Monday, September 19, 2022
law of energy transfer
See how it is necessary for the soul to be humble enough to desire to be the mirror of God on Earth rather than to forge a separate identity and to be praised for that ingenuity. Your individuality is composed of many freewill choices to fill in on Earth your selection of a vast design of your own Godhood. The random motion of the disciplined electron teaches always, by sign and symbol, the nature of freedom and freewill operative within the confines of a known formula—even though it may not be known by the observer. -Jesus and Kuthumi, Pearl 26:58
The Messengers are the magnet of the Central Sun that compels the random elements of good and evil, light and darkness to polarize–and every man must choose with which side of being he will be aligned. The human ego fears the moment of choosing, the moment of reckoning when the soul will rise up, fired by the flaming fountain of the purity of the Divine Mother, to proclaim its liberation from the claptrap of the noisemakers with their perpetual distractions luring the soul from the direct route to the center of being. -Saint Germain, Pearl 18:33
Energy is God.
How gloriously we find Him in all life!
Organized, systematized,
random yet rhythmic motion.
Energy is God
Confined yet not confined to Mater.
Energy is God
Bound to Mater in the fiery nucleus of life
Yet free to bound from atom to atom–
Free in the flow of the Holy Spirit,
Hallowing space,
Crowning time with the majesty of the Mother.
Each moment in time a cup of Her consciousness,
Each cup filled with the Spirit,
The fulfillment of Her love.
Her habitation is the allness of space.
Her penetration of the allness
Is the vapor of etheric consciousness,
Penetrating as the incense of the Magi,
The fragrance of violets and lilies of the valley
And the distillations of the will of God. -Maitreya, Pearl 18:49
Coming of age in the 'nineties imposes a challenge that our youth are ill-equipped to meet. They’re in a world replete with alcohol, drugs, AIDS, sexual abuse, music that tears them away from their souls, random and not-so-random violence and crime. Our youth are so bombarded that they’ve become insensitive to life. Abortion makes murder just another thing we do. Schools are literally battlegrounds. And for all too many, what should be joyful challenges quickly become failures and then sirens of suicide beckon. Those who are still alive seek escape and abandon. And they have found a new purpose for living. Its name is rave. -Saint Germain, Pearl 40:31
Myriad diversifications, like glittering pieces of glass strewn in random fashion upon a game board, litter the world with confusion. The kaleidoscope of human nonsense rearing its head from human slime dares to poke fun at those towering manifestations of cosmos to whom is accorded the direction of mortal affairs from inner levels. -Maitreya, Pearl 14:13
energy38 abuse12=50.
energy transfer38=76
Some misunderstand the uses of mercy and therefore abuse it. There have been moments in history when leaders of nations, even this nation, have forgiven those who have committed crimes against the people and against the state before they declared their confession of the crime or their state of repentance or their desire for penance, [which some did later declare and some did not]. This is the abuse of mercy, and heaven28 does16 not13 ratify34 such15 actions27 of12 abuse12 of12 mercy’s 29 flame19
(=217=7 x alchemy31)
. -Kuan Yin, Pearl 35:16
Know ye the sound of the fount of resurrection’s flame passing through and restoring cells? To listen from the heart of a cell one should hear the thunderous sound of the rearrangement of worlds, not by the abuse of nuclear fission or fusion but by a rearrangement whereby all of substance is restored to be the vessel of light. -Elohim Peace, 31:45
His body was purely a ray of light shining upon the waters. The most dazzling conception of all was his ability to transfer this authority over energy to Peter through the power of Peter’s own vision of the Christ in radiant, illumined manifestation.
By taking his eyes temporarily from the Christ, however, Peter entered a human fear vibration and vortex which immediately densified his body, causing it to sink partially beneath the raging seas. The comforting hand of Christ extended in pure love reunited the alchemical tie, and the flow of spiritual energy through his hand raised Peter once again to safety.
The further example of the Master Jesus releasing a flow of energy—as in the case of the woman who touched the hem of his garment without his knowledge aforehand—shows the impersonal love of God which responds equally to the call of faith from any of those creatures He has fashioned so wonderfully and so purely in the supreme hope of absolute cosmic freedom for all.
These two examples refer to aspects of the great cosmic Law which are not commonly known but which are commonly discussed or skirted about by religious groups. The law of transfer of energy is vital to the science of alchemy; for without it it is impossible to create matter. It is a law that nothing cannot create something.
True knowledge of the impersonal law of transfer of energy is also vital to correct understanding of the great Law. For it proves that God who makes the Sun to shine on both the just and unjust does manifest through both.
Jesus declared during his Palestinian mission that “the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” It must be realized then that it is possible to wrest from the hand of God some secrets of governing the forces of nature and controlling matter, even though the individual and motive be not absolutely pure. But let none ever think that the one so doing shall escape from accountability, for he is fully responsible for each use or abuse of energy within his world. -Saint Germain: I970 Pearls of Wisdom, series on alchemy
phi ratio (1.618 to 1) series, adding in words fitting the numerology:
7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123--this is the series.
Mu, be7;
see, no, on, tests11;
path, try, love, sweet18;
soundly, waypost,
renew, clever,center,
routed, light, zing, branded,
watchman, random29;
triangulate, prevailed,
piercer, enshrine47;
energy38 transfer38
123=3 x I AM THAT I AM41
Energy transfer is also at the wye where energy beheld is directed wisely or unwisely! -r.
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