, unwilling to relinquish his hold on the lifestream, will then project to his consciousness a feeling of discomfort or unhappiness and this he will assure the individual is directly attributable to the function in which the individual is involved.
-Lanto, Pearl 12:32
Blessed ones, the opening of despair is through the drug culture and rock music. This opening into the youth of the world is followed by all forms of masquerading suicide entities. Do you realize, beloved, that in the moment of the decision to take one’s life the only hope held is of death itself which is a perverted self and a perverted hope?
Know this then, beloved—that the fire of Astrea, that the calls for continual clearing of the astral plane and naming of these entities day after day will surely reap the harvest of lightbearers sought by beloved Saint Germain. Though the human cannot be guaranteed, the lightbearer who is free from all illusions and entanglements with fallen ones can almost of a certainty be guaranteed to receive the light. -Archeia Hope, Pearl 30:4
When individuals in ignorance call upon other names and their hearts are pure it does not always mean that they will experience some negative outpouring of which they are consciously aware; but in reality there is always a diminution of the light flow into their worlds and in some there have been awful obsessions created and the infestation of entities into their worlds because they have been thrown off the path of truth by calling upon others who are in reality not masters of light but impostors of the black brotherhood masquerading as angels of light.
Our sole purpose in this revelation is to see that every one of our blessed chelas retains his freedom and his faith, that they be not tied into anything that is unclean or deceitful, and that they keep the way to the Eden of God and eat only of the Tree of Life that is in the midst of that garden of divine truth.
-Divine Director, Pearl 9:40
Today the greatest hindrances to true spirituality in the orthodox movements are fear on one hand and insipid love on the other. First= they have threatened men in the name of religion with eternal burning and then they have followed up their threats by a wretched pleading for souls to come unto God. Many have been driven from God by fear while still others have been drawn to Him by a false love. Yet I do not deny that among those who serve without understanding—without the correct interpretation of Scriptures, having been subjected to many vicious forces that have worked through religious orders masquerading57 as2 angels22 of12 light29 (=112=4 x deceit28)—there are many sweet and devoted people.
We pray also for these and for all who seek to serve mankind. But we know that the Christed way, the way of regeneration not only disputes with the doctors in the temple, overturns the moneychangers’ tables and recognizes a generation of vipers but also extends living hands of light and saith unto all: “Come and dine. Unless ye eat my flesh and drink my blood, ye have no life in you.” -Nada, Pearls of Wisdom 11:37
using numerology, a=1. b=2. c=3, j=1, etc. Therefore Duffy26 clique31=57, Putin26 clique31 also.
not everyone will draw you a picture but I will
that;s K with Gates, Milley, Obama, Biden. do you know what that means? K has been on Defense Policy Board from 2001-present, which advises the Pentagon. Do you know what that means?
In case you don;t, consider that K taught Klaus Schwab at Harvard and introduced him to the nwo ~1970. K met Mao in Beijing covertly in 1971.
modified spike protein, graphene -Brendan Godwin
the most dangerous drugs ever released on the human population in the history of medicine
Brendan Godwin; 29
September 2021; Australian Bureau of Meteorology
SARS-Cov-2 was manufactured in a lab and unleashed
on the world by China in late
2019. Since then the politicians and political bureaucrats have been on a crusade to
have a vaccine invented and everyone jabbed. Medical science always tries to treat any
disease early. The earlier you can find and treat a disease the better the chances of survival are. But with this virus, the politicians
and political bureaucrats ignored and vilified known early anti-viral treatments and gove
rnment policy is that there be no
early treatment. Medical scientists had been trying
to invent a vaccine for SARS-Cov-1 since 2003 without success. Vaccine development n
ormally takes several to 10 years.
But, as if by a miracle, the world seemingly had several inside a year. But what we have are not vaccines. They do not pass
the patentable, legal or clinical
definition of a vaccine in that they do nothing to prevent infection. They are gene
therapy. They are patented as gene therapy. Calling
them a vaccine is misleading and
deceiving in the extreme. 2
It is not fully known what is in any of these drugs. They contain genetic material encoded with genetic instructions known as the gene sequence. We do not know what that is. They contain ingredients that are not list
ed as ingredients. There are two very serious safety issues with the drugs. When in the body they
generate a synthetic spike protein which is a toxin and in one of the lipid nano particles is grapheme oxide, a substance known to be poisonous to humans. The spike protein was seen in 2005 as a highly malleable bioweapon. I
t has been known for a long time
to be a dangerous toxin. The injections destroy a persons’ innate immune system and
they have destroyed the blood and organ donation sy
stems. In the rush to get these
drugs into people, very basic safety tests were not done.
The real world data shows that these drugs are not working. They are not stopping
infections, nor transmissibility and nor deaths. Now governments are selling and
people are falling for this crazy logic of “take a
booster – because the 1st two shots did not work”. When injected, the gene sequence causes the body to generate a synthetic computer generated spike protein. The theory is tha
t, when exposed to the virus’ real
spike protein, the body will have an immunity to that as well. There is zero clinical evidence that is occurring. With a destroyed natural immune system the jabbed people are now the dangerous spreaders. They have no protection, either from the jab or their natural immune system.
Safety and efficacy were never a concern. There became a sense of urgency to get people jabbed up with a known to be dangerous spike protein.
The number of deaths and serious side effects are s
taggering. Historically when deaths reported from a drug reached 50 on the CDC VAERS database, the drug was
immediately withdrawn from the market for safety reasons.
Experts have trawled through the global adverse eve
nts and estimate global deaths to
be at least 500,000 with 10 mil side effects half of those serious. The mortality rate from taking one of these shots in the US is 1 in 15,500. The rate for serious permanent side effect is 1 in 2,200.The injections of these drugs has taken the lives o
f half a million people and destroyed the lives of 10 million more. The evidence clearly
shows they have not saved one life.
Anyone who thinks that a drug, that is unable to recognize a virus and prevent it’s infection, but will prevent you from dying from it, is living an illusion.
Pfizer published Ingredients
Lipids (including ((4-hydroxybutyl) azanediyl)bis(he
hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N, N-ditetradecylacetamide,
1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine, and ch
olesterol) •Potassium chloride
•Monobasic potassium phosphate
•Sodium chloride
•Dibasic sodium phosphate dehydrate •Sucrose
The mRNA for Pfizer has been transcribed from a Chinese
What each does is described in the reference but Messenger RNA, or mRNA, is genetic
material that can instruct human cells to make a coronavirus protein called spike. Once
manufactured, the spike protein teaches the immune
system to recognize the
coronavirus so it can be fought off in the future. That is what is supposed to happen. The
mRNA genetic material is generated by computer code.
The spike protein is a
synthetic protein and is not the virus. Each multi-dose of the
AstraZenecavial contains 5x10
11 viral particles (vp) of
(ChAdOx1-S a, b) in 5mL.
One dose (0.5 mL) contains 5x10
10vp of (ChAdOx1-S
a, b). a Recombinant, replication-deficient chimpanzee aden
ovirus vector encoding the ARS-
CoV-2 Spike (S) glycoprotein (GP) b
The vaccine is manufactured using material origina
lly sourced from a human embryo (Human Embryonic Kidney cells: HEK293)
This product contains genetically modified organism
s (GMOs). COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca contains the excipients histidine, histidine
hydrochloride monohydrate, sodium chloride, magnesi
um chloride hexahydrate,
disodium edetate (EDTA), sucrose, ethanol absolute,
polysorbate 80 and water for
injections. These are what are published for the 2 main jabs in
Australia. Globally, the other two
main jab drugs are Moderna and J&J. Moderna is an mRNA much the same as Pfizer, and J&J is the viral vector adenovirus much the same as AstraZeneca. For the
purposes of this paper, these two drugs cover for the top 4 drugs being injected globally as Covid vaccines.
The genetic material in all of these injections are coded with a gene sequence thatcauses your body to generate a spike protein. They all use the HEK-293 cells as part of development and for batch testing during manufactur
ing. Pamela Acker, a vaccine
researcher, explains how the process works.4
HEK stands for, and she told me, "Human Embryonic K
idney." 293 stands for
this is the 293rd experiment that this particular researcher did to develop a cell lines - for 293 experiments you need far more than one abortion. And we're
talking probably 100s of abortions. So, the spike protein by itself is, in the words of
one researcher, kind of floppy,
it doesn't tend to keep its shape very well. And soscientists genetically engineered a spike protein that will keep its shape
. . . And that original
experiment was done in HEK-293 cells. So, the spike
protein that the vaccines
code for, was originally developed, effectively, in
aborted fetal cells. . . . before
they were going to inject this mRNA into a human be
ing to see if you could get
human cells to make Coronavirus spike protein, you
would want to test that in
cell culture, you would want to test that in a laboratory.
"You need to get that tissue within about five minu
tes of the abortion in order
for it to be optimally viable, and if you wait an hour, it's useless."
because it is done on purpose for research purposes, so they will actually deliver these babies via cesarean section, the babi
es are in some cases still
alive when the researchers start extracting the tissue. To the point where their heart is still beating, and they're generally not g
iven any anesthetic because
that would disrupt the cells that the researchers are trying to extract. So they're removing this tissue while the baby's alive
, and in extreme amounts of
pain, and so this makes it even more sadistic.
Many human beings are killed to make these jab drugs,
But what is really in them?
Dr Richard Fleming in a recent presentation5
produced the results of medical studies showing the body is making antibodies to the encaps
ulating material around the
genetic material that is not supposed to be part of
the vaccine. There is something else in the drug that is not on the ingredients list. That is supported by a recent study.6
In a 53 page paper it was found using both Electron Microscopy, Spectroscopy and other laborat
ory techniques, that all 4 of the
major jab drugs were found to have Graphene Oxide in them. A non disclosed ingredient.
This was supported by further evidence from a former Pfizer employee Karen
Kingston now working as a research analyst for the
pharmaceutical and medical device industries.7
She found using patent data and general research that graphene oxide was present in Pfizer and Moderna injection drugs.8
Main talking points:
all of the COVID-19 “vaccines” are bioweapos;
there are 4 PEGylated lipid nano particles in the C
OVID-19 vaccines (PEG=
polyethylene glycol):
1. a cholesterol lipid enables the vaccine ingredients
to be transported
by the blood
2. the fossil lipid adheres to the cell membrane to ma
ke it permeable
3. an ionizable lipid provides a positive ionic charge
so the mRNA can
enter the cell
4. a PEGylated lipid made by SINOPEG, Chinese company •
mRNA is very unstable, thus it needs a “biosphere”
to protect it until it
can enter the cell – this is provided by the lipid
nano particles and
graphene oxide. Sinopeg provide the grapheme oxide. [or perhaps just holds the Chinese patent -r]
In another very insightful paper, James P.M. Odell
looked in depth at the evidence of graphene oxide in the Spanish paper along with Karen Kingston’s research and
Thus it is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility that Pfizer has included
GO [graphene oxide]
in some of its lots of Covid inoculations
. In this paper James P.M. Odell looked at: 1. the evidence of graphene oxide in the
Pfizer mRNA Covid 19 formulation; 2. graphene’s use
in industry and medicine; and 3.
the toxicity and lethality of graphene-based materi
als in a biological context. He
referred to numerous medical science studies and their published papers. His
references accounted for one quarter of his 20 page paper.
Let us be clear, the mRNA inoculations (Pfizer and
Moderna) are a synthetic,
chimeric pathogenic gene therapy. These have been s
equenced from a computer
simulation, not an isolated purified model. All the
current marketed
inoculations: the mRNA, DNA, viral vectored, recomb
inant protein, viral-like
particles, and peptide-based vaccines, use the path
ogenic coronavirus’s spike
protein in some way or another. (Note: The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is made up of two portions, which are S1 and S2. The S1 binds to the ACE2
receptor on the human cell surface, and S2 initiate
s membrane fusion to
complete cell infection.)
Added to this from Dr David Martin:10 the actual patents for Pfizer’s and Moderna’s injections more truthfully describe them as “gene therapy,” not vaccines….
If we are going to examine what ultimately is being injected into individuals, we need the exact sequence. . . . . [1:04:48] . . if you look at the FDA’s requirement, and if you look at the European Regulatory environment and if you look at the rest of the world’s regulatory environment, for reasons that cannot be explained, the exact sequence that has gone into what is amplified inside of the injection seems to be illusive. It seems to be something that someone cannot in fact state with a 100% certainty, the sequence is “x”. David Martin’s organisation has spent more than 20 years researching coronaviruses and no one has been able to tell him the gene sequence or genetic code used in any of these injections. Without that knowledge, no person knows what they are being injected with. No doctor in the world is able to offer informed consent to patients they are injecting. ToxicityThere are 2 toxins in these SARS-Cov-2 injections.
Graphene Oxide and the Spike Protein
Between them they cause a whole range of different problems. Graphene oxide has been known to be poisonous to humans for a long time. James P.M. Odell continues:12 Karen Kingston explained that the graphene oxide in the inoculations is neutrally charged (inactive), however, if/when it becomes positively charged, such as by electromagnetic radiation (radio frequency, such as wireless devices, wireless networks such as 5G, etc.), it can cause neurological damage and death depending on how much of it exists in the body and where it is located. Therefore, according to Kingston, multiple COVID-19 inoculations and booster shots are needed to gradually increase the amount of graphene oxide in the body to make the body receptive to electromagnetic radiation. GO is a fluorescent material and can be used for biosensing applications for early disease detection and detecting biologically relevant molecules. That means it could be used to detect via electro magnetic radiation whether a person has been jabbed with the substance. graphene-based neural interfaces and intelligent neuromodulation systems . . . will be able to read and modulate brain activity with very high resolution . . . intelligent graphene systems designed to modulate vagus nerve signals these materials are considered excellent for usage as electrode materials in batteries
8 The interest in using graphene-related nanomaterials (GFN) in medicine lies chiefly upon the extraordinary properties of graphene, including its mechanical properties, flexibility, transparency, and thermo-electrical conductivity.13 The holdup has been its biological toxicity. The long-term goal is to achieve "symbiosis with artificial intelligence" can be used like aluminum as a vaccine adjuvant . . . adjuvants are shown to be also immunologic and neurologically toxic and thus may result in adverse reactions, some serious or even fatal. The bottom line here is that despite these questionable explanations, graphene oxide is a known biological toxin and upon injection it accumulates in organs, glands, and tissue causing varying degrees of inflammation, oxidative stress, and cellular damage. Due to their nano-size, GFNs can reach all organs and penetrate the central nervous system. It can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues by passing through the normal physiological barriers, such as the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier (BBB), and blood-placental barrier. GO may possess significant genotoxic properties and cause severe DNA damage many now claim the thrombosis, microthrombi, and vascular injury that is adversely associated with the COVID inoculation not only is due to the creation of spike proteins throughout the capillary endothelium but may also be due to GO; any inclusion of graphene oxide in the Covid inoculations has questionable and potentially nefarious purposes . . . GFNs are a known and proven toxic material to human biological regulatory systems . . . Regardless of the intent behind the use of graphine oxide, its use in vaccines is deleterious to human biology. With regard to thrombosis. Dr Jane Ruby was interviewed by Stew Peters who showed examples of what the deteriorated blood looks like when exposed to Graphene Oxide.13 She used data obtained by Dr Phillepe van Welbergen, a 40 year physician from the UK. Dr van Welbergen examined patients who had come to him with complaints and illnesses from the Covid-19 injections. He conducted several blood smear tests from several of his patients, one that had not been injected and several that had. Dr van Welbergen examined the blood smears under a regular microscope and took photos of the result that he shared with Dr Ruby. You are looking at these particular pictures side by side, same magnification under the microscope – she said.
9 She described the blood smears showing the good red blood cells on the left and the crumpled, coagulated and clumping ones on the right from the injected patient. Dr van Welbergen calls those gold tubular structures on the right tubes that they, when he magnified them even further on the regular microscope, they are actually in a tube form and you can see the opening on either end of those. Remember this looks strikingly like the grapheme oxide that we saw under the regular microscope from the Spanish researchers La Quinta Columna where you saw that sort of folded over protein that looks like it was under a piece of Kleenex under paint.
10 Stew Peters referred to several other doctors that he had interviewed, naming some, that he had since seen that all acknowledged that they believe in the validity of the Spanish researchers La Quinta Columna, they had seen the chain of custody and they believe this to be absolutely accurate. Dr Jane Ruby: The red blood cells main job is to carry oxygen to all of the body. This is the connection to why people are tied, dizzy, not feeling well, mentally confused, - they’ve been poisoned. Stew Peters seemingly described:14 Graphene Oxide is an oxygen sponge which deprives the body of necessary oxygen and causes many complications, including but not limited to anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer. But provided no references for that statement.
The S1 Spike Protein
Dr David Martin:15 this was seen as a highly malleable bioweapon. There is no question that by 2005 it (the vaccine) was unquestionably a weapon of choice. . . . This conversation is about whether we are having a vaccine for a virus. The fact of the matter is we’re not. We are injecting a Spike protein mRNA secra. mRNA sequence which is a computer simulation, it’s not derived from nature, it’s a computer simulation of a sequence which has been known and patented for years. the evidence makes it abundantly clear that there has been no effort by any pharmaceutical company to combat the virus. This is about getting people injected with the known to be harmful S1 Spike Protein.
Around mid 2021, Bret Weinstein, who has a PhD in Evolutionary Biology, on his DarkHorse podcast, interviewed Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of gene therapy vaccine technology along with Steve Kirsch.16 They started their conversation referring to the discovery by Dr Byram Bridle of the Pfizer confidential biodistribution data from Japan. Dr Byram Bridle explained that with every normal vaccine they go in the shoulder and stay in the shoulder. . . the antibodies are generated and they attack this antigen in the shoulder. But with these injections, . . . it doesn’t stay in the shoulder where we all thought it should stay, it goes throughout your entire body. It goes to your brain, to your heart.
11 Bret Weinstein That’s two problems. One problem is it isn’t where it is supposed to be And the other thing, the other problem . . . the spike protein itself we now know is very dangerous. It’s toxic, is that a fair description? Dr Robert Malone More than fair. So the whole reason to use a adenovirus vector and mRNA is not just to generate antibodies. A lot of the data, and a lot of us that are deep in this data [9:19] think that the way that they are really providing the protection is by cellular cytotoxcicity. So you’re getting CTLs against it. And that’s the reason to use this gene therapy based technology—not just to generate neutralizing antibodies but to generate cytotoxcicity. Steve Kirsch And by the way we have no problems at all with mRNA vaccines. It’s just this particular vaccine because of the spike protein and because it cleaves off the cell and it goes throughout your body, your brain, your heart and anywhere that you can have these symptoms that are so variant. . . . you know my carpet cleaner Jim. He is disabled now [He had a stroke after taking the injection] Steve Kirsch when a doctor sees a miscarriage. I’ve never seen a baby like this in my entire career where it is so bloody and the brain is split in half . . . And the woman was vaccinated a month ago and she’s 25 weeks Dr Robert Malone [14:30] This is totally new technology and that kind of gets at the core. I think one of our problems here is the assumption that this is like every other vaccine they have ever seen and it’s not. It’s very different technology. Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S.,, a distinguished physician who discovered RNA transfection and invented mRNA vaccines, was on Steve Bannon’s War Room with some alarming news–new data indicates that people who have taken the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are at greater risk of getting Covid than someone who is not vaccinated.17 For more on Dr Robert Malone see.18 https://thesiscommons.org/pd3cj/
Kremlin electronically monitors all Russia
The hacking collective CAXXII says the Kremlin has taken surveillance of its own citizens to “a whole new level”.
by Jason Jay Smart | January 31, 2023
Russia is known to domestically spy on its citizens using a network called System for Operative Investigative Activities.
A hacking group has dumped of 128 gigabytes of documents from Convex, a Russian internet service provider, and claimed it reveals the Kremlin is engaged in an extensive domestic monitoring operation of virtually all citizens and private corporations in the country.
“They are actively transmitting data to Moscow. It’s not just preemptive tapping,” claimed one hacker with knowledge of this specific dump when speaking to Kyiv Post, adding that this “is illegal, as under Russian law, as a search warrant must be issued before surveillance can be done.”
In an email sent to Kyiv Post, the hacker collective taking credit for the document dump, CAXXII, stated that the “existence of a project called ‘Green Atom,’ is perhaps the most amazing discovery.”
“‘Green Atom’ (TS ORM fsb) refers to the installation and maintenance of wide-ranging surveillance equipment that is used to monitor the online activity of all traffic in and out of Convex.
“This can be classified as espionage, unauthorized wiretapping, and surveillance of civilians without a warrant, which circumvents the laws of the Russian Federation and all public statements of Russian authorities.
“Documents confirming the existence of this project, as well as the correspondence of Convex employees with the FSB, are now available not only to us, but also to you.”
The group claims the alleged secret eavesdropping operation is operated by the country’s Federal Security Service (FSB). Its existence had not been known before today’s release of information.
The data dump also released the information of thousands of Russian citizens who were clients of the Russian corporations whose data was released.
A technology expert consulted by Kyiv Post for this article indicated that the data released could make the hundreds of companies and government offices, whose data has now been put on the internet, susceptible to being further hacked by other outside hackers not affiliated with the CAXXII collective.
Russia is known to domestically spy on its citizens using a network called System for Operative Investigative Activities (known as SORM, per its Russian acronym). The system, first established in the 1990s, has been upgraded many times and operates as a large “back door” for the government to snoop on telecommunications, which is permitted under Russian legislation. “We found that they were mirroring all traffic for every company,” the hacker told Kyiv Post, claiming that Green Atom gives Russian intelligence carte blanche to “record phone calls, transmit any data that passes through the servers, etc.,” including the ability to “track credit card transactions, emails,” and “monitor social media.”
The hacker hinted that there was perhaps more information not yet released which may relate to Russian intelligence services’ intelligence gathering capabilities.
The email sent to Kyiv Post continues: “Snowden showed the world NSA espionage. We will show the world the operation of FSB ‘SORM.’ The whole world will see FSB spying on companies and receiving copies of their data by Moscow in real time.”
Included in the email were 23 photos of documents, allegedly detailing engineering blueprints for Russian intelligence gathering, including SORM, and even a letter purporting to be the FSB document ordering the surveillance.
The extent of the alleged eavesdropping is reminiscent of that conducted by the U.S. and discovered by former U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) operative Edward Snowden in 2013.
The hacker told Kyiv Post: “Snowden had cause for concern with domestic spying, but our government (Russia) has taken this to a whole new level and they’ve got everyone fooled.”
Snowden’s revelations led to his flight from the U.S. and relocation to Russia where he has described himself as being a fighter for individual liberty from the American governments’ domestic spying.
When Snowden first arrived in Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the fugitive American the status of being a political asylee.
The Russian leader was quoted as saying publicly to Snowden, “We can talk as professionals: We have extremely strict rules [in Russia] about the use of special equipment and methods by secret services – listening into conversations, intercepting internet communications… It requires a court’s permission for us to monitor individuals, so there is no mass monitoring, and the law would not permit it.”
At the time of Snowden’s initial leak, Russian press took advantage of the Snowden files to argue that Russia was freer and more respectful of its citizens’ privacy and rights than the United States.
The hacker involved in this dump said that what they have uncovered proves Putin’s earlier statements to be “totally false.” The hacker claimed the Russian government was “mirroring traffic directly from every switch in most of the largest regions.”
They added: “It went so far as to complete data servers just to be able to clone terabytes worth of live traffic – transmitting it live to Moscow.”
The hacker collective taking credit for the hack, known simply by the letters CAXXII, has for months been posting videos of their hacking of Russian IPTV stations across the country. The modus operandi of the group is to hack into the IPTV network before replacing regular, pro-government television content with anti-Putin and pro-opposition videos.
A search from the videos online was unable to trace them, which is to be expected when content is an original production.
Nothing is known of the collective’s membership other than that they are not the same as the earlier reported Russian National Republican Army (NRA). However, it is not clear whether members of CAXXII could be members, or are former members, of the NRA. Aside from wishing to do harm to the Putin Government, neither the email nor hacker indicated what the political objectives of the hacking collective are.
Russian hacker groups have grown in their activities since the launch of Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, which has led to hundreds of thousands of Russian young men being drafted for military service or being forced to flee Russia to avoid the draft. Earlier hackers have specifically stated that opposition to their own mobilization was what had inspired them to take cyber-action against their own government.
The email that Kyiv Post received indicated that many Russian citizens’ information had also been leaked in the gigabytes of data, including “addresses, personal contacts, MySQL and FTP passwords, bank accounts, passports, locations of companies’ network equipment, employee passwords, IP addresses of internal assets of a wide range of companies, both civilian and state supporters of the Putin regime... The list is endless.”
Jason Jay Smart
Jason Jay Smart, Ph.D., is a political adviser who has lived and worked in Ukraine, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, and throughout Latin America. Due to his work with the democratic opposition to Pres. Vladimir Putin, Smart was persona non grata, for life, by Russia in 2010; Despite this his collaboration with the Russian opposition continues to this day. His Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD all relate to political science/international relations in the post-Soviet Space. He regularly gives interviews in English, Russian, Ukrainian, and Spanish. His websites can be found at www.JasonJaySmar www.AmericanPoliticalServices.com / fb.com/jasonjaysmart / Twitter: @OfficeJJSmart
https://www.kyivpost.com/post/11706t.com /
Monday, January 30, 2023
Other Transaction Authority
At 7:20 of this https://www.bitchute.com/video/eMdLo0fW1SHv/ you will find out what Other Transaction Authrotiy which passed into law on 11-25-2015 is about. At 11:20 you find out that OTA was made exempt from all Freedom of Information Act disclosure for 5 years; there’s more.
the vast biotech dilemma
The mRNA so-called “vaccine” has proven to be extremely toxic around the world to many millions of people. The intense multi-dimensioned campaign to push this tech upon the world public and control the narrative in every way at every level of this injection process derived from a deep stealth program wherein world population manipulators from WEF, Gates and their allies in many sectors have dominated. Honest investigation is the only avenue possible to discover how mankind can be released from stealth, from heavy monopolies, from world dictatorship by those with an agenda not of goodwill but often pretending to be “quite caring”.
Specifically then the so-called vax has several key scientific design centers (besides the issue of graphene and other bizarre toxins entering in):
A) the spike-protein with Crispr gene-editing at a certain point in its synthetic genome has a main root at BioNTech at Mainz, Germany. The other obvious danger point is B) the LNG center at U. of British Columbia, and this involves many recent LNG innovations. Then there is C) the factor of CCP-planned and directed Chinese technicians/scientists seeded throughout the West. The highly specialized Dr. Cui and her team did steal many most- virulent viruses from Canada’s most secure defense laboratory (Winnipeg level 4 national lab) and hastily left Canada for PRC, having been there more than a decade along with her very advanced scientific husband, it is very obvious that every institution in the West doing key tech research are also very exposed by the same method. 150 Chinese nuclear researchers were discontinued from Los Alamos nuclear labs in the last year or two.
D) Then the safety testing of the never-ending so vaunted “vax” worldwide by governments and so many scientists connected or not connected to pharma has been exceedingly aborted. So then big media and big tech followed the pattern. How could the public then have much chance of escape from toxic factors?
So herein begins deep probing of LNP development at UBC, via open source. -r.:
Precision NanoSystems and AbCellera.
AbCellera began at UBC in 2012 with only six employees, including founder and now CEO Dr. Carl Hansen—formerly a professor of Physics and Astronomy at UBC. Now the company which pioneered an antibody discovery platform is one of the fastest growing and most valuable biotech companies in Canada, recently partnering with pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly and Co. to develop an antibody treatment for COVID-19.
Precision NanoSystems, developed through a collaboration between Dr. Hansen and Dr. Cullis at UBC, is leveraging its cutting-edge biomanufacturing platform, with support from the federal government, to build one of Canada’s first large-scale manufacturing facilities capable of producing mRNA vaccines and other genetic medicines domestically.
The common theme amongst each company? They were all began at UBC, first as research in university laboratories and then as start-up companies. The university provides entrepreneurial support to researchers who have technology determined to have a potentially high societal impact that would be best realized through commercialization.
UBC researchers are also creating biotech companies that are helping to drive health innovation and fuel Canada’s economy. For example, Notch Therapeutics, co-founded by Dr. Peter Zandstra, is developing a pipeline of cellular immunotherapies for treating cancer and other diseases and recently raised USD$85 million in venture funding.
For UBC Vice-President Health Dr. Dermot Kelleher the pandemic has shone a spotlight on the critical role emerging biotech companies are playing in developing safe treatments for diseases, including COVID-19.
“We still have a long way to go, but the pandemic has demonstrated what can be accomplished at an accelerated pace,” says Dr. Kelleher. “As we turn towards recovery, we have an unprecedented opportunity now to invest in B.C.’s biotechnology sector and to accelerate scientific discoveries into new drugs and treatments more effectively and more efficiently for other diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.”…
For Dr. Pieter Cullis a silver lining of the pandemic is that it has shown how fast new treatments and vaccines can be safely developed with sufficient resources and a sense of urgency.
His hope now is to extend Acuitas’ lipid nanoparticle technology, which delivers encapsulated messenger RNA to enter targeted cells, to be able to treat other diseases. He envisions a future in which patients can receive a vaccine to prevent any number of diseases, including cancer.
Development of lipid nanoparticle formulations of siRNA for hepatocyte gene silencing following subcutaneous administration
Sam Chen 1 , Yuen Yi C Tam 1 , Paulo J C Lin 1 , Alex K K Leung 1 , Ying K Tam 2 , Pieter R Cullis 3
DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2014.09.025
In summary this work shows that appropriately designed LNP-siRNA systems can result in effective hepatocyte gene silencing following s.c (under the skin) administration.
Copyright © 2014
Effect of Cholesterol Content of Lipid Composition in mRNA-LNPs on the Protein Expression in the Injected Site and Liver After Local Administration in Mice. Kawaguchi M, Noda M, Ono A, Kamiya M, Matsumoto M, Tsurumaru M, Mizukami S, Mukai H, Kawakami S. J Pharm Sci. 2022 Dec
Lipid Microparticles Show Similar Efficacy With Lipid Nanoparticles in Delivering mRNA and Preventing Cancer. Ji A, Xu M, Pan Y, Diao L, Ma L, Qian L, Cheng J, Liu M. Pharm Res. 2022 Nov 30:1-15. doi: 10.1007/s11095-022-03445-1
. ………………
Pieter R. Cullis, PhD., FRSC, FNAI (USA)
Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, UBC
My research interests concern the roles of lipids in biological membranes and the development of nanomedicines using lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology to deliver small molecule drugs and macromolecular “genetic” drugs in vivo. Studies on the roles of lipids concern the ability of membrane lipids to adopt non-bilayer structures (including the roles of such structures in processes such as membrane fusion) and transport processes across bilayer lipid systems induced by trans-bilayer ion gradients….
Bin Zhao, BSc, PhD
My research interest is concentrated on the development of functional DNA nanostructure-based lipid nanoparticle (LNP) platforms for enhanced and triggered release of therapeutic drugs and nucleic acids. A current project is focused on the use of pH-responsive DNA nanostructures to understand the mechanism whereby LNP are delivering siRNA or mRNA to the cell cytoplasm.
Karen Chan, BSc, PhD
My research is centered on developing novel lipid nanoparticle (LNP) formulations for the delivery of diverse therapeutic cargo. A current project is focused on the encapsulation of immunomodulatory peptides. I am also interested in the use of LNPs for delivering gene therapy drugs to treat blood coagulation disorders.
Miffy Cheng, BSc, PhD
My research interest includes the synthesis of new lipid nanoparticle building blocks and developing novel lipid-based nanoparticles platforms. My research also explores the intrinsic physicochemical properties of lipid nanoparticles and incorporates different imaging probes to enable image guidance toward gene therapy and optimally improve gene delivery.
Yan Mei, BASc, MASc, PhD
My research is focused on optimizing lipid nanoparticle formulations for the delivery of different therapeutic molecules. I am also interested in developing novel trigger release lipid nanoparticle systems to locally control the delivery.
Arash Momeni, BSc, MSc, PhD
graduated with BSc and MSc degrees in Biomedical Engineering from Tehran Polytechnic University, working on polymeric and lipid-based drug delivery systems…. moved to Germany with an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship in 2017. In Germany he joined the Biomaterial department of the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interface Science and in collaboration with the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, he focused on nano/micron-scale biomineralization in marine algae, coccolithophores. In 2021 he joined Pieter Cullis lab developing nanoparticles for lipid-based platforms with a triggered release potential.
Jerry Leung, BSc (Hons)
My research focuses on using lipid nanoparticles to modify platelets and their precursor cells, megakaryocytes, to produce platelets with enhanced and improved functions.
Madelaine Robertson, BSc (Hons)
My research is focused on optimizing and employing lipid nanoparticles as a delivery system for mRNA and other proteins into platelets. The goal being to express exogenous proteins that could alter platelet function, such as improving clotting ability.
Yao Zhang, BSc
My research focuses on the formulation and characterization of lipid nanoparticles used for drug delivery. I am also interested in the physiochemical and morphological properties of these systems.
Harrison Fan, BASc, MASc
The core of my research is focused on the design and assembly of apparatuses to trigger the release of lipid nanoparticle systems. The use of encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles and intense oscillating magnetic fields may be one key technology to assist the localized release of, for example, anti-cancer drugs.
Theresa M. Allen, PhD, FRSC
Professor Emeritus, Pharmacology & Oncology, University of Alberta, Edmonton
Co-Founder and Strategic Advisor, Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD), Vancouver
The LNP technology was key to the success of COVID-19 shots from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech collaboration. But as beneficial as these fats are, there is plenty of room for improvement.
The nanoparticles are a major source of unwanted side effects when they spread through the body, triggering the aches and inflammation many people experience after vaccination. They do a poor job of unloading their cargo once inside cells, a necessary step for the protein-making machinery to turn the mRNA sequences into immune-priming signals. And because they tend to fall apart when warm, they have to be stored at low temperatures, limiting their global use.
“This is a system that clearly has legs,” says biochemist Pieter Cullis of the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, who created the first LNPs, but “we still need to increase the efficiency of LNPs—that’s for sure.”
A new generation of LNPs with greater potency, fewer side effects, increased stability and more precise tissue-targeting properties is now under development at big pharma and biotech startups. Big money is at stake: these improved nanoparticles could lead to better mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 and other diseases…. “There is still so much optimization and development that needs to happen,” says UBC bioengineer Anna Blakney, co-founder of the RNA vaccine company VaxEquity. And when it comes to understanding how cells interact with the nanoparticles, “it’s just this big question mark,” she adds.
One clue emerged earlier this year when Genentech scientists showed how nanoparticles activate a particular inflammatory pathway, the interleukin-1 axis, which is critical to generating protective immune responses but can also spur side effects. Among the LNPs tested, one made with SM-102, an “ionizable” lipid that helps bind and package mRNA into LNPs, proved an especially strong instigator of this pathway. That could help explain why Moderna’s shot, which relies on SM-102, is both highly effective and prone to making people feel icky.
The Genentech team did not evaluate the comparable lipid found in the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine. But Mohamad-Gabriel Alameh and colleagues from the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine tested a closely related one and found that it triggered a wide range of inflammatory molecules, both desired and not. The goal now is to design ionizable lipids that activate favorable immune pathways without overstimulating detrimental ones, says Alameh, who co-founded AexeRNA Therapeutics with bioengineer Michael Buschmann of George Mason University and others. “Is it very simple? No,” Alameh says, but it should be possibc…. Sanofi has begun to evaluate some of its customized LNPs head-to-head in human trials. In a study launched in 2021, for example, the company assessed two LNP options for delivering an mRNA flu shot it is developing. According to preliminary data, one lipid formulation proved much better at kick-starting anti-influenza immunity, Frank DeRosa, head of research and biomarkers at Sanofi’s mRNA Center of Excellence, announced at an investor event in December 2021. But the same LNP also provoked more frequent side effects at higher doses.
…The heightened focus on LNP technologies, along with the profits reaped from COVID-19 vaccines, has brought increased litigation. Alnylam, which helped develop the first approved medicine delivered in an LNP—a gene-silencing drug marketed since 2018 to treat a rare neurodegenerative disorder—claims that its foundational patents cover lipid components of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines. https://www.science.org/content/article/better-fat-bubbles-could-power-new-mrna-vaccines
Thomas D. Madden, Ph.D.
President & CEO of Acuitas Therapeutics, Dr. Thomas D. Madden is a world-renowned expert in the area of nanotechnology. Dr. Madden co-founded Acuitas Therapeutics in February 2009 and has guided the company into its position as a global leader through the development and application of lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology. Acuitas Therapeutics partners with leading pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies and prestigious academic institutions around the world, providing its proprietary LNP delivery technology to enable new drugs based on nucleic acid therapeutics.
Recent achievements include the use of its LNP delivery system in the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine COMIRNATY® that is being administered around the world. This success resulted in the recently announced partnership with Pfizer that enables the American multinational pharmaceutical company to use Acuitas Therapeutics’ LNP technology for up to 10 targets for vaccine or therapeutic development. Under Dr. Madden’s leadership, the team continues their work with partners to address serious illness and diseases such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis, malaria and more.
Dr. Madden obtained his BSc. and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of London, U.K. He has held several senior academic and industry positions including Assistant Professor in Pharmacology at the University of British Columbia and Senior Director, Technology Development and Licensing at Tekmira Pharmaceuticals.
At Tekmira Pharmaceuticals, Dr. Madden was responsible for the development of several liposomal anticancer agents including Marqibo™ (liposomal vincristine), Alocrest™ (liposomal vinorelbine) and Brakiva™ (liposomal vinorelbine). All of these products were subsequently licensed to Talon Therapeutics.
Dr. Madden headed the team that developed the cationic lipid MC3 and the LNP carrier used by Alnylam Pharmaceuticals for Onpattro™. Onpattro™ was approved in 2018 in the U.S. and Europe for the treatment of transthyretin amyloidosis, a rare condition characterized by an abnormal buildup of a protein called amyloid in the body’s organs and tissues. Onpattro™ is the first in a new class of drugs, called RNAi therapeutics, to receive regulatory approval.
While Dr. Madden is internationally respected for his professional expertise and achievements, he has also earned a reputation for his collaborative approach. He credits the success of Acuitas Therapeutics and its exceptional standing on the world stage to the team’s commitment to excellence and the company’s culture of cooperation, both internally and externally….
Along with Acuitas Therapeutics’ co-founders (Drs. Pieter Cullis and Michael Hope), Dr. Madden was recognized by the 2022 Governor General’s Innovation Award. They received this prestigious award for their work in developing LNP systems to deliver nucleic acid drugs. https://acuitastx.com/company/thomas-d-madden-ph-d/
The success of these COVID-19 vaccines is remarkable and was far from guaranteed. mRNA is incredibly delicate. Enzymes in the environment and in our bodies are quick to chop mRNA into pieces, making lab experiments difficult and the delivery of mRNA to our cells daunting. On top of that, mRNA strands are large and negatively charged and can’t simply waltz across the protective lipid membranes of cells. Many scientists thought the technology would never work.
“There were many, many skeptics,” says Frank DeRosa, who began working with mRNA in 2008 and is now chief technology officer at Translate Bio, a firm developing mRNA vaccines with Sanofi. “People used to say that if you looked at it wrong it would fall apart.”
Luckily, scientists found a solution. To protect the fragile molecule as it sneaks into cells, they turned to a delivery technology with origins older than the idea of mRNA therapy itself: tiny balls of fat called lipid nanoparticles, or LNPs.
LNPs used in the COVID-19 vaccines contain just four ingredients: ionizable lipids whose positive charges bind to the negatively charged backbone of mRNA, pegylated lipids that help stabilize the particle, and phospholipids and cholesterol molecules that contribute to the particle’s structure. Thousands of these four components encapsulate mRNA, shield it from destructive enzymes and shuttle it into cells where the mRNA is unloaded and used to make proteins. Although the concept seems simple, perfecting it was far from straightforward.
It is a tremendous vindication for everyone working in controlled drug delivery.
Robert Langer, chemical engineer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Over more than 3 decades, promising lipids studied in the lab often failed to live up to their potential when tested in animals or humans. Positively charged lipids are inherently toxic, and companies struggled for years before landing on formulations that were safe and effective. When injected intravenously, the particles invariably accumulated in the liver, and delivery to other organs is still an obstacle. Reliably manufacturing consistent LNPs was another challenge, and producing the raw materials needed to make the particles is a limiting factor in the production of COVID-19 vaccines today.
LNP development has been a headache, but without this packaging, mRNA vaccines would be nothing. “It is the unsung hero of the whole thing,” says Giuseppe Ciaramella, who was head of infectious diseases at Moderna from 2014 to 2018.
Giuseppe Ciaramella, former head of infectious diseases, Moderna
At the time, scientists were enamored by advances in genetics that were promising to cure diseases by giving someone new genes or turning disease-causing genes off. Figuring out how to deliver these nucleic acid therapies—either DNA or RNA—into cells was a major challenge and required something more sophisticated than a conventional liposome. Cullis knew that adding positively charged lipids to the liposomes would help balance the negatively charged nucleic acids, but there was a problem. “There are no cationic lipids in nature,” Cullis says. “And we knew we couldn’t use permanently positively charged lipids because they are so damn toxic.” Those lipids would rip cell membranes apart, he adds.
A solution came from new lipids that were charged only under certain conditions. During the late ’90s and through the first decade of the 2000s, Cullis, his colleagues at Inex Pharmaceuticals, and the Inex spin-off Protiva Biotherapeutics developed ionizable lipids that are positively charged at an acidic pH but neutral in the blood. The group also created a new way to manufacture nanoparticles with these lipids, using microfluidics to mix lipids dissolved in ethanol with nucleic acids dissolved in an acidic buffer. When the streams of those two solutions merged the components spontaneously formed lipid nanoparticles, which, unlike the hollow liposomes, were densely packed with lipids and nucleic acids. The process was simple in theory, but getting the machine to reliably spit out consistent LNPs was difficult….
Pegylated lipids, in which polyethylene glycol (PEG) strands are attached to lipid heads, have several functions in a nanoparticle. PEG helps control the particle size during formulation, prevents the particles from aggregating in storage, and initially shields the particles from being detected by immune system proteins in the body, according to James Heyes, a former Protiva scientist. Heyes is now chief scientific officer of the LNP company Genevant Sciences—a firm with origins in Protiva.
But PEG also has liabilities. It prevents LNPs from binding to proteins that help shuttle them into cells. Because PEG extends particles’ life span in the body, the immune system has more time to spot the particles and start mounting an antibody response. And although PEG is found in many cosmetic, drug, and food products, scientists hypothesize that some people could develop antibodies to PEG and that giving those individuals an injection of PEG-coated nanoparticles could trigger an anaphylactic reaction….
A lipid nanoparticle (LNP) contains hundreds of small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules, each surrounded by ionizable lipids, phospholipids, and cholesterol. The outside of the particle is coated in pegylated lipids. LNPs for messenger RNA (mRNA) are made with similar ingredients but contain only a few mRNA strands.
“A lot of work has gone into studying what happens inside a cell, but trying to understand the transport that occurs before these nanoparticles reach their cells is another question entirely,” says Kathryn Whitehead, a nanoparticle scientist at Carnegie Mellon University. As a consequence, “we don’t even screen in vitro anymore,” she says. “I find it more informative to test directly in an animal.”
Even some of the LNPs that worked well in animals proved too toxic for the repeated dosing required of many siRNA therapies. “The biggest issue was trying to find the right balance between systems that were effective but also safe and tolerable,” says Marian Gindy, executive director of pharmaceutical sciences at Merck & Co., who led the RNA formulation team from 2008 until Merck ended its siRNA programs in 2013. “And I would say that is still the biggest challenge in this area.”
For a brief time new work on LNPs fell out of favor—that is, until new companies that were focused on mRNA brought fresh energy to the field. BioNTech, founded in 2008, and Moderna, founded in 2010, promised to be able to use mRNA to produce any protein in the body, as either a therapeutic or a vaccine. In the past decade, mRNA garnered billions of dollars of investment. Discovering how to deliver those mRNA strands into cells was a problem from day 1, but prior experience with siRNA provided a launching pad.
“Early on people recognized that the same lipids used for siRNA could also be useful for mRNA,” says Daniel Anderson, a nanomedicine and biomaterials scientist at MIT. His group began collaborating with the rare-disease company Shire Pharmaceuticals to encapsulate mRNA that encoded protein therapies to treat rare liver diseases….The off-the-shelf LNP formulations designed for siRNA worked for mRNA occasionally but not very well, says Romesh Subramanian, who led a team at Alexion Pharmaceuticals that worked on mRNA therapies with Moderna from 2014 to 2017. siRNA molecules are like short rods, with two rows of about 20 nucleotides each, he explains. mRNA, in contrast, can easily span thousands of nucleotides, wind into complex shapes, and change the properties of the LNP in ways that are hard to predict.
After realizing that MC3 wouldn’t cut it for mRNA delivery, Moderna invested significant resources into building a better ionizable lipid. “There was a group of chemists put on this right away to build novel cationic lipids,” says Ciaramella, the former head of infectious diseases at Moderna. “It is kind of like a small-molecule drug discovery engine, but on steroids….The devil is absolutely in the details as far as LNPs are concerned,” Ciaramella says. “But once you optimize it for one organ, you can change out the mRNA with minimal optimization.”
Conclusion: biotech/nanotech/genetic engineering is dual use (like bioweapons), but the world population is not much aware of this. LNP development in China is exploding along with CCP intent to be world leader in pharma and other fields. I mention then Sinopeg of Shanghai, the partner of BioNTech which is Fosun Pharma of Shanghai, and then there is very large WuXi Biologics now partnered in a 20-year alliance to an unspecified Western pharma world-leader. It is not pretty mostly an undeclared world war spearheaded by biotech. - regards, r., siskiyou county, california
Sunday, January 29, 2023
coldly or warmly as the case may be
Lord Bacon declared there to be 4 pillars of government: religion, counsel, treasury and justice. In the administration of Washington it was Alexander Hamilton as Treasury Sec. and Thomas Jefferson as Sec. of State, both young, handsome, both intent, thinking, both with backing. Monopoly banking was not vetoed by Washington, but Jefferson was very deeply opposed to that experimental 20 year plan that became law. President Madison went along with its renewal 20 years later. President Jackson sought hard to destroy monopoly money. No other president stood hard against it, except that Lincoln knew there was an inner enemy opposing him which was the monopoly power all right. With the Lincoln Conspiracy by Sellier and Balsiger of 1977 the missing 18 pages of J W Booth’s diary/handwriting and in a Civil War era code did come to light due to descendants of Sec. of War Stanton, a conspirator. Yes, various financiers and various members of the Radical Repulicans formed a cabal to displace Lincoln, and money with monopoly power was the motivation. The evidence goes past just the 18 recovered Booth diary pages.
For 114 years this wound and cover-up festered in America, even the Kennedy and MLK assassinations could be considered echoes of this long-festering cold-hearted game which of course now we know as multinational corporate monopoly and central banking, with political parties, big media and so forth joining in. Now the Democratic Party seems to have begun with one man, Jefferson, although the 2-party system and central bankig have been running quite awhile in Britain. Since the Federalist/Whig party fell to dust, by the time of Lincoln a similar integral-type of party perhaps echoing that of Washington and Adams and Madison rose, somewhat conservative and perhaps not so much in the Hamilton mode. I think President Andrew Jackson was a Democrat.
But I think the division is in our psyches and the real united states is psychologic—one either becomes more one in tune with oneness of life or does not become so. I believe the oneness has warmth but the schism and money monopoly allied with other monopolies are coldly calculated, coldly operated. I believe that Genghis Khan was rather forced by local conditions to rise but then there was a crossroads in which coldly calulatiing stuff including monopoly enterered in and won the day because empires run by a relatively small group (like Mongols) probably tend to monopoly including of money. Which at least in the Chinese Khanate was the case. As to the other two derived from Genghis Khan, that of Russian Khanate and Middle East Khanate, well, I don’t quite know, but the Chinese Khanate was the predominate one clearly of the three. Time to feed my Mongol pony, excusez-moi. -r -N. Roerich: Messenger from the Himalayas
Unto You Who Will Remain with Me to Be God-Taught I Say, Watch and See How We Shall Burn Up the Shroud of Error and Residual Magnetism of Death by the Living Consciousness of the Ascension Flame
I would deal now with old residual magnetism. The law of gravity, beloved ones, keeps your bodies attached to the ground for a purpose; likewise all components of natural law, wonderful as they are, are overflowing with infinite purpose.
The depth of the wisdom of God when contemplated even in part can evoke squeals of joy even as a small child, putting his feet into the cold water of a mountain stream, responds with happiness and delight. The Law is most impersonal, blessed ones, as it expresses in nature. A part of nature is the faculty of memory. For example, thorns did not surround the rose in the early days of Earth. Certain destructive activity on the part of mankind resulted in the outpicturing by tiny elementals of what men have called protective barbs; and thus long sharp thorns were created as mankind’s fears and doubts were etched on nature’s memory and then lowered into the physical octave.
Religion in the main has supposed that God has created all things that are in existence; however mankind have not taken into account the influence of their own thoughts and feelings in the acts of creation which occur daily within their own domain. Indeed man was given dominion over the whole earth but they have not reckoned with the concept of freewill or with longevity of the lifewaves who have inhabited the Earth, supposing the span of Earth’s existence as it correlates with history and civilization to cover a little bit more than five thousand years.
The many evolutions who have inhabited Earth have had ample time to change many outer conditions of nature and to bring forth from universal Life many patterns which were never a part of the original creation. The race memory and memory of nature is divided and subdivided again and again into such minutiae of manifestation as to put to shame the minds of the greatest scientists. We who see from the inner behold sublayer after sublayer of the creation that has not yet been split by the sharp blade of man’s penetration.
There is the memory of the individual to consider, the memory of self—names, faces, places, concepts, recepts and precepts. But there is also another type of memory with which we are here concerned. Omar Khayyám wrote
“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.”
Of men’s acts and thoughts this may be said: that they are all recorded, each one. Every subtle shade, every nuance of meaning finds its way into the storehouse of subconscious memory. These are literally interred with the bones of man, and they survive transition after transition; each time man reembodies they come with him again, composing his life-record.
When the life-giving accuracy of this record is pondered for a moment and the effect of beautiful thoughts is considered with the heart the need to rise to angelic levels of perception ought to occur to many. Why should men live in the dark, dank cellars of their human creation? Why should subconscious knowledge that men have stored about themselves be tumbled out upon psychiatric couches? Is this what we may call therapeutics, or is it the putrefaction of old ideas disgorging themselves upon the consciousness of present-day man?
The panacea that men crave, if one can justly be said to exist, is within the domain of the same memory that holds thoughts of negation; this the world has filled almost to capacity with the sordid nature of carnal man. Now let them learn if they would ascend to eradicate this image by filling the folds of memory with the soft, gentle, beautiful ideas of resurrection and resurrection’s flame.
Nature has provided beautiful imagery as environment all over the world, and those who are perceptive to it can respond to it today in the very face of all human misqualification that has gone before. The greatest boons to the ascension are the immaculate concepts of God. His concepts about everything were benign and thus He said by the power of the living Word, “All that I have made is good.”
Consider, beloved ones, the meaning of discipline of thought that demands the immaculate concept about every part of life and refuses acceptance of patterns of error that as residual magnetism cling to the consciousness of mankind as a shroud. We shall see as we proceed—and I say this to those who will remain with me to be God-taught—how we shall burn this shroud and consume it to ashes. We shall see how God shall transmute and change carnal purpose into the splendid manifestation of the living light of His Presence. We shall watch as men and women today, in emulation of the Christ majesty that rides forth to give a new sense of victory to mankind, shall be born again even through the study and application of this dossier that comes from the living, flaming consciousness of ascension flame.
We must be practical men when we deal with these problems. We ourselves cannot possibly be ostriches even though our consciousness is in the clouds of the immaculate glory of God. In order to serve mankind we must meet you at that level where you are and point the way toward your emancipation. The future is what you make it even as the present is what you made it. If you do not like it, God has provided a way for you to change it; and the way is through the acceptance of the currents of ascension flame.
Cause, effect, record and memory of all that is incomplete, of all that is darkness and of all that is intransigent must be willfully abandoned by the soul who aspires to freedom of the ascended state. If you are content merely to wallow in episodes of your personal history, to seek for an intrapsychic declaration of your past records, you can have it by pursuing it diligently enough; but it will be only a conglomeration of banal circumstances from which, like a bad dream, you will one day seek to escape, or it will become an astral lure as pretty trinkets and sparkling baubles to distract you from the track that leads to your immortal freedom.
In order to ascend you must abandon your past to God, knowing that He possesses the power by His flame and identity to change all that you have wrought of malintent and confusion into the beauty of the original design which, by the power of His love, did produce the fruit of eternal goodness. Cast aside illusion then veil after veil of the “personal person” and possess the willingness in the name of Almighty God to change your world! Thereby we shall be able to change the world into a place that will receive the masterful presence of the living Christ in a Second Coming of such dimension as to produce a race of godly men, of God-fearing men, of God-loving men—of men who will build a pyramid of truth upon the plains of the world, which pyramid will stand the tests of erosion, of time, of mortal acidity and of human nonsense!
The flame must not be lost. It must not be canceled. It must not go out. The flame must be upheld at all costs. And the flame is yours, for God made it so. God gave it to you, and it is yours to light the sphere of your identity that pulsates all around you, to push back the darkness until the glow of reality clears your world of fear, doubt, dishonor and lack and provides you with everything that God intends his beloved Son to have.
Keep on, valiant ones. Lose not sight for a minute of the ultimate goal while keeping your hands upon the moldings of the present, for we shall prevail by unity with God and with one another. With strength itself we shall overcome because God wills it so. Your ascension is God’s desire for you.
In deepest love I remain Serapis, Pearls of Wisdom 10:22
the revolving door: former FDA Commissioner Gottlieb and Pfizer
Former U.S. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, who later became a member of the board at Pfizer – there is that revolving door again – bullied Twitter into censoring New York Times reporter and author Alex Berenson for questioning the safety and effectiveness of covid mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccines.”
This is one of the latest revelations to emerge from the so-called “Twitter Files,” an ongoing trove of truth bombshells that is quickly unraveling the covid scamdemic piece by piece. In essence, we now know that government-industry insiders pressured social media platforms like Twitter to censor and ban accounts that in any way defied the official covid story – Berenson’s being one of them.
It was none other than Berenson himself who tweeted on January 9 that Gottlieb used the exact same Twitter lobbyist that the White House did “to suppress debate on Covid vaccines.” Berenson went on in the same tweet to thank billionaire electric vehicle (EV) guru Elon Musk, Twitter’s new owner, “for opening these files. In August 2021,” Berenson added in another tweet, “Gottlieb told Todd O’Boyle – a senior manager in Twitter’s public policy department – that a tweet from Dr. Brett Giroir claiming CORRECTLY that natural immunity was superior to vaccine immunity was ‘corrosive’ and might ‘go viral.'”
That tweet was given a “misleading” tag to prevent it from being shared, after which Former U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) commissioner Scott Gottlieb shifted his sights to a tweet from Justin Hart explaining that children almost never contract covid. That tweet was likewise slapped with a “misleading” label to stifle its visibility.
All of this was happening around the time when Pfizer was desperately seeking authorization and approval for children to get jabbed with its covid injections. Gottlieb’s interference helped Pfizer to get that much needed authorization-approval, adding billions of dollars more to its profit streams.
This past October, Gottlieb tried to play coverup by claiming on Twitter and on the financial fake news empire CNBC that he was never trying to suppress debate on mRNA injections. He just so happens to sit on the board of a company, Pfizer, that made $70 billion in profits on these shots.
It is just a coincidence, Gottlieb wants us to believe, that he was actively working to suppress the spread of information that might hurt his company’s jab sales. Gottlieb was just trying to protect “public health,” he expects us all to now believe, and never had any vested interest in suppressing the truth. Gottlieb received $365,000 from Pfizer in 2021 for his work in suppressing free speech on Twitter – but this is not why he did it, Gottlieb now claims. No, Gottlieb is just a do-gooder who values human health and hates “misinformation,” he now expects us all to believe.
“So many people need to swing for all the lies,” wrote a commenter about these latest Twitter Files revelations.
wrote a commenter about these latest Twitter Files revelations. https://technocrats.news/2023-01-16-twitter-files-pfizer-gottlieb-lobbyist-censorship-covid.html
Dr. Scott Gottlieb served as the 23rd Commissioner of Food and Drugs on May 11, 2017 to April 5, 2019. Dr. Gottlieb is a physician, medical policy expert and public health advocate who previously served as the FDA's Deputy Commissioner for Medical and Scientific Affairs and before that, as a senior advisor to the FDA Commissioner.
In 2013 Dr. Gottlieb was appointed by the Senate to serve on the Federal Health Information Technology Policy Committee which advises the Department of Health and Human Services on healthcare information technology. Dr. Gottlieb was previously a Resident Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and a Clinical Assistant Professor at the New York University School of Medicine in Manhattan where he also practiced medicine as a hospitalist physician. He completed a residency in internal medicine at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, New York and is a graduate of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and of Wesleyan University, in Middletown, Connecticut, where he studied Economics. https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/fda-leadership-1907-today/scott-gottlieb
The following is a transcript of an interview with Dr. Scott Gottlieb that aired on Dec. 18. 2022 on "Face the Nation."
MARGARET BRENNAN: Another thing Americans are watching closely: that surge of viruses inundating us this holiday season. Dr. Scott Gottlieb is a former FDA commissioner and a Pfizer board member and we welcome you back, Dr. Gottlieb.
SCOTT GOTTLIEB: Thanks a lot.
MARGARET BRENNAN: The White House says this is the worst flu outbreak in a decade. RSV, COVID they're surging. 77% of ICU beds in the country are currently full. How dangerous are these next few weeks?
GOTTLIEB: It's going to be a difficult few weeks, we're right in the thick of respiratory pathogen season. That's the worst in recent memory. It's being driven largely by flu. This is a historic year for flu, probably the worst in the last decade, as you mentioned. COVID is exacerbating that. We also have an epidemic of respiratory syncytial virus which seems to be abating right now. Flu also seems to be peaking in certain parts of the country, it's rising in other parts of the country. It's decreasing in the South, rising in the North. And COVID is contributing to that. It's pressing families, it's also pressing hospitals, as you mentioned. 80% of hospital beds right now are full, the hospitals haven't been this full since the peak of the Omicron wave last winter. The difference is that last winter 25% of those hospital beds were filled with COVID admissions. Right now only 6% are filled with COVID admissions. So a lot of them are influenza admissions, and other respiratory pathogens like adenovirus, parainfluenza, all the things that plague us each winter, are coming back with a vengeance.
MARGARET BRENNAN: A lot of bugs. But if the flu vaccine is such a good match, as you've said before, to this current strain, why are so many Americans getting sick?
GOTTLIEB: Well, a lot of people aren't getting the vaccine, first of all. And we know the vaccine isn't 100% protective against infection. What the vaccine does in the setting of flu is reduce your chances of having a symptomatic infection and reduce your chances of having a severe outcome similar to how we're using it with COVID. The predominant strain of flu right now that's circulating is H3N2. The vaccine, as you said, is a very good match for that strain, maybe 60 to 70% protective. The other strain that's circulating is H1N1, about 20% of infections are H1N1. The vaccine is also a good match for that strain. And the difference between those two strains is that H3N2 typically peaks earlier in the winter. H1N1 may peak later. So it's not too late for people to get their flu vaccine. If people go out and get it now, they're going to have some immediate protection from it. And we could see a situation as we've seen in other winters where the predominant strain, the H3N2, starts to decline. And then H1N1 infection picks up.
MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, the other thing particularly annoying parents of young kids like me is the shortage of antibiotics. Why don't we have enough supply?
GOTTLIEB: It's really demand driven. So distributors made estimates on how much demand there would be this year. They've had lower demand the past two years because there was less bacterial infections because we were all taking certain steps to prevent the spread of disease. Demand went up this year, they anticipated some increase in demand, but not as much as we're seeing and not this early in the season. So it's not any kind of disruption in supply. This isn't like what we had with baby formula where manufacturers have been taken out of the market. This is a sophisticated supply chain, all the manufacturers are in the market. They just didn't anticipate this much demand this early in the season. Supply should catch up with demand and there are alternatives for things that are in shortage, like amoxicillin, the oral suspension of Tamiflu is also in shortage. Doctors and pharmacies can compound that from the capsules. So there are alternatives. It's just going to be difficult in some instances for families to get their hands on those alternatives.
MARGARET BRENNAN: Yes. You know- I know- I know you're saying things are better versus where we were on the COVID front. But Dr. Fauci was on this program a few weeks ago, and he said he was tracking new COVID variants that evade the protection of monoclonal antibodies that are used for treatment and prevention. I know there's been studies on that that also say the same thing about the vaccine. What level of protection is there against these new variants?
GOTTLIEB: Well, there was data out from the CDC on Friday that showed the vaccines providing good protection, particularly in the older individuals. The new vaccine. This- this new bivalent booster based on the new strain. So it's based on BA.5. What we're seeing right now is 40% of infections are BQ. 1.1, which is a derivative of BA.5, the strain that the vaccine is based on. About 30% of infections are BQ.1. There still should be good protection from the vaccine against those new variants. The one we're more worried about is a variant called XBB. So far, that's not spreading in the U.S. that much. It's about 5% of infections. It's held steady for about four weeks right now. That strain spread a lot in Asia, it didn't spread a lot in Europe. So it could be the case that BQ.1 and 1.1 crowd out XBB, but the concern is that if XBB continues to persist, you could see a second wave this spring. We don't think that's going to happen, but it's a possibility. But people are still gonna get good protection from the existing vaccines, the updated vaccine against the strains that are circulating right now. So the study that came out from CDC showed about 80- 70 to 80% protection from hospitalization from those over the age of 65. On top of the protection that they got from the old vaccine, so that's quite meaningful for a lot of individuals.
MARGARET BRENNAN: I want to ask you about Title 42. In March of 2020, that was when the CDC director put this in place. It's a public health law to expel migrants in order to stop the spread of disease. That was the premise. Is there any public health reason to keep it in place now?
GOTTLIEB: Well, look, I think as a matter of public health, we should be expiring a lot of these emergency measures that we've put in place. Not just Title 42, but also the national emergency that we put in place. I think what's happening is a lot of these are being extended to serve other policy and political goals. And that's ultimately going to undermine our ability to implement these public health measures in- in the future. If we need to have expedited removal of people crossing the border illegally, I think that should be contemplated in the context of broader immigration reform and as a matter of law enforcement but not as a public health measure at this point. I think all of these public health emergency measures that we put in place should be expired.
MARGARET BRENNAN: Dr. Gottlieb, thank you so much, and I hope you stay healthy this holiday season.
GOTTLIEB: Thanks a lot. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/scott-gottlieb-face-the-nation-transcript-12-18-2022/
China’s top nuclear weapons research institute managed to obtain American-made semiconductors despite export rules banning the transfer of U.S. technology to organizations associated with the Chinese military, The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday.
The China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), which developed China’s first hydrogen bomb, has purchased American chips at least 12 times in the past two and a half years, the WSJ reported, citing procurement documents seen by the outlet. Although the U.S. blacklisted the academy in 1997, it has circumvented U.S. sanctions by obtaining the advanced chips from third-party sellers, according to the WSJ.
Companies including Intel and Nvidia manufacture the semiconductors in question, which have broad applications in datacenters and personal computers, according to the WSJ. CAEP acquired the chips through the purchase of computer systems used to study computational fluid dynamics, a field of research that involves modeling nuclear explosions. (RELATED: China Recruited Scientists Who Worked At Top US National Security Lab, Report Says)
The Commerce Department further expanded sanctions on CAEP in 2020, prohibiting the institution from obtaining items produced in the U.S. over concerns of its association with China’s military.
The Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security also banned sales of equipment that can be used to manufacture the latest generations of semiconductors, measuring 10 nanometers and below, in 2020. Then, in October, it banned U.S. chipmakers from exporting chips to China with applications in AI and supercomputers, the WSJ reported.
At least 34 research papers CAEP published referenced the use of American semiconductors in research for purposes such as analyzing data and generating algorithms, according to the WSJ’s review. Of those, seven could translate to measures used to maintain nuclear stockpiles, experts told the outlet….. Nvidia told the outlet the chips found in CAEP’s possession were commercially available, all-purpose graphics chips used in millions of personal computers worldwide. Intel said it complies with U.S. export restrictions.
However, those restrictions are “insanely difficult to enforce,” trade lawyer and former Commerce Department official Kevin Wolf told the WSJ. https://dailycaller.com/2023/01/29/china-nuclear-weapons-semiconductors-export-ban/