Tuesday, November 29, 2022
They will replace God with anti-God as the supergods of a superstate; and you will see destruction of the economy
1) Even today the Western bankers are admitting that they are in an insurmountable crisis through loans to Communist nations in the Third World. One of these days, beloved hearts, despite the support of the seed of the Wicked One there shall come the hour when there are simply no more funds to supply the beast of world socialism, no more grain or technology to fan the fires of world totalitarian movements. -Saint Germain, Pearl 27:31a
2) Life itself cries out to be liberated from its economic, political and military oppressors East and West. Heartless leaders of the free world have stood by and watched recent intervention by the forces of World Communism impose totalitarian systems on the peoples of Poland, Afghanistan, Laos, Cambodia and certain states of Africa and Central America that have stripped from the people of these nations their inalienable rights of human dignity, life, liberty, property and self-determination. -Messenger ECP, Pearl 25:5
3) Let there be light in the citadels of freedom throughout the Earth! O thou deliverer of the Word, unto the Most High God I appeal for the intercession of the Mighty One of God, Sanat Kumara, not alone in Poland but in every nation where pacts, partitions, political treaties have resulted in the oppression, the repression, and the subjugation of peoples as slaves of a world totalitarian movement that is fed by both streams of East and West.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 25:4
4) Blessed hearts, there comes a moment when, straying too far from the point of Christ-Selfhood, the individual himself loses the thread of Life and of contact and therefore slips, as it were, into a sea of oblivion. This, as you know, was done through an outrageous disobedience of fallen angels through their challenge of the Godhead. The clenched fist, the sign of the world totalitarian movements, the sign of aggression of peoples, binding of souls, suppressing of the light and finally ultimate physical torture and cruelty, murder and death, bloodletting, et cetera—all of this began with the infamy of those fallen angels, the Watchers themselves and the Nephilim. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 26:24
5) It will be seized and snatched from you if you do not fill it (opportunity) by those who are the interlopers, hirelings and false pastors. Thus they will present their vision of a world communal system, of a world totalitarian movement. They will replace God with anti-God as the supergods of a superstate; and you will see destruction of the economy and souls blinded by a mass planetary momentum and entity which does cloud people and make them perform for a season acts and deeds which are not native to their own righteousness out of The Lord Our Righteousness or their own soul’s beauty…. Chakra by chakra, spiritual sense by spiritual sense you will see how we will use to maximum efficiency all that are the fundamental tools that God has given to your lifestream to be instruments of His light. Just as quickly as you master one faculty you may move on to the next. By the spoken Word the throat chakra is in motion. By visualization the third eye is activated. By love the fires of the heart increase and intensify tenfold and a thousandfold your decree. -Nada, Pearl 26:51, given October 7, 1983 at Camelot, L.A. via Messenger E C Prophet
6) Thus we see that the fallen ones who hold power have taken the power of God and they have abused it in dictatorships, treachery and intrigue, their conceit and deceit, their absolute chaos and discord. And when you think of totalitarian movements on the planet you can see that they accomplish their ends by a total abuse of power that you will note [is charted] on the cosmic clock on the blue-flame cross of the 12/6 and 3/9 [axes]. These abuses of power are manipulative, such as condemnation and criticism, intimidation [on the 12 o’clock line]. This turned inside out becomes a mockery [of the Christ in the children of God]. Thus there is disinformation that goes forth–again [the] abuse of the Word of God [on the 3 o’clock line]. -Saint Germain, Pearl 31:72
7) At every hand where there is the battleline drawn, where the light of freedom meets the darkness of totalitarian movements and tyrants, there must be the vigil there must be the all-aeeing Eye of God. There must be played in this very sanctuary films showing the misbehavior of these fallen ones. Let us no longer tarry while the Earth is consumed by tyrants and entire generations [are] compromised who have been born to sing the anthem of the free. -Archangel Zadkiel, Pearl 29:34
8) Lightbearers of Earth,
I AM Hercules, come to you in this physical octave by the very forcefield of light established in this place by Keepers of the Flame here and there across the Earth. Therefore I place my blue dot on those locations where Keepers of the Flame have truly raised up pillars of Hercules!…
Will they not give the divine decree that will give to us in the physical octave that electrode, even the divine magnet of Alpha and Omega, that shall indeed by the Lord’s Spirit repolarize these evolutions that have gone astray and lost their minds and therefore become unwitting tools of that sinister force? We have determined to stop them before it is too late. And after the end of this year it will be too late, beloved, for cycles are turning swiftly.
Therefore know that lightbearers must be rescued from their
polarization with World Communism and against the light of individual Christs. Therefore know that on each of the seven rays of their service they must be reached by illumination, by the power of love such as has never been seen before and such as you have displayed in the fervor of your calls, by purity that is the fierceness of the great Kali Astrea, by the power of the all-seeing Eye of God which must ferret out and isolate on Earth all secret Soviet bases, spy activities, sabotage. These must be exposed! Call for it! Cyclopea wills it so. Say the word, beloved, and stand neath the mighty shower of resurrection’s flame abuilding in the heart of the Inner Retreat….
Thus those who must prepare to receive the light of Sanat Kumara must do so swiftly and must be taught by ministering servants who go forth from this whitefire core when blessed by our bands and the Divine Mother. And let those go who are blessed. And let those who are not blessed fear to go! For I have spoken. And the waters of the astral plane are treacherous….
I AM Hercules and I love you. I love you with an unending and an undying love. And I am so grateful in your sense of Self-worth that you have known the Lord, the Savior Jesus, that you have understood, beloved, that he has saved you to walk a path of discipleship unto that glory. I am so grateful you have heeded our word and understood what is the meaning of world crisis….
See how the engines of war are mounted by the dark ones. Did you think that all of the buildup of Soviet power in these decades was merely for a physical Armageddon? They fear with a horrendous fear the coming of these armies and their direct contact heart-to-heart with the saints of Earth. Therefore these fallen ones in the physical octave who are a part of death and hell have determined to see to it that the cords be cut twixt the heart of light and the heart of God and His armies.
Blessed ones, I AM Hercules and I AM smiling!
Blessed ones, rouse yourselves to join in the universal applause of this magnificent army of light that marches relentlessly at and toward that point of confrontation. [44-sec. standing ovation]
Yes, beloved. Yes, beloved, you stand on the sidelines of a cosmic highway, joining then many legions of heaven who are cheering and applauding as the sound, the certain sound of a universal victory, is heard deep within the secret chamber of the heart. Those who march in this army are the chosen ones from among millions upon millions, those in the forefront all in white. And when miles upon miles of these have passed those on the sidelines shall join in formation wearing the armor of the seven rays of Elohim! Thus not the entire vision is given in the Revelation. But for you it is given to see how the Faithful and True does lead them….
So, beloved, I give you this which is indeed a reality that you might know the profound comfort of Elohim, that you might have the sense of abiding in me always as I truly abide even in the center of the atom of Self that you have charged with the will of God….
Know that so very, very many situations in planet earth hang in the balance. Let the balance not tip against the light and for these fallen ones, my beloved. Hold steady the balance. Balance is the key to your hour of victory.
Now you see after many, many, many hours have passed and each one in divine order of the legions of the seven rays has taken their place, so you, beloved, the saints, may bring up the rear of the troops. And what is the rear, beloved? It is the Serpent’s tail. It is the seed of Serpent and the egg. Only those in embodiment have the authority to bind the Serpent’s tail. The heavenly hosts lead. But by your divine decree you are perpetually standing in judgment of the fallen ones’ misuse of the base-of-the-spine chakra of the Mother. Of this misuse of sacred fire is the Serpent’s tail created.
Raise your swords! Take them! Cut off that tail. Cast it into the fire. Go after it in every area of life. For death and hell were created out of the Serpent’s tail. This is the work of those who know the science of the Mother, who have courage, who see a job to be done and do it. These are chelas of Hercules.
Certain of you who desire to be my chelas, so signify it in these twenty-four hours. For trained by Morya, enlisted by Archangel Michael, there are some whom I may receive. But you must take as your first assignment, beloved, physical balance. I am the most physical of Elohim. And therefore you must know how strong is my strength in you in this octave. Balance, beloved, by the wheel of the Law—balance heart, head and hand, mind and feeling, physical body with etheric counterpart….
Therefore the maya, glamor, illusion and the raising up of those vibrations of psychotronics out of the spacecraft and their physical tools, these go down in this hour as legions of Hercules enter that fray to demagnetize physical cosmos of these abusers of the Divine Mother’s sacred fire! Blessed ones, decree it and decree it hourly. Say to all fallen ones of the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy:
“You have no power! In the name Hercules and Amazonia, the Cosmic Christ, I tear from you the mask of all conspiracy and glamour and of the Lie and the Murderer.
“You have no power! Your day is done! Your evil is not real. Its appearance has no power! Go down to the sides of the pit, ye fallen ones! For Hercules is waiting with cosmic legions to bind you in bundles and take you from our planet home.
“We the Keepers of the Flame do decree it and do challenge by the authority of Almighty God your entire posture throughout the Matter cosmos! It is done in the name of the Father. It is done in the name of the Son. It is done in the name of the Holy Spirit. It is done in the name of the Divine Mother.” AUM AUM
Hearts of living fire, I seal you. I seal the power-center of the Word. I AM Hercules positioned to hurl back alien invaders of the territory of Elohim and sons and daughters of God. I AM THAT I AM Hercules/Amazonia of the First Ray of God’s holy will. Flash forth, O will of God! Touch every heart of light who has called in these hours and given of his heart’s light-essence unto the cause of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. Hail, Saint Germain! -Elohim Hercules, 8-9-1876 at RTR, MT via Messenger ECP, Pearl 30:47
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