Monday, December 5, 2022
to use the genetic code and genes of a higher life and to imprison those genes and that code in the lower life of animal forms
1- Beloved hosts of the Lord, so too take the image and replica reproduced again and again of the rebellion of Peshu Alga. Take it now, O Cosmic Christ, in answer to the call of my humble heart. Take it then from all who are the fruits of the Holy Spirit, from all who are the children of the Sun. Let them be delivered in this hour of these genetic implants moving to deter the divine image from descending. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 28:2
2- Beware then those who come with a path of human attainment, human development of superhuman talents or mentalities. Beware of those who attempt to prove by science that there is no need for God. Beloved ones, God can never be contained in all extensions of human genetic engineering -Jesus Christ, Pearl 28:23
3- If you will take up that violet flame and if you will be sponsors, one and all and any, of starting these violet flame sessions at any hour of the day or night using them for your own blessing as well as for that of the activity and the planet, you can direct such a concentrated ray of violet flame from your heart, from your soul and mind, from the momentum of your aura and from the Great Central Sun Magnet of the seventh ray that you can dissolve these momentums with an action of light like a violet-flame laser beam which you direct into your electronic belt; and the very same wavelength [of human discord found in your own subconscious momentums] can to a large extent be consumed in relatives as well as in those of similar genetic strains, national traits, geographical or economic influences.
There is no limit to what sacred fire can do except your limited concept about what the sacred fire can do. The sacred fire is the omnipotence of God. Decide what you will and it shall be done. Only be certain that what you decide is in keeping with the divine plan and will of God, with honor, integrity, and truth always filled with compassion.
-Lanello, Pearl 29:11
4- Therefore understand, beloved, how critical have been the laws handed down by the patriarchs unto the seed of the true Hebrews and lightbearers which stated that they were not to commingle that seed with the lesser creation that had been created by fallen angels. Now the plague has come upon the race, beloved, for the ancient Atlantean karma, worse than sodomy, of animalism whereby these laggards, these godless ones did cohabitate with their own animal creation, producing a genetic mutation that has survived to the present for which the curse and the judgment has now descended. -Morya, Pearl 30:46
5- The prophets have been solitary figures who have dotted the ages, and the wise ones and Christed ones, they have come. They have entered an evolution yet [they remain] independent of the genetic engineering of these gods; for we have sent them, we have protected them.
-Alpha and Omega, Pearls of Wisdom 31:68, given via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 3, 1988 at RTR, Montana
6- Let us say, beloved, that the mark of one who has this [bent] in his psychology to manifest human perfection is the mark of spiritual pride. It is also the mark of one who engages in excessive self-condemnation, which by and by becomes the condemnation of others. And so you see, beloved, that expectation that one should be a human god is antithetical to the path of Maitreya. I ask you to look at this so that you may shed the snakeskin that some have brought of their inheritances from various nations around the world where this consciousness is so prevalent as to be ingrained, and we find that people do not even realize that this [tendency] has been instilled in them by Nephilim gods themselves [as genetic tares sown among the genetic wheat].
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 32:44
7- For I would rather hear of the new man and woman of Aquarius than of the old, old tales of serpents with their sting in their tails. It is high time you should bind them in the name of Christ! They have no power! They are simply multiplied on the screen of the astral plane, projected there in the multiplication of a thoughtform, of a genetic code, of a twist of a twisted Atlantean mind that has thought up the creation of mechanization man.
-Elohim Hercules and Amazonia, Pearls of Wisdom 32:9
8- And so you see, we are in an interim period on planet Earth, the interim period when lifeforms are not complete in the sense of having the manifestation of man and woman, yet those lifeforms persist. And those lifeforms are not made in the image and likeness of God. And yet they are made and created by certain levels of angels not in allegiance to God who determine to use the genetic code and genes of a higher life and to imprison those genes and that code in the lower life of animal forms.
And so you can see that even in the creation of certain levels of the animal kingdom there is an imprisonment of the elementals. And these may be undines or sylphs or gnomes or salamanders. And therefore Earth may be seen as an experimental laboratory, a laboratory that was chosen by Nephilim, fallen angels and laggard scientists who had the knowledge of genetic engineering long before they arrived upon this planet 500,000 years ago. -Neptune and Luara, Pearl 47:41
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