Sunday, November 6, 2022
masquerading57 as2 angels22 of12 light29
Beloved Seekers:
Let us open up through sweet simplicity the understanding of men to the doorway of Self. Self is not the image that appears, that seems to be, that masquerades behind the name of an individual or his personality. Self is not the mask nor is it the karmic record filled with undesirable qualities which man in his heart repudiates.
In the seeming struggle between good and evil there are negative38 forces30 that13 seek13 to8 hide26 from25 the15 eyes18 of12 man10 (=208
=8 x betray/conceal26) his real Image and to glorify the pseudo-image. This they do in order that they22 may12 control34 men14 by9 warping43 their33 motives31 (=198=
6 x inner33) and by surrounding them with fear. But the key to escape is simple. If you will remain steadfast in a childlike sense of wonder and trust in God we can this day dispel all doubt and fear from your consciousness regardless of your intellectual level.
You must understand first that the image that appears is not real; second, that the image that does not readily appear but that is real is often hidden; and third, that this hidden image is the image that God did make and that He saw was good. The subtle forces of the serpent that roam the planet—whether they act through a fraudulent theology, through psychopolitical treacheryor through an invasion of the minds of men, producing obsessions—will continue to downgrade the individual by amplifying his supposed or actual errors, and they will continue to seek to hide the beautiful image of God in which each man was made.
We propose to restore the individual sense of dignity and worth as one of the first steps in finalizing man’s understanding of himself. It is not that we would say of the evil that men have done it is no cause for punishment. The Word has clearly stated “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” But men should understand that the Law was written for positive reasons. When God said “As ye sow, so shall ye reap,” He referred to the Law of givingness and service whereby a star of minute proportions could attain to a greater glory by permitting a greater measure of the glory of God to flow through his consciousness. This is the only means whereby the gifts of the eternal kingdom may be permanently retained.
The world is full of condemnation. Mankind do not understand that when they condemn one another they also condemn themselves, nor do men understand that condemnation is a tangible misqualification of God’s energy, nor do they realize that when they laugh at one another they are actually laughing in the dark at God who is in the light. For God dwells in the inner light of every man, and those who speak against the veiled prophet that abides within as the hidden man of the heart speak out of the darkness of themselves against the light. That they know it not and are ignorant is no excuse.
In teaching you to understand yourself, we must remove from your eyes the scales of injustice that have traduced your immortal reality.
You are a child of the light,
You were created in the image divine,
You are a child of Infinity,
You dwell in the veils of time,
You are a son of the Most High!
To ray your light and to serve
Is to do the will divine
By being the living Word.
No darkness can long endure
Before the radiant light.
The truth will make you secure
And ready your soul for flight—
The ascension is the goal.
As Jesus rose from the sod
He inspired man to enfold
himself in the mantle of God.
I AM is the name of the Father,
I AM is the name of the Son,
I AM is the Spirit Most Holy—
Ye all are clothed by the One.
He will guide and guard you forever,
He will carry you far in His arm,
He hides Himself from the clever,
He enshrines the poor with His charm.
God lives in your soul, the image of Self—
To know it will change your view.
God lives in the light that shines from within,
He breaks His bread with the few.
He hears our calls and answers,
His love is the light of men.
Accept then His understanding—
Your wonderful way to win.
I AM is the name you must call on—
’Tis being so broad and true.
For the narrow confinements of selfhood
Can only hide from view
The face of Forever in heaven
Unfolding within the soul.
His bread is the precious leaven
To raise us all to our goal.
Won’t you understand then that as your real Self has no part in these karmic records, in these personality traits, in this sense of struggle and separation, so you must be alive forevermore. As Jesus said to John upon Patmos “Behold, I AM alive forevermore...and have the keys of hell and of death,” so the development of the deathless consciousness of your Creator will enable you to build for eternity.
The work you do is not for a moment. It is not for a family you will lose or who will lose you. It is not for a course that will be won or for a diploma earned. These are pinnacles in time. These are but passing landmarks on the road to an ever- transcending reality, for the work of the Father and of the Father through the Son is for eternity.
Understand thy highest Self then as the God of very gods. As you face this concept the lower self falls upon its knees. As the Christ, the eternal Mediator, bows to the Father, Good becomes All-in-all. Man enters the sudden stream of overcoming Self-realization. He fears no merge, for he sees that the blackened image of the synthetic self that has sought to cast down his immortal birthright is not real! Therefore he quickly replaces it with the divine image and humbly holds himself in the consciousness of the son who awaits his divine inheritance.
These simple phrases meditated upon again and again will reestablish the currents of the ascension flame within the fabric of the soul. These gentle graces, thought upon with utter devotion, will take the sting out of the battle of life and they will balance the service of the man of great spiritual attainment with that of the man who is just beginning. As it was spoken long ago “But many that are first shall be last; and the last first.” Until men merge with their divine image and with their divine inheritance they should not look to the matter of who is free from karma and who is not, who has more karma and who has less karma. For the way of overcoming is strictly a matter of consciously realizing that one’s living identity is the deathless, birthless, eternal God.
Through identification with this Eternal God the lodestone of the Presence becomes the magnet that focuses energy and purpose in the individual monad, drawing him ever upward in the great sounding stream of universal progress. A God is born. “Ye must be born again.” No longer wedded to the changing, shifting sands of personality, of frustration and of struggle man understands himself as one with his own beloved I AM Presence.
But a note of caution must be sounded here. No one must use his Presence as a cudgel to harm other men or others upon the path. No one must say my Presence is over your Presence. For the Presence of all life is one, and the delicate interaction between the souls of men that is a development of the power and wisdom of the Presence always exudes the perfect activity of divine love.
Yet as part of the forte of heavenly wisdom that becomes the treasure of the individual seeker upon the path it would be well if he would understand clearly that he must put an end to the sense of struggle that he has developed between himself and differing ideologies, concepts and personality traits of others. This does not require one to become aloof from humanity nor do we suggest that you fail to consider politely and sincerely the statements of others as they may be functioning on the path below the level of the divine. Rather do we recommend that you establish your relationship with others on the basis of your relationship with the Christ.
Let none construe our remarks to mean that you should presume to judge or to condemn other men, for your judgment rests with the Eternal. Your faith rests with God. Your hope rests there and your future. When you commend your life and your thoughts unto Him you automatically free the lower self from the converging and diverging lines of karmic force and you draw into your unascended consciousness the beautiful qualities of the Presence that fulfill step by step the necessary and lawful requirements that lead to your ultimate freedom in the light.
O if only the students would grasp this principle! And then if they would reread this series until they have made it a part of the inner instruction that is written in the heart, they would find it much easier to manifest the freedom of genuine happiness in fulfilling their divine plan.
Lovingly in the light of daily progress, moving onward to perfection, I remain Meru, Pearls of Wisdom 12:37
Evaluation by consciousness shows forth the worth of our instruction as shadow after shadow of human nonsense is dissipated by the great power of light and divine illumination which penetrates the illusions of sense consciousness and is the source of each man’s freedom when accepted and rightly understood.
As we propose to eliminate from the consciousness of mankind the vapid and inferior manifestation accepted by mortal mind let it be made clear that the will of man is the prime factor in determining the course of consciousness, whether it shall fall, maintain its status quo or rise. The will of man is, simply stated, a divine right exercised within a wide latitude of freedom. Men may use the right of the will to create circumstances of bondage just as easily as they may use the right of the will to weave garments of light which will serve them well eternally.
The misuse of freewill by mankind is the cause of all human problems. Knowing this, the so-called Brothers of the Shadow prepare many traps into which the neophyte or even more advanced disciple of the light may easily fall. For some time now we have intended to reveal one of these most dastardly traps which has been sprung by that organization which desires to strip mankind of the full measure of his spiritual protection.
As you know, blessed ones, controversy is never our purpose; on the contrary it is always our intent to further the revelation of divine truth. There are many who feel that we should confine ourselves to issues which are not controversial. This we have refused to do, determined not to leave mankind in the serious position of remaining in the pit of any delusion or illusion, no matter how much comfort it may seem to bring them. Therefore with this Pearl of Wisdom I am releasing to the perceptive a complete measure of understanding concerning the correct use of ascended master names:
Appellations are as old as the hills, for God Himself perceived the fruit of His own radiating Word and saw that which He had made and called it “very good.” Adam attached to the various manifestations of the natural world an appellation of his choice. And so with the birth of increased awareness by the manifestation called man language grew and multiplied. The Word of God by which the heaven and earth were framed was the eternally resonant voice of the Logos, but in the world of form it became drowned by many human voices and many human words. The ringing statement “There is no other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved” clearly showed the feeling of the early apostles of the Christian Church with reference to the sacredness attached to the divine name.
For many centuries in many languages the name “Jesus the Christ” has been called upon by mankind and has evoked the quickness of his loving response which has generated faith for countless manifestations of good, some of which men have chosen to call miracles, while others have denied them as such, proclaiming them to be manifestations of natural law. The rose of his service, the love of his heart known by any name is as sweet to mankind; yet the ever increasing power in the use of his name, as in the use of all ascended masters’ names, is keyed to a vibratory action to which they respond.
Desiring to increase the span of shadows in the darkening world and to bring mankind under bondage, the Black
Brotherhood has tricked individuals and organizations who believe themselves to be servants of God and has caused instructions to be issued through them signifying changes in the names and divine offices of many of the great masters. In reality these names have not been changed nor have these offices been changed, for the term of the offices has not yet run out.
Proclamations have gone forth changing the name of Jesus the Christ from this name to another. Others have said that I myself ought no longer to be called the Great Divine Director but should be known by another name. This other name is in reality the appellation of an impostor who long desired to usurp my office. Recently an organization sought to change the name of Saint Germain. Another organization has sought to change the names and offices of both the Lord Maha Chohan and beloved Paul the Venetian.
Let it be clear that we have no quarrel with individuals on the physical plane who have released this information, for they know not in truth that they have been duped23 by9 ambitious37 and10 calculating40 minds23=162=9 x off18. And it goes without saying that we do not speak for the sake of personal vituperation or to harm any part of life. But we do speak with the authority of Almighty God to proclaim the ringing truth that will retain for the true and earnest disciple that contact with the ascended masters’ vibration which is always indicated in the correct use of their names.
The power of God has for centuries been vested in the names of these ascended masters, and to use other names does not increase the power of God or the power of truth; for if these new names which mankind have tacked on to the ascended masters are called upon, it keys the disciple into the vibratory action of an impostor. Thus the disciple without realizing it is putting the funnel of his attention into22 a1 cesspool32 and10 mire27 of12 jaded15 consciousness49
(=168=8 x curse21) while at the same time ignorantly denying the power of the Lords of Light whom mankind have been taught to call upon from their mothers’ knees, in some cases, and in others from the date of their illumination.
Blessed ones, be not deceived, for the Scriptures have clearly stated that there would arise false Christs and false prophets who would show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they would deceive the very elect. The great power of divine love which is in the ascended masters’ octave remains fixed there, and when the key of the correct name of the master is used and attention flows to that master it will always return the peace and blessing of that individual Son of God into the world of the seeker.
When individuals in ignorance call upon other names and their hearts are pure it does not always mean that they will experience some negative outpouring of which they are consciously aware; but in reality there is always a diminution of the light- flow into their worlds and in some there have been awful obsessions created and the infestation of entities into their worlds because they have been thrown off the path of truth by calling upon others who are in14 reality36 not masters of light but7 impostors45 of the Black Brotherhood masquerading57 as2 angels22 of12 light29 (=224=8 x deceit28).
Our sole purpose in this revelation is to see that every one of our blessed chelas retains his freedom and his faith that they22 be7 not13 tied20 into22 anything44 that13 is10 unclean25 or15 deceitful40 (=231=11 x peace21), and that they keep the way to the Eden of God and eat only of the Tree of Life that is in the midst of that garden of divine truth.
The beloved Master Paul the Venetian remains as the Chohan of the third ray of divine love, for his service to life is far from finished in that office; and the Lord Maha Chohan remains with all divine cosmic honor as simply the Maha Chohan, which means the Great Lord. As his consciousness and power soar in service of the light and for mankind the power of his office is not diminished but transcends itself again and again, illumining and bringing release to many among mankind from the pains of wrong thought and feeling.
You will never know, blessed ones, how great is the power of the cosmic light to sustain you in every moment when tests do come and your wills adhere to their great God-design, for to forsake the ascended masters by “having other gods before Me” whether in ignorance and unbelief or in the search for the curious or the new will not profit your souls, for great is the Lord, the God of the universe who has said “I AM is My Name.” In Him all beings merge into the great light but retain the new name which they have been given by God and which is in reality the old name which no man knoweth save he who has received it.
I AM sustaining the power of infinite truth for you,
the Great Divine Director, Pearls of Wisdom 9:40
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