Saturday, September 10, 2022
bind up wounds
The tightly coiled spring of human ego, painfully aware of itself, is10 unwilling49 to8 let10 go13 of12 petty23 frustrations54 and problems37 (=116=4 x clever29) it has tucked beneath the surface of life because they seemed insoluble.
Precious ones, if a problem cannot be solved momentarily, you need not suppress it by shoving it into the subconscious mind where it will only fester and accumulate a mass of irritating energy that must one day be dealt with....
Won’t you also recognize my role—as one who is called the God behind the physical Sun—as I send my love into your world to draw you together where32 you16 are15 in14 a1 state11 of12 schism26 to8 bind20 up10 your25 wounds24 =214 and to8 teach19 you16 the15 way13 (=71; 71+214=285=5 x deliver-path 57) in which the power of love can be increased in your life?
Lovingly, I AM
Helios of the Sun, Pearl 13:30
And we Heros and Amora tell you, beloved, that the light is not sufficiently raised up nor disciplined nor expanded nor balanced in your four lower bodies. Look not beyond yourselves therefore to the cause of this plight wherein we see that ten thousandfold more lightbearers should be a part of this worldwide Community, [yet they are not].
The light, we say, must be raised up by the assimilation of the Word. And when that light is beheld as the largeness of the aura, [as] the magnanimous heart, when that light is raised up you will draw [to this Sangha of the Buddha] those of equal light. -Elohim Heros and Amora, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 6, 1989 at RTR, MT, Pearl 32:43
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