Tuesday, December 6, 2022
they will leave children whose minds have been so scrambled, so confused, so turned around
Yes, beloved hearts, it is a diabolical misuse of the technology come again from Atlantis, which, [mark my words,] is a misuse that is going to destroy the youth of the world.
Blessed ones, at some level whether consciously or unconsciously those who are purveying these products for the eyes and ears and bodies of children know that they are destroying the children.
And thus the prophecy of Revelation does come to pass: “Woe to you inhabiters of the earth and the sea, for the devil is come down to you having great wrath!”
And this devil, beloved, this seed of the fallen angels, does go forth to make war against the seed of the Divine Mother. And the seed of the Divine Mother is the seed of Christ, and the seed of Christ is in every child and son and daughter of God.
Therefore the warfare is against those children who have the greatest light in the Earth and all of their peers and all of their generation who can be raised up if these little leaders in their time are protected that they might rise and bequeath to a world what God has given them to bring.
I pray God in you, I pray for your calls that this abortion will be stopped and that lightbearers destined to embody not only will be allowed to embody but will receive tutoring from your hearts….
It is a most serious hour in Earth’s history. For the fallen angels have determined that if they are going to be bound and taken for their judgment in this decade and coming decades, they will leave a scorched Earth, they will leave children whose minds have been so scrambled, so confused, so turned around that they will not be able to rise and claim the Earth for freedom. Yes, beloved ones, this is the plot of the fallen angels….
Thus, beloved ones, be so empowered and learn your lessons swiftly, for a world is waiting for your response!
I salute you in the name of Alpha and Omega, the Goddess of Liberty and the Lords of Karma. Go for it, ye sons and daughters of Liberty!
We are with you and we will do it!
Will you? [“Yes!” (36-second standing ovation)] -Sponsors of Youth from out the Great Central Sun, October 8, 1992 via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 35:59
The key to freedom then is to serve and search. But let the search not be a forced penetration of the mysteries of life but a beautiful expectancy that promotes discovery. One of the chief problems encountered by those who would discover the real Self is the human tendency to analyze. This method while scraping the soul bare also destroys its fabric. So delicate is reality that it must be left untouched by the hand of human reason. This is why Jesus made the statement “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” Their rewards are a scorched-earth activity that destroys both wheat and tares and leaves them comfortless. -Meru, Pearl 12:27
I come in the flame of the Holy Spirit that is the flame of your God-reality. To you who have passed through these halls of learning I say, look up and live! Look up unto your Mighty I AM Presence and live in sacred fire. And if there remain in you day by day in the midnight hour that which is unreal, that which will be scorched by the flame, to you I say, cast it aforetime into the fiery furnace that then when thou art called into that fiery furnace no thing of thee that is a part of thee can be consumed nor scorched nor [can it] retain even the smell of smoke upon it.
Now the moment is come, and the fourth angel descending from the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony doth pour out his vial upon the sun [upon the etheric plane, the plane of the fire element], and power is given unto him to scorch men with fire. And this is the sacred fire by which mankind are scorched with a great heat so much so that they blaspheme the name of God, the Almighty One, the only one who hath power over these plagues. And therefore, as it is written, they repented not to give Him glory. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 18:41
Lord Shiva lives on the summit of sacred Mount Kailasa in Tibet. He is pictured there both as a solitary ascetic and with his Shakti, Parvati. John Snelling, in his book The Sacred Mountain, recounts how Parvati contributed to the origin of Shiva’s third eye:
Legend describes [Parvati] playfully covering her Lord’s eyes as he sat in meditation on a peak of Himalaya. Instantly all light and life were extinguished in the universe until, out of compassion for all beings, the God opened his third eye, which blazed like a new Sun. So intense was its blazing that it scorched the mountains and forests of [the Himalayas] to oblivion. Only when He saw that the daughter of the mountain was properly contrite did He relent and restore her father [who is the mountain] to his former estate.
-ECP, Pearl 35:30
Victories are won in the concentrated whitefire core
Those who would ensnare mankind in the lies of the not-Self have taken the great impersonal Law of Being, the very truth of life itself and perverted that flame into the personality of evil. They skillfully entrap mankind into identifying with the mass consciousness and the veil of maya that enshrouds the planet in a garb of mourning. By and by individuals allow their chakras to become funnels for the flow of dirty energy that contaminates the rivers and streams of consciousness which make up the network of the mass mind and feeling body of a planetary evolution. Now the individual takes in and takes on vibrations that sustain the energy veil called evil and personalizes, through impure action and vibration, whatever aspect of this force and forcefield may be magnetized to his world through conscious and subconscious cycles of negative karma.
Therefore you must understand that as long as you disguise the errors of the past in modes of the human personality you yourself will always be guilty of personalizing evil. And then there follows the syndrome of shame and remorse for the evil that you have personalized through thought and feeling, word and action at the very point of reality where in truth God is realizing Himself in time and space independent of mortal folly. When the dawn cometh, when the Sun of being riseth and you behold the real Self free from contamination of sin, then the
whitefire core of being will soar as the dove of the flame of purity to consume the cause and core of both personal and impersonal error.
Understand, precious ones, that the sins which are common to the human race have been imposed upon mankind by fallen ones who have tattooed upon the subconsciousness the lie that man and woman are inherently sinful. As you approach then the altar of resolution, the eighth perfection of the Law, know that you must instill the clarity of truth as awareness of Selfhood and deprive the fallen ones of their booty by denying their claim to the personality of evil. In the absolute awareness of being there is only the personality of good. And this good is God in you the victor.
When you look upon the fallen ones who embodiment after embodiment have personified the energy veil you see in their faces the mark of non-existence, the grayness of the not-Self and you see the whited sepulchers hollowed by inharmonious spirits when they could have been hallowed by the Law of the one all-pervading Spirit. Mark well my words: when the unquenchable fire comes in the baptism of the Holy Ghost the chaff, as the seed of the wicked generation, is burned up in an instant and is no more.
Be free from the lie that evil is any part of your real personality, the personality of your soul. Recognize that this energy veil has been superimposed upon the Law of Being like a shroud, smothering the soul, preventing flow of the breath of the Holy Spirit that would daily cleanse and purify and renew life. Only when you take the sword of truth and pierce the many masks of human personality can you be rid of the contents of the mask–that erroneous consciousness which cannot exist outside the mold of human personality with its claim to reality.
Now then let us consider the perfection of resolution. This is the testing of the soul in its invincible awareness of the whole. How can you be resolute if you are not first founded on the rock of truth? How can you be immovable as the mountains of Lemuria, as the Himalayas and the Rockies, when you are uncertain of who you are, what you are, where you are?
To be firm, to be established in the Law of Being you must know identity as the I AM THAT I AM and you must proclaim yourself a devotee of the Buddha and, like Sumedha, a Buddha in the world to be. And those whose destiny it is to carve in the clay of consciousness the Madonna of the Lilies, to be the Mother of the World, the polarity of the Buddha, must also claim the I AM name as the flame of the Mother. To define the real Self and then to expose usurpations of the office of the real Self by the carnal mind, to dig them out fiercely–mercilessly–one by one and to refine step by step all that is contained in the hallowed circle of being that you call “myself”–this is to make progress on the path.
The path is a spiral moving to the center of the whitefire core. Many have not entered there for many incarnations. For while advancing on the track of the spiral that is the fire infolding itself they have come to a halt, a narrow pass in rocky heights. They have turned back. They have said: “The air is too refined. I cannot breathe the atmosphere of Spirit. The climb is too rigorous and my pack too heavy. I will tarry in this niche of consciousness and make the trek to the summit another time.”
The delusions of time and space have ever been the weapons of deception employed by the fallen one. And his emissaries will always tell the soul moving toward the center of being: “Another day, another year is suitable for the surrender. It is not necessary to put yourself under undue pressure. Remove yourself for a time from those fanatical ones, those devotees of the flame. Your path is not their path. There are many paths. Take it easy. Rest yourself along the way. You have earned and you deserve a much needed repose.”
This is the line of the fallen ones. And to it they add whatever line of reasoning appeals most to the rebellion and perverseness of the not-Self. They say: “Take time out from the path to indulge your family and your friends. For if you do not, they will curse you; they will leave you. And then you will be alone, and you know that you cannot make it alone.”
What will you answer when the lies of the wicked come like smoke seeping through the cracks in the window and underneath the door? If you inhale the stench of the Liar and lie, you will find yourself delaying the overcoming until you are overcome by the delay. For delay is the attenuation of energies that ought to be concentrated in the crucible. But he who is the flame of living truth has proclaimed, “Behold, I come quickly.” The trial by fire must be administered by angels of fire who quickly scorch human consciousness as angels of the harvest burn the stubble of the field to set soul free from the debris of carnality and clear the soil for a new sowing.
The swift and sudden coming of the lightning of the mind of God is the Lord’s instrument for those who would be victorious in the way of the tempter. For in the moment of victory an intensity of soul-fire must be sustained. And this sustaining of fire is intended to remain so and not to be dispersed; for once the fire is dispersed the ability to summon the full measure of strength required is lost and you must await another cycle for concentration of energies.
The fallen ones know that cycles of life according to the Law of the yang and yin are alternately for concentration of God-power in the masculine ray of the Godhead and then release of that power throughout the cosmic egg in feminine ray. Victories are won in the concentrated whitefire core of the masculine ray. Then comes the ritual of sustainment whereby the victory spans the cosmos with the light of joy as burst of life from the heart and feminine realization that I AM God here and now and everywhere.
Beware the fables of fallen ones. For they will taunt you and try to take from you, surely as I am the Buddha of the World, your firm resolve to be unshaken by boisterous44 winds24 that13 sweep23 across21 the15 sea7 to8 test10 the15 moorings47 of12 the15 tree21 (=275=5 x integrity55) planted on the hillside of the world. Are the roots deep enough and firm enough to hold trunk and branches in their place? Are you grounded in the Law, O my soul, Sumedha, soul of humanity? Are your feet firmly planted in the soil of the Mother?
Take care, O my soul, to be resolute in precepts pure. Take care when attractions personifying animal magnetism of lower nature draw thee to dark pools of astral consciousness. There is no other time for resolution of the victory than the now. No other time or space exists except the here and now. Past, present and future are contained within the now. The now is the moment of causation. The now is the moment of self-realization. And the here is the point of precipitation of God-flame.
You cannot act in the past or in the future except you act in the now to correct the wrongs of the past and to plow a straight furrow for future beginnings as well as the harvest of your winnings. See then how Mara, that fallen one, has stolen from the Mother and her children pearls of opportunity for self-transformation. Again and again he has taken portions of that which belongs to the Mother, segments of time and space, in order to use the coordinates of relativity unto the destruction of souls.
Now, chelas of the Law, seize from fallen ones their domination of time and space! Challenge the cycles of the energy veil which they have spun over the coordinates of time and space like a spider’s web to catch souls of light! Take the sword of truth and of resolution strong and sweep it through that spider’s web and see revealed instead starry bodies adorning the firmament of God’s being hanging in the skies. Now, my soul, realize that these are the starry bodies of those who have seized the coordinates of time and space and used them to the glory of the Mother. These are the starry crystal fragments of Christos assuming their role in the mystical body of Buddha and Mother.
See how you can become where you are a starry body instead of procrastinator who defies the Great Initiator by turning his back upon the tests, walking away from the flame and into the hornet’s nest. When you leave the haven of Hierarchy you will find the mob of the astral waiting to eat your flesh and drink your blood. Like vultures and vampires of the night, they pervert the sacred ritual of the Eucharist which the saints do share. Therefore affirm your resolution. Be willing then to give your flesh as meat indeed, your blood as elixir of life to devotees who follow you on the path of initiation under Maitreya. For if you turn away from the light and true path of Christ and Buddha, surely it shall come to pass that the fallen ones will comsume the being and consciousness of the one who has an unclear, undefined awareness of Selfhood.
You are not jellyfish! You are not protoplasm suspended in the brine! You have a starry blueprint and a skeletal framework which the Lord God has framed and draped with sacred essence of the body of the Mother. Be swift, my soul! Be swift to invite initiation–to take it from heart, head, hand of the Mother. And know that Hierarchy is releasing to you the confirmation of being through each successive step of initiation.
I am resolution of the Law within you. I am confirmation of true being. I stand immovable upon the rock. Stand with me, and we shall see the stillness of the stars after the hurricane has passed.
I AM at Shamballa the Buddha of the lighthouse, Gautama, Pearls of Wisdom 18:27
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