Friday, November 11, 2022
destructive forces of the world who would bring this planet under the domination of the red dragon
1) Remember that there are evil men in league with dark powers and destructive forces of the world who would bring this planet under the domination of the red dragon. They know that the destruction of God, of His name and His power is essential to their purposes. They are aware of the fact that in order for the state to rule supreme they must destroy in the minds of the people all invisible images and allegiances. -Meru, Pearl 12:22
2) We heartily approve of the various activities that you have engaged in this day for and on behalf of freedom. For we assure you with all the love of heaven that if mankind fall underneath the power of the red dragon or fall under the power of the diabolical Satanists who desire to control the world that men would not be able to realize the true fruit of the kingdom of God. This is the fruit that the idealists of the world would like to see manifest somehow or other. But because many of these idealists are being misguided or brainwashed by forces of darkness, as some of your own have told you, they are not able to see the true fruit of the kingdom of God. And therefore they become ploys of the children of darkness, whereas they themselves are idealists who desire to express beauty and love for the whole world. -Saint Germain on July 4, 1969 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 60:42
3) When we were aware of the coming destruction of the Czar and his family and we realized that the red dragon would march across the nation I spent hours upon my knees imploring God to provide some measure of assistance. I remember then that one evening, a very special evening, there came to me a manifestation of the beautiful Lady of Fátima. She came to me and she discussed also the terror of the red dragon. She said that the world would be viciously troubled by it and that only by a great struggle and repudiation of this fraudulent desecration of the light would mankind ever be able to roll back the hordes of materialistic darkness and shadow. -Babaji, Pearl 15:53
4) Because this victory is well nigh within your reach it is the plot of the fallen ones to hide from you entirely that there is a foe that must be vanquished, that there are forces who have gathered under the name of the dragon, even the red dragon, beloved. Therefore these fallen ones, fallen from bands of angels long ago, have succeeded in neutralizing all sense of the challenge of Darkness in the minds of the leadership of the world. -Saint Germain, Pearl 35:3
5) I speak to the Keepers of the Flame. I come to you with a dire message. I come with an urgent message. I come to speak to you regarding the swallowing-up by the dragon of World Communism of souls of light on Terra in territories that ought to be protected by the United States of America. I send forth my call to those who love freedom! I send forth the call to the Four Beings of the Elements to rally the armed forces, the defense of this nation! I call to the Christ Selves of all mankind! -Saint Germain, Pearl 20:46
6) In the light of freedom my vision goes to other shores. In the light of freedom I salute the brave heroes of the centuries and of this century who have stood and won in the face of the oncoming dragon of World Communism. -Saint Germain, Pearl 59:2, January 1, 1979 at NYC, Pearl 59:2
7) I tell you, beloved ones, this thoughtform of the year is in consonance with the vision of John in Revelation of the Woman Clothed with the Sun appearing in heaven and bringing forth the Manchild. Therefore you may also know that it is the sign when the Woman who is raised up is the Woman persecuted by the dragon. Thereby you will know it is the sign of the coming of Michael the Archangel and all of the Armageddon which follows when Serpent, the Devil and Satan, the great red dragon are cast out of the upper sphere into the lower sphere to be the testing of souls who would enter into the heartflame of the Manchild.
-Gautama Buddha, Pearl 23:0
8) The prognosis is not good; neither is the prognostication. Hence we look to provide a way of escape and a shortening of the days for the elect’s sake. As the Hierarchies of Light are concerned with the passing of the children of reality over the Red Sea and the rising tide thereof and with their safety from the spewings that have been sent forth out of the mouth of the red dragon, so the forces of darkness and their legions march against time under the direction of the Brothers of the Shadow. -Lanello and K-17, Pearl 16:21
9) When that cycle was fulfilled Saint Germain together with the Darjeeling Council sponsored Mark and Elizabeth Prophet to carry on the work not only of the Ballards and the I AM movement but also of Nicholas and Helena Roerich. The Roerichs set forth the word of Morya destined to reach both the Russian and the American people with the energy and enlightenment that should deter the red dragon of World Communism. And so the Mother-flame of Russia and the Mother-flame of America converge in spirals of freedom and victory for the sons and daughters of God in both nations and in every nation upon Earth.
-Morya, Pearl 18:16
10) “In God We Trust,” written on the coins of the United States of America, is a mantram invocative of cosmic protection to the earth that ought never to be removed and that ought also to be written upon the heart. Then the movement of the nation toward the reestablishment of an ascended master culture can rightly begin. These words should also be enshrined in the hearts of the people of the whole world, for all nations can benefit from the radiance released through this simple yet powerful fiat. The people of Russia and China, dominated as are the people of Tibet and Eastern Europe by the red dragon of Communism, have found their dreams of culture, of beauty, of love, of order and of the strength of the Law of infinite Love suppressed by a godless tyranny that is spreading as a looming shadow across the face of the Earth, blighting the world with a plague of darkness, hopelessness and despair. -Tabor, Pearl 14:15
11) Beloved ones, let the dead bury their dead. Put behind you the past. And if you know it and have learned from it, all well and good; these lessons are necessary. But you cannot forever believe that you will be angry all of your life because you have been angry in your last ten embodiments! It cannot be so. You must not rest your case and nail the nails of your coffin by affirming what you were in the vale of tears, then endowing it with power and making it your god. By freewill you set those laws in motion, and the carnal mind staunchly upholds those laws until you open your eyes and slay the dragon and raise the sacred fire and live in new octaves of light. -Saint Germain, Pearl 27:55
12) It is a flag of the United States of America and you see it now in its inner design. You see the stripes, and the red ones have become the gold of the blood of Christ that is the liquid consciousness of Spirit. And you see the white as the energy of Omega, Mother-purity, path of initiation and ascension. The thirteen stripes in gold and white now are the understanding of your wholeness in Alpha and Omega and the path ahead of your initiation in purity by enlightenment. Only those who are enlightened by the light of Alpha can be wholly pure in Omega. These thirteen bands are thirteen rays of the return of the twelve tribes and the thirteenth tribe of the priesthood. That priesthood has become the Order of Melchizedek manifesting the Christ consciousness in the center of the circle.
-Gautama Budddha, Pearls of Wisdom 54:2, on December 31, 1978 at Camelot, L.A. via Messenger E C Prophet
13) The wicked have no power to destroy the bastions of light whether by their manipulations of science, the balance of the international economy, or by the current recognition of Red China at the expense of the security of Taiwan—if a free people will unite worldwide to confirm their freedom in a holy alliance of the will of God through the heart of the blessed God of Freedom, Saint Germain.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:2
14) Your souls are sent as the survivors of an ancient battle between Light and Darkness where a handful of the children of Chin defeated a dragon of idolatry and ideology whose nucleus was death and the cult of death. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:3
With the Divine Mother then I appeal to the Divine Father. I appeal to Almighty God that unto America there might be given from my own causal body the vision of the victory, the understanding of the path of obedience to the inner Law of the Self, the understanding of sacrifice and surrender, the understanding of the rocky road; for you must be tested by adversity, by unpleasantness in all those things which are not of your liking. Then and only then will we see who are the disciplined ones, who will face the terror of the world dragon, who will stand and face that dragon with hands upraised, confident that the light of the Presence will flow to turn back the raging and the sea.
-Godfre, Pearl 19:17
16) Now mercy on the other foot brings forth opportunity and justice for the children of the light to catch up in their attainment, to wield a mighty sword to slay a dragon or two or three. Do you see, if the children of the light would make hay while the Sun shines, they would be ready for the fight when once again the seed of the wicked must be unbound. -Kuan Yin (portrait by Ruth Hawkins), Pearl 59:14, onJune 30, 1979 at Camelot, L.A.
Now, beloved, this is the stealth of the fallen ones—that they have moved into position a corpus, a body over the entire continent of North America, of the Red Dragon. [This they have done] soundlessly, not even with the quiver of a breeze, not even with the [movement of] breathing of the Dragon itself. This body is composed of the false hierarchy of the15 archdeceivers66 of12 all7 time20 (=120=10 x
banal12) . -Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom 35:3
(the numbers are numerology: a=2, b=3, c=4, j=2, etc.) -r.
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