Monday, November 28, 2022
the death coil
Video of WEF Leaders Openly Laughing About Depopulation58 Agenda23
by Ben Armstrong November 25, 2022
Globalists do not hide their agenda to depopulate the world. Watch the video.
WEF leaders talking about depopulation
using numerology here:
Their strategy is to preempt the office of the Son of man in the Earth. And thus they have set themselves up as2 pretenders52 to8 the15 throne35 of12 grace25=149, perverting62 the15 path18 of12 the15 (truth) fifth31 ray17 into22 materialism48 and10 mechanization66=316; 316+149=465
=15 x deify31) devoid of the Spirit of living truth. They have sponsored the laggards and wayward evolutions of the children of disobedience to intellectual pursuits, securing for them the most prestigious professional positions and posts of leadership in international affairs. They have courted the children of Mammon and promoted them into prominence in circles of commerce, banking, government and industry where they therefore through them still control the destinies of most of the citizens of Earth. They shall not pass! These are the cunning serpents of whom Jesus spoke when he said “Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” The Lord’s admonishment is clear. If you would have the wisdom of these angels of the second ray who have fallen from their high estate into carnal mindedness, then you must have the dove of the Holy Ghost whose charity and enlightenment will keep you in line with the will of God and properly aligned with that mind of God which was in Christ Jesus. Only21 by9 sponsorship60
of12 the15 indwelling55 Trinity43 (=215=5 x Trinity43) can you be wise in the things of heaven and of earth and not fall into self-idolatry of this generation of serpents. They shall not pass!
-Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 22:46
Beloved ones, there is great God-good in the Earth even as there are great souls in the Earth. These are the stalwart ones who have vowed not to be moved from the God-center of the universe nor from the God-center of their hearts. Therefore because you are on your way to your victory we direct you to join together to defeat the evil forces; for they are cunning. Beware of them because they have fooled you before else you would not be in this room. On the contrary you would be in the octaves of light but for fallen angels who enticed you here and there and finally caused you to be cast out of Maitreya’s Mystery School.
-Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Pearl 40:33, given on March 30, 1997 at RTR, MT via Messenger ECP
John the Baptist was confronted by Pharisees and Sadducees who came in their cunning to be baptized of him. They desired the initiation of the light but would21 not13 give25 obedience44 to8 that13 light29 (=153=9 x God17). Lifetime after lifetime they had rebelled against the Law—they who had been cast out of heaven with Lucifer by Archangel Michael and the hosts of the Lord. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:8
When23 all7 things32 are15 interrupted60 by9 absence22 of12 peace21 the15 open23 door25 for21 chaos19 multiplies46=350=
10 x miscry35) many times over. Thus we see how the Dark Cycle in Pisces is truly the one that threatens world peace and threatens to move against the Prince of Peace in, you might say, ingenious ways. But truly only the sons of God are ingenious whereas the serpents are more cunning—skillful rather than ingenious. Thus they find new ways to desecrate the Christ in those who bear the light which you now carry.
-Gautama Buddha, Pearl 26:41
Cherish at-one-ment; cherish life. Surrender not one drop of it to the15 death20 coil21, to8 indulgence49 activated31 by9 fear21, depression52, denial27 and10 nihilism48 of12 fallen23 angels22 (=368=false16 x ideals23) who have not because they are not. Pity them not. They had the All once. They desecrated the All of the Shekinah and by their cunning did lead you to do the same. They continually set examples of brazenness and brashness before your youth, all designed to siphon from them the light of the All (that) they yet have in their containers/ chakras. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 31:51
They are ruthless and cunning, they are serpents. They are interplanetary beings and forces that have taken on human bodies to resemble the children of light! Some of them are so grotesque in appearance that it is a wonder that anyone upon Earth would give them credibility! It is the force—the15 accumulated32 force29 behind33 them19 and10 constant25 feeding41 of12 that13 force29 (=258=6 x secretive43) by the tentacles that stretch all the way from the astral plane to capitalists of the West, all the way to UFOs that keep their tabs on what is happening in the uprising of people on Earth. -Elohim Apollo and Lumina, Pearls of Wisdom 25:10
My brothers and sisters—it cannot be overstated that peace21 and10 harmony40 are15 key14 to8 your25 God-control51 (=184=you16 x Logos23) whereby you gain entrĂ©e and take dominion in all octaves of natural life. Thus with all your heart, still tempestuous emotions, cast anger, revenge and hatred into sacred fire forever and wage the warfare of the Spirit against the15 ego18 with24 its12 pride34, ambition36 and10 cunning37 (=186
=6 x deify31). A word to the wise is sufficient unto the victory. -Kuthumi, Pearl 5:15
The brutal and cunning destruction of the spirit of a people by the Soviets was burned in my soul. It was an unforgettable moment in my life, one that I believe shaped in part my future and my mission.
-Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 34:14
For even in a moment, even in a moment, beloved, of not being alert, not being alert these fallen ones in their cunning, as in the Garden of Eden of Maitreya, could take from you this or that in stealth. And you would awaken to find less of the original light, yet because of the descent no longer having the power or empowerment to deal with fallen ones who now through stealing that light that was originally yours have gained great power in these lower worlds.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 47:34, given on
September 1, 1993 at RTR, MT
Now then black magicians who yet inhabit the astral plane of Terra are very determined to8 control33 not13 only21 elemental33 life23 but7 also11 chelas21 (=170=5 x poison34; chelas are helpers in training) of the ascended masters. And they in their cunning have released to their physical, embodied counterparts the formulas that they have discerned of certain chelas, including your Messenger. These embodied black magicians then, functioning as physical coordinates for their astral overlords, have for some time now released certain mantras in an attempt to8 control33, to8 direct32, to8 subjugate25 chelas21 and10 members30 of12 staff16 to8 their33 will20 and10 to8 their33 way13 (=238=7 x poison34).
-Divine Director, Pearl 63:37,
given on April 18, 1976 at L.A. via Messenger ECP
domination51 empires40=91; carnal22 mind22 calcination47=91;
overcoming58 of12 fear21=91.
acceleration52 upward
29=81; inward33 wholeness39=72; self-justification=72; justifying50 human21 nonsense33=104=4 x darken, stifle, hapless, subvert26.
cloak15 invincible54, invisible47, invulnerable54 to8 all7 not13 of12 the15 light29 (=264=8 x inner33).
the15 harder36 they22 come18 the15 harder36 they22 fall13, one15 and10 all7 (=219=3 x 73); wheeler40-dealers28 (=68=2 x pride34).
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