Monday, December 5, 2022
Man should not play God!
And whence cometh the lesser creation? It is also the product of genetic manipulation. And therefore one can look back and further back and discover these self-styled Darwinians who, in the very origination of the evil of their hearts, determined to enslave the Christic-light gainst whom they rebelled in the courts of heaven. -Enoch, Pearl 24:5
Blessed ones, inasmuch as a judgment has already been rendered it does require but ratification and confirmation daily by Keepers of the Flame. These violators of the genetic seed of the Christed ones of Earth must not be allowed to tamper with, to borrow that sacred fire and thus perpetuate for aeons their robotic creation by even a microscopic portion of the Liberty-flame which itself is a part of the genetic code of the lightbearers. -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 31:62
The genetic violations of this planet by aliens, sponsored by fallen angels and Nephilim gods and a descending scale of [their creation of] mechanization man, are violations of the five secret rays. An infant humanity undeveloped] therefore has shown thus far no ability to in any way resist this violation. -Serapis Bey, Pearl 31:64
Memories of Mu. Mu, or Lemuria the Motherland was a continent located where the Pacific Ocean now is. The Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet has explained that the Lemurians began as God-free beings such as existed in earlier ages. They brought forth a culture of advanced scientific achievement as well as a religion that reached its apex through devotion to the Mother-principle, which is the white-light, the ascension flame. Their culture developed over thousands of years. At a later time the fallen ones began to invade planet Earth and to teach the people misuses of the Mother-flame. They taught warfare, experimented with genetic manipulation (creating grotesque animal forms) and desecrated sacred altars and temples of the Mother-flame. Ultimately the darkness resulted in the loss of the Mother-flame and in the devastating effects that caused the sinking of Lemuria. The Messenger has explained that evolutions from the lost continent have reembodied to find their former religion and to balance their karma made on Lemuria.; -footnote in Pearl 61:11
Scientists have already genetically engineered pigs and cows to bear human genes. They have grown a human ear on the back of a mouse. It was precisely this kind of genetic manipulation taken to extremes that led to the sinking of Atlantis. The message: Man should not play God! -Messenger ECP, Pearl 39:6
We encamp ourselves here—and there, in Lebanon. We will stand in the Middle East and we will guard against the encroachment out of the East, out of therefore the nefarious forces of manipulation coming forth out of the Soviet Union for the domination of the Arab states and of Israel and of all those who are there.
We draw a circle of fire that is the circle of Helios and Vesta, and we stand with the forces of freedom for the defense of the light of Saint Germain, for the defense of world freedom, for the defense of light against all evolutions pitted against that light and against one another. Therefore let the laggard forces be bound and let the servants of light be set free!
-Archangel Uriel, Pearl 26:52
It is no coincidence that I come in this hour of the three o’clock line today and that I come after the beginning of the Dark Cycle in Aries, so that you will understand that the original conspiracy against the lightbearers and the various evolutions and creations that began long, long ago with the fall of the fallen angels did begin and have its origin with a chemical manipulation, a genetic manipulation, and did come about not only through this vein of addiction and supplying of the people with all manner of stimulants but with other modes of conspiracy, thereby to limit the extent of the people to rise, to take dominion, to make contact with octaves of light or to in any way challenge the fallen angels.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 27:32
Beloved ones, as you consider how a leadership with a certain timetable could find itself in the camp of the enemy, swept by a hypnosis, by some kind of a mind influence, do you not wonder and consider and admit at the conscious threshold of awareness that there could be some network of a conspiracy upon those whose minds are not tethered to God and [who] therefore being not tethered to God are otherwise vulnerable to aliens who have long ago mastered the art of mind manipulation? -Maitreya, Pearl 14:41, given July 5, 1988 at RTR, MT
But if the [neglect of the integration of body, soul, mind, heart and spirit] keeps up in the schoolhouses of the nation, you will surely see that these generations of children who have been subjected to all sorts of programming and interference with [unfoldment of their spiritual destiny through] their genetic code and then process of development by [incorrect and even harmful] educational methods will simply not be able to carry forward Saint Germain’s dispensation that has been bequeathed to America [of freedom, of true religion under God the Mighty I AM Presence and of applied science and representative government]. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 32::48
By the very nature of the fifth ray our clearance of the planetary body penetrates all misuses of science. We are most concerned about genetic engineering which touches upon the alchemy of the seventh ray as well—the seat—of-the-soul chakra. We are concerned about those Watchers, the fallen Watchers who have set their course for the destruction of life as God made it and to establish the preference even in the children of the light to mechanically respond to orders, to direction from another source because they are weary, all too weary of the effort necessary to make a creative choice—a choice that leaps into the center of God, experiences His universe and desires to bring it forth point by point. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Pearl 25:13
Ho! light of Helios and Vesta. I AM Arcturus. I AM bracing the planetary body. O Earth, let the victory of the Sun be thine own.
Hail, O lightbearers in the heart of Terra! We come in the victory of violet flame. We come as our causal bodies, a magnet of Alpha and Omega, now brace this planetary body.
And so the Earth is sealed in the heart of Elohim. And the violet flame seals the light and the opportunity for grace and blessing and virtue to abide through blessed Portia and her retinue and all hosts of the Lord who are glad and rejoice in her coming.
Truly it is the sign of an age, the end of an era and the beginning of another. And thus there is the changing of the waters and of sacred fire. And many are washed clean. And sands and pebbles upon the seashore are turned by the great wave of life. And new souls surface whose hour is come and who are ready to dip into the flame of the pure wine of the grape.
Thus these are not yet the grapes of wrath which come as the wrath of God to be pressed out and for the judgment itself, but it is the wine of communion unto the children of the light who have come to drink of the cup, to drink of the Holy Grail, and thereby know the meaning of the washing of the flow of Alpha and Omega. Therefore let the divine polarity reappear, and let all superimposed by the manipulators of the genetics of life now be stripped from that fiery coil that contains the soul pattern of thy life.
Know you not whereof I speak, O blessed children of the Sun—you who are of the seventh race, the seventh dispensation of life? I come. I come as in the ancient days to tell you now that all that has been superimposed upon you by the fallen ones may be redeemed. It is stripped from the very physical forcefield that transmits the life, the soul and the Christic imprint from your causal body.
What does this mean? It means that for the first time since the original manipulators have devised their ploys and plots against the human race in this hour is come the opportunity for true restoration of the image of the Son of God. This means that that which is locked within your causal body of light may reappear and you may draw forth almost infinite individuality from the Godhead—creativity and soul-knowing.
We have spoken before of the limitations of consciousness due to the manipulations within civilization. These manipulations have gone on for hundreds and hundreds of thousands of years. And therefore lifestreams who have not known the fullness of the inner identity for so very long may now invoke, in truth, the presence of the blessed Mediator, the Christ Self to lower into manifestation the fullness of God-identity!
Do you know what is contained in that statement “the fullness of God-identity”? Blessed hearts, you have scarcely known increments of that identity. And how shall it come to pass that its fullness can be known? That fullness as a turning sphere of light radiates forth from your chakras and your soul at varying moments and hours and cycles of life the various facets of your causal body. Therefore though God be not expressed fully in a finite moment of time and space, yet infinitely expressed is that grace in the ongoing cycles of life.
It is our desire to see you mount, mount up as on eagle wings so that in the transition of your own ascension there will scarcely be an acceleration that is noticeable from that light, God-masteryand attainment in this octave to the fullness of joy that awaits thee.
Beloved hearts, this movement, this acceleration, this expansion comes by way of the dispensations of Almighty God handed down by the Hierarchies of heaven to the blessed Earth. For truly this hour of cycles turning, as you have been told, is a key—the light of the Mother in the very spiral of the figure-eight of 1980. <3>
Thus in this sign and in this call do we find the key by which you as souls of light shall conquer. Thus it is a new joy, a new hope, a new faith and a new charity that descends.
Behold, I make all things new. Behold, it is the hour of the great gathering of the elect. Behold, it is the cycle for the going within and the going without.
And thus we inundate life with violet flame. And beloved Omri-Tas and legions of the Violet Planet do multiply opportunity, freedom and mercy. Therefore the impetus of violet flame has never been greater. And you who have gone forth to preach the Word may expect such a multiplication of the Word, such an increase of light, such a response as to almost be that which cannot be contained for the sheer joy of magic and music of the moment.
We come then representing the Elohim of God. We come with the announcement of light. We come to infuse your bodies. And we have desired to have you very close to our hearts, to press in and down and upon you those elements of your divine plan and a saturation of your four lower bodies with the intensity of this wine of forgiveness and this element of transmutation.
I release—out of the heart of the Earth unto all dwelling within and upon its surface—an increment of light. [Intonation]
Gratitude for the funnel of light, the vortex of love that you have built by your very hearts’ devotion, by the very presence of your personal temples of light. Gratitude for the cradle whereby our descent is made possible. Gratitude for the convergence of heaven and earth. Gratitude for the vision, held in your hearts, of determination and hope.
Therefore heaven stands ready to impart to each one of you that opening of the way—that opening of the way whereby through your chakras, my beloved, there may now pour increasing, multiplying momentums of light for the holding of the balance in your cities and towns and nations.
I have somewhat to speak to you and further light to anchor here. My beloved, when we release by the light and sound ray that Word that is for the changing of the physical forcefields of the Earth we penetrate the silence and thereby the energy of the Great Central Sun Magnet is anchored and grounded into the Earth and flows through those whose hearts are raised to that pitch of light required to be transmitters.
Therefore this forcefield is dedicated to the soundless sound, to the meditation of the heart, to the stillness and the void whereby the arrow of the mind of God may pass through. It is a most disciplined environment that enables creative light, as fohat, to descend. Thus we are grateful when you are able to still your four lower bodies and to appreciate how much we appreciate having vessels prepared to be transmitters of the new light of the new age.
We would therefore speak to you this day of our support given to elemental life. My heart is one with the heart of Virgo and Pelleur. Thus we combine our energies. And there is during this dictation the stepping-down of the light of Arcturus and Victoria through Virgo and Pelleur through the ascended and unascended messenger. Therefore the acceleration of our hearts is as one heart. And there is a fusion. And the light which pours forth is for this holding of the balance that is so needed.
For you see, my beloved, in the very epoch of enlightenment and transmutation there is a forcing to the surface of most disturbing elements and the records of war and death. And hell itself is turned inside out and these astral hordes then come to the surface. And there are disturbances here and there upon the planetary body and bloodshed and insanity.
Thus this balancing of life in order to consume death rests upon those who realize that in holding the light and the greater light there will be for a period the flushing-out of greater darkness and that greatest darkness that must be faced by the highest initiates upon the planetary body.
Therefore you may go here and there to other activities and teachers, so-called. They may introduce to you a path of personal benefit or improvement or meditation or the enjoyment of bliss. But very few will emphasize the path of holding the balance for planetary karma, of interaction with elemental life and Elohim, of preparation for the crucifixion as fastening of the soul to the cosmic cross of whitefire.
It is the comprehensive path of the soul’s ascent to God that we of the Great White Brotherhood have set forth in all these years of our service with our Messengers. And you must understand that in all teachings that are there waiting to be published you will find the keys to your own victory and to your own ascension.
Therefore on this path as in reality, as in the actuality of life itself there will be upheavals, there will be turmoil, there will be the coming to the surface of all that must pass away into sacred fire.
There are stations in life where there is a covering-over of the subconscious; and on the surface, people experience what they call peace and even some advancement here and there. But prick them almost on the surface alone and suddenly there comes to the fore all of this which is untransmuted. And you find that these lesser paths and lesser teachers do not afford souls the opportunity to go to the very core of life and once and for all to attain that resolution of God-harmony that can literally thrust the soul into octaves of light right while he remains in physical embodiment. And this is our desire—that you should be the outposts of our Brotherhood on behalf of millions.
Therefore there are many who gather in their sophistication, in all their intellectual pursuit of the paths of the East, even those who use drugs and various means to enhance the psychic or spiritual experience. And they point the finger at Guru Ma. And they point the finger at her chelas. And they speak of the long hours of invocation, of impracticality, and that these are mere hypnosis of the self. They point then to the inexperience of these chelas who do not have their supposed hoary wisdom or their understanding of the “true” path.
Beloved ones, this is a most unfortunate situation. For you see, they lead many souls of light who trust their appearance and seeming manifestation of wisdom and therefore follow them. And these trusting souls of light look to outer appearances and outer calm and outer sympathetic vibrations, and they consider that they have found a real live master.
Well, beloved hearts, I would show you the image of a real living master. And I would ask you to take note: It is the image of the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
Can you imagine these sophisticated ones accepting as a master one who bore his cross to Golgotha, who allowed himself to be scourged, to be nailed to that cross, to be spat upon? In the hour of greatest mastery is the appearance of greatest weakness.
Thus these very ones who lead the youth of America and India astray in their false cults have not accepted that living master, that personal Savior, as the very rock and foundation of every path upon this planetary body, the very incarnate Word itself. Thus you see, if they have not accepted him in the practical manifestation and the living proof of his teaching, can they truly exemplify the perfect master?
Beloved hearts, look at him hanging upon the cross. Is this a sign of mastery? In the era of his appearing it was the sign of Rome and the absolute judgment upon all those who defied Rome, as crucifixion was the common means of execution of criminals. Thus reduced to that level he was not recognized. And in every age the representatives of our Brotherhood, such as yourselves, come bearing the cross of world karma. And in bearing that karma they bear upon themselves those marks of imperfection that do not reveal that truly the Lord do not receive the light of the Lord himself.
Let us determine in this hour, then that every lightbearer destined to ascend in this life, destined to know the real Mother-flame and the teachings of our path is now in this hour and shall be forevermore cut free from the fallen ones and from the false Christs and the false prophets who set themselves up as the sign of the hour when indeed the sign of the hour can only be their judgment as they stand between the children of God and our bands of light.
Thus I AM Arcturus. Let these fallen ones deal with me! So as they do it unto the children of the light let them know that they will be accountable—accountable for having done it unto the Elohim of God.
Saint Germain has sent forth the call of Camelot, and I have answered in the name of Almighty God I AM here to point the way to the inner light and the inner source.
You have made contact with your God-Self and with the Brotherhood. You know that the Lord Christ in the person of your beloved holy, most holy Christ-Self is nigh. It remains then for you to keep open the door of your soul’s response and responsiveness and responsibility to that Lord and master of your life. And it behooves you to trust the Messenger to be the reminder of your soul to keep the precepts of heaven.
So often when individuals reach a point in their lives when they are blinded by an increase of the outcropping of their own karma and their own darkness that they do not heed the admonishment of the Messenger who can see clearly through and beyond those various momentums of selfishness that come to the fore only to be transmuted and not to be indulged.
This is the hour when you need an embodied messenger, for there is such an outpouring of your own momentums of darkness that momentarily you lose contact with the inner Christ-Self and you sink beneath the waves as Peter did, and you have the requirement of a physical hand and a physical manifestation to raise you up once more to the perception of the Cosmic Christ. Thus the Messenger never displaces the inner contact with the great Guru of your life but enhances, magnifies and strengthens your soul’s contact.
Therefore trust the extension of Hierarchy even as we would have the children of God throughout this planetary body trust you as our chelas, as our representatives–and, as such, you also hold an office in the Hierarchy of the Brotherhood and therefore you speak the Word of the teaching.
Let there be trust. For we perceive that when humanity let go of trust that there is no connecting-point to higher hierarchies of life.
Therefore you see the plots of the fallen ones as they come, assume positions of power, appear to be the do-gooders, and suddenly there is unveiled the secret inner life—the betrayal, corruption, darkness. Over and over again this image of the leaders is portrayed before the people. It is contrived. Those who expose them are as dark as the ones who are exposed.
And the plot continues, all for the certain purpose of destroying the trust of the individual in anyone—especially in the ascended masters, their chelas, their messengers, their angel ministrants and attendants. Therefore when the real and living Guru of the age, Lord Maitreya himself, comes so very close to you through the dictations and through your own meditation there is that tendency not to trust the person of the Great Initiator or to go back several steps from the moment of your soul’s great initiation on the path.
Understand, my beloved, that when the hour of your initiation comes, you must be willing and ready in full faith to submit. Those initiations that are calculated to accelerate your soul toward the goal of life and to increase your Godhood cannot be easy, for the ease or easiness of an initiation would logically manifest then not as an initiation to take you higher in the discipline of life but one which would be accommodated to your own level or lack of attainment.
Therefore an initiation that is easy is no initiation at all, for initiation is designed to compel the soul to extract from every fiber of being, from every cell and very marrow of the bones that sacred fire that compels the rising to higher dimensions. And this in itself demands the sacrifice of the old man and his old ways and the dependency on outer conditions and circumstances and idolatry of the person with other persons that must be forsaken for the true love of Christ person by person. Thus, beloved ones, any pathway that is a pathway of ease must be looked at as circumspect.
Realize this and take heart, for we have mounted the mountains of cosmos and we are ever spiraling in the expansion of the God-flame of individual attainment itself. All who have gone before you of the Great White Brotherhood have submitted. And though they went through their Gethsemane and the burden of the dark night of the soul and dark night of the Spirit they pressed on to the light. And when they could no longer see the light in the lighthouse they visualized the light. The inner image, the divine memory of home and of that beacon-light—this became their hope, this became their faith and their victory.
Many of you have faced squarely your own momentums of human creation. Since last I addressed you I note that the action of the violet-flame Christmas tree, the action of the inner light has propelled many of you beyond your former state. Some of you realize this and rejoice; but others of you so accustomed to the flame already have forgotten that there ever was a day when you had a lesser capacity to contain the light that you now bear.
This in itself is the sign of healing when even the memory of the former state is consumed. And therefore, when all sorrow and tears and dying itself pass into the flame and the golden age descends the remembrance of that past will also be consumed and therefore no opening in the world of the individual to any projection whatsoever magnifying a past that is unreal and that always was unreal.
My beloved, I hold you in the aura and the causal body of Elohim that there might be accomplished a greater good for thy lifestream. Each one of the cells and molecules of your being distorted by impressions of the fallen ones’ manipulations and chemicals themselves is being expanded, softened and now brought into alignment with the inner magnet and matrix of the Mother’s heart.
Omega, Omega, O light, Omega—now fasten Thyself within the matter sphere. Omega, let these Thy chalices now appear with radiant light year upon year, cycle upon cycle.
Let Thy Light flow. Let there be now this inner alignment and this raising. Thus the divine mold contains the divine manifestation, and here on Earth we prepare the body of God to contain the more perfect image of the living Word.
Omega, Omega, Omega, our Mother of Light!—O come now, Thou Brooding One, enter these planes and octaves. Let Thy Light flash forth. Call Thy children home. Let them be drawn into Thy sacred heart.
Omega, Omega, Omega, O Thy Light, O Thy Light!—how it shines within the souls of these Thy children, thyself in manifestation. We who are Elohim bow before the light of the Universal Mother.
O Alpha, Alpha, Alpha light!—now descend into Thy sons and daughters of Terra. Alpha out of the Central Sun, come forth! Elohim call in the name of Thy children. Send them! Send them! Send them unto light, unto Elohim!
Helios, Helios and Vesta, bright star, bright Sun, Shining One—let Thy rippling light accelerate now within this forcefield, within this tabernacle. O light, change now! change now! change now! [Intonation]
Beloved hearts, think not that that which I am about is unusual or unexpected. For after all, you who have eyes to see know the entrenched conditions of Earth and dense earth consciousness of the wayward generations of the planetary body. You who have eyes to see know that these cycles of density have repeated themselves throughout the historical stream.
In one sense there has been very little change. Some of you who have known individuals who have not changed in fifty years, have not moved from their greed or darkness in a lifetime or lifetimes have wondered, How indeed will God save this Earth? What will become of them and how shall a golden age appear? Those who exercise freewill, denying the Godhead still, they must appear and give accounting before God—have no fear.
Change—as alchemy of the sacred fire, as transmutation, as the twinkling of an eye of God—must come through the spoken Word, through Elohim, through embodied souls who convey the light and sound of God.
Light has sound. Light is able to transform galaxies and vast systems of far-off worlds. Light as the sounding of the Word in your own dynamic decree when released by love, intense love, does transform your world. And you know it. And you cannot deny it in the presence of Elohim.
How much more then, my beloved, is the power of the spoken Word released through us who have never descended into density nor compromised. For we are God in manifestation—we, the extension of Almighty Elohim! Elohim! Elohim! Therefore, my beloved, the key to the transformation of all worlds is the spoken Word.
Let there be light! Let there be light, O God! Let there be light, O Christ! Let there be light, O soul! Understand then that when we come and when we can deliver our Word as it is released in the Great Central Sun through our Messenger and when that Word is recited and repeated as the ritual of perpetual prayer and mantra of the light then and there behold—this is how worlds are transformed. This is the answer to the imponderable equation.
Take any city or town or individual. Observe it for a century without the presence of the Word incarnate spoken by an initiate of the sacred fire and I tell you it is certain that no change will occur. You may return to that point and find all things as they were.
Except the light of the Word infuse a cosmos there be no cosmos. Except the light of the Word infuse your heart and soul you may be as the rock or a pillar of salt or a tree that now becomes petrified wood.
Are you petrified by fear, by tclosing of the door? Are you concerned lest the light sweep through your temple and you become the new person of God Himself? I say, release the fear of centuries into the flame! Let the dust be no more! Let it crackle and then go out.
O my beloved, let go. Let go of all and cling to the immortal Spirit. Let thy soul sing—sing unto the Lord, sing unto Elohim! Mount up, mount up as eagles.
My beloved, I have come and you have submitted to this awful presence of the light. “Filled with awe” is the meaning of awful. Therefore, the light and its intensity is come unto the Earth.
Cherish it. Cherish it, my beloved, and be observers of the great salvation and the great congregation of the hosts of the Lord.
In the flame of freedom I seal you, I seal Earth’s evolutions! This is a dispensation of a cosmic hour for your going forth to multiply cosmic freedom. This is a dispensation of suspension of cycles. Life will move on but the cosmos awaits now thy appearing.
Feel now for a moment the vibration of the vacuum of the void. Through my very own heart I have transmitted to you the vibration of the void. aum aum ma ma-ray [intoned] -Elohim Arcturus, Pearls of Wisdom 23:36
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