Saturday, September 10, 2022
Only in the forward press can ground be obtained
Yes, and these wings, beloved, they are not fastened with wax and they will not melt in the Sun. These are wings of the mind. They are wings of God Mercury. They are wings of Venus. They are wings of your native homes wherever you have hailed from, of the starry systems.
-Helios, Pearl 34:40
O my beloved, I would draw you intensely and tenderly into my heart. For of all of words that have passed through your heart during these weeks together it is the word of love, the tenderness of the Good Shepherd and the realization of this perfect love that casts out the entire sphere of human creation—the whole ball of wax as you might say.
Think then of wax melting in the Sun. Realize that those who have attempted to fly using wax to attach their wings truly will not fly, for the wax—symbolical of the maya of the ego—will always prove insufficient to the task. You cannot fly to the Sun on human pride, the wax of ambition.
-Maitreua, Pearls of Wisdom 23:51
And I tell you, when you wax dull the forces of darkness wax bright and they work their plans. And you are not always apprised of what is going on. But you can be sure that night and day the devils do not sleep, but they are awake and plotting and planning your destruction. For they know that if you do not fall, they shall fall. -Queen of Light, Pearl 54:17
Mercury is a planet of stalwart souls who have entered the fiery core of the discipline of the Law whose concentrated energies make them quick-footed and quick-minded. Thus God Mercury, depicted with winged sandals and with wings of the mind, is the archetype of the messenger of the gods who transmutes the cloven hoof and horns of the god Pan–one of the many disguises of Satan. -Morya, Pearl 18:8
From out the heart of the Great Central Sun of your own being you must send the lifeline, the cord of God’s energy, to save your soul. And this is the salvation of souls through Christ the Lord, the Savior of all. When Christ comes to reign in the fire of the heart, when you make room in the sacred inn of being for the birth of the Manchild that child will grow and wax strong in the wisdom of the Lord, in the love of a universe, in the consciousness of a cosmos. When you welcome the Holy Family as Father, Son and Mother in the flame of Holy Spirit you welcome the deliverers of your soul. -Maitreya, 18:51
O souls of God, O my soul within you, be runners in the race of life! This is no time to tarry in the way of self-preservation, for the lesser self is but the moth that is bound to be consumed in the fire. And therefore let the fire enfire the soul with immortality before the wings are singed or the wax is melted. The soul must fly; but in order to fly the wings must be set. It cannot leap before it has tested the wings. -Lanello, Pearl 19:29
Make no mistake. I AM Uriel of the Sun. And the Sun of Righteousness is come with healing in his wings. I come then to mitigate where there may be a mitigation of the Law, to increase where those who have increased in Evil must receive that [which] is due. -Archangel Uriel, Pearl 30:11
Only in the forward press can ground be obtained and stalemate averted. Our aversion for complacency is well known. Those desiring safety may find it is not even contained within their beds. -Morya, Pearl 7:3
Mothers and fathers, you mother and father a planet, and many, many lifewaves are under your care and under your wings. And as you fulfill the responsibility to the little ones so you fulfill your responsibility to the Christ in all mankind. And thus you have opportunity also to minister unto me as Jesus and unto all saints and ascended beings.
-Jesus Christ, Pearl 53:12
O hearts of light and loveliness, the calls that have gone forth throughout this class, rising with ever-mounting crescendos of spiritual desire, attainment, have stirred your hearts; and the regenerate fires now there are blazing brightly. I add the momentum of the other masters so that in the unified action of the profound peace of God the hearts of men may wax hot in the pursuit of Christ-victory. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 26:5
O that the flame might grow and wax strong into the fullness of divine manhood! This was my prayer as I gazed upon the infant Messiah, seeing in him the victory of worlds, of kingdoms yet to be born. For I knew that this lifestream entrusted to my care had manifested at inner levels and upon Earth the disciplines of the order of the Holy Spirit that he might come forth, the one anointed, the one initiated, to show all men what the Father expects all to accomplish upon this star, this schoolroom, this place of overcoming. -Archeia Mary, Pearl 55:11
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