Monday, September 19, 2022
let us cut into shreds the false teachings of fallen ones
He loves us still and He never stops loving us, never stops seeing the God we are. I can remember Jesus loving me personally although I was imperfect, and I can remember Mark Prophet loving me personally although I was imperfect. To me that is the great miracle of God. And the great lie of the fallen ones is that you have to become perfect before you are acceptable to God, before you are worthy of communing with Him or even being loved by Him.
-messenger ecp, Pearl 43:39
Roll back now the cause and core of world tyranny and totalitarian movements and terrorism, World Communism and its backers! Burn through and let the spark ignite Cosmic Christ illumination from the heart of the living Christ, from the heart of the Three Wise Men! Pierce now the veil of ignorance! Expose now the lie! Expose the big lie to all children of light in every nation!
-Saint Germain, Pearl 25:15
The U.S. press called the government’s propaganda campaign the “big lie.” However many Chinese outside the capital with access only to state-run central TV believed or professed to believe the government’s story that the (June 1989) crackdown and suppression was justified. Some cooperated with authorities by betraying family members and others suspected of criminal activity.
-Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 32:29
Now let us take the razor’s edge of the mind of God and stitch by stitch, line by line let10 us4 cut8 into22 shreds28 the15 false16 teachings41 of12 fallen23 ones17 (=196=
aim14 x aim14) who proclaim the lie that there is no ascension, that there is no life after death, no immortality, no future, past or present beyond physical existence experienced through the senses. Let every devotee of truth and of purity begin to shave from consciousness and from environment the little lies and big lies that garble the real meaning of that life which is to be lived to the fullest joy on Terra.
-Kuthumi and Brothers of Golden Robe, Pearl 19:2
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