Saturday, November 12, 2022
What can I do?
For this is a day of cosmic celebration and burst of joy unto the Lord Christ in every heart! It is the hour of rejoicing for the binding of the old witch and witchcraft—of the old dragon and the tempter and the seed of Satan. This is the hour and the day when the light going forth from the heart of Helios unto Vesta in this abode does truly win for God many souls lost—lost because they had lost their moorings in God, lost because they followed the maya and magnetism and bravado of these fallen ones.
-Archangel Michael, Pearl 28:2
Therefore, beloved ones, I point out to you that this sympathy must go,and [there must be] the binding of the dweller on the threshold of this nation of the entire conglomerate of the beast as well as the dragon—the beast of World Capitalism (that is, monopoly capitalism) and the dragon of the international bankers giving power to the beast of World Communism. This represents a conglomerate of many lifestreams who have entered into positions of immense power to control the flow of light of this nation which ought to go for the education of all lightbearers of the Earth as to their own interior light,their own Holy Christ Self and their own contact with Almighty God. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 26:45
Some think the message of Isaiah impractical and wholly apart from the invading armies and the day-to-day challenges in the economy. Yet I tell you, this economy of the United States as it is on such shaky footing would have long ago collapsed were it not for the presence of the Manchild within the disciples of my Son. They are the undergirdings and the superstructure of this economy. That light present in the world is the survival of the world. Remove then the Lamb and the Lamb’s wife, and the light of the world is no longer in the world.
Therefore in all diligence, beloved hearts, remember the example of the saints. Igor was uneducated and ignorant, yet he held the light of Mother Russia and forestalled even greater death and dying and destruction.2
-Archeia Mary via Messenger ECP, Pearls of Wisdom 54:16; footnote 2:
Igor held the light of Mother Russia. In a dictation given March 25, 1967 the ascended master Igor said that as a child growing up in Russia he saw his countrymen as “a vast evolution which seeks for liberty and yet creates bondage,” and he prayed to God to help him understand this world “peopled with dark shapes and distortions.” He received many visitations from Archangel Gabriel, who comforted him and promised “I will guide thee throughout thy life and I will be to thee a friend.... Thou shalt no longer be just as a peasant boy called Igor, but thou shalt be a son of the Most High God; for in thee God has generated a flame this day.... God is no respecter of men’s persons but in every age and time listens to the heart calls of the children of men. Know then that God hath heard thy call.” When Igor became aware of the coming destruction of the Czar and his family and realized that the red dragon would march across Russia he spent hours in prayer imploring God to provide some measure of assistance. One evening “the beautiful Lady of Fátima” appeared to Igor and spoke of the terror of the red dragon. She said that only by a great struggle would mankind be able to turn back the oncoming darkness. Igor implored her assistance and offered his life if it would save his people. Then Mother Mary explained to him the karmic law. She said that the people by their misuse of freewill had wrought this destruction and that only by seeking the things of the Spirit would they make the world free. As Igor recounts, “I accepted her love and her wisdom and my heart was comforted, but the terror burned on. Throughout my life as I sought to be a pilgrim in a strange country I aspired to attain something higher that I might free men.” -the Unknown Master (Igor), “The Drama of One Life Touched by God,” -Pearls of Wisdom 15:53
In the world today dwell many who, solely by reason of family and training, are atheists and nonbelievers. Predominating in Russia and China, these atheists and their godless society seem to thrive. I tell you, all that seems to be is not. For there is alive in many hearts in the Orient, as well as in Russia herself, a great desire for divine worship and the finding of the pathway that leads to God, to divine compassion, and to Home.
O Mother Russia, thou art the mother of so many souls, even as China and the masses thereof; and you have brought into manifestation many children. Their Slavic ways are not always the ways of emancipation. Searchers for liberty are they; and the icons on the walls, together with the bubbling pots, the tea, the cakes, the peasants, the struggle, the mighty life waves–all compose a vast evolution which seeks for liberty and yet creates bondage. -Igor, Pearl 15:53
Beloved, remember the blessed Igor, a saint ignorant of the Great White Brotherhood and yet devout in the Divine Mother who kept the flame for Mother Russia throughout the revolution of the Bolsheviks. Blessed ones, by his singular vigil, the solitude of his life in perpetual prayer, millions of lives were saved by that prayer force of his heart. -Omri-Tas, Pearl 31:33
I can assure you, beloved hearts, that the Place Prepared is for every son and daughter of light who does keep the faith. And the keeping of the faith, beloved ones, involves all that you have been told and given as the path of initiation under the Lord Sanat Kumara. The keeping of the faith will dismiss the temptation to be a law unto oneself, to steal the tidbits and morsels of light or sensual pleasure instead of galvanizing one’s every molecule for the victory at hand.
Thus in your own heart draw a circle of the Law of the One round about yourself and say to yourself:
I AM the One! I AM accountable.
I AM Saint Germain in embodiment.
See here, my hands, my heart—
these belong to Saint Germain!
Come into my temple, O hierarch of the Aquarian Age—come into my temple and take dominion over the Earth.
For ah, I see, O God, nothing that I can do to stop the onward march of world totalitarian movements. I cannot stop the infiltration of this government and this economy.
What can I do? I am one and alone. Yet I know this is my key. For God in me is the Law of the One. God in me encompasses every other one who is within His Being and in whom He dwells.
I AM the Law of the One. Therefore the one Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood enters my being through the blessed heart of Saint Germain and the members of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood.
And therefore because I AM the One, because my temple is the temple of the living God and of the prophet Samuel I can do something. I can embody the Spirit of freedom that will turn the worlds in the face of all countermovements, in the case of all other infamy and darkness.
I know that through me and me alone—because I AM alone in the One, and the One is all one with all who are of that One—through that ‘I’, through that ‘me’ and me alone God can change the world! God can turn things around and bring in the new day with a minimum of destruction and loss of life.
I can be with Igor!
I can hold the balance!
I can be with Mary and I can be in the flame
of the Fatima prophecy.
And I can fulfill the Word of God.
And the Word through me will survive.
And the message will survive.
And the Christ will survive.
And Earth will endure.
And the golden age will come
Through the Law of the One in me as I AM a striver day by day, the relentless enemy of Christ must say die. It cannot continue, for I AM where I AM.
Feet firmly planted in the Earth, I take my vow, my vow of marriage in the alchemy of my soul’s union to the living Spirit.
I AM the invincible bride of Christ.
I AM the bride of Christ in Saint Germain, in El Morya, in Jesus, in Kuthumi, in Archangel Michael, in Archangel Gabriel, in the heart of Jophiel.
I AM the bride of that Christ.
I AM the bride of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood!
Where I walk so is the garment of God of that Brotherhood. I wear a uniform representing the I AM race.
I AM the guard of that race and my nation.
I AM the manifestation of God upon Earth, and I will bear my office, holy and white, in nobility and in honor.
I will salute Old Glory and I will sing the song of the free. And I will know that the work of my heart and hand and my head, endued with the mind of Christ, will make the difference—because I AM the One.
Blessed and noble hearts of freedom, our resolution must include the protection of youth from all tampering with their four lower bodies by any source, known or unknown, whether brainwashing, indoctrination, drugs or any other poisons from outer space. We vow together then as this our [alchemical] marriage: Lord, Receive Thy Bride in Perfect Love!' and 'The Marriage ceremony, that we will defend the youth, the child, the mother and the father. I draw this circle around Camelot. And from this point let the teachers go forth for the defense of lightbearers.
-Saint Germain, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 6, 1983,
Pearls of Wisdom 26:50
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