Monday, November 28, 2022
At the point of your God-determination to overcome
Seekers for freedom and truth, know that the play of emotions and fire of mind are determinant in creating the record referenced in Hamlet as “this mortal coil.” for around body and being of man energy, compressed energy like a giant spring wrapped in some cases unmercifully tight and in other cases loosely knit does exist. This coil governs the amount of time and energy required by each lifestream actually to cut himself free from misguided effort. -Serapis Bey, Pearl 10:14
At the point of your God-determination to overcome the coils of death you then set the forcefield within your heart to magnetize a single angel of Life. And therefore the spires of Life, as spires of a great cathedral have been abuilding within your temple as coils of ascension light. And these as electrodes have begun to magnetize unto you the deathless solar garment, even the body of light—the wedding garment. -Lanto, Pearl 24:16
There are many others vying for that seat; and when you attempt to enter in they try to slip in the gate. And they would prevent you from entering in by every ruse, by every aggressive suggestion penetrating mind and heart. And if you allow yourself to be tempted by their own death consciousness, their fear, their doubt, their procrastination spirals and their deliberate intent to deceive the very elect, you will find yourselves instead of being at the vortex of Christ-mind being slightly off-centered, off the point of the door and therefore continually embroiled in this or that problem which they succeed in stirring up even as they stir up the dust of centuries to deter you from your path. -Archangel Gabriel and Hope, Pearl 24:9
The carnal mind resists this surrender, but that does not matter. The more resistance you get the more you know that you are on the right track. But it is resistance to the old path that has to be put forth in order to overcome the momentum of the coil.
Every human habit pattern is a coil around the axis of man’s being, around the spine. That coil is broken down and unwound layer by layer by decree patterns and by reversing the momentum. It is the same for the habits of smoking, drinking, watching television or playing cards. When we do these things so many times the habit becomes a coil. And each time we do the thing the coil is wound around the pole of being. But if you build up a great enough decree momentum and have enough determination, you can break this coil all the way down the side without having to unwind it. It depends upon the amount of effort and determination you put into it. All of it can crumble at once by the action of fire.
Each time you take a step to decree, to break the old habit pattern you are building a new coil of a positive momentum of light. And that new coil which is of perfection is able to magnetize the same coils of perfection from every ascended master who has ever manifested the same quality that you are designed to outpicture.
Let us say that the new coil is constancy to do the will of God. Constancy is a green flame; the will of God is blue. If you are doing decrees on these rays and striving to outpicture these virtues, you are beginning to build a huge spiral of light around yourself. It becomes a magnet. Because it is in the plane of matter it must become an electrode on the minus side which attracts and impels the power of Spirit, or the plus factor in the kingdom of heaven, to be brought down into earth. This is the way that the kingdom of heaven can be brought into manifestation. -Messenger Elizabeth C Prophet on April 19, 1973 at Colorado Springs, Pearl 53:3
Ho! Ho! Ho! Let the lightning of the mind of God pierce the veil of human ignorance! We send shafts of whitefire, yellow-golden light to the cells of your beings, to your chakras.
Our beloved children of the Sun and sons and daughters of Alpha and Omega, welcome to Our hearts and be seated now in the comfortability of the Holy Spirit.
What is to become of the lightbearers of Earth? Well, beloved, you shall strive and intensify and establish fiery coils within your being—ascension coils if you will—if you desire that union with God. More than 50 percent of you here are called to make your ascension in this life. Yet many of you are truly not prepared, though your time for the ascension has come.
Mighty Cosmos with his secret rays pierces the five points within the body that represent the five marks of the crucifixion of Christ. Understand therefore, beloved, that your time for the victory may come and go unless you understand the Teachings themselves—first and foremost to so saturate your world with violet flame, beloved, that naught can take from you your fiery destiny! And in truth it is a fiery destiny. By the power of God you may know His mind and His mind within you as one.
In the presence of your Holy Christ Self then I ask you to make contact with Us, your Father-Mother God of this system of worlds daily, early in the morning. Therefore recite that mantra with Me now. [Audience gives “Father-Mother Light Mantra” with Helios and Vesta.]
Helios and Vesta!
Helios and Vesta!
Helios and Vesta!
Let the light flow into my being!
Let the light expand in the center of my heart!
Let the light expand in the center of the Earth
And let the Earth be transformed into the new day. (3x)
We tell you honestly, beloved, as Saint Germain has repeatedly also said, that human consciousness is unpredictable. You may think that We know all the moves that will be made by millions of Earth's evolutions, and billions. But that is not so. For the human mind is fickle—it is subject to great lows of consciousness, great highs of consciousness. And led astray by fallen angels the human mind that may be on the verge of touching the hem of Christ's garment will lose that opportunity.
Yes, beloved, We also wait and see. Thus We have not given predictions for the coming year except to say: all the wise ones, all whose love-flame continues to intensify as the love of Jesus Christ—all of you must see to it in these days and weeks and hours that you are prepared for your ascension.
Prepare yourselves as though you were preparing to get on a plane for some far distant destination where you have not been before. Be prepared, beloved, for when the time is right, when your cycles, your astrology, your formulas of being are there there is a moment of impetus when almost like a rocket you can move up into the sky and beyond the hold of the gravitational pull of the planet. If you are not ready, if you miss the plane or miss the train then, beloved, it is not certain when this acceleration may take place again.
Therefore I come, We come for the protection of all lightbearers in the world. We ask you to pray on behalf of all those who are bearers of light who have not contacted this activity, this Teaching, the Messengers and students.
Therefore, beloved, the motto must be to be prepared. You have prepared shelters, you have prepared a place in this vast wilderness in America. Now I say, be ready for your ascension every day of your life. Use the decrees for ascension flame that the Messenger has recorded with you and that shall be fully prepared and sent out. Let whitefire of your being always be intact.
If you should rupture the aura by extreme melancholy or extreme anger or extremes of any kind, stop what you are doing, mend the flaw, seal that capsule of light, that whitefire that surrounds you. Never be without the tube of light. Never be without your harmony. And if you lose it, you know what to do. Go into the closet and pray. Go after the “Count-to-Nine Decree.” Reestablish swiftly your centeredness in the threefold flame and know that here at this very point of light is the Atman, the Universal Self, the seed of the Buddha, the presence of liberty itself.
Blessed ones, when you can walk the Earth having balanced much more than 51 percent [of your karma] and you can seal that action and not undo it by human nonsense, then you will know that you have a ticket and that that ticket must be in your pocket at all times. For when the Maha Chohan calls you and says “We are moving up and onward!” then you must be in that fire that is just behind him as that cloak of the Maha Chohan draws you into ascension flame, into the Holy Spirit or takes you to one of the retreats of the ascended masters where you may strive diligently to learn lessons that you have not learned on Earth.
So you see, beloved ones, when you establish wholeness and you are firm and you will not compromise the Laws of God, when you have settled all things, when you have considered all things and you sense that your house is in order—you have paid that debt to this one and that one, you have given and forgiven seventy times seven, all things are in preparedness—then, beloved, you can go forth as champions, championing those who must begin at the beginning and understand what is the tube of light, what is violet flame, who is Archangel Michael, why do the ascended masters come and serve us. All those questions you are capable of answering and many, many more as you continue to study.
If we have pillars of fire such as yourselves and there is placed upon you by seraphim of God their Electronic Presence over you (if by merit it is so), you must know that you have certainly a considerable amount of protection, of momentum and ultimately of freedom to go here, to go there, to know the abundant life and literally to rescue not one or ten thousand but millions of souls.
We ask you to support this Messenger on television and throughout the world. And when the time comes for satellite let it be done. The Messenger can reach the millions, beloved. They will hear her because at inner levels they know the voice of the Mother of the World. They know her voice as you know that voice. And so they will stop, they will be still, they will not continue doing what they are doing but they will listen to the Word and the Teaching. And because of the mantle of the Messenger they will be caught up in that mantle of that whitefire, of that precious love, of that wisdom and of that protection.
See this and understand it, beloved. You may go around the world many times and accomplish much in meeting those who are learning of the Teachings for the first time. As for the Messenger, beloved, she will indeed go stumping—and stumping with a mighty action—to bring alive and bring to heights of God-consciousness those people who are called Americans, those who are here upon this continent, those who are in the United States. Blessed ones, you must go forth two by two or more to all nations in the Earth. For this is prophesied: when all shall have received the Teaching, then the end shall come.
What do We speak of when We talk about the coming of the end? It is the end of human darkness, of non-enlightenment! It is the end of human nonsense! For the skies are opened and each individual in his own way and in his own place around the world will know the avatar of the Piscean age, the beloved Son of God—Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. They will know him, beloved. And they will know him because they have already been assisted by the Messenger, and you have paved the way and you have given violet flame and you have called for the protection of every lightbearer on Earth.
Now then We shall have our pillars of fire, for seraphim will come and guard you and seal you. Be right with God therefore and do not compromise His Laws. For when you are in higher octaves, when you are in a higher state of consciousness yet walking the Earth in the flesh you must obey the Laws of God. These Laws cannot be broken with impunity. Therefore if you wish to break those Laws, you can count on extending your tenure in Earth because you have not balanced that karma.
We then bring to you a sense, a vibration, a very clear vibration almost tangible as you now begin to feel in your hands yellow shafts of fire,
whitefire mingling through, coming through our hearts. We are steadying your soul, steadying your four lower bodies, steadying your life plan, your special purpose that you must accomplish before you take your leave.
Now bask in whitefire and golden flame of illumination. Place your fingers at the crown of the head. Press into that centerpoint. Feel now as we send to you awakening energies, awakening as the Buddha awakens within you, awakening to the mission, awakening to deep inner oneness with God, with Holy Spirit.
Pillars of fire must ye be. Pillars of fire must ye be! Walk as pillars of fire! Only the angels and seraphim and those of heavenly octaves will know, for you will look as others. And here and there some will come and see that aura and begin to recognize: this is a holy man, this is a holy woman.
When you can be all over the world embodying that whitefire and that yellow fire you know inner calmness, inner oneness of yourself with the Holy Christ Self, the Holy Buddha Self. Strive to walk and talk with your Holy Christ Self. Strive for that merging, that bonding to your Holy Christ Self [that is possible] because you have worked through the issues of this life and past lifetimes. The very next goal on the path for you is indeed this.
You call to your Holy Christ Self. Many of you find that that Holy Christ Self is almost congruent with you but for want of this or that virtue or understanding or know-how or centeredness in the will of God or [for want of] taking care of specific details, [such as] having wronged others [and therefore having] to undo those wrongs and forgive and forgive again.
When all things are in order in your life and whitefire descends then, beloved, the fate of lightbearers of the world will be secured, for you shall ignite many. You shall ignite many with your heartflame, with your wisdom, in your very love for the honor of God and the will of God. This will flow from you and many shall know at last that in certain places in Earth and in pockets of Earth there are many who gather.
It does not take millions of perfected beings, even perfected to the level of the Holy Christ Self and bonded to that one. That very attainment which you can have—it is up to you—that attainment will give you the opportunity to move as a Christed one (meaning an “anointed” one) in the Earth. And when you know that that is where you are going and why you are going you will give of that fire. Some may suspect that you are one with a higher power, for this cannot be hid. You cannot put the candle under the bushel.
So, beloved, walk first of all in the imitation of Christ. Read that little book nightly by Thomas à Kempis and understand that every word and every line was overseen by Jesus. When you can fulfill all things written in that little book you will have gained much strength. Achieving Christhood in the flesh is a most glorious situation, a most glorious, wondrous event.
You see, some of you have much merit of Christhood. (And some of you to whom I refer have gone on to the octaves of light.) If you would be an example of Jesus Christ and Saint Germain and the saints of all ages, realize that people must see you. They must know that you are human and of flesh and blood, that they can touch you. And in so touching you they will receive that light of the one's Holy Christ Self.
So you see, beloved, don't just get by but let the river of life that flows through you flow then into the cities, into the levels of the world from the highest mountains to the deepest valleys. Let whitefire, let golden illumination's flame flow through you and flow through you. And there are rivulets and there are mighty rivers and there are mighty oceans, but all fire that pours through you will go through the people of the whole world. You can do this out of the body at night in sleep. You can do it out of the retreat of the God and Goddess Meru where we often go to address and to contemplate the condition of the world.
When you feel that yellow-whitefire flowing through you know that you give Cosmic Christ illumination. And as you give you will receive; and all things you send forth will come back to you and be multiplied infinitely—infinitely, beloved. Think of how many sunbeams reach the Earth each day. Everyone on Earth could be a single sunbeam and there would be millions and millions more of sunbeams in the world.
So approach now your own infinity. Let go of your finiteness. Enter in to the glory that you shall come to.
I ask you to contemplate the future now. Look down the long celestial highway. Are you walking on it? Are you a Christed one? Do you have disciples? Are you nearing the balance of a hundred percent of your karma? How do you see yourself, beloved, giving yourself to God, rejoicing that Gautama or Jesus or Zarathustra or Lao-Tzu have called you to this mission?
It is one thing, beloved, to make the ascension with a minimum achievement. It's like a passing grade. It is another thing to make your ascension with highest achievement possible for anyone walking the Earth. Accomplishing this, this very thing of which I speak, which is to [do this while you] have a flesh-and-blood body so that people can feel you, touch you, talk to you, ask you questions—that, that is the ultimate joy.
There be some among you who will not return. And because you have ascended many more shall ascend. But I tell you, when you stand in the midst of the people—whether they stone you, whether they throw rocks, whether they do this or do that, as was done two thousand years ago—you in your Christhood are able to stand and still stand. Is this not worth giving up the pettiness of life, the smallness of life, the ups and downs of humor and consciousness—now one is angry, now one is unhappy—and all the little things that really do not amount to anything? I ask you the question: would you not rather put all of your energy into being a visible Christ in the Earth than to waste your time in human pettiness and not to have shown that physical example? I ask you to remember these words.
As Vesta joins me, as we merge as one in the center of the Sun we mirror against a vast wall that which you may see with your inner eye which is the Temple of the Sun (within your sun-center) of Helios and Vesta. See how infinite is the capacity of the Sun. Think of golden cities of the Sun, of those of attainment, of those of great light. What do you suppose they are sending to your hearts now, beloved? What do you suppose?
It is the message: wake up the people! Wake up the people! Tell them of the path of the ascension. Tell them of reality. Tell them of fulfillment of cosmic purpose. Tell them! Tell them! For these ascended ones may no longer speak in the flesh to others in the flesh.
And so they cry out to you: “Tell them. Tell them! Tell them! Let them know there is a pathway, a golden path of whitefire that leads not only to the Sun of this system of worlds but to the Great Central Sun, the place of the God-star—yes, the place of Surya and Cuzco.”
Beloved ones, I daresay to you that if you miss the opportunity to be the example of the Christ to many, you shall regret it for much time to come when you reach higher octaves and realize that those in this state of consciousness simply cannot hear you. They will not hear you. And therefore they will be left in that state of ignorance.
So, my beloved, with great compassion of the compassionate heart of the Lord of the World, Gautama Buddha, we bow to the flame in your heart. Balance the threefold flame! Balance the threefold flame! Balance the threefold flame and watch the rocket of your divinity soar.
Thus the future of lightbearers is left to your freewill. I give you a glorious mission and a rejoicing that you may contact through Mighty Victory and other legions of light the precious souls in Earth who know, who know profoundly that there is a path but have not found it.
Think again, beloved, of the days before you knew of this path. Were you not lost and wondering where you should go, what you should do, knowing God would speak to you?
So, beloved ones, realize this. There are so many wonderful souls walking the Earth whose time has come for the victory, who can make their ascension if you go out and go after them so it will not be too late. And the sands in the hourglass are now descending, and they only find the Teaching at age seventy-five or age ninety when they should have found it much earlier.
Sacrifice, beloved. If you desire the ascension, then sacrifice on behalf of others who do not have the pearl of great price that you carry in your hearts.
In the name of Alpha and Omega I seal you in whitefire and golden illumination's flame. Reach out and save your brothers and sisters. -Helios and Vesta on 12-29-1996 at RTR, MT via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 45:24-25 (Maha Chohan, or Great Lord, also shown)
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