Sunday, September 18, 2022
in order to be able to surrender that self
marijuana itself has lessened the responses of many, many in this nation to8 a1 sharp26-mindedness43 concerning57=135=5 x 27; see 11+ well 16=27) survival—survival34 of12 self15 as2 an6 integrated49 personality55 in14 God17 (=204=12 x God17). -Archangel Gabriel, 26:24
Let us use this land to the full cup of our potential! Let us understand that illumination59 and its flame19 must10 not13 be7 snuffed30 out11 in14 this20 land13 (=196)—as2 youth26 are15 in14 delirium46 and their33 senses18 dulled22 by9 drugs24 and10 rock20 (=239
+196=435=15 x deceits29) and think of no other thing but lyrics that take them down and down again to a lower level and therefore deprive them of the blossoming of yellow fire of the crown! Let us realize that there is a movement, a force. And I must say, it is the tremendous44 force29 of12 hell19 itself26
(=130=5 x betray26) to move across the land to take a stand against26 the light29, against26 the wisdom29 of12 the15 heart25=162=Sun9 x path18)!
-Lanto, via Messenger E C Prophet, 8-26-1982 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 25:58
Do you see, beloved? You must have some sense of self, some sense of self-worth, some sense of an integrated personality in God, in Brahman in order to be able to surrender that self. [For the secret of surrender is that there can be no surrender until you have forged and won something of worth to lay on the altar of God.] -Divine Director, Pearl 36:7
It is very clear from scriptures, from the holy words of God spoken by prophets and avatars, Christs and Buddhas what is the path, what is the holy will of God. Therefore if thou desirest not this path, then use the tools you have been given so carefully by the Masters and Messengers to go after what you perceive in yourself as inordinate desire. But even this you must do because you desire to do it!
So you see, beloved, if there is no resolution, if in the four lower bodies part pull this way, part the other, where will the soul be? Where will the energy be? Where will the integrated personality in God be?
-John the Beloved, Pearl 33:21
Holding the balance of light in the Earth means to gather sacred fire around the coil of being and to expand it in the aura through prayers, decrees, mantras and meditation–holiness and harmony. This white light as the energy of God gains momentum through constancy of devotion, becoming the magnet and vessel for individual attainment and self-mastery of God-Self-realized. This light is then more than the energy of God: it is the higher consciousness of God whereby one is becoming the integrated personality in God–the awareness of self in and as the embodiment of the Christ Self. This is achieved in daily exercise of putting on the garment of the Lord until, by light-emanation of the Word and Work of the Lord the soul, tracing the ray back to the Source, is become that Source. In this capacity she is no longer a child of God but a mature Son of God–truly the Sun of the I AM THAT I AM in radiant manifestation. This is the alchemical marriage and crystallization of God-flame. It is then by becoming the full incarnation of the light, or Christ consciousness, that one ultimately holds the balance in Earth of the light (energy of God) and the Light (His consciousness). Hence the distinction between the terms light and Light is that when lowercased light refers to the energy of God magnetized by the soul through many lifetimes of weaving the deathless solar body. When uppercased, Light denotes the Christ, the Word self-realized. In order for lightbearers–those who bear the Light of Christ consciousness–to hold the balance of the light/Light in the Earth they must be pursuing the parallel goals of invoking the light as universal radiance and energy of God and becoming the Light as the embodied Christ by a disciplined path of discipleship under Lord Jesus Christ and the ascended masters. The path of the ascended masters is essential to the achievement of both goals as they are called for in this dictation by the Great Divine Director. Only thus can the Earth be saved. -note by Messenger ECP in Pearl 31:13
Toward the integrated personality of God we direct our sermon and our admonishment. Toward the toeing of the line of the new birth of Aries we declare Sonship in the coming of Helios. This is the place of birth of Identity and this is the point of God-mastery. -Saint Germain, Pearl 27:32
Aquarius is the entrance into a vast cosmos and this cosmos itself is a clean white page. Entrance into this cosmos requires prior initiation, for you must discover yourself and be that integrated personality in God. Thus you enter as you would enter a temple of light, an etheric city, this cosmos called Aquarius. To enter there, beloved, may surely be accomplished by you as you keep the flame [of God] on Earth and go there, once you have passed your initiations, out of the body during the sleep of night.
-Saint Germain, Pearl 32:32
So this entire prayer is one of the reinforcement of the union of divine Selfhood. It is a reinforcement of the oneness of individuality. The integrated personality in God cannot be divided, cannot be conquered—neither in its members, in the four lower bodies, nor in mind and soul and heart nor in the chakras. -messenger ecp, Pearl 26:32a
It becomes clearer by the moment why Archangel Gabriel should come to hold the balance for us in the etheric octave. If identity as the integrated personality in God is the key to victory, then that integrated personality must contain the divine memory of the walk with Christ, of friendship with him and with the ascended elders—the Brothers and Sisters who have gone before us, the saints robed in white. -Messenger ECP, Pearls 26:25a
Their intent is to kill the Christ, not the man. They recognize his power to be the eternal Christ in him. It is the Son of God in Jesus and in us all who experiences the crucifixion. And our souls experience this in the hour when by the path of initiation we are truly one in that Christ. Thus the soul of Jesus, the Son of man, was one with that Christ; and therefore effectively it was the integrated personality in God who was crucified. -Messenger ECP, 26:28a
Yes, I said an integrated personality in God! I said an integrated personality in God! And I desire to show you that you do not often enough think upon the point of integration where all streams of light from that Sun, from the center of Being, all that comes to you does intensify that point of identity—even the point of the diamond-shining mind of God that is able with the magnificence of fire to seize upon a point of identity and to understand that this, this crystal of identity must now come to the fore for the victory here and now.
Now, my beloved, hear the Word of Helios and Vesta concerning the law of gravity itself which, of course is a state of consciousness of a mighty action of twin flames who always hold the center of the sphere by love, by wisdom in love and by the power of the Godhead.
Think then of this integrated personality in God. Think then of the force, the moment of consciousness that must strive to be in the center. Think of how you stray from that center in small ways and in great ways. Think how the fallen angels you know have strayed so far from that center that it is as though they existed miles and miles from any point of I AM
Be-ness. Beloved ones, the straying from the center of the Great Central Sun was their mistake in the very beginning of the cosmic folly into which they entered.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 26:24
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