Monday, November 7, 2022
Evil can never produce Good no matter what the disguise.
Of all hindrances facing spiritual movements the greatest has been personality. Egocentricity72 has10 paved21 the15 way13 for21 riptides46=198=6 x nonsense33) to which souls of men have been subjected. Negative38 influences45 which33 have18 opened32 the15 door25 to8 discord36=250
(=10 x shadow25) have fundamentally been: jealousy, covetousness, feelings of inferiority, of being left out, of lack and a diminishing faith based on uncertainties which creep into men’s minds because of their very wish to be certain! These influences are often very subtle. Other negative energies which have increased the perils in life are anger27 (both righteous and unrighteous), hatred29 masquerading
57 in14 the15 cloak15 of12 self-15 righteousness62
(=246=6 x cleverness41), malice25, gossip31, thoughtless46 and10 ungoverned53 speech29 stemming37 from25 restlessness39
(=295=5 x supercilious59), wrong habits of thought and feeling, excesses and laxity in exercising spiritual protection, prayer and attunement. Saint Germain, Pearl 5:4
We Ladies of heaven have sent forth our energies through the Pearls of Wisdom because the feminine ray is coming to the fore as never before in order to establish the great permanent golden age. It shall swallow up the flood of negative energy which the Earth has cast off. And that which threatens to destroy the Christ image of the Son of God in order to enthrone the abomination of desolation, (the warlike image of destructive intent manifesting in human consciousness) shall be inundated by the purifying waters of the mighty River of Life flowing freely from the heart of the Mother of the World. Those elements30 of12 human21 nature25 which33 oppose32 the15 appearing51 of12 the15 Christed41 plan16 are15 ever23 (=341=11 x halfway31) wolves in sheep’s clothing who would destroy the lambs of God while masquerading as defenders of their true Selfhood. Evil23 can9 never28 produce37 Good23 no11 matter23 what16 the15 disguise39 (=224=8 x never28).
-Goddess of Peace, Pearl 6:32
Again the Lord has warned “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” This renegade had no power to destroy the souls of the innocent in hell. But he tried. While he stands before the Four and Twenty Elders they will live to see the light of day on Earth, once again to challenge and be challenged by human19 tyrants27 masquerading57 as2 God17 (=122=
2 x and be challenged61).
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 21:49
Now if we could, we would meet the children of God more than halfway. For even the masters recognize the advantage of stirring up astral dust: the cleansing of intuitive faculties of mind and heart for a greater receptivity to truth. However in the past when the great Law has made an exception, allowing us to do just that we have found that the sea of mankind’s emotions was easily disturbed and that due to his astral preconditioning; his sensitivities were such that even in the presence of light he found the cosmic perception of beauty unacceptable. He resented being told the truth and would21 almost17 rather34 have18 entertained52 a1 masquerading57 entity30=230 (=10 x masters23) than angels unawares.
-Paul the Venetian, Pearl 13:43
In the matter of moods then we would suggest to every student who pursues God’s happiness— whenever he is invaded by a feeling that is less than God-happiness, a feeling of discomfort or disquietude that he begin to look for the cause first in his own subconscious mind and in centering of his attention around negative ideas which he may have allowed to enter his world and secondly in14 the15 person33 of12 masquerading57 or15 malevolent38 entities38 (=212=4 x disquietude53). -Lanto, Pearl 12:32
Blessed ones, the opening of despair is through drug culture and rock music. This opening into the youth of the world is followed by all forms of masquerading57 suicide34 entities38 (=129=3 x subconscious43). Do you realize, beloved, that in the moment of the decision to take one’s life the only hope held is of death itself which is a perverted self and a perverted hope? -Archeia Hope, Pearl 30:4
The question that comes to mind is: how could the one whom the king called “friend” have gotten past him and his servants? It is clear that fallen angels have stolen their way into the retreats of the etheric octave masquerading as angels of light. And did not our Lord say “The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force”? -ECP, Pearl 38:29
There has been such15 a1 crassness27 and10 amplification65 of12 darkness28 and10 shadow25 masquerading
57 (=245=7 x deceive35) under26 the15 name15 of12 individuality69
(=152=8 x egos19) that it is a wonder that souls of light have been able to penetrate the veils of flesh; and I assure you that without the assistance of angelic hosts it would have been entirely impossible. Seldom do men imagine how individuality can become a whirlpool56 of12 destruction49
(=117=3 x deceived39) that carries individuals dedicated to their egos together with their offspring down into despair levels after despair levels. -Kuan Yin, Pearl 16:7
Men are often content with limited aims. They stagnate in pools of human energy, of old and horrid momentums of the15 masquerading57 discord36 of12 others31, literally42 glued22 to8 tyranny36 of12 the15 senses18 (=304=8 x human energy38). Astral seepages occur, and the toes of the emotions are stepped upon. The callousness32 of12 men’s15 hearts26 slows16 the15 beat10 (=116=4 x light29). Putridity abounds where generosity and movement should occur. -Morya, Pearl 13:39
When there is constant bickering among the various factions of the so-called body of God upon Earth, when men do not prune themselves of gossip and destructive releases of thought and feeling, when they seek human control of the lives of others through what is actually witchcraft, black magic and psychological treachery—masquerading57 as2 innocence46
(=105=5 x evil21) while imputing guilt to the innocent—they themselves will surely come to judgment; yet their judgment will not produce the miracle of the new heaven and the new earth.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 12:51
Today the greatest hindrances to true spirituality in orthodox movements are fear on one hand and insipid44 love18 (=62=2 x worked31) on the other. First they have threatened men in the name of religion with eternal burning and then they have followed up their threats by a wretched pleading for souls to come unto God. Many have been driven from God by fear while still others have been drawn to Him by a false love. Yet I do not deny that among those who serve without understanding—without correct interpretation of the Scriptures, having been subjected to many vicious forces that have worked through religious orders masquerading as angels of light—there are many sweet and devoted people.
-Nada, Pearl 11:17
“We urge therefore—seeing that false16 prophecy52 is so much a1 part19 of astral17 treachery49 (=154=7 x stealth22)—that all shall seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and seek to walk justly with their fellowmen in the service of the masters of the Great White Brotherhood according to the directions already released and shall, above all, avoid contact either with the dead (which is but necromancy) or with astral entities masquerading as sons of light. In most cases it is not necessary that individuals should become amanuenses for cosmic purposes; for when it is the will of God that such should be done, He will make it known with such clarity that even a child could read and understand.
-M and E Prophet, Pearl 48:19
I come then for my lambs, those who need the Shepherd. I come for my sons and daughters throughout the Earth who have in themselves that living flame and are playing their roles in the governments of many nations. I come for many; for I am a father who broods over his children, the children of Earth and the children of heaven.
So, beloved, I encourage you to continue climbing that mountain of Self, climbing and climbing that mountain. I encourage you to use your time wisely to gain eternal life, to gain the riches of the kingdom and to reinforce what the Brotherhood has established.
I send forth now my angels to the four winds, to the four corners of Earth to bring home to me new circles of my children who will gather, who will listen, who will learn, who will receive the torch from those who have gone before them, who will pick up the pieces and will put together that platform for the delivery of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.
I am grateful for you who so love my words, my messages, the messages of the ascended masters. I am grateful that you have it in your heart and in your hands to make possible the dissemination of my speaking—speaking to small groups that gathered and then larger groups and then larger until I took my leave of this octave to hold the balance for all of you that you might ascend to the heart of God in this life.
This is my prayer. This is my work day and night, to bring the ripened fruit to that point of personal Christhood. I am grateful then that though my life was cut off in an untimely season, my words might live and be heard and be understood. I thank you for giving me the door that I may walk through and be present anywhere on Earth where my teachings are given on tape.
This is a vast opportunity for us all. I pray that you consider what a great boon it is to you and to me—for good karma, for opening of the age of Aquarius, for assistance to Saint Germain that he might gain more dispensations for support of beloved El Morya in his hour of trial, in his hour of victory as the century concludes and new years unfold, one astrology building upon another until the challenges are like passing through the eye of a needle. The challenges must be met by a spiritual force that you now garner in the storehouse of being, in the chakras and in the aura so that you are unmovable before the descent of your own karma, let alone the karma of the nations.
And so, beloved, people can be braced in my aura and in your aura, one with me as I count you my chelas. And therefore they can have hope and courage and enlightenment. And as they know me, beloved, and remember me in the spoken Word, so then that tie is established to those who are pure in heart, who are as children, whose souls are free and who have recognized my fathering of them for many centuries.
Therefore it is truly an hour to be grateful and to consider how great is the work of strengthening souls by your own personal path of Christhood. It is hard indeed, beloved. No one has ever said it is not hard. But each drop of blood, sweat, tears nets you the gain of another drop of reality and another and another. And as the years pass you say “I am real. I am real with the Great Divine Director. I know my God-reality in my temple.” And as you know this and as you break the bread of life, the Word and the teaching, with others—as you know this, beloved, it is inevitable, it is unavoidable: the forces of darkness are terrified. Thus they strike, individual by individual, where that Christ is manifesting.
Be not moved; I am there; I am with you; I do not leave you. Be not moved. Show all the cosmos the strength of your being, the conviction of your own Godhood, the conviction that Moses gave to you that ye are God’s, all of ye are sons and daughters of the Most High. But then he said “And ye shall die nlike princes.” And that is the point you must recognize. The princes in this Earth are the Nephilim princes. If you follow them and their way of life, if you imitate them, thus you take on their identity and forsake your Christ-identity; and therefore you shall live and die like them rather than entering the coils of immortality of your own being.
Where does immortality come from? It is the seed within you. It is the sacred fire; it is the life force. Let no man take this crown of immortality from you in exchange for paltry things that come and go and pass away.
I speak of fulfillment at all levels of being. I speak of a charted fulfillment and an educated path of fulfillment. Fulfillment, aye, is necessary. Take heed then that in fulfilling yourself you do not neglect the fulfillment of God nor rail against tough initiations that come to see what is left of that human pride—come to see what is left of it.
Pride must go or go before the fall, one or the other. When pride is slain, keep sword in hand to slay it again. It is a deep root. But always replace it with the realization that “I AM God—all of me in God as one with all other God-manifestations.”
O see beyond and see through the mists and maya! See the reality you are a part of and that you are entering. O yes, see it, beloved! This is a spiritual path, but only you make it so. As though a thousand wells surrounded you and you did not draw water, so is the spiritual path. It is somewhat like exercise, is it not? You can think about it, you can plan it, you can make commitments to do it, but none of these is the real thing. Thus [if you are] surrounded by angels and heavenly beings, but you do not drink of the cup how can you say “I am on a spiritual path”? Your soul is dry and parched. Feed it. Give it to drink. Let me speak to your soul.
The Mother has wisely assigned to you in this conference teachings from my heart, for this truly is the conference during which I seek that profound bonding with each one of you. I come to love you. I come to put my arms around you each one, to press you to my heart, to press you to my bosom and to take from you what you are ready to let go of.
O yes, beloved, I am here and I would pour into you, as mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, my words. And because you cannot always hear me, hear me then through my teachings, through my tapes and through the masters’ dictations. I am with you always. You do not always know it, but it is so. I am always with the Messenger; I am always with you.
This is the reason for being of community. We must draw the line—we must draw the circle, a circle about it and say “Within this circle we have rules because by those rules we transcend ourselves. Without them we do not experience Self-transcendence and we become as a dried-up reed.”
Therefore we have chosen this inner circle. We have chosen to be, to know, to live, to rejoice, to be happy, to dance, to sing [and] to mourn and be sorrowful for those who know not how to enter in to our laughter or to our tears.
I am with you, beloved. I am the strength of God undiluted. I know that I AM God. I know that you are God. Let us know it together! Let us be the shining ones, undaunted. Let us admit no defeat but [know] intensification of the coil of immortality within.
I seal your hearts with this message and you shall be hearing from me throughout these days. You may write me letters, put them in the basket, talk with me, walk with me, sigh with me, tell me what is your burden, tell me what are your plans. I am with you and I stand by you at the level at which you find yourself now. And I may gently or fiercely suggest that you take a little turn here and a little turn there so as not to miss the rewards of service that you have so graciously offered me.
Thus I am yours always to command. I AM Lanello of the Order of the White Cross. Pearl 47:37, 10-5-1993 at RTR, MT
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whirlpools57, masquerading57,
hypocrisy57, Great Whore57, globalist agenda57, Duffy clique57, reactionary57,
love of money57, empowerment57
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