Sunday, January 29, 2023
coldly or warmly as the case may be
Lord Bacon declared there to be 4 pillars of government: religion, counsel, treasury and justice. In the administration of Washington it was Alexander Hamilton as Treasury Sec. and Thomas Jefferson as Sec. of State, both young, handsome, both intent, thinking, both with backing. Monopoly banking was not vetoed by Washington, but Jefferson was very deeply opposed to that experimental 20 year plan that became law. President Madison went along with its renewal 20 years later. President Jackson sought hard to destroy monopoly money. No other president stood hard against it, except that Lincoln knew there was an inner enemy opposing him which was the monopoly power all right. With the Lincoln Conspiracy by Sellier and Balsiger of 1977 the missing 18 pages of J W Booth’s diary/handwriting and in a Civil War era code did come to light due to descendants of Sec. of War Stanton, a conspirator. Yes, various financiers and various members of the Radical Repulicans formed a cabal to displace Lincoln, and money with monopoly power was the motivation. The evidence goes past just the 18 recovered Booth diary pages.
For 114 years this wound and cover-up festered in America, even the Kennedy and MLK assassinations could be considered echoes of this long-festering cold-hearted game which of course now we know as multinational corporate monopoly and central banking, with political parties, big media and so forth joining in. Now the Democratic Party seems to have begun with one man, Jefferson, although the 2-party system and central bankig have been running quite awhile in Britain. Since the Federalist/Whig party fell to dust, by the time of Lincoln a similar integral-type of party perhaps echoing that of Washington and Adams and Madison rose, somewhat conservative and perhaps not so much in the Hamilton mode. I think President Andrew Jackson was a Democrat.
But I think the division is in our psyches and the real united states is psychologic—one either becomes more one in tune with oneness of life or does not become so. I believe the oneness has warmth but the schism and money monopoly allied with other monopolies are coldly calculated, coldly operated. I believe that Genghis Khan was rather forced by local conditions to rise but then there was a crossroads in which coldly calulatiing stuff including monopoly enterered in and won the day because empires run by a relatively small group (like Mongols) probably tend to monopoly including of money. Which at least in the Chinese Khanate was the case. As to the other two derived from Genghis Khan, that of Russian Khanate and Middle East Khanate, well, I don’t quite know, but the Chinese Khanate was the predominate one clearly of the three. Time to feed my Mongol pony, excusez-moi. -r -N. Roerich: Messenger from the Himalayas
Unto You Who Will Remain with Me to Be God-Taught I Say, Watch and See How We Shall Burn Up the Shroud of Error and Residual Magnetism of Death by the Living Consciousness of the Ascension Flame
I would deal now with old residual magnetism. The law of gravity, beloved ones, keeps your bodies attached to the ground for a purpose; likewise all components of natural law, wonderful as they are, are overflowing with infinite purpose.
The depth of the wisdom of God when contemplated even in part can evoke squeals of joy even as a small child, putting his feet into the cold water of a mountain stream, responds with happiness and delight. The Law is most impersonal, blessed ones, as it expresses in nature. A part of nature is the faculty of memory. For example, thorns did not surround the rose in the early days of Earth. Certain destructive activity on the part of mankind resulted in the outpicturing by tiny elementals of what men have called protective barbs; and thus long sharp thorns were created as mankind’s fears and doubts were etched on nature’s memory and then lowered into the physical octave.
Religion in the main has supposed that God has created all things that are in existence; however mankind have not taken into account the influence of their own thoughts and feelings in the acts of creation which occur daily within their own domain. Indeed man was given dominion over the whole earth but they have not reckoned with the concept of freewill or with longevity of the lifewaves who have inhabited the Earth, supposing the span of Earth’s existence as it correlates with history and civilization to cover a little bit more than five thousand years.
The many evolutions who have inhabited Earth have had ample time to change many outer conditions of nature and to bring forth from universal Life many patterns which were never a part of the original creation. The race memory and memory of nature is divided and subdivided again and again into such minutiae of manifestation as to put to shame the minds of the greatest scientists. We who see from the inner behold sublayer after sublayer of the creation that has not yet been split by the sharp blade of man’s penetration.
There is the memory of the individual to consider, the memory of self—names, faces, places, concepts, recepts and precepts. But there is also another type of memory with which we are here concerned. Omar Khayyám wrote
“The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ,
Moves on: nor all your Piety nor Wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,
Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.”
Of men’s acts and thoughts this may be said: that they are all recorded, each one. Every subtle shade, every nuance of meaning finds its way into the storehouse of subconscious memory. These are literally interred with the bones of man, and they survive transition after transition; each time man reembodies they come with him again, composing his life-record.
When the life-giving accuracy of this record is pondered for a moment and the effect of beautiful thoughts is considered with the heart the need to rise to angelic levels of perception ought to occur to many. Why should men live in the dark, dank cellars of their human creation? Why should subconscious knowledge that men have stored about themselves be tumbled out upon psychiatric couches? Is this what we may call therapeutics, or is it the putrefaction of old ideas disgorging themselves upon the consciousness of present-day man?
The panacea that men crave, if one can justly be said to exist, is within the domain of the same memory that holds thoughts of negation; this the world has filled almost to capacity with the sordid nature of carnal man. Now let them learn if they would ascend to eradicate this image by filling the folds of memory with the soft, gentle, beautiful ideas of resurrection and resurrection’s flame.
Nature has provided beautiful imagery as environment all over the world, and those who are perceptive to it can respond to it today in the very face of all human misqualification that has gone before. The greatest boons to the ascension are the immaculate concepts of God. His concepts about everything were benign and thus He said by the power of the living Word, “All that I have made is good.”
Consider, beloved ones, the meaning of discipline of thought that demands the immaculate concept about every part of life and refuses acceptance of patterns of error that as residual magnetism cling to the consciousness of mankind as a shroud. We shall see as we proceed—and I say this to those who will remain with me to be God-taught—how we shall burn this shroud and consume it to ashes. We shall see how God shall transmute and change carnal purpose into the splendid manifestation of the living light of His Presence. We shall watch as men and women today, in emulation of the Christ majesty that rides forth to give a new sense of victory to mankind, shall be born again even through the study and application of this dossier that comes from the living, flaming consciousness of ascension flame.
We must be practical men when we deal with these problems. We ourselves cannot possibly be ostriches even though our consciousness is in the clouds of the immaculate glory of God. In order to serve mankind we must meet you at that level where you are and point the way toward your emancipation. The future is what you make it even as the present is what you made it. If you do not like it, God has provided a way for you to change it; and the way is through the acceptance of the currents of ascension flame.
Cause, effect, record and memory of all that is incomplete, of all that is darkness and of all that is intransigent must be willfully abandoned by the soul who aspires to freedom of the ascended state. If you are content merely to wallow in episodes of your personal history, to seek for an intrapsychic declaration of your past records, you can have it by pursuing it diligently enough; but it will be only a conglomeration of banal circumstances from which, like a bad dream, you will one day seek to escape, or it will become an astral lure as pretty trinkets and sparkling baubles to distract you from the track that leads to your immortal freedom.
In order to ascend you must abandon your past to God, knowing that He possesses the power by His flame and identity to change all that you have wrought of malintent and confusion into the beauty of the original design which, by the power of His love, did produce the fruit of eternal goodness. Cast aside illusion then veil after veil of the “personal person” and possess the willingness in the name of Almighty God to change your world! Thereby we shall be able to change the world into a place that will receive the masterful presence of the living Christ in a Second Coming of such dimension as to produce a race of godly men, of God-fearing men, of God-loving men—of men who will build a pyramid of truth upon the plains of the world, which pyramid will stand the tests of erosion, of time, of mortal acidity and of human nonsense!
The flame must not be lost. It must not be canceled. It must not go out. The flame must be upheld at all costs. And the flame is yours, for God made it so. God gave it to you, and it is yours to light the sphere of your identity that pulsates all around you, to push back the darkness until the glow of reality clears your world of fear, doubt, dishonor and lack and provides you with everything that God intends his beloved Son to have.
Keep on, valiant ones. Lose not sight for a minute of the ultimate goal while keeping your hands upon the moldings of the present, for we shall prevail by unity with God and with one another. With strength itself we shall overcome because God wills it so. Your ascension is God’s desire for you.
In deepest love I remain Serapis, Pearls of Wisdom 10:22
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