Tuesday, December 6, 2022
on AI, artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence was recently chosen as the Biden admin US government mechanism monopoly system by executive order. Artificial intelligence could be termed “encoded” or even “mechanical” or “assembly line” or “mass mind” or even “humanoid,” “robotic”. Any of these terms could be used to mean roughly the same.
Let’s go back to Tim Berners-Lee around 1980 at CERN, Switz., figuring out via computer science how to do file-sharing amongst scientists there from many countries that would afford them some privacy, some independence, some convenience and room for their own creativity/perspective individually in their own offices. He did so and went on to html-code and then to the Boston area. He was from England and computer tech parents. England was where they first invented a computer to break the complex German WWII “Enigma” code. It was a do-or-die situation for England by latter 1943.
Now if humanity really is too stupid to run their own affairs, perhaps AI is the solution? German scientists had invented the supposed unbreakable Enigma machine of several rotating wheels with the code changing everyday. Both Polish and French intel and math people were exporing it, the British followed suit and ended up with a computer by necessity. Electronics like all other inventions is double-edged. Berners-Lee at Boston realized that file-sharing could be dual-structured: those who advocated putting it on a money basis could do so and those who preferred it being free and unchained as it were could do so. But in a world dominated by AI monopoly it’s not likely at all to be dual-structured, is it? It will be chained to money and possibly to privilege like in governiment security rating. After all why, one wonders, are forces pushing so hard their genetic engineering, their smart devices, their medical monopoly, education monopoly, media monoply, finance monopoly and so forth? Because humanity is too stupid and the privileged will make a nice Animal Farm for them, for us the laymen?
On election day 2008 when Obama won, that very evening a Lear jet aproached the Mexico City airport for landing. There was a passenger airline ahead of them on the runway approach path in. Everything apparently in order with experienced pilot and co-pilot and 2 very high Mexican gov. officials on board who were anti- drug cartels. The radar map of the event shows 2 hovering helicopters near the turn to the final landing run, just hovering, hovering as the Lear jet came closer to the turn. They are clearly marked on the radar map sequence-over- time that the Mexican gov. published. These 2 helicopters were not in the official investigation. They may well have gone off to Toluca, an airport not very far from Mexico City said to have been under cartels’ control. The interior minister was young and probably already the #2 guy in the Calderon government. Now how could the 2 helicopters have anything to do with matters? I don’t know exactly but one was closer than the other to the Lear jet. I am sure that electronic jamming devices can be very sophisticated and probably leave practically no trace. When the Lear jet did not slow down enough and drew basically too close to the airliner in front of it the control tower told the Lear jet cockpit. But could the Lear jet slow down is a key question, electronically could they? They did not and hit the wave turbulence which I think would be amplified by the right angle turn in the approach landing. The Lear jet went out of control and hit the Mexico City ground nearly vertically, all perishing aboard. Perhaps AI worked as planned that time.
This is the world we are in, increasingly so—so you know. The head of Dept. of Transportation and Communications was a guy, one Luis Tellez (2006-2011), with close connections to Kissinger and the NYC Establishment. Yeah. Why didn’t the Calderon gov. of Mexico investigate the 2 helicopters or why didn’t the US crash specialists investigate that? It’s like asking why longtime Establishment figure Allen Dulles more or less headed the JFK assassination investigation though he was an arch-opponent of JFK.
Now “covert” intelligence could also be used instead of “artificial” or one could use “privileged” or “Big Brother” as well, do you suppose? -r.
2d Session 110-833
September 9, 2008.--Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed
let us here state that there are individuals who proclaim that a mechanical method is in existence whereby mankind can literally raise the dead or themselves be raised by artificial means without the understanding and use of the Spirit of the resurrection and its divine processes. -Master Rakoczy, Pearls of Wisdom 8:4
The question of selecting a medium to express one’s art is easily resolved when one recognizes that there is a pattern basic and unique to every thing, to every idea, to every desire. The very desire to express inherent within every form of life creates and evolves its own progressive pattern which goes before it, providing the forcefield for its unfoldment. Naturalness in living–a quality which some seem to enjoy to the fullest and others, wrapped up as they are in an artificial existence, fail utterly to comprehend–is a state of non-resistance to soul-patterns inherent in man and nature. Naturalness in living as a quality of freedom is also a quality of beauty. But let men not confuse what we term the natural with base elements of man’s nature; for these are unnatural, whereas all that is pure and lovely, all that is of the Christ in man is truly natural because it is the true nature with which he was endowed by God. -Paul the Venetian, Pearl 15:8
How well you know how much you are composed of artificial chemicals and elements. This is my meaning: life has been distorted. And even the bodies you wear then in some measure are functioning below the level of the Elohimic creation.
-Elohim Arcturus, Pearl 28:3
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