Friday, December 2, 2022
on fine-tuning and schism
I believe that idolatry within the community or the movements of the ascended masters has in past activities caused schism and downfall and eventual crumbling of the structure. It was true, beloved ones, in decades gone by in organizations sponsored by Saint Germain or El Morya or Kuthumi that various individuals became as figureheads, seen as special or as having more power, more light, more spirituality. The15 more24 they22 were24 set8 apart20 the15 more24 they22 played27 the15 part19 (=225=5 x seen special45). -Lanello, Pearl 27:35
Beloved hearts, this nation belongs to God and to His people. Let strife cease from among those who love me, one and all! I send the mandate of Alpha and Omega. And by the power of the mandate of the Lord’s host I say, let them be bound! Bind therefore the demons out of the pits of hell who send division and schism in the churches and deny the true and living Word! -Jesus Christ, Pearl 27:31
May we give to all life, O God, Thy experience in all creation, and make the pathway light and fruitful and victorious for those whose hands we clasp this day—the blessed children of the world who hold the hands of the Divine Mother and make a circle of strength and joy and laughter around the whole wide world, nation by nation. No division or schism, no understanding of hatred—only the oneness of the children of light. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 27:328
I say, in the name of Saint Germain, let this body of God, universal and triumphant, be healed of all schism caused by fear and doubt! I have decreed it, O beloved. Will you accept it? [”Yes!”]
Will you receive me into your heart that I may abide there forever as the living flame of hope? [”Yes!”] -Archeia Hope, Pearl 30:4
And therefore I move with the Messenger, giving my strength and support from higher octaves; and from the ascended level I may also gladly use her outreach to call my own, my sisters and brothers, the religious, the priests, brothers, devotees of holy Church who do not understand the schism within that has to do with interior corruption and uncleanness and violation of sacred fire and psyche by introduction of all manner of modern techniques, whether of self-hypnosis, hypnosis or psychology and all manner of deviations practiced by the priests themselves. -Saint Therese of Lisieux, Pearl 31:39
In reaction to the oppression of the dominant minority Toynbee says the people withdraw their allegiance to their leaders and no longer seek to imitate them. This schism between the people and their leaders marks the disintegration of civilization and heralds an epoch in which it is no longer able to adequately respond to challenges. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 31:9
My Beloved Sons and Daughters,
I reenter the physical octave through the blessedness of thy being, thy desiring to know the truth, to study the truth, to be the truth.
Hail, O Thou Cosmic Christ! Lo, I AM THAT I AM Maitreya. I call my Sons, Lords of the Seven Rays: Make thy Presence known here! Let the trees, the rock, the frozen earth and stream know the warmth of thy compassionate Presence.
O my beloved Seven, O Lord [the Maha Chohan], thou who art the Representative of the Holy Spirit, welcome then and welcome thine own students, for they have truly desired to enter in.
Therefore the golden fount of illumination’s flame is seen to dance as flames licking the hillsides, and an aurora of golden light pulsating does create an atmosphere of a Sun Presence as though the Earth were already a Sun-star–and the indigo blues of the night and the power of the first ray and the sparkling and bursting of fireworks within.
Blessed hearts, it is a celebration of Earth by elemental life who come to meet you, to welcome you to their land, to their place where they are nurtured by the Divine Mother. And the etheric octave and the retreat of Lady Master Venus does draw nigh as you yourselves have somewhat entered the etheric octave of your being.
It is good then to commune in love and to prepare to enter the equations of the teaching of the path. Thereby to be forewarned is to be forearmed, and in being forearmed, beloved, you shall be truly prepared to meet the Adversary within and without and to meet me on the way of forest path, mountain fastnesses and in the heart of the valley and the hearth of home and fire.
Welcome, ye! Welcome, all who have determined to gather on the mount! Let those who have come for lesser reasons be purged of their lesser reasons, for I, Maitreya, quicken a golden illumination flame in every heart who has come. This flame must be expanded else it shall decrease. To increase illumination as illumined action does rid oneself of grumpiness51 of12 human21 ignorance50 (=134=2 x 67) that stubs its toe or thumb for want of inner equilibrium of illumination’s golden plume.
The gentleness of those out of the East and those from ancient civilizations is apparent. Now you see in the realm of the second ray so many hearts at so many levels a part of this thoughtform of the year–the bodhisattvas, the blessed students and disciples, all then having locked within their hearts the divine image of Buddha; and Buddha the smiling one, the meditating one, does twinkle his eyes in a merriment then.
Do not take yourself too seriously, he says. Do not be too seriously burdened with all illusions in the world. Though they be strong illusions it is well to pause to remember they are not real, nor all the engines of war or rumors thereof. They are not real but only set in place as props, as bad dreams that those who see and knowr eality might draw the sword and pierce that set, that backdrop in life and in so piercing it excise all poisons and manipulations of those fallen ones. They cannot stand unless some believe they are real. Thus evil has no permanent reality except the reality given to it.
We come as withdrawers, this may be our name. Withdrawers all, our aim. Withdraw the light from the fight, there is no fight! Bind the darkness in its way, it cannot hold sway! There is a moment of joy in the release of light from all of your chakras at the point and the place prepared.
Blessed hearts, these hordes of darkness do tremble at the gentle footsteps of Lord Confucius, Lord Lanto; and my own Presence does cause them to fall back in dismay and faint as the Holy Ghost may therefore judge them in the Presence of the Cosmic Christ. They are breathless, for there is no breath of life save that from the Maha Chohan. For they have already ruined their breath by noxious weeds of Earth.
O uncommon light, O uncommon ones, I, Maitreya, salute you, for thou hast come long, long way from the days of Lemuria! Throw off thy weariness in the long trek of thy return. Thou art home. Thou art home in light and illumination’s glow as the fire in the heart of the mountain does set the backdrop for the Buddha of the Ruby Ray.
Look then on inner plane at the mount you have called Himalaya –it looks as though the entire side of the mountain should open as a vast door; and in the heart of the mountain is a blazing illumination’s flame and seated in this flame, beloved, is the transparent Buddha of the Ruby Ray. How beautiful!
And therefore all inside the mountains of Earth, those which have been chosen by the Gods, there are manifestations of light unknown and unheard of. Yet the waters under the Earth and the fires therein, the heat that has been sealed, all these receive the charge and vibration of the holy ones of God. Earth conceived in holiness has been rendered profane by fallen ones, but we shall endure in holiness and love.
I take from you then if you will release it, wrong desire. I release in you an upward mounting spiral of illumination’s flame intertwining with resurrection’s flame. Therefore let all energies of thy being mount and rise and spiral in this hour.
Welcome to the Mystery School, called in the outer Summit University. But within, beloved, as depicted in the Roerich painting on the covers of The Lost Teachings of Jesus, there is that inner gathering, there is that inner oneness in the secret place of the rock, in the secret place of the crystal cave, in the inner dwellingplace.
Therefore enter the chakra of the eighth ray–the eight-petaled chakra, secret chamber of the heart–the heart of the mountain, the heart of Himalaya, and know that in planes slightly above the physical there are pathways to be entered. And there is a coursing of tunnels and caves and compartments within Earth’s crust that have been prepared for thy meditation one upon one with the beloved Buddha.
Therefore I make my trek now to the heart of the Inner Retreat, physically there, and in the etheric Western Shamballa I bow before the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha, who welcomes me and all members of this Community to an era of enlightenment unprecedented in an era of outer darkness that has not been exceeded.
Thus we keep home- fires burning, and the warmth of our love, the kindling fire of our wisdom does return to you, beloved, the spark of divine consciousness and divine intelligence which was thine in the beginning and has atrophied, whereby the fullness of its use is not thine own in this hour.
I shall seal my delivery with you then by inviting you to decree with me for golden illumination’s flame that you might have the momentum of my Presence on the path of overcoming.
Being the Coming Buddha then I am come into your temple. Just as there is prophesied in the West the Second Coming of Christ so there is prophesied in the East the Coming of Maitreya. The significance is the descent of the Buddha who is Cosmic Christ into your heart. It is not delayed, it is ready.
I AM here, beloved. I would enter. As the chamber is emptied and then filled again, emptied and then filled again by fire breath of illumination’s flame, know that in your process of processioning through the inner canyons of being, mounting then the spiral staircase to the heart I am with you, and in a moment of recognition [we experience] divine awareness of we two in the heart of hearts communing.
Thus develop the listening ear, the all-seeing Eye of God, the sensitivity of touch and breathing in of sacred breath. Develop all senses as spiritual senses, thereby sharpening the outer, and let the fire of the Divine Mother rising consume all unnecessary bag and baggage of a self, a former self, that the Self that is yet to be might be entered into and known by the soul.
Thus upon you are placed now, one and all of this Community and those who study with us in this hour the neophyte’s golden robe, a simple, natural garment the color of a golden yellow. Thus wear it with joy on inner levels and be unencumbered by any other necessity of adornment.
You will see then at inner levels and on etheric octave devotees of the Buddha. Some of these are out of their body in hours of sleep, some have risen to etheric octaves.
Blessed hearts, many of the Tibetan Buddhists pause to listen to my message to those of the West. These are disciples who always enter the etheric octave or chambers of the mental belt. They have sustained a pillar of my flame. See what has come upon them–the hordes of night and those who have become so by vicious indoctrination of Mao’s Communism and that even more fanatical than that of Western Communists.
Blessed hearts, know then that when the pillar of fire is raised up there must be an inner chamber and ability of soul to rise to etheric octaves. Thus we count this mystery school as opportunity of all souls gathered here to master the science of the Word and therefore to deliver the death blow and death knell to every force of evil that has moved against our temples, our mystery schools and our retreats.
For the Lord God Himself has decreed: They shall not pass! They shall not pass! Rather that the Earth itself should not endure than levels of our disciples again and again be brutalized and massacred, tormented and tortured and the light put out of our Community.
Thus from the heart of Alpha, from the heart of the Lord God is your sign and authority to demand the judgment of all those seed of the wicked embodied in Earth who have persecuted in church and state the children of the Sun that they be bound and judged by angels of light. This authority to call forth their judgment, beloved, is given to you from your beloved Alpha. Take it then.
Have mercy, O God within you! Have mercy, O God within you! Have mercy, O God within you, for the Tibetans who have held a tradition unto my coming!
Blessed hearts, see to it that these, these, these shall not have died in vain. And therefore stand in the Earth in this hour to redeem their name, their service and their life by call of judgment upon all those who have agreed to their takeover, including those in the United States, the President thereof and the Department of State. I say, that Department of State is also judged, whereupon let the woes be on them and all who are with them in vibration!
I, Maitreya, say there is room in the Earth for me. Thus there is no room for Antichrist.
My hand is raised. Let your right hand also be raised, and by the power of the great call let the judgment descend. I decree it once. I decree it twice. I decree it thrice. Let them be bound and let it be by the fullness of the intensity of the mind of Buddha in all disciples of light.
Therefore pray with me now for golden illumination’s flame to pierce the night of ignorance and quicken hearts to defend their victory. There are those who take their stand to defend freedom. I say, Defend your victory in the heart of the Cosmic Christ!
(Please take your decree books. Decree number 20.13. Together:)
In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, Holy Christ Selves of all Earth’s evolutions, beloved Alpha and Omega, beloved Helios and Vesta, beloved Great Central Sun messengers, all cosmic beings, powers, activities, and legions of light, beloved God and Goddess Meru and all who serve Illumination’s flame, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life–fire, air, water and earth! I decree:
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Expand thy light through me today! (3x)
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Transmute all wrong Illumination’s way! (3x)
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Direct our youth into action God’s way! (3x)
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Illumination’s flame, fore’er hold sway! (3x)
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Illumine the Earth by Christ-command! (3x)
Golden flame from the Central Sun, (3x)
Thy beauteous power I now demand! (3x)
Take dominion now,
To thy light I bow;
I AM thy dazzling light,
Golden flame so bright.
Grateful for thy ray
Sent to me each day,
Fill me through and through
Until there’s only you!
I live, move and have my being within a mighty pillar of Illumination’s golden flame from the heart of God in the Great Central Sun and my very own individualized Mighty I AM Presence, beloved Alpha and Omega, beloved Helios and Vesta, and all who serve God’s victorious golden light radiance which blesses and heals, illumines and seals me and all mankind forever in the light of God that never, never, never fails.
In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Mighty Victory, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life–fire, air, water and earth! I decree:
I AM the golden victorious light, the full-orbed flame of Illumination from the heart of God that refuses to accept any concept of limitation concerning my eternal reason for being here and now made manifest in the chalice of the present hour.
I AM the radiation of that victory which sweeps across the face of the Earth, removing barriers by the power of faith that will not be denied its immortal birthright.
I AM the flame of Illumination that sweeps all continents, awakening peoples of every walk of life from the lethargy and sleep of the ages to a vital, breathing awareness of the wisdom that transcends dogma, sense consciousness and personality functions, threading the eye of the needle with the thread of light-determination whose sewings upon the garments of the Lord of Creation produce elevation, consummation, radiation, purification and freedom for every man, woman, and child upon this planet.
*O world, awake,
Your dusty selves now shake;
Purify and rectify,
New ways of thought to make! *(10x)
Out of the One,
Thou, God, hast spun
All of the races of men.
By Thy great Law
Do Thou now draw
All to their God-source again.
Take away hate;
By love abate
All mankind’s vicious intent.
ShowThy great power
Every hour
Of love and compassion God-sent.
divine love sending forth
The wonderful feeling of true divine healing,
Unguents of light now sealing
All of the schisms of men.
Stop all division!
By God-precision
love is the hallowed law–key.
Ultimate peace,
Make all war cease,
Let the children of men now go free!
Stop mankind’s friction,
All their predictions
Tearing bless’d heart from heart.
By God-direction
Produce now perfection
In Thy great family–one heart.
And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
Did you hear the affirmation “Beloved I AM”? You are saying, I am belov’d of God. Beloved, I AM. Beloved, I AM. Beloved, I AM. If I am the beloved of God and you are the beloved of God, then we are one in the divine All. In this oneness of consummate Being know that I shall give thee to drink of the same fount from which I gave Jesus to drink.
Therefore, beloved, enter in to the mainstream of cosmic life and put behind thee the past streams of consciousness that no longer are useful or fruitful.
In the heart of the yellow rose I AM and I remain Maitreya!
Vajra! Vajra! Vajra!
January 2, 1988 at the Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 31:6
So you see, beloved ones, when you know that the circle is drawn and the solar ring is around you and [that] we seek to enforce the presence of the Great Central Sun Magnet within that [ring] for the drawing of the souls of light, not only is it unkind but it is unmerciful to the Lord God and sponsoring Hierarchy to allow to remain those whose violation of the Law of Community has produced the schism, the breach that we call inharmony. -God Harmony, Pearls of Wisdom 32:53
In their anger and in their hatred, beloved, [the fallen ones] have caught the disease of insanity. It is indeed a pity when they could have taken the light and applied it [to healing the spiritual schism they have created between themselves and their own divine reality] and moved on to their own spiritual victory. You may know, beloved, that those who oppose the light do so truly under the agency of the powers of darkness who have never bent the knee before the living God or his Christ. -Morya, Pearl 33:35
So shall it be that Christ shall descend into your temple with such fanfare. For all heavenly hosts do gather on the day when, as Above so below, the will of God does fulfill all things in you and you fulfill all things in the will of God; and therefore Christ is come to reign forever and forever in the temple of the living God that you have consecrated totally unto him.
I AM Jesus. I AM the one who was and is and yet shall be in your life. You have known me always as I have known you. Therefore come into my sacred heart this day, for I would take you to my heart and deliver you from the burdens of death and hell. (Now then be seated in the lotus of the cosmic heart.)
You have welcomed me as Brother. Some have called to me as Lord and Savior. I am grateful for your true acceptance in the most profound reaches of your being of my lifestream, for thereby I may serve you this day and unto your victory.
I too have heard all the words that have been spoken [at this conference] and the admonishments. But I have desired with a profound desiring of myheart to be able to give you a gift of myself this day though it may not have been earned. Therefore I have appealed to my Father-Mother God to allow me to bear the karma of this gift should you misuse it.
Beloved ones, I have asked for another opportunity to save your souls even when some of you would not be saved and have forgotten to make the call for [your] salvation from the very dregs of your own human consciousness, multiplied as they are by forces from beneath.
Therefore, beloved, you have been told of the testing within the pyramid at the two-thirds level. You have been told of the initiation of the heart. I, Jesus, have come to you as your true Friend and Comforter. Do you suffer burdens of soul and separation from life because you have not known a true Friend or a true Comforter or because you are smarting from the wounds inflicted by those who have been enemy or betrayer? I bid you receive me now as Friend and let my Friendship be to you the healing of all that has not met your expectations.
I come to you as Comforter. Be comforted then! For you see I can fill all of the vacancies and hollowness and hollowed-outness. I can fill the body temple with our love.
Now you must decide if you would have me as your Friend and as your Comforter; for the decision involves, beloved, your commitment, your desire to let go of all other hurts, [all negative] encounters [of this world] that have become excuses not to embrace your own Holy Christ Self.
I come as someone you know or ought to know from your readings and prayers. I come as someone who extends beyond all time and space, offering indeed my hand of friendship.
Do you understand my point, beloved? I will make it very clear: if you can so receive me, then the very process of receiving me will involve the letting go of all other persons, considerations and experiences that have led to disappointment and sorrow and vacancy, disillusionment, cynicism, despair.
You have been as Diogenes with his lantern seeking an honest man, seeking an honest friend, but always seeking someone to adorn the needs of the lesser self, someone to comfort the human. These you have called friend and comforter until the day when they did turn and rend you.
Such is the carnal mind. Do not be so dismayed or hurt. Dogs bark and lions roar and leopards have their spots. Therefore know the characteristics of that with which you deal and know that until the individual attains union with God there is that potential for carnal-mindedness and potential to be used against the aspiring lightbearer.
Thus I tell you, ere you can receive me in the offering of myself you must desire to have the kind of friend that I am, the kind of comforter that I am. If you are ready for such a friendship and such a comfort then, beloved, you need not go back to revolving old records that keep you bound to the world of nothing and the not-Self, that keep you from the marriage to the Bridegroom.
And so, beloved, you will come to the place–indeed you must if you would accept my gift–of no longer desiring this type of satisfaction but truly desiring the God-satisfaction of the true path and true Friend and true Comforter. Your own willingness to accept me or lack of it will reveal to you just how much you are attached or unattached to all that has gone before.
Now then I offer you my friendship and the presence of my comfort to this end [that I may] give you the gift that can be received only from Friend and Comforter.
The gift, beloved, is a magnificent portion of resurrection’s flame that I desire to place in your heart this day that you may bank the fires of heart with this sacred fire of resurrection’s flame and use it to balance and expand that threefold flame and use it to increase the Christ heartflame unto the day and hour of your testing at the two-thirds level of the pyramid, which is the point where resurrection flame does burn.
But the resurrection flame, beloved, is a manifestation of threefold flame that has begun to rotate and to turn. The resurrection flame is an accelerated version of the rainbow flame of God. The resurrection flame is a mother-of-pearl radiance. And so, you see, in order to have it, in order to meet the initiation of that level you must have balanced your threefold flame; for there cannot be rotation of the flame when [the three plumes] are unequal.
Thus you see the dilemma that I have perceived regarding your soul’s meeting of the tests that are down the path and down the dates from this moment. How can you pass the test of the two-thirds level [of the pyramid] if you have not balanced a threefold flame and thereby established within yourself a co-measurement of resurrection’s fire?
It is not possible, beloved. And though you serve and work and meditate and invoke light for this purpose, the balancing of threefold flame does also involve balancing of karma that has caused it to be out of kilter. You cannot suddenly raise up the blue plume in proper proportion to the other two if you have not balanced karma of abuse of power and of will of God and if you have not understood the causes of your misuse of the first ray. And you can only gain an understanding of those causes if you will pursue the study of your psychology.
Therefore in addition to the courses already set forth for the summer and fall we must emphasize the study of one’s psyche, or soul, in ever-increasing depths of intensity. Therefore let those come to Summit University who are fed up with schisms and wish to cut right through and reach that point of Christ- realization.
Seeing the causes, beloved, is the most of the victory. [First is] seeing the causes. Second is the desiring to be rid of them and their effects. And third is the will, the absolute God-will in you that says “I will do it! And I will do it now! For nothing is impossible to me in God.”
Thus I am truly sent. And for thousands of years I have been sent as the Savior. Now you may understand the meaning of Savior and go and do likewise and also be the Savior as God would use you as savior unto many souls.
When you recognize the dilemma of a loved one and the place where that loved one needs to be in consciousness to fulfill his duty to the law of his God Presence, and yet that one though sincere is not able and is overcome by his own depressions and despair, and you see that the heart-chakra is not cleared and the flame is not balanced you will have the desire that I have, which is to bear some burden of the karma of that one, to impart resurrection flame and to be willing to stand before God and say “I will sponsor that one as Guru for chela. And therefore I know that it is I who will pay the price if the gift is misappropriated.”
This is the meaning of the Guru-chela relationship. May you indeed “love one another as I have loved you.”
Study the equation, beloved. The disciple cannot rise in the disciple’s present state, yet the disciple must rise if there is to be salvation. Enter the Savior who does say“I will make up the difference. And I will pray fervently [for that one] and stand for that one to reach for that difference even when that one does not contain the ability in the present moment to do so.”
The very gift itself imparts the ability to fulfill dharma of the moment. And therefore the Guru must believe in the chela that if the chela had this much more of the divine substance and energy and quickening, that chela would rise, would respond to the gift, would maintain a consciousness of gratitude even when ingratitude of the past has not been transmuted.
Do you understand, beloved, why it is love and love alone that will sustain this relationship and the path itself? For if the chela be not able, then that which will make the difference in the chela’s striving will be the chela’s absolute love for Guru. This love becomes an adoration. For, beloved, in the Guru the chela sees the Savior and knows that without that Guru he cannot move forward. It is as though he were locked in the box of his own thinking and feeling world, had lost the key and were about to perish!
Beloved, called by God to be a Savior unto all, I cannot leave that calling. I know this is the finish of this age of Pisces and it is an hour when the vast majority of the population of the planet must receive their full karma. But I have asked for and received this opportunity to assist you by asking that I might help those who are students of the ascended masters on the path, who could hear my message, who could know of my offering of friendship and comfort and of the gift of a portion of resurrection’s flame. [These] could then decide consciously whether or not to receive it honorably with fervent hope and faith, with fervent charity toward me and all, with determined effort to use the gift, even if one has not earned that gift nor quite attained the mastery to uphold it.
Yes, beloved, I would do this. And know that I do it not alone for you but in doing it for you I do it for the entire planetary home. For if this divine experiment should succeed mightily, you can understand how there might be thousands, counting all those who receive the Pearls of Wisdom, who should accept the proffered gift and ever thereafter be those who carry and multiply resurrection flame. And [they would be those] who multiply by that resurrection flame their own threefold flame [in order] to intensify and balance their gifts and graces and light of God with the intent to glorify our Father-Mother light, with the intent to “feed my sheep.”
Thus I have defined for you the purpose of the gift. [It is] to assist you to rise as I rose even from the place where I was entombed, that you might rise in stature before God in glorifying Him, letting all see your works and words and know that they truly shine as from the kingdom of God, remembering also that the gift is not unto the [human] self but a boost that the soul who is disciple might become apostle and shepherd.
There are many sheep this day whose souls are worthy yet who cannot receive me in this my offering. But as you do receive me they shall one day receive it through you even as you pursue the meditations of El Morya’s Ashram. As you direct that light God shall direct it to them. They shall be raised up, they shall be quickened and nothing shall stand between them and this path and this Teaching! They shall reach out and my angels shall deliver them. And they shall come into consonance with this harmony of those whom I have drawn from all races and kindreds and peoples, all nations of the Earth.
I have heard the call of the Lords of Karma. I have heard them in their “desperation.” I have sat in the Darjeeling Council meetings. I have heard Saint Germain and Portia. Beloved ones, every master and cosmic being has an offering of the heart, but I am the one whom God sent in the role of Savior. And those who would reach Maitreya, as you know, must come through my heart. It is a principle, beloved, of humility.
I do not desire that this be the Law, yet it is the Law; and therefore I desire the Law if you understand what I mean. And so as I have looked at many servants of God in the heaven world and beyond I have said “Truly I am the only one who can offer the gift that is the necessary gift, the practical gift, the gift that will work!” Therefore I have chosen to believe you in your prayers and your promises and your vows despite the karmic record.
I, Jesus, your Friend and Brother, I who occupy the office of Savior unto you until you can fully merge with the Christ that is your true real Self and ultimate Savior, I have come, beloved. And I have come that you might understand (for the Law requires that I say it) that if you forget the gift or neglect it or return to the ways of the misuses of the heart, I, Jesus, will pay the price; for I must bear that karma. In so doing, beloved, I will be deprived of helping others of the little ones who are yet the shorn lambs.
For you, beloved, are not shorn lambs. You have somewhat the garment of your Christ Self which you have woven with violet flame and sacred fire. Though [the garment be] not complete you may yet stand in the presence of these dictations without harm which in itself is many steps in the right direction.
This then, beloved, is my message today. I desire not to speak further to you. I would rather see you receive me in meditation and spoken word and in a rejoicing in my heart with yours and in a rejoicing in resurrection’s flame.
I only ask, beloved, that you will take this offering and remember that the Church that I have founded with Lord Gautama, the Church Universal and Triumphant, needs the offering of your heart, needs the offering to sustain its continuity. May this resurrection flame also provide you with the means to give what is necessary to the work of the Church in this hour. I am now in this moment withdrawing into the secret chamber of your heart. I shall abide there tending the threefold flame with your Christ Self, regulating and balancing this release of resurrection’s flame, which shall now be your portion if you accept it. And if you decide not to accept it, you may surely honorably decline.
Thus, beloved, the Spirit of the Resurrection from the Great Central Sun, Uriel and Aurora, Gabriel and Hope, angels of the resurrection come nigh. And as they come nigh, I desire that you should recite an Ashram ritual that you might retain this mode of communion with my heart, as I am in your heart.
I truly am Jesus, your Friend and Brother, your Comforter, your Healer, your Savior and your Lord if ye would confess me before God and man.
-via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 8, 1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 33:33
I come to offer you then the sphere of the ascension flame of my causal body. I come that you might touch the hem of the garment of the Dharmakaya. And I come that you might, by a process of transferal, release considerable quantities of pent-up energies, of schism in unconscious and subconscious realms. It is a moment when the fire of my ascension can consume much for you. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 33:18
I have come this day, surrounded by ring upon ring of angels of light, to personally deliver this message to you and this key. Understand that every other derangement of mind and schism of psyche and all problems that are dealt with one by one can be traced back to that moment when the individual did deny the worth of God and the worth of the true Self, which is God within himself. The fallen ones have convinced the individual that the lower self has nothing to do with the great God-Self, that it is sinner beyond sin, beyond forgiveness, beyond repentance.
-Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Pearl 34:43
Therefore the Divine Mother has come, and it is the hour prophesied when the Divine Mother comes as judge in the Earth. And now Her chelas and now Her sons and daughters shall fully embrace and embody Her, for there shall no longer be any schism between the psyche of the children of light and the sons and daughters of God and the Divine Mother. -Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, Pearl 34:7
I recommend then that you realize that once you have placed upon your heart-chakra a replica, a small replica of the Great Central Sun Magnet—once it is placed by your Holy Christ Self, the I AM Presence and the Solar Logoi who control that magnet—you then must maintain your harmony. For if you break your harmony once you have established the magnet over the heart, then you see, beloved, you have a schism and a discord in your world which means you have a rent or a tear in your garment. This may start the process all over again of the fragments of the soul drifting to farthest corners of the universe and you in your Christ Self having to go forth to bring them home or to rely on the Messenger to make this powerful call for you. -Ruth Hawkins, Pearl 45:31
In the coolness of the evening I am come. Welcome to my heart, beloved.
I come with a singular focus, and that is first to assist you as you earn your stripes under my sons the seven chohans and then to take you in the beginning steps to be an initiate of mine. This I long for, beloved. For when you truly have the Holy Spirit anchored in your temple, in your chakras, in your heart then you will know a new life, movement through the Earth that is in the light and of the light, a tenderness that is greater than any other tenderness that you could bring to bear upon life in any dimension. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter; therefore I come to comfort you.
I ask you to realize, beloved ones, that in any university, in any qualified place of higher learning you would also have to be subjected to the correction of your work, the correction of your assignments and you might have the opportunity to succeed or to fail. On the path to the ascension when you espouse an ascended master as your Guru and that Guru espouses you then, you see, you will be pummeled, and it is a word you have become familiar with. To be pummeled is to be changed by the alchemy of the sacred fire of the Holy Spirit. This alchemy cannot take place under any Guru unless you are willing—willing to receive that.
Think a moment, beloved, about your circumstance. You all have one thing in common: you are in physical embodiment. Why do you think you are not an ascended master? One of the reasons might be that you had too many trepidations about affiliating yourself with an unascended master or a Guru in your midst. But, beloved ones, if you were able to perfect yourself, if you were able to pick yourselves up by your own bootstraps, then why haven't you done it? Why aren't you ascended? Why are you still here?
I have seen you several thousand years ago (it seems as yesterday) and five and ten thousand years ago. The point here is if you reject the chohans and Messenger as Guru in this time, how will you know—how will you know, beloved—what part of yourself is unacceptable to God, though it be very much accepted by yourself? It is impossible to see oneself. That is why the structure of the Guru-chela relationship has gone on for tens of thousands of years.
The Lord said “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”I can also say that of you, beloved. For if there were an easy way to be transformed from mortality to immortality, it would have been discovered long ago and many would have made their ascension. But you require fine-tuning, and it is the fine-tuning of soul and mind and of heart and of desire body. This is what is necessary.
If you come in contact with an unascended Guru of the Great White Brotherhood—in the person of your Nessenger I speak—take advantage of it at any moment of the day or night, for you will always learn something. For through the presence of the Nessenger you will come to know yourself better and better. You will know, for you will have understanding from this your adviser when you are strong in the Lord, when you are strong in your path, when you are right on with your decisions. And you will also be informed when it is better for you to take another road, for the road that you are on will not lead you either to material abundance, to personal glory or even to success.
Sometimes it is necessary to ask to be taken where the Guru is so that you might abide for a time and discover the understanding, see through the pitfalls, the dense layers of ignorance, self-justification of the past.
I come to mention these things, beloved, so that you will understand that every chohan carries the flame of my heart—the love, the comfort and the compassion of the Holy Spirit. I come to tell you this, beloved, that you might understand that when you are sincere and diligent in overcoming self you must arrive at the place where the Guru awaits to help you complete the sculpturing of yourself until no longer do you see in yourself mortality but a few of its vestiges. Rather you embrace eternity and live in the flame of the Holy Spirit.
I have come then to see what graduates my seven chohans may have that I may take them on and accelerate them. So I am asking, beloved, if you think you are ready for chelaship under the seven chohans or the Messenger, make it known, beloved. Make it known to me in prayer that you would serve under me to finally unravel the schisms of self and the unknowing, the not knowing of what is the real, what is the unreal, what is the most important step you may take to enter permanently into the fires of Pentecost. My desire for you is to bring to you the marvelous disciplines of the Holy Spirit so that when you have that fire you will never misuse it.
Blessed ones, those who rise on a path of chelaship—when that option today is so available to you—ought to truly remember the one or two masters you have chosen among the chohans and then consider me. This is the reason I have come to this conference. I can make your lives and your future one great acceleration on the path of rising love, rising through the forests, through the mountains to the heights of the Himalayas. Many more of you are ready for this than conceive of it at all. Thus I tell you, you have that preparation whereby I may lead you onto paths that you would not discover on your own.
[The holy breath sounds.]
I send forth shafts of whitefire and of comfort flame to your hearts that I might assist you in melting and dissolving all hardness of heart that is come from diet or other levels of the four lower bodies, levels of intransigence, levels of saying “I will not submit to another. I will be on my way, for I know that I am capable of figuring out my reason for being and how to get there.”
Well, you may think you know, beloved, but thousands upon thousands of years ago unto the present, in systems far away from this solar system and galaxy, the Guru-chela relationship has been maintained even as in the situation that the Messenger spoke of today of the relationship of Surya and Cuzco. Imagine these God-free beings—imagine Cuzco declaring himself even the Chela of Surya. Most likely you would think if you had the attainment of Cuzco you would not have to go pitter-pattering off to your Guru asking permission for this and that. Well, there is far, far more to this relationship, beloved. It is when the Guru and Chela covering vast space are able to hold the balance not merely for solar systems and galaxies but for vast components of the matter cosmos.
Realize then that the initial initiations are difficult. The Messenger will be first to tell you that. These initiations are serious. And if you do not pass them it is costly—costly to the chela, costly to the ascended masters. For we are always dealing with the cudgel of time, and sometimes time is not as important to you as it should be!
I trust the Messenger's lecture on “to be or not to be” will be digested by you. For if you are to choose to be or not to be, then I recommend that you surely seek one who can convince you that there is every good reason why you should be rather than not be.
Thus in this hour when your auras are reflected against the backdrop of vast space and many evolutions may behold you as you are here so, many may see the progress you are making and will continue to make.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit come to the disciplined ones. All things in God must be disciplined, for the order of cosmos is truly, truly magnificent. None do enter in unless they have paid their dues of light unto the God of Light.
Thus you understand why so many are left in incarnation—simply because they do not bend the knee. Blessed ones, it is very important to bend the knee and to do so swiftly. It is important to be humble. It is important to love and still love unto the fulfillment of your mission and your transition into the octaves of light.
My fellow chohans and I bow before the light within you. We are here in your service. We are here to reinforce—to reinforce you with strength and all that you need to turn around negative spirals of portents in the astrology of nations. Contemplate, beloved, being a servant of God. Walk in the footsteps of Saint Francis and remember that our order here at Maitreya's Mystery School is the Order of the Brothers and Sisters of Saint Francis and Saint Clare.
In the magnificence of God we embrace you. Welcome to our hearts. We await your journey to our retreats where we will begin what you have been waiting for and perhaps having trepidation about—the entering into a solid Guru-chela relationship with the ascended hosts.
We await your knock on the door of our retreat. And we seal you now in the names of God. - Maha Chohan, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 6, 1996 at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Pearls of Wisdom 46:15
And therefore one does not make too much of the little mistakes that can cause insanity and division and schism in consciousness. If one is to acknowledge error as supremely real, then there is no hope….
Understand then that the line of attack is one of division, of schism in the home, of disturbance, of an unsettling of your love and of your forcefield. The attack comes against the economics of your life, against your job, your business, the flow of supply—anything that will tear down the possibility for the normal development of the holy Child. -Hilarion, Pearl 52:23, given December 30, 1974 at Anaheim
Would you defeat the dragon of World Communism? Then understand the psychology of death and the death wish carried by the fallen ones, which the Messenger has begun to explain to you today. Understand that that is the core and the seed of world cancer of Socialism that creates an insanity of the mind, a schism within the emotions, a distortion, like a horror chamber in the etheric body and ultimately the grayness and the stench within the physical body of the physical cancer itself. -Saint Germain, Pearl 59:2, January 1, 1979 at Camelot, L.A.
In our recent deliberations at the Royal Teton Retreat we have become concerned with schism among the lightbearers, with misunderstandings that have occurred due to ignorance of the Law. And we are concerned that those who have been given the Teachings of the Great White Brotherhood in this age have not kept that flame at a high pitch, carrying the torch and running with the torch. But rather But rather on11 many17 occasions35 they22 have18 stood19 by9 sitting35 on11 the15 fence24=216, as it were, waiting for something else to happen and always18 waiting38 for21 the15 next18 excitement46=156; 156+216=372=12x 31 almost as if watching a motion picture and eating popcorn on the sidelines, waiting for that next moment of action.
...When there is a failure to give obedience to Hierarchy, to the Law, to the flame, to the masters and to the Messenger, then there comes that inevitable schism in consciousness. And by the sword of the Christ Jesus himself there is the splitting of the four lower bodies and there is that manifestation that psychologists call schizophrenia. It is the split22-personality55=77. It is the dividing of the members of the household—half falling to the right, in the light of the Christ, and half falling to the left, resisting48 the15 hour26 of12 surrender50=151; 151+77=228=4 x Duffy clique, hypocrisy57. -Lanto, 62:39-40, given October 12, 1975 at San Francisco
using numerology: a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc.
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