Thursday, December 1, 2022
In the name of my lady Portia
Lightbearers of the far-off worlds, I come in the name of my lady Portia to address you as the keepers of the flame of life on earth—on earth as in heaven.
In this hour of cycles turning there is a flame of justice burning now in the hearts of my chelas, now in the hearts of saints processioning. For they are the followers of the Lamb, even our Lord Sanat Kumara. They are the followers of the eternal Word who is with God, who is the Son, even the Son in the Father whose promise of love is to dwell and to abide with those who love and in loving Him keep His words and His commandments and His sacred heart.
Most beloved of the light, in the name of cosmic freedom I gree you. I bid you good afternoon. Won’t you be seated.
I come in the joy of freedom. I come in the joy of the first round of this cycle of cosmic justice in the Earth, in beloved Portia and in each and every one of you who have set yourselves to the task of carving out of white alabaster a secret chamber where my lady and her flame could abide.
In all the wonder of heaven and of earth and the stars in their glory truly the Woman clothed with the sun of righteousness and God-justice is come in the Earth. And the flavor of her mercy is felt most by the saints who have come closest to that fragrance of perfect love—perfect love, my beloved, for freedom, for the light of the soul, for blessed hearts on the path now of becoming whole.
Out of Christ’s mercy I AM come and also in the unwinding of the cycles—not as the unwinding of the gravecloth but as the unwinding of the stellar body of Portia, even as the great revelation in twenty-two hieroglyphs is made known, even of the coming of the Word into the Earth as the avatara in cycle after cycle marking the sign of the perfect man by the mandate of cosmic justice in this cosmic cross of whitefire.
Thus there appears the great wonder in heaven that is become in the Earth a new Sun of a new day. It is the light of the Woman, even the Divine Mother appearing in Her children, peeping through the latticework of leaf and flower and hanging bower, even through the Tree of Life as children of the Sun look up in wonder but wonder no more. For, lo, by the sign of the lightning and thunder there does descend this magnificence, this holy light that truly is the manifestation of the wedding and the war.
Thus the sign of the marriage of the Lamb and Lamb’s wife, even the signal and signet of the coming into alignment of the chelas of the Great Guru is also the sign of the warfare of Lord Sanat Kumara and His saints. For it is this very fusion of love that must manifest for the judgment of the Great Whore.
And who is this Great Whore, Babylon the Great? Surely this Mother of Harlots is the misqualification of the pure white light of the Mother. Surely it is the epitome of injustice that has fashioned a cult of materialism and death in both church and state. And that which they would separate is truly not the church that is composed of the Lamb and the hundred and forty and four thousand or the state that is the New Jerusalem that appears out of heaven even as that bride adorned for her husband.
Thus that which is point/counterpoint reveals from the very origin of the betrayal of the Great White Brotherhood symbolized in the fallen woman Vivien the act of betrayal not only of the light of the Father, of Merlin, but also of the light of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood which Merlin represents—even I, representing the calling of Hierarchy.
Thus it is the light of Hierarchy that the fallen woman would steal. And when you allow the light of sacred fire to fall within you, even that light would steal from you the light of the holy mountain of God, the light of the Holy Kumaras until the seven fallen kings sit upon the seven mountains, and the eighth is the beast who would drink the ruby ray, even the wine and blood of Christ as that figure-eight flow twixt Guru and chela, the Divine Mother and Manchild.
Now then hear, O Israel, O company of saints! Understand then that I seal you—each and every one who has presented himself unto the light of Portia, each and every one who has even now implanted a flame of God-justice that is worthy as amethyst jewel within the white alabaster—in you I seal the light of justice. I seal the light of Portia. Thus it denotes an hour, even a cycle in the great hourglass of life when this judgment of the Great Whore and tentacles of the beast pervading a materialistic society may now be accelerated.
Recognize that every saint who has reunited with the ascension flame has reenacted this marvelous ritual of the judgment of the Fallen One and that Fallen One who has caused the descent of the light of whitefire within you. Therefore, beloved one, each and every saint in heaven is a cornerstone of victory and not a gravestone but the mark of the white cube forged and won. That stone of light, that repository of infinite energy—this is the fire and fiat, the strength and devotion of the saints in heaven!
Understand the great mystery of the Word incarnate, point/counterpoint. For every saint in heaven—and there are millions upon millions of star-flower saints of light—for every one there may be a counterpoint in the heart of the Earth.
This therefore is the descent of the Word that you may interconnect with saints of heaven, even the starry bands of the Great White Brotherhood, by your own elevation of the feminine ray within your heart, by the light of justice representing the feminine ray of seventh principle of the Godhead.
Thus by your own coordinate, by your own polarization of light of justice in your heart you may now be connected with a single son of God in heaven, one who sets forth even as the mark of this interaction the white stone and in the heart of the stone the amethyst jewel— alchemy of cosmic justice made manifest on earth as both divine and human justice through your very own heartflame. This closer tie with the Brotherhood through your devotion to justice has been the goal of Summit University in this quarter of the fall of 1980.
Realize then that with each turning of cycles and each acceleration of the counterparts of justice in the earth there will be an intensification whereby the mighty River of Life of the saints of heaven who indeed are a part of that Tree of Life flows through you and manifests even below the heart in the level of the desire body the manifest peace of Buddha and of Christ.
O most blessed hearts of living Word, I bring to you the promise and commitment even now of this judgment of the Great Whore misusing the mysteries of the Lord Christ even against the anointed of the Lord.
I trust then that all will understand that because of this extraordinary reinforcement of light through beloved Portia that the call unto justice and judgment will effect specifically those manifestations within civilization and within individuals which are a betrayal of the life-force in man and in woman: a perverse science, a doctrinaire religion and the serpents moving in and out of Camelot and through the nations as destroyers of purity of heart, even the halo of the saints—if they could. But they cannot.
When you are alert, when you accept the crystal of the all-seeing Eye of God, when you accept the emerald ray and when you perceive truth, have the courage to stand upon that truth, to walk after it and to become the devotee—as I was in my embodiment as Francis Bacon—of none other than Pallas Athena herself.
The Goddess of Truth comes also for reinforcement of this line of fire twixt heaven and earth. Thus the saints robed in white are there for a purpose and they are seen by Saint John for a purpose. And this purpose is the comfort, enlightenment, reinforcement, encouragement of the saints in the earth. And therefore let ten thousand and ten thousand times ten thousand of His saints stand on the line with Sanat Kumara where light meets darkness and swallows it up.
We will then go after the harlot, even the Great Whore perverting the light of Mother Russia, of America. We will surround the nation of Poland. We as bodies of light—we will lay down our bodies and we will also stand in our ascended master light bodies with you, through you as one and we will be the reinforcement of light. And where we stand there stands the Great White Brotherhood and there is the sign of the cosmic cross of
whitefire and there is the upraised right hand—they shall not pass! They shall not pass!
Let there be the hearing of the Word of Portia who sets her hand upon this people for deliverance of those who will in glory recite the Hail Mary as the rosary of life. Let pilgrims of sacred fire the world around go forth for the healing of hearts in Northern Ireland. Let them heal them in Belfast and Ulster and in each and every place.
Let sons of light in Ulster rise up. Let them rise up in Belfast and in Dublin. Let them rise up in every city and town and hamlet of Ireland. For we have set our light, we have set our glory for the pressing down into the very midst of Ireland—through the heart of Saint Patrick and his saints—of that light which will surely bind those serpents that come from abroad that are the power elite.
Even so, as these serpents penetrate by the misuse of the Law of Cycles into the midst of the body of God we shed forth violet flame. We plant our feet upon this soil. Thus with the coming of Portia we stand for the judgment of the Great Whore manifesting as the international capitalist/communist conspiracy. For this too is misqualification of the light of the Woman clothed with the Sun.
We go forth with intensity and we send forth a mighty light- ray from this altar. We send forth the light of righteousness, of judgment and of the binding of the nefarious manifestation of the antithesis of the Divine Mother in the Earth.
Whether it be the burden upon the bodies of Her children of drugs, chemicals of the fallen ones manipulating their minds, whether it be hypnotic suggestion within the astral body, whether it be turning away of the mind from the mind of Christ and from worship of the one God, whether it be tampering with sacred fire of the etheric body—we stand for the judgment of fallen ones who have in the past stolen the light of the Mother and, if they could, even to enslave one Merlin or Arthur or Lancelot or Guenevere, heroes and heroine of the cosmic cube of Camelot.
Ten thousand times ten thousand knights and ladies of the flame in heaven and on earth will no longer submit this light of sacred fire in folly that it might be abused by those who come as tempter or temptress merely to steal the light of glory, the light of the I AM Presence known of old in ancient Israel, known as the Shekinah glory, known as the I AM THAT I AM. Even the coming forth of this mighty light-ray is heard in the heart as the Yod He Vau He. It is the light of innermost sanctuary of the Most High God. It is the place to which you are called when you are free of this substance of “knowledge and wisdom” that comes from beneath—out of the mists, out of the slime and out of the mud.
Realize then that there is a ritual of seventh ray—ritual of alchemy, ritual of the priesthood of Melchizedek and of Mother Mary and of Saint Francis and of holy Clare and brothers and sisters of Assisi. Realize that keepers of the flame of life using this science of violet flame are also preparing for entering into the Holy of Holies where the Lord God, even our Sanat Kumara, took Moses. And Moses was raised up even as the serpent was raised up in the wilderness.
The parallel is clear. It is the raising up of the Mother-flame. It is the raising up of ascension-flame. And when this does manifest in the one out of the many and then in the many there is the coming of judgment of the Great Whore. And without this judgment the ascension-flame, the path of Serapis Bey, cannot flourish in the Earth nor can serpents be bound nor can Satanic councils and rites be exposed.
Indeed let the Manchild come forth! Indeed let the Lamb go forth preaching the Word echoed through the hearts and mouthpiece of the hundred and forty and four thousand. Indeed let saints behold the New Jerusalem descending out of heaven. Indeed let it come to pass, for our reinforcements are set.
Let there be then acceleration of the Sons and Daughters of Dominion who see clearly that the price of this glory of the Shekinah is to undo point by point the wiles of serpents within Camelot—to undo their nefarious deeds and all that is said and all that is spoken in secret concerning the saints of our God. Let it be understood that whitefire is for consuming of transgressors of the Word and of their trangressions.
Let us realize that we are living, you and I, in heaven and in earth simultaneously—I in you and you in me. And therefore I descend to the very basest levels of the earth through your focalization and you ascend to heights of heaven by my own God-consciousness. Therefore we occupy. We occupy time and space and eternity—our Brotherhood of Light. We occupy until the full coming of the Lord Sanat Kumara. We occupy till the full glory of the saints is manifest in the earth.
Let those who understand the Word of righteousness know that I still give the command to the mariners, to those who would navigate with Lord Maitreya: Follow The Gleam as the light of your own mighty I AM Presence. For that light will never fail you. And that light will swallow up false prophet and doom of the fallen ones even as they are bound, even as every erg of consciousness, every thought and feeling that has entered the mind as antithesis of Father, of Son and Holy Spirit and of Mother is consumed by sacred heart of Jesus now manifest within you who have truly submitted to that Christ, to that Son.
Realize then that Viviens and Mordreds yet stalk the Earth. They know not in the outer sense that their day is done, that their cycles have turned. And the more they turn to wield power the more they themselves are the undoing of coils of power ill-gotten of light.
Understand then that when you know the signs and seasons of the fulfillment—within the body elect of God—of the revelations of John, you may indeed invoke the sacred Word that once again Merlin himself might be unloosed and the prisoner of the rock might be unbound and the one who has held back the curse of the Great Whore of the nations may rise because chelas of the Lamb have determined to overthrow every curse of fallen ones—cursing of the Great White Brotherhood, cursing even of archangels and of Almighty God Himself.
Even an ascended master must stand between Earth’s evolutions and fallen ones. Even an ascended master may allow himself so to speak to be upon that cosmic cross of
whitefire crucified in effect on behalf of a suffering humanity who know not the way to go or to themselves unloose inner fire of the heart.
Beloved ones of light, realize that in the sense of the writing of Alfred, Lord Tennyson concerning Merlin and Vivien there has been binding of the power of Merlin in the earth by those forces of Antichrist in terms of limiting of effectiveness of the hierarchs of the Aquarian age in the very councils of men, in churches, in governments of nations, in schoolhouses and institutions of learning. Realize that the effective dismissal of our Messenger or our chelas by those who are the worldly-wise, dismissal of the light and Teaching and books is a dismissal of myself and of beloved Portia.
Realize then that this has been the curse of the seed of Serpent not to allow the angel, the seventh, to come forth and to have a platform for release of the mysteries of Christ. But instead the Great Whore has presented to all Christendom the mysteries of Babylon the Great and of the harlot. And these mysteries are vampirization of the light instead of breaking of the bread of life and releasing of the blood of Christ and his body, for these false priests were not able.
There has been the mystery of the Great Whore whereby false Christianity has taken the light of the people to feed the beast that is the eighth. Realize then that masses of the people upon whom the Great Whore has sat and the nations and tongues are all of those lifestreams who have given their light and their blood and their energy for the feeding of the beast of materialism that is the entire antithesis of the Divine Mother upon Earth.
Realize then that those who embody the light of the Mother are the undoers. They are with the Lamb, the faithful and chosen. And it is written that they overcome this beast by the very blood of the Lamb which the Lamb transfers to them as they recite the Word, as they drink of the Word, as they become the Word.
My beloved of light, hear my words! Hear my words! And those that have an ear to hear, let them hear what is the prophecy of Almighty God in this age!
Let them understand that now it is the company of saints and remnant foreseen by every prophet and saint who hold the balance for the multitude in the earth who are yet feeding the beast of the Great Whore. And one by one the mighty swords of living flame forged of Kundalini fire are used to cut these tentacles of the beast that reach into every avenue of human life. And children of the Sun are cut free as saints hallowed hover in the community of light and cherish their oneness more than all other gain—earthly, material.
Children of the Sun, there is now the turning of this great line of fire whereby that which is in heaven comes into earth and that which is in earth accelerates in ascension spiral. Let all of you then who have dwelled in lower reaches of the earth rise to inner light of the heart and to upper chakras and live in the place of the all-seeing Eye of God.
Thus we forge the capstone of the Pyramid. And from that capstone and from that meditation in the heart of God, in the heart of resurrection flame, in the heart of the Pyramid and in the heart of the all-seeing Eye we let down our light, we let down our ladder, we let down our line of force and the children of light may climb to highest mountain of internal Being.
Realize that it is an ancient saga. Realize this moment and understand that in the turning of cycles indeed our beloved Portia is the instrument—through one and all—of the light of justice. I said, the light of justice!
O worship the light of God and perceive in that God-manifestation the purity of freedom, the purity of justice, the purity of truth, the purity of love, the purity of perfect peace by wisdom’s flame.
O light of God, Thou whom we adore in the heart of the Word, even in the heart of the Ancient of Days, come now to rest and bring a little bit of heaven into these hearts and into hearts of Ireland and hearts of the people of Poland. We bring light to all people this day, but we concentrate our ray upon deadly serpents and their death cult.
Like Vivien they are born of death out of death and they can only return to death. And in their coursings among the bright stars of the firmament they determine to steal the light of sages and of magus.
O beloved ones, I AM in the inner light that is the key of alchemy. I have come for wrapping up of this quarter of Summit University. I have come for sealing of lightbearers. I have come for a sign unto all who are of the body of God. I have come for a sign unto all Keepers of the Flame.
Realize that with the coming of Portia there is a major turning of consciousness in Earth. Those who accelerate, those who determine to be wise in the garnering of the flame of chakras, those who determine to be the ones sent to hold a single light of justice will know the very experience of marriage of the Lamb, the wedding unto light. And they will also know the war of sons of light and sons of darkness.
Let all who are attached to things ephemeral and temporal be non-attached. Let go! and enter into the joy of fulfillment of prophecy and the preordained fullness of love.
Let all enter into a cosmic cycle and follow its turning as a golden spiral of golden ratio. Let all enter the fiery coil and follow it to the Sun. I AM Saint Germain. I bid you enter into the heart of Lanello. I bid you recognize a moment unprecedented to increase light within your temple, to tarry and keep the flame of Camelot that the king who never dies might truly amplify God’s will in America and with you keep the vigil of purity’s vow.
I hold Excalibur. And I AM the turning of a mighty sword. Let it be reminiscent of the flaming sword of Eden and cherubim who keep the way of the Tree of Life within you.
Sometime, somewhere it must be. Now is the time. This is the hour and place. [Intonation]
-Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot, L.A. on December 7, 1980, Pearls of Wisdom 23:52
Now let the light of Elohim come forth! The circle of blue flame encircles the Earth as the belt of the Great Divine Director.
We are come in the oneness of fiery core of Alpha and Omega in response to the call of the Great Divine Director. We come then wielding the sword of blue flame and circle of blue-white lightning for action of the arresting of spirals of all that opposes the victory of the Cosmic Virgin incarnate in every man, woman and child upon this planet.
So you have heard of the Luciferian ones. You have heard of fallen ones and that many have been brought to judgment in recent months. Now comes the judgment of the Great Whore and impostors of the Divine Mother and impostors of Kali and Durga and Mother Mary and all who implement the will of the Cosmic Virgin.
Now judgment is spoken this day and action of Astrea goes forth to bind the Great Whore, bind the Great Whore, bind the Great Whore! It is done in the name of the living Christ by the action of Purity and Astrea according to judgment and justice this day implemented by the Four and Twenty Elders! Those impostors of the feminine beings of Hierarchy, those whose time has come, must go to the Court of Sacred Fire for judgment in this hour.
Now let it be known that freedom of the Divine Mother in all is a resplendent victory when there is binding of all that is anti-Mother in this planetary body, a binding of all that is an insult to the Cosmic Virgin and use of the body of Cosmic Virgin in advertising, in pornography, in activities of lust that belie the Creator and Christ incarnate.
In the name of the living God I stand before you to plant in this focus, in this city the action of Almighty God that releases judgments on the whoredom of this world. Now let it be known that those who go a-whoring after other gods—the idolators, those who are self-centered and worshiping lusts of the flesh, even Babylonians incarnated once again—they are judged and they are bound this day. And the fallen ones are bound, which is an indication of a great curtailment of their activities by the Great Central Sun Magnet, by action of Alpha and Omega.
Just as Antichrist attempts to usurp the throne of the living Christ in the seat of God-government in this and many nations so it is the Great Whore that usurps the position of the Divine Mother. Now this day she is dethroned, and legions of our angels and legions of Archangel Michael‘s band have seized those cohorts of fallen ones, those who actually caused what has been known as the fall of Eve and descent of energies of feminine ray. Now let them rise through the Mother! Now let those energies be restored to the children of light as lost inheritance usurped by those whose perversion of the Divine Mother is known as Babylon the Great.
Behold, Babylon is fallen, is fallen and the hosts of the Lord come forth with defenders of the light and great teams of conquerors and legions of angels from the God-star Sirius. And there is a cordon of lightbearers defending the Divine Mother and Mother- flame within each and every one of you and all who serve that flame with utter humility, devotion and purity.
Who has said that purity is impossible? I AM Purity! I stand before you in the living presence of the Elohim! We will not compromise the standards of the Great White Brotherhood or of Mother-ray! Let humanity conform to purity or let them give accounting this day. And let us see whose allegiance is on the side of cosmic virtue and alignment of Mother-flame for the victory of the age!
Yes, all mankind wait to see the Divine Manchild. They hope for the avatar. They hope for Christed ones to come forth and save them from their sins. But what price are they willing to pay? Will they pay with their impurities? Will they submit them to the flame? I say, toss them to me! I will take your impurities.
Have the courage to stand, face and conquer where you are! Life responds to a fervent, humble prayer. Life will not leave you bereft of support in time of trouble. And whitefire core of Mother-flame within you, when called upon, will magnetize an electrode of the Great Central Sun and action of Purity and Astrea to raise your energies and to anchor them in the all-seeing Eye of God for the immaculate vision of victory.
Without vision the people perish, and they perish hither and yon throughout the globe for want of purity. For mankind have not the energies of the Divine Mother to center in the third eye for return to wholeness, for they have consumed them upon their lusts! Now let it be known that the Great White Brotherhood will not tolerate abuse of sacred fire on this planetary body!
I AM Purity. I AM Astrea. And the call goes forth! Let the demons tremble! And let those quake who consider that they perform their actions that are a compromise of living truth in secret. I say, that which is done in secret shall be shouted from the housetops. For this is the year of judgment not only of fallen ones. It is the judgment of lightbearers as well.
Therefore bring your fruits, bring your accomplishments to the altar of the Lord. And if you are found wanting, be willing to face the Word and penalty. Be willing to invoke the light to replace the darkness. God is a merciful God. He is no tyrant.
I AM the action of that rod and I AM thrusting that rod into the very heart of the Earth! Let man conform to the Law of inner being, and let men and women know that the Law cannot be flaunted, that you cannot go against that Law with impunity.
So then as Moses delivered the Ten Commandments to the recalcitrant children of Israel we come forth! If you would have purity, then invoke Astrea. If you invoke Astrea, then see that you be purity! For Astrea will not answer if you invoke that light and then forsake virtue.
What is purity? Purity is wholeness. Purity is love of the Cosmic Virgin. Purity is loyalty to the cosmic honor flame, loyalty to your own soul blueprint, the placing of the I AM Presence first, last and always, and the ego and its selfishness, the tyrant with its tirades nowhere. It has no place in the Hierarchy of the ascended masters or their chelas.
I come with the fire of Kali and this is the action of the Divine Mother! This is the understanding of fierceness of Cosmic Virgin that slays the demons on behalf of the Divine Manchild within you.
Know you not that the consuming of sacred energies of the Great White Brotherhood, which are given to you, in those activities that are not of the Christ exacts from your soul a frightful karma and a frightful penalty? You cannot take the light of the Brotherhood and turn it into darkness for selfish aim.
Come clean then! Come clean in heart and soul! And be loyal unto truth and see that spoken word and action are loyal to the truth of every man and woman. I say, shatter those momentums of darkness, of pride, that desire for revenge that will keep you in a perpetual round until you become dog-eared by your round in time and space.
I tell you, this is the moment of grace. This is the moment to break through to the door of reality. This is the moment when ascended master truth is available. Eat while the table is set, while the food is hot, for the Cosmic Virgin has prepared the feast. Take care then that you are not hungry in days of famine. For the cycles move; assuredly they move. This is the height of abundant flow of cosmic wisdom. Apply it and be free. Those who tarry will face the consequences.
We have come with that purpose of the binding of the Great Whore. This is on the scale of the macrocosm. Now we say, those who would be rid of the Great Whore within as perversion of Mother- chakra, submit it on the altar now silently within your heart. Release that energy in the name of Christ, and it will be taken according to your will and your sustainment of that will day by day.
You are the creator of your own carnal mind. Do not blame it on the fallen ones! You accepted that carnal mind. Now you kick it out! The same is true with every perversion of Mother-flame. You created it. None other than you can be rid of that force.
Because you are a creator, a preserver and a destroyer you can also do the same again so that even if that force is taken this day, you can
re-create it by your recalcitrance. Would you wander again forty years in the desert wilderness? I say nay! There is not time.
The Elohim come forth! We have other planets and evolutions whose salvation is nigh. We will not forever toy with mankind. We are here! And let none dare challenge this presence or this Messenger. We are here in the flaming presence of reality. This day you are graced by the causal bodies of Elohim who have existed aeons and aeons beyond your own creation or your soul’s descent into form. Therefore I say, respect Hierarchy and respect this release!
Now then let the circle and sword go forth! Let that Great Whore be bound in each and everyone who will submit it!
Blaze the light of Astrea! Blaze the light of Purity! I AM the all-consuming fire. I AM the vortex of living flame that draws into the center of God by action of the Great Central Sun Magnet all that is less than the Cosmic Virgin within you. So be it.
Some of you retain impurities in the cells and atoms and molecules of the four lower bodies. These will surface and go into the flame with prayer and with fasting, with continued invocation to the circle and sword of blue flame. See then that you understand that all of dross cannot be skimmed off. This is a refining process, it is ongoing. Each day when the Sun dawns behold a new likeness of thyself in form, changing day by day, dying unto the old man and living unto the new. This is your calling. This is your opportunity. Be free, O cherished ones!
I AM in the fire of Mother-flame within you. I release that fire for your own good. I AM the discipline of the Law. Without fanfare, without fancy I come, and I possess two objects only—a sword of blue flame, a circle of blue flame. I have surrendered all else unto God. God has returned unto me these implements for your freedom. Take them; be free; call them forth for all humanity and know that every precious moment counts for the victory!
I AM Purity and Astrea. I AM free. Will to be free and you shall. -Elohim Purity and Astrea, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on May 25, 1975, in San Diego, Pearls of Wisdom 58:16
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