Saturday, November 12, 2022
Were the United States born at Jekyll Island?
Pfizer Bioweapons Unlimited has been in China for awhile, has a research center in Wuhan and then the other Western pharmaceuticals set up in Wuhan Bioweapon Park as well. A German scientist fresh out oof college in Germany years ago was brought in to head Fort Detrick. CureVac I’m sure you’ll find in China as well as Moderna, ThermoFisher, and so forth. It’s a booming field, it is not centered on viruses per se but on whatever big pharmaceuticals can arrange technologically. Pharmaceuticals are mimicking central banking, establishing themselves throughout the world—the drug world and whatever goes along with that. What is news is that the pharma/nanoweapon business can bend so many to their games, can haul off so much wealth and power and covert ops into their lairs.
One should appreciate that the chemical industry grew tremendusly in Germany just before and during WWI as the British Empire ruled the seas and so could cut off the Germans from overseas resources, like during Boer War. So they developed inorganic chemistry to produce explosives and such. And of course the whole chemistry world including pesticides, Agent Orange; and now nano is bursting forth, rather like the development of atomic bombs via Manhattan Project. Germany doesn’t bother with atomic bombs because micro bombs are more sophisticated, more clever, more stealthy, more financially advantagous, and the world is following their lead. Armistace Day, 11-11-1918 was merely a pause; the end of WWII was merely a pause; dominance and monopolies are racing on. Klaus Schwab is a figurehead for them. For example, the Versailles Peace Treaty following WWI was not adhered to—immediately continued research on u-boat tech was simply off-shored to Netherlands by the Germans covertly. It’s the same today. You’ll find that the post WWI mouthwash from the Western elites of revulsion at the Bolsheviks was lip-service, that the Western finance ministers meeting in Italy in 1922 did invite and mesh in Lenin’s rep to the gold club/finance control of that time, that the same meshing took place at 120 Broadway NYC involving the Bolshevik rep and the finance elite, as Sutton shows; that Hitler’s finance minister Schact got the ball rolling on central bankers working together via the Bank of Intl. Settlements in Switzerland.
Let me ask you something, though. How come the Great Pyramid is such a riddle and Stonehenge too? How come the Brahmins made themselves, almost all of them, into a monopoly? How come the Sanhedrin condemned Jesus at a 4 a.n. trial of theirs? How come Enoch and his work is so unknown? How come nothing practically is known in organized religion of Jesus’ life at Egypt and between his 15-29th years? How come organized religion tries to make a monopoly of things like the mystic or initiatory life and say nothing basically of Mother Mary and Joseph of Arimathea venturing to Glastonbury, England? How come Henry 8th made himself and his heirs head of the Church of England? How come Francis Bacon at about 16 years of age went to France in the dimplomatic/intelligence service? How come the head of Baconian Society, Mrs. Henry Potts, is largely ignored and so few know who Shakespeare’s identity is? How come Yardley’s telling of breaking the Japanese purple code in his book led to a legal crackdown on divulging such U.S. gov. secrets? How come so few are aware that Paul Warburg was sent from Rothschilds Frankfurt to NY in 1900 and to Jekyll Island in 1910 for a reason? How come Senate Banking Committee chairman Aldrich was at the Jekyll Island covert cabal meeting? How come NY financier Jay Cooke, Sec. War Stanton and various Radical Republicans were so cozy with John Wilkes Booth and his mission? How come the present day Establishment historians ignore Balsiger and Sellier’s Lincoln Conspiracy small book, 1977, containing the missing Booth diary pages recovered from Stanton family artifacts? How come Nuk Pa Nuk, Egyptian for I AM THAT I AM, is basically unknown? How come Marie Corelli wrote a mystic story concerning an ancient city in N. Africa or that Edgar Cayce and Max Heindel and Yogananda are largely ignored in mainstream America? How come the Jesuit Busenbaum in 1650 in Germany wrote “If the end is legal, then the means are legal”
and people think that Ignatius Loyola was some kind of saint rather than a classic heavily covert Illuminati guy, or that if Skull and Bones Order operates covertly at Yale U. and the USA that that makes it somehow okay?
How come nearly all the Mideast 9-11 hijackers got US visa via US State Dept. office (with CIA station inside) at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and news thereof gets blacklisted from the public? But this is the short list of “how come?” How come JFK assassination investigation first contained his arch-rival CIA chief Allen Dulles who also helped run Operation Paperclip to covertly deliver (employing young Kissinger to help him) Nazi scientists into positions in US leading to Agent Orange/dioxin/2,4D covert ops both abroad and in USA?
Well, the short answer is Mammon and the monopolies around it; this is not the answer to the Great Pyramid or why Pythagoras studied in Egypt and elsewhere or why Potts, Corelli or Cayce, Heindel,Yogananda, Francis Bacon, Mary Baker Eddy, Aimee Semple McPherson, and Mother Mary with her Glastonbury group broke through many many veils, nor why the real use of the I AM is little understood and gets blacklisted by organized religion and why Jesus’ travel abroad is not known except to some initiates. But I don’t mean Illuminati-variety of initiates, no. But I do mean that Jesus is not the only/forever Son of God or only Christed being or that Gautama is the only possible Buddha. You potentially are savior/savioress too as you tune into the Oneness.
The One God, the cosmic reality, is not an exclusive club running covert ops. Why are there so many solar systems, galaxies, lovely harmonious electrons, atoms, molecules and pristine existence if there is an exlusive club going on via Providence? But I don’t mean Providence, Rhode Island or banking Senator Nelso Aldrich. -r.
In November 1910, six men – Nelson Aldrich, A. Piatt Andrew, Henry Davison, Arthur Shelton, Frank Vanderlip and Paul Warburg – met at the Jekyll Island Club, off the coast of Georgia, to write a plan to reform the nation’s banking system. The meeting and its purpose were closely guarded secrets, and participants did not admit that the meeting occurred until the 1930s. But the plan written on Jekyll Island laid a foundation for what would eventually be the Federal Reserve System.
At the timethe men who met on Jekyll Island believed the banking system suffered from serious problems. The Jekyll Island participants’ views on this issue are well known, since before and after their conclave several spoke publicly and others published extensively on the topic. Collectively they encapsulated their concerns in the plan they wrote on Jekyll Island and in the reports of the National Monetary Commission….The Jekyll Island participants also worried about the inelastic supply of currency in the United States. The value of the dollar was linked to gold….Furthermore, Jekyll Island participants believed that an array of antiquated arrangements impeded America’s financial and economic progress….
In an article published in the New York Times in 1907, Paul Warburg, a successful, German-born financier who was a partner at the investment bank Kuhn, Loeb, and Co. and widely regarded as an expert on the banking systems in the United States and Europe, wrote that the United States’ financial system was “at about the same point that had been reached by Europe at the time of the Medicis, and by Asia, in all likelihood, at the time of Hammurabi” (Warburg 1907)….
A member of the exclusive Jekyll Island Club, most likely J.P. Morgan, arranged for the group to use the club’s facilities. Founded in 1886, the club’s membership boasted elites such as Morgan, Marshall Field, and William Kissam Vanderbilt I, whose mansion-sized “cottages” dotted the island. Munsey’s Magazine described it in 1904 as “the richest, the most exclusive, the most inaccessible” club in the world.o”
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