Sunday, November 27, 2022
You must study the cunning of the serpents and moves they are making
the light itself decrees opportunity this day to retrieve that which was lost, to enter a fiery coil and once again to know consciously that the decision to embrace the starry Mother–the blessed Kuan Yin, the wondrous Mary, Mother of Jesus and an infinitude, a plenitude of manifestations of the feminine ray–that that decision of the Omega in the ending will carry you back to the point of beginning[, of Alpha]. For it is the fount of the Divine Mother that does buoy up your soul and literally carry you to new dimensions of cosmic consciousness.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearls of Wisdom 31:52
Know this: where there is a conception there is the ordination of God for that life to come forth no matter what the circumstances of that conception, even be it rape or incest. -Archangel Uriel, Pearls of Wisdom 35:15
Saint Germain has said, even my beloved Joseph, that abortion is allowed [only] in cases where the life of the mother is in jeopardy. This is as it should be. But, beloved, you must know that where there is conception there is indeed the divine hand and the divine will. And if conception take place by incest [or] by rape, let it be understood that that conception [is the will of God and] must be hallowed even though [that life at its] inception was not hallowed [by the parents]. It is God who sanctifies life; therefore [let those who so conceive] receive that sanctification [and not deny it]. -Archeia Mary, Pearls of Wisdom 33:41
Blessed hearts, we see then that in this hemisphere Argentina and the seizing of the Falkland Islands is also a point of vulnerability.
Note well that it is the very bottom of the continent, and this ought to tell you that you are dealing with the base chakra of the entire hemisphere. And therefore the onslaught in the misuse of sex and pornography, child abuse, incest and those things which are rampant that have to do with the base of the spine are also involved. War itself is the misuse of Mother-light. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 25:28
Transcend then these outer conditions and experiences! Let not fear of the thoughts of others or of their criticism and opinions deter you from expressing the greatness of God that is within you! It does not matter what man thinks as long as your pure blessed hearts retain the favor of the great Cosmic Father whose Laws penetrate the hearts and minds of all to reveal therein the secret caves and recesses of being, to shed there new light and to purify by the holy flame the very caverns of human incest.
-Jesus Christ, 7:13
You16 must10 study17 the15 cunning37 of12 the15 serpents35=157 and10 moves20 they22 are15 making28(=95+157=252=4 x 63; a house divided63, covert takeover63, Ignatius Loyola63).. You must not be oblivious to them. You must have their wisdom [which is God’s] but not their cruelty, not their perverseness, not their death culture, not their [self-]indulgence and not their non-accountability. -Archangel Zadkiel, Pearl 27:46a
Mercy then does go forth. And as you continue to apply the Law in calling for the judgment of fallen ones who have perpetrated the deed of proliferation of this disease known as AIDS upon this planet, call also on behalf of those who “know not what they do.” For there are always the ignorant who are used as tools by the cunning and vile and by those who have ultimate and total accountability for the spreading of these plagues.
-Kuan Yin, Pearl 36:24
Thus I unveil to you the real mission of the Savior so truly stated by the apostles, for the redemption of the twin flames who took up the path of the Tree of Life in the ancient Mystery School and were turned aside by the cunning of the serpent philosophy, which was the philosophy of fallen angels who were determined to subvert the light [of twinflames] and misdirect the great gift of God [to all generations who would come after them]. -Maitreya, Pearl 27:47a on July 2, 1984 at RTR, MT via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
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