Thursday, December 1, 2022
there are elementals who need to be set free
But then there are the fallen ones who have come along to imprison elemental life, and they have put them under hexes and in modes of bondage. And then they send forth the little gnomes who no longer can be instruments of the Mother but they become instruments of the Great Whore and of Antichrist. And therefore there are elementals who need to be set free who are also wrongly influencing mankind and following false teachers. I ask you this: if mankind do not know who they [themselves] are, can you expect that all elemental life know who they [the elementals] are? I tell you, they do not; and these elementals therefore need to be taught. -Lanello, Pearl 44:27, given onJuly 3, 1976 at Washington, D.C
I counsel you then to turn your attention upon those women of the radical element who are in fact ruining if it were possible the dispensation of the Mother-flame for America and the Earth. In their actions they are countered by other women who see the error of their ways and who react with such fanaticism and hatred that they too have entered into the spiral of ruination put forth by the Great Whore. -Justina, Pearl 43:20, given on January 1, 1978 at Pasadena
The Garden of Eden was created by the Lord God as a haven of light and loveliness, as a replica of the causal body for the early root races who did not depart from the perfection of the plan. In the center of the garden was the Tree of Life, focus of the I AM Presence made tangible in Mater….
The pouring-out of the vial of mankind’s misuses of the light of the sixth ray must precede the judgment of the Great Whore, that perversion of the feminine ray that sitteth upon many waters. And in her fornication she has perverted the sacred Mother-flow of whitefire core in Mater. And this flow of the great river Euphrates was for the nourishment of the body of God upon Earth who formed the Church of our Lord. And yet that Church is become as Babylon the Great, the apostate Church that “is become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.”
And I am the angel who talked with John. And I showed him that woman sitting “upon the scarlet-colored beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns,” that woman “arrayed in purple and scarlet color and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.” And John saw the name written upon her forehead: “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.” And he saw “the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” And I told him that the waters which he saw where the whore sitteth, even the waters of the great river, are the peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues who gave their energies to Babylon the Great.
Therefore the crystal-flowing waters of the Mother, misused and misapplied, misappropriated and misaligned with the Great Whore are dried up in order that those who have the mastery of the Christ- flame might come forth and take dominion over the earth. Enter the kings of the East! Enter the wise men who have exercised wise dominion in the uses of the threefold flame! These carry the abundance of the Mother which shall not be taken from them. Now let us see the judgment of Babylon the Great and of these things which were foretold by Jesus the Christ which will shortly come upon mankind unless they repent of their deeds. -Archangel Uriel, Pearls of Wisdom 18:45
Let a people and a planet tremble in the presence of the Lord God as we also tremble in His presence, for the light- emanation of the Central Sun is come. And I speak to you as a friend and as a cohort on the path. I am not removed from you, but I am close at hand. I AM Zadkiel! And I make known to you this fact that I plead daily before the Court of Sacred Fire on behalf of your souls and on behalf of right choice by the gift of freewill, and I plead before your Christ Selves and the Lord God Almighty for dispensations for the quickening.
And therefore the Lord God has answered my plea and sent me forth to give this Word to you this day. And my Word is a release of sacred fire that this people shall awake, I say! Awake in the name of God before it is too late! And understand that there is the rising of communiqués of the enemies who would deceitfully tear from America and every nation the freedom to live and to live under the canopy of God.
Understand then that it is not time to sit back and pursue a peaceful coexistence. It is time to proclaim a freedom and defense of freedom. When you march forward one step at a time, taking not another step until and unless you have defended that freedom in that point in time and space, I tell you this, I tell you this one truth, America, O America, and I speak to every leader: when you take one step forward for freedom without compromise all of heaven steps forward one step with you–from behind, from overhead. And the backing of the Holy Spirit is nigh, and none can turn back that flame of freedom when it is borne in honor.
But when in dishonor and in fear and in cowardice you take the backward step then you must stand alone; for no one in heaven or in earth who is one with God will defend your position. The angelic hosts and Lord Christ will not defend a position of cowardice or fear or compromise with the enemy. And when you stand alone you are defenseless, for only God can win the battle, and the battle is the battle of Armageddon. It is the hosts of the Lord defending the souls of light against those who have chosen the left-handed path.
Let us see clearly then, for it is vision which America requires. And let the calls for God-vision go forth night and day as those who have the flame keep the vigil on the wall of the Lord. Let them be watchmen through the night until every soul in America has seen this vision–that it is the defense of Christ-consciousness in education, in religion, in government, in society. This is the battle which is being waged, and it is already being waged upon this soil. And those who watch the battle are the very ones who withdraw because they are too tired, because they are too occupied, because they are preoccupied with things of this world and their illusions.
I come in the name of the Lord Christ, The Faithful and True who leads the armies of heaven. That Lord Christ stands ready and willing to defend the President of the United States and every representative of the people and each individual lifestream. Therefore if you would have the defense of the Lord Christ, then see that you are aligned with his Spirit. See that you are not mystified by the false gods of mystification who bring to you their lies and their subtleties, and all of this in the name of freedom.
I tell you, we who serve in the retreat of the Lord Christ anchoring the flame of the violet flame, we do not compromise, and we will not give the seal of freedom to those practices of freedom that are done in the name of freedom but are in actuality the license that comes forth from Antichrist and the spirit of the Great Whore that is abroad in the land and in the churches.
I rebuke you who stand in the churches!–who stand there speaking in the name of the Christ but whose lives are filled with shame and compromise and who fail to lead the people into true baptism of the Holy Spirit. I speak to you, and therefore from my heart goes forth the ray of the Almighty One that you might feel the pricking that Saul felt, that you might also know that there is a demand–a demand for a confirmation of soul being that you might go forth wearing the robes of Christ and of his apostles.
I speak then to those who would wear the robes of statesmen and of the judiciary. Those robes must be won by you by integrity and, first of all, by devotion to the Christ, the image of the living God. If you have not that devotion, then you have not the right to wear those robes. And you will watch and see how the Spirit of the living God will tear from you those garments as you too must pass that initiation which the Lord Christ passed through as he was stripped of his garments by the Roman soldiers. So then let those who seek to occupy the offices of the Lord God in this land be stripped of their garments, and let them be exposed as those who are naked because they have not woven the seamless garment, wedding garment of the soul.
I say, this is a land sponsored by the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood as a legacy to all mankind. You have the duty and dharma to be whole that you might make all nations whole through transfer of that light of the Christ. Therefore is judgment come! Therefore will all that has been built upon the sand of human compromise come to naught! Therefore will this people receive chastening of the Lord God that is the intensification of action of love! And let children of the light then seal their houses and go within to the whitefire core and let them keep the vigil as this nation must pass under the rod of the Law of God. For none shall escape this, so great a salvation; none shall escape the chastening hand.
People of God, discover the enemy within your midst as that momentum of unrighteousness. Discover the enemy that is a materialism without the repository of the Spirit, without the flame infusing the very soil. Therefore make His paths sacred! Let life be sacred! Let the life of the people, let life of the children be sacred again! And let mothers and fathers who have the fire of archangels go forth and challenge that monolith of that system that imposes upon the youth every distraction and diversion calculated to tear down the very energies of sacred fire.
I come into the temple with the Lord Christ this day, and the temple is all of America, and I come with him to overturn those moneychangers who are buying with a price the souls of the youth of this nation. I come forth then and hearken unto my Word, hear my Word, for this is the light of God, and it is the authority of Alpha and Omega whereby we come. And therefore the energy is come to overturn and to overthrow those forces of destruction inherent within this society that will be, if left unchecked, the very degeneration and decay of a land that is transferred as a cancer to every nation upon Earth, even as your culture is transferred to every nation upon Earth.
I say, this day from the causal body of the Great Divine Director there goes forth the ray of the staying action of those spirals of infamy. And I say to every heart that is a heart of light, you will thank me one day as you see that this light coming forth even though it may bring momentary discomfiture is the light that is the saving grace of Almighty God. Be grateful then that the Lord’s hosts have not deserted this lifewave and this evolution, but that we are here, living, in tangible manifestation among you.
We the angelic hosts of light, the ascended masters and Elohim, we have not abandoned the Earth; we live on Earth as you live on Earth. We simply live in a stepped-up consciousness. We therefore have said to the flame in our hearts and the flame in your hearts, we will not live in a place that is the corruption of the way of God! If we are to make our abode here, then our light and our very body consciousness of the Lord Christ must be the rejection of that which is anti-Christ.
Therefore I AM come! Therefore I AM in the Spirit on the Lord’s day! Let all receive the initiation of the Holy Spirit! Let all cry out for that initiation! Let all cry out for the living God to come, for that God is very near, waiting, waiting for the cry and the call of a people whose pride is broken and who will humble themselves once again before their Creator.
Hear, O people of Israel: this Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof! The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof! And because it is the Lord’s it is the Lord’s habitation this day. Rise then to receive that grace [audience rises] and feel yourselves communing with angelic hosts and know that the fiats which you shall give forth this day through this twenty-four-hour cycle will have the multiplication of the causal bodies of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood in a mighty Herculean action of the Law that is calculated to break those calcifications and those densities of the wayward ones. Let all come then into the heart of the flame where I AM! -Archangel Zadkiel, 1-30-1977 at Pasadena, Pearls of Wisdom 20:7
My heart is smiling even though the elements do not always smile in this hour of turbulence. Why, the blessed elementals who would long to clear a passage for Mother’s coming—even they without increased violet flame could not stay the hand of turbulence and wind and vortices of energy. And therefore the delay in her return to this city was one that occurred because of interference with elemental life. And elemental life working at maximum capacity could not yet overturn that darkness and dark ones coming in the persona of the Great Whore, thus perverting the light of Sanat Kumara. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 23:43
In the name of Jesus the Christ I call to the heart of Almighty God, to the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega, Helios and Vesta, the Great Central Sun Magnet, all the forces and beings of the elements, the mighty Elohim, archangels and chohans of the rays. I call to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and World Mother, the Seven Holy Kumaras and Lady Master Venus. I call to mighty Victory, Saint Germain, the Great Divine Director, beloved Lanello and K-17, beloved Archangel Michael and your legions of light, beloved Mother Mary:
we demand and implore your intercession this day. We declare in the name of the living Christ the end of World Communism. We demand the arresting of the spiral! We demand the removing of the cause and core. We demand the binding of the seeds of Lucifer and the fallen ones. We demand the binding of the seed and egg of the dragon and serpent and the beast. And we demand the binding of the false prophet, the Great Whore and Antichrist in the four quadrants of Mater.
-invocation by the Messenger in Pearl 20:46
And therefore the Universal Mother multiplies Her Electronic Presence in many forms and appearances so that all may distinguish between the Mother and the Great Whore and choose this day whom they will serve. These initiations that come to all on the path of the ruby ray, when passed, are the resolution of life and deliverance of the mighty golden flame of illumination—truly the crown of life that is amplified by the second spiral of the fourteen-month cycle of Serapis. -Archeia Hope, Pearl 23:20
They study the nature of the Antichrist in the person of Satan and his seed, of the Dragon and his legions of fallen angels. They know the false prophet and his many representatives coming in the person of the false gurus of East and West. They know the Great Whore as the anti-Community of church and state and all false Christs and false prophets that violate the love/wisdom of the Community of the Holy Spirit and Guru/chela relationship within it. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:32
In the name of Melchizedek, in the name of the Order of light so invoked I direct the ruby ray into the cause and core of the subculture of death, of drugs, of distorted rhythm in rock, of alcoholism, of every perverse manifestation invading the mind, heart and soul of the youth of Los Angeles, America and every nation upon Earth. I plunge the sword of ruby ray into the cause and core of the Dragon and Beast, False Prophet, Great Whore and Antichrist. For so it is accomplished by the four cosmic forces this day that the action of ruby ray shall begin its acceleration into the cause and core of the death entity worldwide that is upon the youth of America. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:34
4. “The Devil in the person of the Great Whore and scarlet colored beast full of names of blasphemy; the anti-Church and its anti-apostles and false pastors; the Adversary of the Ancient of Days and his hierarchy of adversaries of our twinflames drunken with the blood of the saints and martyrs of Jesus–who subvert the authority of the Mother, the eternal Lamb and Lamb’s wife—the great Guru and his ascended chelas manifest in the Great White Brotherhood—and usurp the Office of the flying Eagle occupied in Spirit by Sanat Kumara and the hosts of his hierarchy; -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:38
Beloved ones, you who count yourselves as initiates of sacred mysteries of the body of Christ must understand that the prophecy that is given in the Book of Revelation for judgment of the dragon, beast, false prophet, Great Whore and the Antichrist is a judgment that must be reenacted and spoken daily. And that Revelation is not simply a revelation to be contemplated. It is a living Word. It is the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. And those who are the Christ incarnate, those who wear the robe of my Electronic Presence are expected to give forth that Word for binding of the fallen ones each and every day as they present themselves anew with their affrontry, with their boldness, with their manipulation of energy lo here, lo there–in Congress, in schools, midst the little children, among the aged, in the midst of the drug uses.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 21:32
Beloved ones, this has been a false teaching in Hinduism, and therefore you find in India today that the souls of greatest light have withdrawn and they have left to lesser evolutions the serving of the people, and therefore there have arisen in positions of power those arch-deceivers. And you have seen the infamy of Madame Indira Gandhi who has abused the light of Mother-flame; and this horrendous misuse of that light in forced sterilization of the man who carries the seed of God is directly the work of the Great Whore and the Antichrist. -Lady Venus, Pearl 21:40
O beloved hearts, I trust it has not escaped your notice to see the cunning seduction of one who was the instrument of the Great Whore, recruiting spies for the Soviet Union. I trust you realize that in the physical presence of this woman you might also have befriended her. Thus it was the very same personality of the fallen angels, called the serpents, in the mythological Garden of Eden, which was an actual experience of original twin flames on Earth. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Pearl 25:13
Therefore God has provided the recompense. God has sent forth the sign in answer to the prayer of the Mother’s heart and the hearts of every son and daughter of God upon Earth that the beginning of overturning of Babylon the Great and the Great Whore and false prophet and all that cometh out of the bottomless pit is the mutual interdependence of the sons and daughters of God under the Almighty One whereby there is formed a diamond chain—links forged of gold of hearts aflame with power, wisdom and love—and that the forging of this union worldwide will provide impetus to renew determination to the stand for freedom, to the parting of the veil that the saints who stand on the line where light meets darkness and swallows it up will behold the parting of the curtain and see there the hosts of heaven, the armies encamped on the hillsides of the world and the entire cosmic Hierarchy ready to deliver planet Earth—ready to give birth to the Divine Manchild! -Jesus Christ, Pearl 25:4
Blessed and beloved ones, there is the consciousness of the Great Whore that seeks to devour the light and takes that light when it is released under the influence of drugs in the nervous system of every child and every adult. There is an unfortunate release of light, and it is an inversion and a perversion of the mighty release of the Holy Spirit by the ascended masters and their disciples whose very breath does emanate that sacred fire.
Therefore in this moment give that call with me. Together: I AM, I AM, I AM the fire breath of God from the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega. This day I AM the immaculate concept
in expression everywhere I move. Now I AM full of joy for now I AM the full expression of divine love. My beloved I AM Presence, seal me now within the very heart of the expanding fire breath of God. Let its purity, wholeness and love manifest everywhere I AM today and forever. (3x) I accept this done right now with full power. I AM this done right now with full power. I AM, I AM, I AM God-life expressing perfection all ways at all times. This which I call for myself I call forth for every man, woman and child on this planet; amen.
And I call it forth for every man, woman and child on this planet! I call now for freedom from all influences of death and suicide and demons of hell itself who move under the influence and momentum of this drug! -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 26:24
And therefore, Almighty God, let the Great Whore of World Communism and false religion, let it be cut now! Let the ripcord be pulled then on world religion that does bind souls of the people into a doctrine that is not acceptable, that is not applicable. And therefore by fiat of God we will not allow our people of light any longer to be held and bound by this darkness! -Godfre, Pearl 30:45
10. Satan was bound by Archangel Michael in 1968. On January 27, 1982 he was remanded to the Court of the Sacred Fire, resulting in his final judgment and second death. (See Jesus Christ, “The Final Judgment of Satan,” in 1982 PoW, Book I, vol. 27, nos. 24 and 25, pp. 185-96.) Lucifer was bound on April 16, 1975 and taken to the Court of Sacred Fire where he stood trial before the Four and Twenty Elders for a period of ten days. The testimony of many souls of light in embodiment on Terra and other planets and systems in the galaxy were heard, together with that of the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Elohim. On April 26, 1975 he was found guilty of total rebellion against Almighty God by the unanimous vote of the Twenty Four and sentenced to the second death. As he stood on the disc of the sacred fire before the court, the flame of Alpha and Omega rose as a spiral of intense white light, canceling out an identity and a consciousness that had influenced the fall of one-third of the angels of the galaxy and countless lifewaves evolving in this and other systems of worlds.(See Alpha, July 5, 1975, “The Judgment: The Sealing of the Lifewaves throughout the Galaxy,” and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 6, 1975, “Antichrist: the Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet and the Great Whore,” in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 234-36, 239-49.) When a fallen one is bound and taken to the Court of Sacred Fire the next ranking false hierarch assumes his office and title. Satan and Lucifer are the original names of these two antichrists. Their underlings go by these names and use them as titles. Thus we must still anticipate, as Hercules says, the initiations of “Satan” and “Lucifer” handed down through their lieutenants who invoke their mantles even though they have ceased to exist. The “seed,” i.e., consciousness, of Satan and Lucifer remains a force to be dealt with by lightbearers so long as there are those on the left-handed path who embody and propagate it.
-footnote to Pearl 36:28 and 42:29
May you know the meaning of the stature of the Divine Mother, and may you not stoop to a lesser manifestation and thereby gravitate toward the darkness of death and hell and the Great Whore. Yes, beloved, let the standard be raised as you raise the Kundalini upon the spinal altar. And as you do that know that it is a magnet which shall draw to you unlimited resources of violet flame! This I pledge to you. -Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Pearl 36:14
These statements of the archangels written in Pearls of Wisdom must be made into fiats and affirmations so that right within the temple of God where you stand you must confirm the judgment of the Fallen One! You must call for the binding of the carnal mind, the dragon, beast, false prophet, antiChrist and Great Whore! -Portia, Pearls of Wisdom 63:46, given via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on September 17, 1976 in Accra, Ghana, Pearl 63:46
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