Monday, November 7, 2022
mask does not equal Self
central bank design inclines toward
transnational monopoly-networks which incline toward
world27 tyrant26 government52=105=5 x evil21.
a horse or deer are sparing in vocal tones, and the sparing grand fine-toned bells by and by are replaced by garish bombastic tones till the society itself is cracked in this tonal cacophony. then we remember we must find the calm clear aum- tone of life-integrity, not of noisy strife. chasing money dominance is a form of insanity. the money beast is ruthless and thrives in noisy strife, buying and selling furiously, incessantly.
reactionary57, hypocrisy57, Great Whore57, globalist agenda57, masquerading57,
Putin cique57, Duffy clique57.
n However, this dangerous attitudem sensationalism, opens the door to many types of wrong action and thereby individuals have come under the power of deceiving entitites masquerading as ascended masters. If only they would “challenge” or “try the spirits,” as they have been taught, they would effect greater and needed safeguards of their every act. -Saint Germain, Pearl 7:33
Men ask, “Why?” They cry out for knowledge; they perceive and know in part; but the beauty of the holy citadel, the place where the Holy Spirit dwells, is seldom contacted by them. Instead comes the ego asserting its tendencies, its desires, its stain and its masquerading; until at last as the sifting of men is being carried out even by the higher power within themselves we say: they know not what they do, and in blindness and conceit they remain the destroyers of one another’s destiny.
-Maha Chohan, Pearl 13:28
You must understand that the prince of darkness is clever and that, to the innocent of heart, his machinations54 are almost beyond belief. For example, the children of Belial masquerading as angels of light will allow themselves to be caught momentarily behaving very badly but they will do so in a limited way where only a few are able to observe. When those who witness their behavior out of honor make it known to others the masquerader will point the accusing finger at the one who speaks the truth and dares to expose the lie. The wolf in sheep’s clothing will then retreat behind a mask of innocence, concealing the blackness of his heart from the multitudes, his purpose being accomplished through the spread of the poison of hatred against souls who have the courage to stand for truth and justice. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 12:49
The reason mankind require crutches upon which to walk and support for their own sagging ideas that cannot stand in the light of reality is because they have leaned upon the arm of flesh, and the Spirit which is within them has not been acknowledged so as to give them the support that the Law would allow, blessing mankind with every divine possibility of which the mind of God could conceive. There is always a natural yearning that fills the souls of men which is not satisfied by all masquerading false concepts and therefore, the soul continues to hunger. -Divine Director, Pearl 9:11
“I wish to stress in particular that from time to time many religious people make contact with vicious astral forces masquerading as angels of light and purporting to be ascended masters. In reality these entities seek only to deceive mankind and to perform upon the waiting stage of their consciousness an unfolding drama of mutually magnetized attention—mutually magnetized because the individual in contact with the entity is enthralled with the concept that he as a person is in reality at last in touch with the ‘invisible realm of the ascended masters.’ -M and E Prophet, Pearl 48:18
The sword, blessed ones, is the discriminating intelligence of Christ mind that is able to determine what is of value, what is true, what is real and what is a wolf masquerading in sheep’s clothing. Yes, peace must come to the world because God wills it, because the angelic hosts will it and because mankind will it. But the victory of peace must be under the banner of the Prince of Peace with all truth enshrined within it. Archangel Chamuel, Pearl 10:46
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