Tuesday, January 31, 2023
modified spike protein, graphene -Brendan Godwin
the most dangerous drugs ever released on the human population in the history of medicine
Brendan Godwin; 29
September 2021; Australian Bureau of Meteorology
SARS-Cov-2 was manufactured in a lab and unleashed
on the world by China in late
2019. Since then the politicians and political bureaucrats have been on a crusade to
have a vaccine invented and everyone jabbed. Medical science always tries to treat any
disease early. The earlier you can find and treat a disease the better the chances of survival are. But with this virus, the politicians
and political bureaucrats ignored and vilified known early anti-viral treatments and gove
rnment policy is that there be no
early treatment. Medical scientists had been trying
to invent a vaccine for SARS-Cov-1 since 2003 without success. Vaccine development n
ormally takes several to 10 years.
But, as if by a miracle, the world seemingly had several inside a year. But what we have are not vaccines. They do not pass
the patentable, legal or clinical
definition of a vaccine in that they do nothing to prevent infection. They are gene
therapy. They are patented as gene therapy. Calling
them a vaccine is misleading and
deceiving in the extreme. 2
It is not fully known what is in any of these drugs. They contain genetic material encoded with genetic instructions known as the gene sequence. We do not know what that is. They contain ingredients that are not list
ed as ingredients. There are two very serious safety issues with the drugs. When in the body they
generate a synthetic spike protein which is a toxin and in one of the lipid nano particles is grapheme oxide, a substance known to be poisonous to humans. The spike protein was seen in 2005 as a highly malleable bioweapon. I
t has been known for a long time
to be a dangerous toxin. The injections destroy a persons’ innate immune system and
they have destroyed the blood and organ donation sy
stems. In the rush to get these
drugs into people, very basic safety tests were not done.
The real world data shows that these drugs are not working. They are not stopping
infections, nor transmissibility and nor deaths. Now governments are selling and
people are falling for this crazy logic of “take a
booster – because the 1st two shots did not work”. When injected, the gene sequence causes the body to generate a synthetic computer generated spike protein. The theory is tha
t, when exposed to the virus’ real
spike protein, the body will have an immunity to that as well. There is zero clinical evidence that is occurring. With a destroyed natural immune system the jabbed people are now the dangerous spreaders. They have no protection, either from the jab or their natural immune system.
Safety and efficacy were never a concern. There became a sense of urgency to get people jabbed up with a known to be dangerous spike protein.
The number of deaths and serious side effects are s
taggering. Historically when deaths reported from a drug reached 50 on the CDC VAERS database, the drug was
immediately withdrawn from the market for safety reasons.
Experts have trawled through the global adverse eve
nts and estimate global deaths to
be at least 500,000 with 10 mil side effects half of those serious. The mortality rate from taking one of these shots in the US is 1 in 15,500. The rate for serious permanent side effect is 1 in 2,200.The injections of these drugs has taken the lives o
f half a million people and destroyed the lives of 10 million more. The evidence clearly
shows they have not saved one life.
Anyone who thinks that a drug, that is unable to recognize a virus and prevent it’s infection, but will prevent you from dying from it, is living an illusion.
Pfizer published Ingredients
Lipids (including ((4-hydroxybutyl) azanediyl)bis(he
hexyldecanoate), 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N, N-ditetradecylacetamide,
1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine, and ch
olesterol) •Potassium chloride
•Monobasic potassium phosphate
•Sodium chloride
•Dibasic sodium phosphate dehydrate •Sucrose
The mRNA for Pfizer has been transcribed from a Chinese
What each does is described in the reference but Messenger RNA, or mRNA, is genetic
material that can instruct human cells to make a coronavirus protein called spike. Once
manufactured, the spike protein teaches the immune
system to recognize the
coronavirus so it can be fought off in the future. That is what is supposed to happen. The
mRNA genetic material is generated by computer code.
The spike protein is a
synthetic protein and is not the virus. Each multi-dose of the
AstraZenecavial contains 5x10
11 viral particles (vp) of
(ChAdOx1-S a, b) in 5mL.
One dose (0.5 mL) contains 5x10
10vp of (ChAdOx1-S
a, b). a Recombinant, replication-deficient chimpanzee aden
ovirus vector encoding the ARS-
CoV-2 Spike (S) glycoprotein (GP) b
The vaccine is manufactured using material origina
lly sourced from a human embryo (Human Embryonic Kidney cells: HEK293)
This product contains genetically modified organism
s (GMOs). COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca contains the excipients histidine, histidine
hydrochloride monohydrate, sodium chloride, magnesi
um chloride hexahydrate,
disodium edetate (EDTA), sucrose, ethanol absolute,
polysorbate 80 and water for
injections. These are what are published for the 2 main jabs in
Australia. Globally, the other two
main jab drugs are Moderna and J&J. Moderna is an mRNA much the same as Pfizer, and J&J is the viral vector adenovirus much the same as AstraZeneca. For the
purposes of this paper, these two drugs cover for the top 4 drugs being injected globally as Covid vaccines.
The genetic material in all of these injections are coded with a gene sequence thatcauses your body to generate a spike protein. They all use the HEK-293 cells as part of development and for batch testing during manufactur
ing. Pamela Acker, a vaccine
researcher, explains how the process works.4
HEK stands for, and she told me, "Human Embryonic K
idney." 293 stands for
this is the 293rd experiment that this particular researcher did to develop a cell lines - for 293 experiments you need far more than one abortion. And we're
talking probably 100s of abortions. So, the spike protein by itself is, in the words of
one researcher, kind of floppy,
it doesn't tend to keep its shape very well. And soscientists genetically engineered a spike protein that will keep its shape
. . . And that original
experiment was done in HEK-293 cells. So, the spike
protein that the vaccines
code for, was originally developed, effectively, in
aborted fetal cells. . . . before
they were going to inject this mRNA into a human be
ing to see if you could get
human cells to make Coronavirus spike protein, you
would want to test that in
cell culture, you would want to test that in a laboratory.
"You need to get that tissue within about five minu
tes of the abortion in order
for it to be optimally viable, and if you wait an hour, it's useless."
because it is done on purpose for research purposes, so they will actually deliver these babies via cesarean section, the babi
es are in some cases still
alive when the researchers start extracting the tissue. To the point where their heart is still beating, and they're generally not g
iven any anesthetic because
that would disrupt the cells that the researchers are trying to extract. So they're removing this tissue while the baby's alive
, and in extreme amounts of
pain, and so this makes it even more sadistic.
Many human beings are killed to make these jab drugs,
But what is really in them?
Dr Richard Fleming in a recent presentation5
produced the results of medical studies showing the body is making antibodies to the encaps
ulating material around the
genetic material that is not supposed to be part of
the vaccine. There is something else in the drug that is not on the ingredients list. That is supported by a recent study.6
In a 53 page paper it was found using both Electron Microscopy, Spectroscopy and other laborat
ory techniques, that all 4 of the
major jab drugs were found to have Graphene Oxide in them. A non disclosed ingredient.
This was supported by further evidence from a former Pfizer employee Karen
Kingston now working as a research analyst for the
pharmaceutical and medical device industries.7
She found using patent data and general research that graphene oxide was present in Pfizer and Moderna injection drugs.8
Main talking points:
all of the COVID-19 “vaccines” are bioweapos;
there are 4 PEGylated lipid nano particles in the C
OVID-19 vaccines (PEG=
polyethylene glycol):
1. a cholesterol lipid enables the vaccine ingredients
to be transported
by the blood
2. the fossil lipid adheres to the cell membrane to ma
ke it permeable
3. an ionizable lipid provides a positive ionic charge
so the mRNA can
enter the cell
4. a PEGylated lipid made by SINOPEG, Chinese company •
mRNA is very unstable, thus it needs a “biosphere”
to protect it until it
can enter the cell – this is provided by the lipid
nano particles and
graphene oxide. Sinopeg provide the grapheme oxide. [or perhaps just holds the Chinese patent -r]
In another very insightful paper, James P.M. Odell
looked in depth at the evidence of graphene oxide in the Spanish paper along with Karen Kingston’s research and
Thus it is certainly not beyond the realm of possibility that Pfizer has included
GO [graphene oxide]
in some of its lots of Covid inoculations
. In this paper James P.M. Odell looked at: 1. the evidence of graphene oxide in the
Pfizer mRNA Covid 19 formulation; 2. graphene’s use
in industry and medicine; and 3.
the toxicity and lethality of graphene-based materi
als in a biological context. He
referred to numerous medical science studies and their published papers. His
references accounted for one quarter of his 20 page paper.
Let us be clear, the mRNA inoculations (Pfizer and
Moderna) are a synthetic,
chimeric pathogenic gene therapy. These have been s
equenced from a computer
simulation, not an isolated purified model. All the
current marketed
inoculations: the mRNA, DNA, viral vectored, recomb
inant protein, viral-like
particles, and peptide-based vaccines, use the path
ogenic coronavirus’s spike
protein in some way or another. (Note: The spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is made up of two portions, which are S1 and S2. The S1 binds to the ACE2
receptor on the human cell surface, and S2 initiate
s membrane fusion to
complete cell infection.)
Added to this from Dr David Martin:10 the actual patents for Pfizer’s and Moderna’s injections more truthfully describe them as “gene therapy,” not vaccines….
If we are going to examine what ultimately is being injected into individuals, we need the exact sequence. . . . . [1:04:48] . . if you look at the FDA’s requirement, and if you look at the European Regulatory environment and if you look at the rest of the world’s regulatory environment, for reasons that cannot be explained, the exact sequence that has gone into what is amplified inside of the injection seems to be illusive. It seems to be something that someone cannot in fact state with a 100% certainty, the sequence is “x”. David Martin’s organisation has spent more than 20 years researching coronaviruses and no one has been able to tell him the gene sequence or genetic code used in any of these injections. Without that knowledge, no person knows what they are being injected with. No doctor in the world is able to offer informed consent to patients they are injecting. ToxicityThere are 2 toxins in these SARS-Cov-2 injections.
Graphene Oxide and the Spike Protein
Between them they cause a whole range of different problems. Graphene oxide has been known to be poisonous to humans for a long time. James P.M. Odell continues:12 Karen Kingston explained that the graphene oxide in the inoculations is neutrally charged (inactive), however, if/when it becomes positively charged, such as by electromagnetic radiation (radio frequency, such as wireless devices, wireless networks such as 5G, etc.), it can cause neurological damage and death depending on how much of it exists in the body and where it is located. Therefore, according to Kingston, multiple COVID-19 inoculations and booster shots are needed to gradually increase the amount of graphene oxide in the body to make the body receptive to electromagnetic radiation. GO is a fluorescent material and can be used for biosensing applications for early disease detection and detecting biologically relevant molecules. That means it could be used to detect via electro magnetic radiation whether a person has been jabbed with the substance. graphene-based neural interfaces and intelligent neuromodulation systems . . . will be able to read and modulate brain activity with very high resolution . . . intelligent graphene systems designed to modulate vagus nerve signals these materials are considered excellent for usage as electrode materials in batteries
8 The interest in using graphene-related nanomaterials (GFN) in medicine lies chiefly upon the extraordinary properties of graphene, including its mechanical properties, flexibility, transparency, and thermo-electrical conductivity.13 The holdup has been its biological toxicity. The long-term goal is to achieve "symbiosis with artificial intelligence" can be used like aluminum as a vaccine adjuvant . . . adjuvants are shown to be also immunologic and neurologically toxic and thus may result in adverse reactions, some serious or even fatal. The bottom line here is that despite these questionable explanations, graphene oxide is a known biological toxin and upon injection it accumulates in organs, glands, and tissue causing varying degrees of inflammation, oxidative stress, and cellular damage. Due to their nano-size, GFNs can reach all organs and penetrate the central nervous system. It can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues by passing through the normal physiological barriers, such as the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier (BBB), and blood-placental barrier. GO may possess significant genotoxic properties and cause severe DNA damage many now claim the thrombosis, microthrombi, and vascular injury that is adversely associated with the COVID inoculation not only is due to the creation of spike proteins throughout the capillary endothelium but may also be due to GO; any inclusion of graphene oxide in the Covid inoculations has questionable and potentially nefarious purposes . . . GFNs are a known and proven toxic material to human biological regulatory systems . . . Regardless of the intent behind the use of graphine oxide, its use in vaccines is deleterious to human biology. With regard to thrombosis. Dr Jane Ruby was interviewed by Stew Peters who showed examples of what the deteriorated blood looks like when exposed to Graphene Oxide.13 She used data obtained by Dr Phillepe van Welbergen, a 40 year physician from the UK. Dr van Welbergen examined patients who had come to him with complaints and illnesses from the Covid-19 injections. He conducted several blood smear tests from several of his patients, one that had not been injected and several that had. Dr van Welbergen examined the blood smears under a regular microscope and took photos of the result that he shared with Dr Ruby. You are looking at these particular pictures side by side, same magnification under the microscope – she said.
9 She described the blood smears showing the good red blood cells on the left and the crumpled, coagulated and clumping ones on the right from the injected patient. Dr van Welbergen calls those gold tubular structures on the right tubes that they, when he magnified them even further on the regular microscope, they are actually in a tube form and you can see the opening on either end of those. Remember this looks strikingly like the grapheme oxide that we saw under the regular microscope from the Spanish researchers La Quinta Columna where you saw that sort of folded over protein that looks like it was under a piece of Kleenex under paint.
10 Stew Peters referred to several other doctors that he had interviewed, naming some, that he had since seen that all acknowledged that they believe in the validity of the Spanish researchers La Quinta Columna, they had seen the chain of custody and they believe this to be absolutely accurate. Dr Jane Ruby: The red blood cells main job is to carry oxygen to all of the body. This is the connection to why people are tied, dizzy, not feeling well, mentally confused, - they’ve been poisoned. Stew Peters seemingly described:14 Graphene Oxide is an oxygen sponge which deprives the body of necessary oxygen and causes many complications, including but not limited to anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer. But provided no references for that statement.
The S1 Spike Protein
Dr David Martin:15 this was seen as a highly malleable bioweapon. There is no question that by 2005 it (the vaccine) was unquestionably a weapon of choice. . . . This conversation is about whether we are having a vaccine for a virus. The fact of the matter is we’re not. We are injecting a Spike protein mRNA secra. mRNA sequence which is a computer simulation, it’s not derived from nature, it’s a computer simulation of a sequence which has been known and patented for years. the evidence makes it abundantly clear that there has been no effort by any pharmaceutical company to combat the virus. This is about getting people injected with the known to be harmful S1 Spike Protein.
Around mid 2021, Bret Weinstein, who has a PhD in Evolutionary Biology, on his DarkHorse podcast, interviewed Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of gene therapy vaccine technology along with Steve Kirsch.16 They started their conversation referring to the discovery by Dr Byram Bridle of the Pfizer confidential biodistribution data from Japan. Dr Byram Bridle explained that with every normal vaccine they go in the shoulder and stay in the shoulder. . . the antibodies are generated and they attack this antigen in the shoulder. But with these injections, . . . it doesn’t stay in the shoulder where we all thought it should stay, it goes throughout your entire body. It goes to your brain, to your heart.
11 Bret Weinstein That’s two problems. One problem is it isn’t where it is supposed to be And the other thing, the other problem . . . the spike protein itself we now know is very dangerous. It’s toxic, is that a fair description? Dr Robert Malone More than fair. So the whole reason to use a adenovirus vector and mRNA is not just to generate antibodies. A lot of the data, and a lot of us that are deep in this data [9:19] think that the way that they are really providing the protection is by cellular cytotoxcicity. So you’re getting CTLs against it. And that’s the reason to use this gene therapy based technology—not just to generate neutralizing antibodies but to generate cytotoxcicity. Steve Kirsch And by the way we have no problems at all with mRNA vaccines. It’s just this particular vaccine because of the spike protein and because it cleaves off the cell and it goes throughout your body, your brain, your heart and anywhere that you can have these symptoms that are so variant. . . . you know my carpet cleaner Jim. He is disabled now [He had a stroke after taking the injection] Steve Kirsch when a doctor sees a miscarriage. I’ve never seen a baby like this in my entire career where it is so bloody and the brain is split in half . . . And the woman was vaccinated a month ago and she’s 25 weeks Dr Robert Malone [14:30] This is totally new technology and that kind of gets at the core. I think one of our problems here is the assumption that this is like every other vaccine they have ever seen and it’s not. It’s very different technology. Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S.,, a distinguished physician who discovered RNA transfection and invented mRNA vaccines, was on Steve Bannon’s War Room with some alarming news–new data indicates that people who have taken the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are at greater risk of getting Covid than someone who is not vaccinated.17 For more on Dr Robert Malone see.18 https://thesiscommons.org/pd3cj/
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