Wednesday, September 28, 2022
The potential of world destruction must be measured by thinking men everywhere. Countermeasures may be too late if the bulwarks of freedom are not reinforced today. The preservation of peace is dependent upon the sanity of the leaders of the world and upon maintenance by mankind en masse of a spirit of universal harmony that promotes world understanding. True though it may be that the power of destruction and unleashment of that destruction is in the hands of a few, there are safeguards that can be utilized by the many in effecting the preservation of world peace.
One of the greatest problems in the world today is that of inertia and division amongst the good people and the tendency on the part of progressive elements of society to underestimate the destructive47 intent28 of12 the15 darkened35 factions33 ruled24 by9 malcontents
37 (=250=10 x unrest25). Because their own motives are kindly and benign they find it difficult to understand that there is a strong undercurrent of unrest in the world which is marshaling the forces of darkness that have bred a new face of violence, rearing its ugly head through various potholes in the world community.
To meet force with force, anger with anger, intolerance with intolerance and reaction with reaction is not an effective deterrent to disunity. You may understand what specific quality of unrest is behind a given situation, you may agree with it or you may disagree with it, but you cannot heal it in the world of rebellious46 ones17 (=63) by any process whatsoever; for the bulk of those who are behind the current uprisings have sworn to defeat every segment of society that represents law and order.
They have an ally of great strength in the karmic situation that has denied to the masses in many parts of the world the very necessities of daily living. They have an ally in the fact that the dollars of the world are in the main in the hands of a few who are often24 unwilling49 to8 relinquish60 their33 control34 of`12 the15 destiny33 and10 economics44 of12 the15 world29 (=378=6 x neroli duffy63), failing to foresee that their33 very25 clutching43, grasping46 and10 hoarding49 of12 supply28 of12 mankind30 will20 ultimately39 produce39 their33 own16 downfall33
(=468=12 x ultimately39). Already today they are forced to reckon not just with an infant beginning to face, but a full-grown youth ready to take his place in challenging all old established systems that have for many decades ruled in the world community.
Now is not the time for men to feel that either the withholding or giving is going to provide a solution to the problems of the age. What is essential is the banding together in the world community of those who can support the traditional elements of society that have proven themselves to be efficacious in the administration of mankind’s needs. Then when the banding together is more or less completed this segment of society must determine that it will dedicate itself anew to the providing of educational facilities for the people of the world with an accent upon moral values that cannot be equivocated.
The awful stress and strain that have come to manifest in increasing and ever- widening circles provide no field of hope to incoming children and youth but only a steadfast promise of a gradually deteriorating social structure. I assure you, if this trend is allowed to continue, its present downward course will ultimately result in complete35 socialization
63 of12 mankind30 under26 a1 group32 of12 tyrants27 (=238=7 x poison34) who will sweep away the very foundations of world freedom and individual rights of man.
Here in Shamballa where our every desire is to express the nature of the divine among men, where our every thought is the preservation of world peace and the making possible at an early date of the glories of the golden age it is unthinkable that the trends now manifesting as signs of the times-- whose every portent is toward greater destructivity-- should continue.
There are principal problems which must be met. One of the most destructive of all is amplification of base elements of human nature in the youth of the world and frightful attacks upon their sanity by widespread use of psychedelic drugs. The combination of drugs and destructive rhythms creates a two-pronged attack that bids to dominate minds of the future by disorder and chaos that will not be able to combat effectively the trends of those times to come and will therefore yield to those who are able to manipulate mankind into their own clutches.
Making28 pawns19 out11 of12 people33 (=103) in the social order, including entertainers, politicians, advertising executives and many others whose every measure of value seems to be based on the question “Does it pay?” does16 not13 assure20 mankind30
=79; 79 + 103=182
=spiritual director91 x 2) any degree of comfortability concerning the future. The cigarette industry has sought to suppress at every opportunity the facts concerning the harmful inroads made into the human body by the tar within tobacco compounds. If mankind knew how far they have gone in this area alone they would be greatly shocked.
There is a type of music that is being played constantly today through which by the power of amplification within transistors and vacuum tubes coupled with huge sound-producing speakers the psychic world is permitted direct ingress into the four lower bodies of the youth, thus tending to break down their every moral code and wedding them to darkness. The topless bathing-suit craze, “go-go” and “key” clubs that have been popularized across America and the world cater to decadent elements in man, and while they may be titillating to the flesh they erode every fine facet of the soul.
There is now then no longer any need to pull punches. The Hierarchy of Light has taken off its gloves, and we are determined that mankind shall be apprised of these many insupportable situations. You do not know how much law and order have already broken down in the world community. The citizenry today fear even to take a stand to protect those who are attacked by depredations of isolated individuals as well as gangs. Many men and women fear for their lives and therefore they continue to live in the flesh according to the lusts thereof while their spiritual lives are being snuffed out and devoured by denizens of darkness.
Can we here in Shamballa, basking in the light of God that never fails, remain content while child-man is continually subjected to awful attacks upon his divine opportunity that exist in the world of form today? There is no hope, blessed ones, anywhere else except in the thought and action of Hierarchy. True brotherhood under the Fatherhood of God, the linking of hearts to promote world destiny as God intended is the only countermeasure that will abate the unprecedented assaults upon common decency and cosmic law in the world community.
There are so many treacherous tricks that are employed by the powers of darkness that it has become difficult for us to reach the masses successfully. The mass media of the world are controlled. Our Messengers such as those who serve in this activity of light are ridiculed by those who cannot comprehend that the powers of heaven are able to reach mankind in this age of manmade communication and the power of electronics to ring the world. What a pity that they so limit the Deity while acknowledging human supremacy in the field of communication. We have no bitterness in this matter except that we deplore the denial by mankind of their own immortal, God-given birthright. We deplore the fact that they must abide in unhappiness when divine happiness is waiting to bestow upon them the fruit of striving.
We are not purveyors of gloom, and our purpose in revealing this knowledge in this Pearl of Wisdom is to institute in the thoughts of mankind some awareness of the need to reinforce the bulwarks of light and to counteract tides of human aggression against eternal purposes. Divine grace is not spawned in human darkness, but the fruit of that13 which33 is10 created29 in14 minds23 of12 the15 imperceptive
69 and10 limited36 is10 often24 full15 of12 rotten29 energy38 (=402), corrupting60 the15 entire35 field27 of12 human21 endeavors40
(=210; 402+210=612=17anti x reality36).
The plea entertained in this release is for an awakening of mankind on a world-scale to the dangers of division. The Lutherans deny confession even as Catholics affirm it; but what difference does this disagreement make in the field of honesty and decency among men? Cannot men learn to work together regardless of doctrinal differences and can they not strive for that better world which they know within their hearts ought to manifest? Why do they spend so much time in religious competition? Why is there such a sense of loyalty to mere facets of truth when, as has been said, the great monolith of devotion to Almighty God ought to be raised beneath the Sun and point heavenward to show incoming children and youth the15 integrity55 and10 value16 that God Himself has embodied39 within38 nature25 (=198=6 x inner33).
I have spoken much, but much has been left unsaid. I seek to alert, I seek to quicken, I seek to preserve the schoolrooms of Earth as places of opportunity where men can yet learn. When the day comes that man is no longer able to learn the lessons that God has intended him to do, as an embryonic God made a little lower than the angels yet crowned with more glory and honor there will be no further excuse for preservation of life upon this blessed planet.
Destroy opportunities in the world for freedom of expression, destroy opportunities for conformity to the individuality of self as expressed in the noble Shakespearean statement: “This above all: to thine own self be true and...thou canst not then be false to any man,” and you have removed the raison d’etre of life from the field of man’s consciousness; and the pinch of cosmic dust that the Earth is had better fall into the heart of the Sun and be absorbed by the cleansing flame thereof.
The meaning and purpose of life in its totality is to express that peace and goodwill which was the message of angels long ago at the birth of the Christ in Bethlehem. Both Arab and Jewish communities, the Gentile community, the East and West, the North and South, men of learning and men without learning—all men ought to understand within themselves that universal brotherhood must be lived! They must employ every force that is representative of justice and perfection in the service of the world order that divine purpose be served and that disease, inharmony, struggle, pain and hopelessness shall vanish from the Earth in the sunburst of that eternal reality for which the world waiteth now centuries without end.
I am forthrightly raising the Banner of Shamballa to the waiting world. To East and West in full view I say long may it wave as the banner of God’s hope for man.
GAUTAMA, Pearl 10:43
To Builders of the World to Come I Say, There Is But One
Way to Make Way for the Coming Race—by Sacred-Fire
Transmutation of the Conspiracy of Mechanical Man:
Call unto the Lord, I AM THAT I AM, to Gather the
Wheat of Divine Man-ifestation into His Garner and to
Burn the Chaff of Humanoid Non-Man-ifestation with
Fire Unquenchable. Be Firm with Evil Wherever You
Find It; Stamp It Out and Replace It with the Real, the
Eternal and the Substance of Things to Come:
Man’s longing to see perfection reign upon Earth is only exceeded by the yearning of God and ascended hosts. It suffices then that negation and wickedness together with oppression ought to be laid aside. There are many moot points which, because of the limited capacity of the human mind, cannot be explained in the manner we would like to do. For individuals through misunderstanding sometimes become either confused or misinformed not by our words but by their own understanding of them. Do you see?
Then there is the further problem of the gap in mankind’s knowledge whereby they, in their limitations, frequently consider that which they do not yet know or have knowledge on to be outside the domain of reason or acceptability. This poses dangers for us as well as for mankind; for if we hold back higher knowledge, progress cannot be made. But through releasing it or prematurely doing so to the wrong people—seeing mankind’s reactions cannot always be gauged (for as Saint Germain has told you, they are unpredictable)—it then becomes a possibility that some might in fear of the unknown let go of our hand and rush toward the shore of more familiar ground. I must however run some risk in this release, and yet I do so guardedly.
The existence upon the Earth planet of what we may term “simulated man” is a fact carefully hidden from the masses of mankind. Although it is the knowledge of the few it may become--and perhaps should become--the knowledge of the many. Yet great care must be used in dissemination of this knowledge, for it is never the desire of the ascended masters to do anything except that which would result in greatest blessing and release of mankind from every binding condition.
As many of you know from the history of America and other parts of the world the fear of mankind can be very great; and when unleashed against those who may be wholly innocent it can have disastrous results. A case in point is the Salem witchcraft trials when many innocent young maidens were burned to death at the stake simply because they expressed views singularly apart from the mainstream of human opinion.
Many of those who perpetrated these acts of wanton murder against the innocent later embarked upon their own spiritual careers, and some of these have become victims of mankind’s ostracism that they might learn the lessons of inflicted bigotry and intolerance. The wife of one of your recent presidents was among those burned at the stake in her previous embodiment. Such acts perpetrated by society against society become national karma, and thus she has been honored as the First Lady of this nation where justice and truth do ultimately give to all the balance of life that is rightfully theirs.
Therefore great care must be exercised by mankind today in ferreting out upon the planet those individuals who belong in the classification of “the wicked” lest innocent lambs suffer for their deeds. It is our hope that heinous crimes perpetrated against all humanity by those so classified can, in the name of cosmic justice, be corrected without undue suffering of mankind en masse. Through the power of infinite freedom and relieving56 consciousness49 of12 the15 gross24 mechanical42 sense17 (=215=5 x rekindles
43) we believe that the purposes of God can be fulfilled by divine edict—without interference of human21 fanaticism41 and10 untempered49 zeal17 (=138=6 x silly23). It is our hope to squeeze out blind injustice and negation by saturating the planet with those necessary reforms which, by divine love, will remove the bane of that oppression which wicked rulers have for generations instituted upon the Earth.
At this point a better definition is in order. You will recall that Jesus, in his parable of the wheat and tares, announced that an enemy had sown tares among the wheat. These tares are counterfeit man. Jesus said they were the children of “the wicked one” which exist apart from the original creation of God. And yet inasmuch as nothing cannot create something, that which was created must have been created by someone who, at some time somewhere, drew forth the necessary information to so create.
In many cases in the New Testament it is recorded in the life of Jesus that he referred to certain individuals as a “generation of vipers,” as “hypocrites,”and as “sons of Satan,” addressing them in these words: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.” This reference obviously does make a distinction between all men and some men.
Let me hasten to assure you then that there do exist upon the planet creatures who did not come forth from God—who are the counterfeit of the real manifestation. Many of these are consciously in league with insipid and insidious purposes of the powers of darkness. They seek through conspiracy and plot to ravish the world of its good, to set brother against brother, to confuse, disturb and destroy harmonies wherever they exist. These function on the physical plane utilizing and directing their energies in a concerted effort against the light. They are however the pawns of “spiritual wickedness in high places.” And the league of the spiritually54 negative38 forces30 (=122) with24 these21 embodied39 wicked28 individuals52((=164; 164+122=286=conceal, hide, duffy, putin, betray, subvert26 x deal11) has resulted in the slaughter of many noble souls down through the ages.
I am not so interested in identifying and describing these individuals as I am in calling to your attention that they do exist. John the Baptist, as he preached the coming of the Christ, foretold the end of this race of mechanical men when he said “O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” Again referring to the barrenness of this counterfeit creation he said “Every tree therefore which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire.” He prophesied the coming of one who would baptize with the Holy Ghost and with fire (with sacred fire and the purifying power of the violet transmuting flame): “Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.”
Needless to say, these human automatons are the chaff and their final end can come through only one process: transmutation. For this is the only approved method whereby the wicked shall be removed from the face of the Earth.
In the Bible these soulless beings are referred to throughout as “the wicked,” for they have seen to it that all more specific descriptions of their race have been removed—lest mankind discover them and rise in righteous indignation against their overlords. And thus the death of John the Baptist and that of Jesus the Christ were brought about by the counterfeit race who for thousands of years have set brother against brother, race against race, and have caused the children of God to blame one another for the murders of the saints.
Today as2 always18 they22 occupy29 positions46 of12 authority47 and10 financial42 power32 (=261=3 x 87). They have gained control of the destiny of empires and they seek ever to thwart the pure purposes of God....
I AM forever your friend of great light,
Master Rakoczy, Pearls of Wisdom 8:16
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