Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Inroads into the very light of the soul itself are being attempted once again
1) The heel is the symbol not only of the reproductive organs but also of the genes and chromosomes and the DNA spiral which conveys in matter the Christic light sealed in the seed and egg of man and woman. Inroads into the very light of the soul itself are being attempted once again by reembodied Atlantean scientists–serpents in your midst who contemplate the submission of the entire human race to their devilish designs (all in the guise of good) through alteration of the genetic code, selective breeding of the seed of Serpent with the seed of Christ to produce a supposed superior race having the cunning of fallen ones enhanced by the light of the woman. They also contemplate behavior modification for mankind’s passive role-playing in the perverted matrices of Serpent and of course euthanasia, misnamed ‘mercy killing’, and the abortion of the life of innocents in the womb of the Mother. They shall not pass! -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 22:46
2) Archangel Michael’s sword cuts through all that is not of the light in the DNA of the individual and society. Especially does Archangel Michael use his sword to bind discarnate entities and to clear the planet of massive grids and forcefields that can draw millions of souls into the lower astral plane without their even realizing that they are being sucked downward into the bowels of the Earth.
-Archangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearl 40:4
3) Imagine a world without television or computers, a world in which man had never traveled to the moon or launched a satellite, a world where man had not split the atom or unlocked the DNA code, a world without the Internet!
These scientific and technological advances have taken place during the last complete revolution of Uranus. It is from this base of knowledge that we will launch the next revolution in science—in microelectronics and microbiology, in computer science, information science, military science and communications technology. -Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 39:6
4) Let there be the restoration of music in every home, and let the classics build the inner code of life. Let it
recreate the DNA chain. And by the power of the nine symphonies of Beethoven and much that should be known in the cell level of every lifestream, let the portals of Venus open once again. And let the culture of hell that has gone forth on this planet be utterly consumed by the living flame of love, by the path of ruby ray. Let Earth be so bathed in the radiance of love as to consume that which is gross, degenerating, causing decay and loss of life. -Lady Venus, Pearls of Wisdom 28:21
5) Blessed hearts, have you ever thought symbolically that the climb to the very crown of the Statue of Liberty is the following of the spiraling steps of the Kundalini or even of the DNA chain of the I AM race that is guarded by the Lady with the Lamp?
Have you ever thought that climbing that stairway, round and round, is a passageway to the secret chamber of her heart, to the interior castle, and to the path of the secret rays? -Kuan Yin, Pearl 25:21
6) The very ones who were instrumental in causing the sinking of Atlantis have reincarnated in this century, and their focus is a staggering agenda of world destruction. Among them are the Atlantean scientists who experimented with recombinant DNA, breaking up and splicing together DNA from human and animal sources, thereby spawning creatures that were half man and half animal. Their evildoings ultimately brought forth the Lord’s judgment. -Elohim Apollo and Lumina, Pearl 38:31
7) And so the children and the youth are innocent victims who receive the greatest onslaught of tampering with brain cells through that which has come forth out of the pit—the rock music, drug culture, misuse of sexual energies. More than that, beloved ones, by tampering with and manipulating the DNA chain the fallen ones have determined that generations in the not too far distant future will be born without cells within the brain that are the necessary contact with chakras and the soul. -Maitreya, on July 2, 1978 at Pasadena via Messenger ECP, Pearl 43:33
8) Man’s attempt to alter the structure of the DNA molecule and thereby gain control of the human embryo is not new; successfully accomplished in past eras, it may be achieved once again in this age. When respected and rightly implemented by wise men of divine attainment this feat of science will present such marvelous possibilities to the race as to appear miraculous–albeit all miracles are the demonstration of natural law. However the great danger in such discoveries lies in their misuse by corrupt men who, while playing God in the realm of matter, neglect to play God as they ought in the realm of Spirit. -Maitreya, Pearl 14:41
9) After all, precious ones, understand that elementals must memorize the very complex DNA formulas for life in man, in all of matter, in plant life and in all elementals who are inhabiting animal life on Earth. This is the part of the engram of their consciousness, a part of the formulas of nature that are held by elementals that they might outpicture every manifestation, including the planetary body itself which you behold in the nature kingdom. -Oromasis and Diana, Pearl 53:15, on April 6, 1977 in Pasadena via Messenger E C Prophet
10) And therefore the science of genetics and the manipulation of the DNA chain was in advance of that which it is today. And today’s scientists are just beginning to touch on the records that were in the laboratories of Atlantis that caused such a degeneration of consciousness and of body and such a proliferation of perverted forms and crossbreeding of all types of animal life with human life so as to ultimately find the decree of the Lord God in the flood of Noah and in the sinking of that continent. -Neptune and Luara, on October 7, 1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:41
11) If your spirit has the determination to raise up your soul to the level of the Christ consciousness, all of the chemical elements of your being will “climb the ladder of the DNA chain” even as the fragments of your soul are climbing Jacob’s ladder in their desire for wholeness.
This process is a spiritual one. We examine it in metaphor, yet it is a reality that takes place within the etheric sheath as the components of spirit and soul reunite with the source of Being.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 39:2
12) The so-called scientists who busily turn their psychotronic generators and gadgets, sophisticated and not, on everything from the weather and Earth currents to the DNA chain and the chakras of their victims are the insane seed of the Wicked One whose time and space are very short and who must yet be judged before Christ and his apostles. Some of the effects of influences you have observed, often attributing them erroneously to natural causes, are from outer space and space vehicles, their mother ships and satellite planets. But much is directed from the space within Earth, projected from surface as well as subsurface levels. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:11
13) Thus this is the taking of heaven by the violent who take it by force. And they take it by force through genetic engineering. And thus you see the prophecy of Daniel coming to pass in many areas—the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place where it ought not. This statement from the Old Testament has numerous interpretations connected with the violation of the temple in those eras. But I speak to you today of the violation of the temple of man and abomination in the violation of the genes and DNA chain.
-Jesus and Magda, Pearl 27:62
14) These rebels against the Woman and her seed managed to perpetuate themselves and their lineage for thousands of years and therefore they were there when civilizations rose and fell and they are here for the rise and fall of many souls. And so the generations of Cain very easily injected into succeeding civilizations the know-how to turn science, invention, technology, the arts of metallurgy and even the DNA of the highest and lowest evolutions to their evil designs.
-Elohim Apollo and Lumina, Pearl 36:29
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