Wednesday, September 28, 2022
the individual who has not rejoiced
Weep not then for those who weep in self-pity until a puddle of tears does surround them. Blessed ones, self-pity is the sign of the individual who has not rejoiced to be assumed unto her Lord—to be the bride of Christ. -Morya, Pearl 30:14
You have been crying too long. You have allowed weeping entities and self-pity and the sense of aloneness and all sorts of conditions to trample upon the temple of being. This is a fiery coil. This is the highest emanation of chelas on the planetary body. And believe me, beloved ones, I do not say it lightly, I say it full of the light of cosmic awareness. For I have stumped in the midst of all sorts of gatherings of new-age children, and I pray the Lord God that they might receive the very touch and Word of the Mother of the Flame to be drawn so quickly into the light of reality.
-Shiva, Pearl 21:47
Man's sense of limitation is an enclosure that forestalls communion with higher octaves, that hinders the movement of his being from higher expression. Man is drenched with emotional substance, he is drowned in self-pity. His ordinances are established by a sense of separation from his fellowmen whom he often regards as but pawns in his personal schemes. Thus he breaches the covenant of unity. -Morya, Pearl 13:39
You have known the surfeiting in Earth’s pleasures. Move on and be the pillar of fire in the Earth. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 37:18
And by the ministry of love we will summon the little children to understand that the Master is waiting for neophyte hearts to expand, to enter into the gates of compassion, to feel what is happening in the world order, to understand that the tears of the world create a river that would wash away from the moorings of stability mankind drenched in self-pity. -Maitreya, Pearl 27:17
You must first however have the consciousness of the Holy Spirit meeting every human need as well as your divine needs. If you have that consciousness, then rather than entering into a state of self-pity or condemnation of others or weariness of flesh, you will rise on pinions of light to the awareness that the Holy Ghost is present to deliver you and to manifest the victory. -Leto, Pearl 16:14
It is not the teaching but it is the application of the teaching that requires practice. -Saint Germain, Pearl 61:38
Find joy in service, then, and find mastery at that point where you cease to set aside time and space for the lesser self, finding your renewal in service, finding your strength, your regeneration in communion with the great God-Self. So let it be as a testimony of the oneness of devotees of light this day that one and all resist the sympathy of the Luciferians–self-pity, self-justification, self-preference.
-Nada, Pearl 20:1
Look, ho! I bind that demon of self-pity! Look, ho! I bind that demon of the not-Self! Look, ho! I pierce that dweller-on-the-threshold by the power of ruby ray! -Durga, Pearl 35:5
As we approach the season of the year when the advent of the descending Christ consciousness brightens the being of man over the entire planet it is our intention this year to stress the valor of cosmic integrity. Self-deceit is so prevalent upon Earth, precious ones, that we must make further attempt to dispel it. It is much easier to justify one’s being simply by pulling the wool over one’s eyes, so to speak, whereas to take corrective measures within the framework of identity requires not only energy and foresight but also dedication and holy prayer. The temple of identity must be purified and the heart altar swept clean of all human debris such as self-pity, vanity, cupidity and the corollary effects of wrong associations. -Saint Germain, Pearl 8:45
Therefore I say, the discipline of the energies of the four lower bodies is the highest compassion, the highest love. Those who are steeped in sympathy, in self-pity, in their mourning, in their agreement with the human dilemma, these will not understand the sharpness of the two-edged sword keeping the way of the Tree of Life eastward in Eden. These do not understand the sword that comes with the Christ who said “I came not to bring peace but a sword.”
-Serapis Bey, Pearl 57:20
If you will call to me in your heart now, I will intensify that ray until you can receive all that you can take and all that the great Law will allow to remove this sense of confusion and [this] actual confusion that also causes you to be accident-prone [and] not to be able to finish your tasks on schedule or to precipitate from the spiritual realm to the physical octave [the need of the hour]. All of this is caused by anxiety, fear, doubt and self-pity. -Helios: Pearl 27:48b, on 7-4-1984 at RTR via Messenger ECP
most dangerous points [of vulnerability] on the path of initiation: The [first is the soul] being out of alignment with the will and Law of God on the four o’clock line–and with God as love, as wisdom, as power. [The initiations of the flame of God-obedience charted on this line in polarity with the flame of God-vision on the ten o’clock line] involve the use of the all-seeing Eye of God to behold the divine Lawgiver and to embrace Him. [It
11is10 spiritual44 blindness35 caused17 by9 selfishness45, self-love33 and self-pity40 (=244=6 x alignment41) that produces] the out-of-alignment state with my heart as I also sit on [the four o’clock] line waiting, waiting for you to come into my heart of Taurus. -Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 33:2
Putting to one side anxiety for now, we have doubt17+ fear21+ self-pity40=78 numerologically. It is a question of degree rather than of absolute corruption or 100% saturation by fear. Now here’s the phi ratio pattern anchored at 78.00:
78 x 1.618=126.21,
29.79; 29.79/1.618=
=18.42; 11.37; 7.05;
This phi/golden ratio series—with words added—can go: be7, tests11,
path(s)18.4, nerves30,
corrupted48, self-pity+doubt+fear=78.00, 126=6 x fear21. Going another step up in this series: 126.21 x 1.618=204.2; 204=4 x El Morya Khan51.
The fear, doubt and self-pity water anxiety, so reduce the watering reduces the anxiety, which is troubled nerves largely. -r. Ho, ho, ho!
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