Monday, December 5, 2022
How great is the misuse of sacred fire and of science when it is used to destroy the genetic code of lif
Beloved ones, let this July conference at Camelot be a prayer vigil unto the nations for binding of forces that would catapult this Earth into war and nuclear disaster and for the challenging of the last plagues and all who stand as the dweller on the threshold preventing the people from those cures of light and natural cures that are owing to them. I speak of the pollution that is dire in the medical profession—backwardness, intrigue and treachery that does put upon the bodies of this people drugs that actually interfere with the genetic strain of the race. -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 29:59
Genetically their seed is sown among the tares. By willfulness, favoritism, desiring to be liked by these gods, mankind and even sons of light have taken unto themselves certain genetic combinations that have given to them a propensity for pride and ambition which, beloved hearts, is indeed not their original portion but which must then be overcome by a conscious determination. It is as though shoes were worn by a certain step or a certain leaning of the foot and now you would attempt to right it. But the shoes have been worn in the wrong way and so now it is difficult to correct the step. -Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Pearl 29:18
I AM worshiping the Sun, the Central Sun of God. And I AM begotten of His will. My image I implant upon every child of light and within every son of God that there may be neither manipulation of the genetic code nor infiltration of the mind or heart or soul. -Lord Himalaya, Pearl 48:46, given on October 9, 1980 at Camelot, L.A. via Messenger ECP
Beloved ones, I now stand before you to render a service to souls of light in the etheric octave who must take embodiment through \ souls of light and parents [who have been] prepared [to receive them] on planet Earth. Angels of the Sun, angels of Vesta, Pallas Athena, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin, Lord Maitreya, now go to these souls in the etheric octave and to their embodied parents-to-be. Prepare their four lower bodies. Let there be therefore that mighty adjustment in those four lower bodies which I do send forth for the correcting and righting of all manipulation [that has taken place] within those bodies by fallen ones in all ages, manipulation [accomplished] through [use of] chemical substances and implants and genetic engineering. -Helios, Pearl 27:48b
How great is the misuse of sacred fire and of science when it is used to destroy the genetic code of life, to manipulate the nucleus of the atom and when the control even of brainwaves at a distance becomes the plot of archdeceivers of mankind! -Saint Germain, Pearl 24:7
They can be saved if they will it so. Let them confess once and for all that their experiment didn’t work. Their Great Rebellion didn’t work; it did not come to pass. He did not win in heaven, he has not won on earth, and he shall not. For he is bound and no more, and it is the clone and replica that yet lurks in his [genetic seed sown in his embodied] angels and all of this astral debris that must be taken. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 27:48a
the dispensations and teachings that were given (through the I AM Activity) were such a threat to the fallen ones that they evolved entire systems—from marijuana to sensitivity training to all sorts of experimentations with the human body and chakras to siphon off the light, to deter souls of light from their I AM Presence, to take from them that energy of the crown chakra and of the heart and of the Word itself, to divert it, to amplify and amplify again miscreations of the lower chakras. And therefore we have seen the rise of genetic engineering and pollution by misuse of the light of chemistry which again is the misuse of the light of Alpha and Omega in the fiery core of every atom of matter substance. -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 24:27
Beloved, the will of God never fails to deliver you from all treachery and intrigue and =enemies of light. The will of God will deliver you into the arms of the everlasting Father. Keep then thyself out of harm’s way. Cease thy experimentation with the fires of death and hell. Cease the fantasy that you do not need Archangel Michael or his protection, that you ought not to take the signs of events as a portent of thine own future.
-Morya, Pearl 28:30
In addition, as you know, these fallen ones who once had the divine spark lost their light and also joined their own godless creation. The giants and overlords and those who have manipulated the life-force and genetic strain of Earth’s evolutions thus set about taking command of the Earth and standing at the helm of the ship of state nation by nation. -Saint Germain, Pearl 26:50
And I speak not of nuclear war but of spacecraft and those who do not consider the value of life in any form but rather [consider] this life of this planet as expendable and as a means to their ends, even as a laboratory of experimentation. You well understand that even were there to be in existence today in hand and ready for use all technologies whereby to defend a planet from an alien invasion, the holocaust of such an eventuality should be ultimately almost more than the psyche could bear. -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 31:62
Even now in the realm of genetic engineering what is proposed—to engage now the human genes and to give them to animal genes and to combine the species— is abhorrent to the Lord God. For the imprisoning of human genes in animal form is the imprisoning of a portion of the race itself, a portion of those genes which are actually endowed with a certain formula by the I AM Presence. -Jesus and Magda, Pearl 27:62
However some of the ‘gods’ have wrested the secrets of creation to alter the inner nature of man (both his soul and his genes) to conform to an inverted pattern. Through his inharmonious habits of thought and feeling man became vulnerable to this treacherous violation of the nucleus of self. Therefore because these gods were dishonorably motivated in their genetic enslavement of lesser endowed evolutions to a mechanistic control, when I was embodied as Jesus of Nazareth I spoke unto these manipulators of life, saying “You are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father will ye carry out.” (This lust was for the light of the Christ sealed in the blood of the children of Elohim and equally for the light of Christic attainment radiating from the chakras of the sons of the great I AM.)
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 4:11
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