Tuesday, September 27, 2022
"Let me postpone to another day this probing"
Actually this form of spiritual snobbery in the metaphysical circuit can interfere a great deal with heaven’s plans to shower its beneficence upon all of us, because we think that if we go to somebody important, we’re surely going to recover. Well, first you had better exhaust some of the people at home! -Mark Prophet, Pearl 43:27
Now resistance to the incarnation of the Word becomes the densification of the creations of the not-Self. Now the incoming Christ must first push back the boulders of human pride and outwit the hostility of the modern Herods as they (fallen angels incarnate) have purveyed a cult of anti-life legitimized by the snobbery of a sophisticated science devoid of love and the blessed imagery of the humble manger scene -Archangel Gabriel, Pearls of Wisdom 21:50
When you understand the science of alchemy that is taught by Saint Germain,1 when you experiment with that science and seek to prove it in the full faith that the Law of God and His science will work if you properly apply it, then you can have results that are unconditional. And you can begin to count upon a science that works for you and through you in your day-to-day overcoming on the path. Is this not far greater than a1 haphazard47 existence41 based13 on14 superstition59 and intrusion49 of12 unknown31 forcefields57 (=324=9 x purveys
36) and unknown gods? Truly the era of science is the era of the One God, the known God rather than the unknown God whom men have ignorantly worshiped despite the sermon of Saint Paul on Mars Hill. -Maha Chohan, Pearl 57:8
Beloved ones, the known is a comfort, but the unknown becomes a source of fear from which men may cringe and say “I will take my way and life. Let10 me9 postpone39 to8 another36 day12 this20 probing45, this20 voyage30 of12 discovery48 (=289) into22 the15 infinite50 mind22 of12 God17 (=138; 138+289=427=7 x hypothetical
61).” And thus in the long history of this planet a certain superstition, a social custom, that which is accepted as norms of activity, et cetera, has almost been a means of insulating souls and humanity and civilization against going beyond the wall—the wall that is built around the town to protect it from invading marauders or enemies. -Divine Director, Pearl 29:20
a phi ratio series anchored at 72.00:
72/1.618= 44.499;
44.499/1.618= 27.502;
17; 17/1.618=10.61;
phi series here runs: test(s)10.6, run17, field(s)27.5, anti-field(s)44.5, self-justification72,00, 72x1.618=
116.5=2 x mediocrity58.
Phi/golden ratio is 1.618 to 1. In the above I have added in words that numerologiccally fit the series; numerology goes a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, s=1, etc. -r.
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