Sunday, September 18, 2022
these hired shepherds; fountainhead of error
(numerology employed)
I am made increasingly aware of the fact that one of the deepest pits of human fallacy lies in the false momentums of mortals which have been built up for centuries and during many embodiments. Some of these habits propel humankind to the15 brink27 of12 psuedo-26 religious52 arts13 (=145=5 x clever29) offering little more than a mere pageantry of ritual bereft of the original devotional intent which was to carry waves of adoration to the very heart of heaven. The imposition of religious exercise upon the hearts and minds of the young is in part responsible for this “letter without the Spirit”—but not wholly so, for I think that such training is good if it can be conveyed to children in a manner which would engender within them a sincere feeling of love for God. But the fountainhead55 of12 error38=105=5 x evil21) is in the hypocrisy of those22 would-be28 teachers34 whose25 bad7 examples32 so7 belie24 holy24 purposes39 they22 profess35 to8 advocate26 (=333=9 x pettiness37). -Saint Patrick, Pearls of Wisdom 5:24
So many of Earth’s children, intrigued as they are by their study of God’s Laws, assume that by a magical or semi-magical process they will automatically be transformed into ascended beings or walking adepts. On this moot point many hirelings have gone forth to make a living by dispensing the gospel of a mere human brand of freedom—often not feeding the sheep of Christ necessary spiritual food. However in all fairness let it be said that through sincerity and honor in the hearts of the students much good has been accomplished despite the hypocrisy of these21 hired35 shepherds48
(=104=4 x darken26). And certainly you would agree that some service is often better than none at all. -Kuthumi, Pearl 3:11
To bandy around words of holy origin thus attempting to8 give25 credence39 to8 human21 ideas20 is10 but7 human21 error38 (=230=10 x fantasy23) which those22 who19 can9 love18 God17 impersonally60 should25 easily26 see11 through!43 (=250=10 x reject25) Any worded expression unless accompanied by a release of divine energies occurring within the heart is but a1 blatant16, at3 times21 humanly31 subtle16, hypocrisy57 practiced43 consciously47
(=235=5 x cunningly47)
--and at times unconsciously-- by many who19 are15 still18 unaware29 of12 the15 glorious44 universal40 standard27 (=219=3 x 73; resurgent46 hopes27=73) which we raise. -Morya, Pearls of Wisdom 3:34
And here’s further evidence of (Yellowstone Park’s hypocrisy: it is documented that the Gardiner community sewage system next to the Yellowstone River is leaking and doesn’t operate properly. Yet the Park’s new laundry built just two years ago is dumping 40,000 gallons of sewage per day into the town’s system. The Park hasn’t stopped this operation to protect the environment. This isn’t to mention incidents that have regularly occurred inside the Park. Just last month for example over 100,000 gallons of raw sewage was spilled into the Yellowstone River.
-Messenger ECP, Pearl 32:26
However the quality of grace is sometimes difficult for individuals to assess where they are personally concerned; for they have a tendency, living as they do within the confines of their own auras, not to observe that gradual expansion of soul which is non-physical. By a like token millions are unaware of their own iniquitous acts. They can see treachery, jealousy, hypocrisy, shadow and darkness in others but seldom do they recognize these21 traits24 in themselves. Often they apply our18 admonishments55 to others without realizing that they must10 first27 be7 applied36 to8 the15 self15 (=238=7 x inwards34). And perhaps they should never be applied to others with any great degree of certainty, for fortunately humanity can change and sin can be forgiven. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 12:51
We would generate strength in the children of the Sun!—a strength that does not yield one inch of ground to the tyranny of the senses or the plundering57 negations41 spawned28 as2 a1 by-product43 of12 man’s11 hypocrisy57
(=252=4 x vainglorious63). The embryonic son of God needs not self-pity, neither does he require to have the deposits of sentimentality in his nature fed by mortal attention. -Morya, Pearl 10:2
How do they do it, precious ones? First by pointing to human hypocrisy and then by creating the illusion of hypocrisy where none exists. Through diabolical tendencies to gossip, criticize and tear down which people allow to gather momentum in their worlds the forces of darkness have driven their lies as spikes into human consciousness. Under these negative influences how easy it is to point the finger at someone you scarcely know and to decide that their motives are impure. The ease with which this can be done should reveal why the ascended masters have sought to create systems of jurisprudence that would allow fairness in the execution of human justice in courts of the nations of the world whereby individuals might be tried by a jury of their peers as2 a1 safeguard37 against26 the15 tyrannies44 men14 so7 often24 impose32 upon21 one16 another36
=275=5 x integrity55). -Archeia Mary, Pearls of Wisdom 13:18
I tell you that these fallen ones heard my voice and heard my delivery on the Epiphany! And therefore you have seen their response in this film (shown). You have seen their fear and you have seen their hypocrisy! You have seen them stand to offer words—mere words to the people of Poland! You have seen them stand before the world that they might somehow come into alignment with the Law of the Cosmic Christ and with the will of God that was manifest from the beginning through your Father Enoch! -Saint Germain, Pearl 25:17
The hypocrisy of the present era of Earth’s evolution is a pain to many hearts, for it is a clear indication to those who can discern the face of life that man is in no way linked with the crowning chain of cosmic purpose. His energies go down the drain and are swallowed up as in a giant hole as his attention pursues a senseless series of moving pictures, accelerating the trend of degradation. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 13:23
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