Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Let us persevere together.
Therefore persevere in your conscious purification of those misqualified energies by violet flame so that your sendings to your Presence will glorify His name I AM THAT I AM. Remember the words of beloved Saint Paul, now the Ascended Master Hilarion: “Be not weary in well doing: for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not.” -Morya, Pearls of Wisdom 1:11
Let10 us4 persevere50 together44 (=108), for as a commander in battle I know when23 we10 must10 remain33 fixed30 (=106), when we must retreat and when we must advance. We10 are14 on11 the15 move19 forward!40 We10 shall16 not13 retreat33 (=181; 181+108+106=395=5 x 79; light29-persevere50=79). -Saint Germain, Pearl 8:41
I AM Pallas Athena, shaking my spear of truth. And the spear that I shake is the ray of light now piercing, penetrating, vibrating from the heart of God unto the heart of devotees on Earth.
I AM Pallas Athena, Goddess of Truth, standing in the midst of time, penetrating space with the reality of the crystal sword.
Gabriel has sent forth in this hour the annunciation of the acceleration of truth. And I bring to you the concurrence of the Lords of Karma concerning truth in this age….
There is abroad in the Earth a level of self-destruction that is based upon self-denial. And that level of consciousness is no good nor does it portend good for any man or woman. There is a level of the consciousness of Serpent, of the Liar and his lie embodied by the masses. From the top levels of the fallen ones to lowest level of those who embody their lie there is a permeation of society within a level of untruth that prevents the rays of light from penetrating even into the subconscious strata of the mind and soul.
I have come and come again to announce the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. Truth is its fulcrum. The all-seeing Eye of God is its capstone. Therefore we look to levels of rruth and we say: they are found wanting.
Thus by cosmic decree and in consultation with that Cosmic Council and the Four and Twenty Elders we have determined—we the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood who stand before you through my flame—that the levels of truth must be intensified in Earth and in all people, a truth that will become a fiery vortex throwing off into the night error and the embodiment of error by those who also are engaged in denial of the real Self.
This acceleration which is accomplished even in this twenty-four-hour cycle is brought forth by the turning of a great cosmic wheel which some of you will perceive even as I speak. And the turning of this wheel of Life is for tightening of the requirement of the Law, the Law which states that every soul must embody some portion of truth, some morsel of that light in order to endure and to survive. Thus as that which is of truth in man and in woman and in child is accelerated this day by divine decree there will be a corresponding throwing off of embodied error.
And if the light that is in thee be darkness, then how great is that darkness! And if the truth that is in thee be surrounded by darkness, then how great will be the cataclysm when truth, pulsating as a mighty flame of the Great Pyramid from the base unto the crown, does throw off the shroud of error and of error’s centuries—now to unbind, now to unwind from soul upon soul the gravecloths of death and error and the consciousness of sin, self-sin.
Thus, my beloved, this action of cosmic law is carefully calculated mathematically from the very heart of the God-star and from the heart of the Pleiades where truly the Cosmic Christ and the Cosmic Virgin abide and maintain forcefields of the figure-eight flow for the birth of the Manchild within you by the gift of the Mother-flame and the Spirit of the Father. -Pallas Athena, Pearl 23:30
There is a1 determined52 attempt23 to8 stultify33, to8 hold21 back8 and10 stunt13 the15 growth37 of12 light29 (=270)—of the individual Christ Self—in the hearts of this people. There is no other explanation why20 there29 should25 be7 such15 resistance41 to8 the15 truth24! (=184=8 x Logos23) Although many have followed it, yet14 many17 simply31 will20 not13 see11 (=106+270=376=8 x unripeness47). And their willing is not their own! Therefore we persevere, therefore we come. And therefore we are determined. -Saint Germain, Pearl 24:27
Thus a certain portion of the harvest is come, and therefore you have need of me and my communion that by the transfer of my body and blood and my Christhood, a portion you are able to receive only according to your preparedness, so you shall fill the vacuum left by darkness, fill it with light and begin again a new day as you persevere to embody the whole of the Divine Mother and divine woman. -Sanat Kumara, Pearls of Wisdom 31:44
Persevere, my children. Take enlightenment from the mind of God and distribute it as the bread of life, as the waters of living, as the communion cup. Take the enlightenment of the crown and take the crown of the Mother, which she would place upon your head that you might know you are the beloved son, the beloved daughter. Welcome; welcome home.-Gautama Buddha, on October 5, 1975 in Minneapolis via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 56:1
I am come this day to renew within your hearts that feeling of divine love which shall carry you in all bliss to the victory of your ascension. When you know the power of love you can persevere, as Serapis has told you. For love18 is10 the15 power32 to8 change29 the15 universe39=166, to8 break19 down20 recalcitrance58 and10 calcination47 of12 human21 concepts32=227, of12 past11 karma17, of12 past11 ties17 (=80; 80+166+227=473=11 x remember43). Man needs only to cleave unto his God to understand the fullest meaning of love and to impart it unto all. Even the birds of the air know the sweet communion of divine love. -Archeia Charity, Pearl 46:30
Remember43 mountain35, tree21, river36, bird24 (=159=3 x 53; Ascended28 Master22 U3=53). -Kung-Fu-tse, 1973-4.
Those who partake of any divine food whether it be a morsel or a feast are eternally rewarded; but those who refuse to eat at the Lord’s table must always find that one day, through their ignorance of (disregard for or rejection of) the proffered gift from the hand of God, they shall remain in ignorance. This is the meaning of the word to ignore. Hence the children of innocence are also they who have within them the inn-o-cence, or inward sense of sweet delight in purity, nobility, honor, freedom, justice and that electronic reality that is behind each Word as a manifest part of the body of God (the Word that became flesh—i.e., substance).
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