Tuesday, January 31, 2023
I AM THAT I AM the Ascended Jesus Christ in your midst, proving the present availability of my Presence to enfold you as I am enfolding this Messenger that you might receive my Word as I preached it to your very souls long ago in Galilee and in other places—and even in the uttermost parts of the Earth.
Beloved, truly I have preached to your souls then and now in all octaves of being. For I am come, the Presence of the Lord with you. And I come to redeem, and the redemption is of the Lost Teaching and the Lost Word. For here then is the restoration of the soul. As the dried fig is restored by the water of life, so may the fullness of your soul now become plump. Having drunk of this water, may you live forever and not be turned aside because you have heard a prognostication, to seek again and again predictions of your life. -Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom 29:67
Having taken up the commands to preach the gospel to every creature, to believe and to be baptized and to cast out devils, we come to the second sign that shall surely follow them that believe (meditate upon my Word day and night): “They shall speak with new tongues.”
Truly the speaking with new tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit that is given by initiation to souls who ardently pursue the living Word in the preaching of his gospel and who are daily believing and being baptized by meditation on and immersion in the living Father of the Lamb. The signs of the Spirit, of which this is the second, must be desired by you with all your heart, so much so that your temple is given over to the Holy Spirit to be His dwelling place forevermore.
-Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:42
Thus, beloved ones, in the sleep state one cannot be a conscious participator in this mighty interchange with Maitreya. The outer sleep is only symbol of the inner sleep of the soul beset with densities of that configuration which has become its own solar system which you have called the electronic belt. The soul has launched its satellites, and so they revolve around the lower self and the lower ego: encumbrances defining time and space, forging obligation which must then be fulfilled.
The proud desire to keep their word no matter what. Thus Herod agreed to give the head of John the Baptist to Salome. And thus by thy word thou hast created vast holdings of carnal mind and possessions. And these things, all of these things, cause sleepfulness in the watch of the dark, dark night of Earth when the soul is awake. Even if the body take its rest, the soul is awake. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 28:28
…………Again the Lord has warned “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” This renegade had no power to destroy the souls of the innocent in hell. But he tried. While he stands before the Four and Twenty Elders they will live to see the light of day on Earth, once again to challenge and be challenged by human tyrants masquerading as God.
The path of the masqueraders is the false crucifixion in which Marxists, Leninists and Communists throughout the world have enslaved millions upon millions, replacing the glory of the risen Christ with the glory of a superstate that will surely come tumbling down even as the Tower of Babel was destroyed through the judgment of love.
The world wallows in the fear of the religious cult. Let them heed the warning of an archangel and read the handwriting on the wall: the deaths in Guyana of innocent men, women and children were upon the altar of World Socialism to the glory of a godless society where the only gods are fallen angels and archdeceivers who have set themselves up in church and state for one purpose alone, and that to destroy the potential of the soul to realize the real Self in and as the living Christ.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:49
Now if we could, we would meet the children of God more than halfway. For even the masters recognize the advantage of stirring up astral dust: the cleansing of the intuitive faculties of mind and heart for a greater receptivity to truth. However in the past when the great Law has made an exception, allowing us to do just that we have found that the sea of mankind’s emotions was easily disturbed and that due to his astral preconditioning, his sensitivities were such that even in the presence of light he found the cosmic perception of beauty unacceptable. He resented being told the truth, and would almost rather have entertained a masquerading entity than angels unawares.
We believe, whether or not our counsels are given heed, that we should place prime importance upon reaching our students and informing them of the truth of being through the Pearls of Wisdom—one of the few media available to us—regardless of the consequences. And if we create thereby the antipathy to truth that wells up in natural man, then we shall send our angels to clean up the astral debris; and when the dust settles we shall once more send the missive of truth. Needless to say, popularity should not be the objective when one seeks to communicate the truth.
-Paul the Venetian, Pearl 13:43
In the matter of moods then we would suggest to every student who pursues God’s happiness: whenever he is invaded by a feeling that is less than God-happiness—a feeling of discomfort or disquietude—that he begin to look for the cause first in his own subconscious mind and in the centering of his attention around negative ideas which he may have allowed to enter his world and secondly in the person of masquerading or malevolent entities.
The nature of invading entities is such that whenever an individual seeks to improve himself by engaging in religious worship, by attending a constructive lecture or concert or by reading religious literature the vibratory action of higher pursuit makes the entity extremely uncomfortable. The entity, unwilling to relinquish his hold on the lifestream, will then project to his consciousness a feeling of discomfort or unhappiness and this he will assure the individual is directly attributable to the function in which the individual is involved.
-Lanto, Pearl 12:32
Blessed ones, the opening of despair is through the drug culture and rock music. This opening into the youth of the world is followed by all forms of masquerading suicide entities. Do you realize, beloved, that in the moment of the decision to take one’s life the only hope held is of death itself which is a perverted self and a perverted hope?
Know this then, beloved—that the fire of Astrea, that the calls for continual clearing of the astral plane and naming of these entities day after day will surely reap the harvest of lightbearers sought by beloved Saint Germain. Though the human cannot be guaranteed, the lightbearer who is free from all illusions and entanglements with fallen ones can almost of a certainty be guaranteed to receive the light. -Archeia Hope, Pearl 30:4
When individuals in ignorance call upon other names and their hearts are pure it does not always mean that they will experience some negative outpouring of which they are consciously aware; but in reality there is always a diminution of the light flow into their worlds and in some there have been awful obsessions created and the infestation of entities into their worlds because they have been thrown off the path of truth by calling upon others who are in reality not masters of light but impostors of the black brotherhood masquerading as angels of light.
Our sole purpose in this revelation is to see that every one of our blessed chelas retains his freedom and his faith, that they be not tied into anything that is unclean or deceitful, and that they keep the way to the Eden of God and eat only of the Tree of Life that is in the midst of that garden of divine truth.
-Divine Director, Pearl 9:40
Today the greatest hindrances to true spirituality in the orthodox movements are fear on one hand and insipid love on the other. First= they have threatened men in the name of religion with eternal burning and then they have followed up their threats by a wretched pleading for souls to come unto God. Many have been driven from God by fear while still others have been drawn to Him by a false love. Yet I do not deny that among those who serve without understanding—without the correct interpretation of Scriptures, having been subjected to many vicious forces that have worked through religious orders masquerading57 as2 angels22 of12 light29 (=112=4 x deceit28)—there are many sweet and devoted people.
We pray also for these and for all who seek to serve mankind. But we know that the Christed way, the way of regeneration not only disputes with the doctors in the temple, overturns the moneychangers’ tables and recognizes a generation of vipers but also extends living hands of light and saith unto all: “Come and dine. Unless ye eat my flesh and drink my blood, ye have no life in you.” -Nada, Pearls of Wisdom 11:37
using numerology, a=1. b=2. c=3, j=1, etc. Therefore Duffy26 clique31=57, Putin26 clique31 also.
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