Sunday, September 11, 2022
The phi or golden ratio is the natural growth curve
The phi or golden ratio is the natural growth curve which is 1 to 1.618 proportion. When one is employing numerology of words in English, as I do as a tool also for clues, note please that of course the phi ratio does not result in whole numbers, so one must take this into consideration. But one can anchor the phi ratio at a whole number and generate the phi ratio curve from there . E.g., start at 57.00. So the phi ratio curve generates 35, 21.5, 13, 8 and 5 from this number 57. I try that because if one wonders how the Putin clique or Duffy clique—both in numerology counting to 57, like Great Whore— operate growth-wise, it is just fine to use the phi ratio. Of course 21.5 is between an English word counting to 21 and one counting to 22, no big deal. Now the Masters have taught us on reactionary energies. “Reactionary” counts to 57. Way, arc, atom count to13; aum to 8; ma to 5. Skip 21.5 at this point. At 35 what words?
controls35 mirage35 darkened35
scatterness35, schizo35, ripen35, concealed35, crooked35, wishful35, atomic25 test10=35.
(By the way: trusted, crook, noise, nuanced, stupid are all at 26;
structure, aumpoint, necessary, perfect, correct at 37 along with connive.)
Now, let’s go the next step above 57.00 using the phi ratio which is 1.618, and this gives about 92.3 which is close enough to 92 to use. 23 x 4=92. Words at 23 include:
raid, logos, dream,
rapes, ended, wish, nuances, carcase, cruel.
So one can set the phi ratio generating from 23.00 which is Logos in numerologic letter count that employs a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, s=1, etc. Then the phi ratio curve is very similar but NOT ON the same curve as that curve setting phi ratio from 57.00 and generating the 7 points from 5.8 to 97. If one uses 23.00, then we get to 37 on the phi ratio curve going up via the 1.618 multiplication rate. So the contrast is easy to see: 5, 8, 13, 21.5, 35, 57, 92. I think this is analgous to chakra energy rising to crown at 7 positions. The pattern keyed to 23.00 in contrast goes: 5,8, 9, 14.5, 23, 37, 60, 97. Telltale number precision makes a difference in such a pair of curves.
So I have contrasted 2 distinct curves: the phi ratio anchored at Logos23.00 and the phi ratio anchored at 57.00. It is absolutely a crucial distinction and necessary indeed to fathom. Not hard to fathom, just step by step multiplying.
regards to all who are brave enough to try, to persist, to double-check
and willing to be flexible rather than rigid especially in perspective of what this investigation is really about. Which is? Which is this issue: is the Summit Lighthouse (or, in the case of Russia, is Russia being misled by Putin clique) being misled by the Duffy clique or rightly led thereby? I attempt to show through both Teachings and tools of phi ratio and numerology what is going on. Yes, it has been trying to conceive the whole picture, like going a long tunnel; where is the light, please?. Watch out for conventional54 which Morya said is “the enemy of the Teachings” (meaning of course that the mystical body is not a conventional thing) in his Agni Yoga material (Leaves of Morya’s Garden 1925) wherein he specified conventional54 formulae37 (=91).
Since Duffys invented role called “spiritual director(91), since carnal mind calcination(91)—phrase used by Maitreya in his Pearl 10:10, and impure37 + action26 + funnels28=91—phrased by Gautama in a Pearl, since Serapis used “vainglorious(63) apostles(26) of(12) orthodoxy(54) in his Pearl 12:15, is it not?, since the list goes on and on from the Teachings, since peter28 + neroli37 +duffy26 counts to 91, I consider that this is evidence, not coincidental accident at all. But of course!! you might just type in Pearls of Wisdom 19:13, 19:14 and/or 19:15 that expose Ignatius37 Loyola26 and Lenin into online at: and see if these powerful and deep exposures by Kuthumi are there or not. (They were deleted around 2003; they also contain the inside story of Henry 8th of England, another major and profound monopoly gamer costing lives and setting Hierarchy back. Mother had been Chancellor Thomas More’s daughter, in case you didn’t hear her say so in person. I did.)
Betray26, another key word with its numerologic value. putin, duffy, icarus, babylon—at 26. yes i repeat myself because one must counteract the wedge of darkness set at a key point against this Summit Lighthouse Activity, for the love of God and mankind; in the name of Hierarchy, amen. Maitreya, please add your amen to this; thank you, Hierarchy!
-r. p.s.: “Board of spiritual44 directors48 (=92)
of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity are the 7 chohans,” says Morya in a KoF Lesson. The Duffy claim to that title is dogshit37 purely and simply.
The phi or golden ratio is the natural growth curve which is 1 to 1.618 proportion. When one is employing numerology of words in English, as I do as a tool also for clues, note please that of course the phi ratio does not result in whole numbers, so one must take this into consideration. But one can anchor the phi ratio at a whole number and generate the phi ratio curve from there . E.g., start at 57.00. So the phi ratio curve generates 35, 21.5, 13, 8 and 5 from this number 57. I try that because if one wonders how the Putin clique or Duffy clique—both in numerology counting to 57, like Great Whore— operate growth-wise, it is just fine to use the phi ratio. Of course 21.5 is between an English word counting to 21 and one counting to 22, no big deal. Now the Masters have taught us on reactionary energies. “Reactionary” counts to 57. Way, arc, atom count to13; aum to 8; ma to 5. Skip 21.5 at this point. At 35 what words?
controls35 mirage35 darkened35
scatterness35, schizo35, ripen35, concealed35, crooked35, wishful35, atomic25 test10=35.
(By the way: trusted, crook, noise, nuanced, stupid are all at 26;
structure, aumpoint, necessary, perfect, correct at 37 along with connive.)
Now, let’s go the next step above 57.00 using the phi ratio which is 1.618, and this gives about 92.3 which is close enough to 92 to use. 23 x 4=92. Words at 23 include:
raid, logos, dream,
rapes, ended, wish, nuances, carcase, cruel.
So one can set the phi ratio generating from 23.00 which is Logos in numerologic letter count that employs a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, s=1, etc. Then the phi ratio curve is very similar but NOT ON the same curve as that curve setting phi ratio from 57.00 and generating the 7 points from 5 to 97. If one uses 23.00, then we get to 37 on the phi ratio curve going up via the 1.618 multiplication rate. So the contrast is easy to see: 5, 8, 13, 21.5, 35, 57, 92. I think this is analgous to chakra energy rising to crown at 7 positions. The pattern keyed to 23.00 in contrast goes: 5,8, 9,14.5, 23, 37, 60, 97. Telltale number precision makes a difference in such a pair of curves.
So I have contrasted 2 distinct curves: the phi ratio anchored at Logos23.00 and the phi ratio anchored at 57.00. It is absolutely a crucial distinction and necessary indeed to fathom. Not hard to fathom, just step by step multiplying.
regards to all who are brave enough to try, to persist, to double-check
and willing to be flexible rather than rigid especially in perspective of what this investigation is really about. Which is? Which is this issue: is the Summit Lighthouse (or, in the case of Russia, is Russia being misled by Putin clique) being misled by the Duffy clique or rightly led thereby? I attempt to show through both Teachings and tools of phi ratio and numerology what is going on. Yes, it has been trying to conceive the whole picture, like going a long tunnel; where is the light, please?. Watch out for conventional54 which Morya said is “the enemy of the Teachings” (meaning of course that the mystical body is not a conventional thing) in his Agni Yoga material (Leaves of Morya’s Garden 1925) wherein he specified conventional54 formulae37 (=91).
Since Duffys invented role called “spiritual director(91), since carnal mind calcination(91)—phrase used by Maitreya in his Pearl 10:10, and impure37 + action26 + funnels28=91—phrased by Gautama in a Pearl, since Serapis used “vainglorious(63) apostles(26) of(12) orthodoxy(54) in his Pearl 12:15, is it not?, since the list goes on and on from the Teachings, since peter28 + neroli37 +duffy26 counts to 91, I consider that this is evidence, not coincidental accident at all. But of course!! you might just type in Pearls of Wisdom 19:13, 19:14 and/or 19:15 that expose Ignatius37 Loyola26 and Lenin into online at: and see if these powerful and deep exposures by Kuthumi are there or not. (They were deleted around 2003; they also contain the inside story of Henry 8th of England, another major and profound monopoly gamer costing lives and setting Hierarchy back. Mother had been Chancellor Thomas More’s daughter, in case you didn’t hear her say so in person. I did.)
Betray26, another key word with its numerologic value. putin, duffy, icarus, babylon—at 26. yes i repeat myself because one must counteract the wedge of darkness set at a key point against this Summit Lighthouse Activity, for the love of God and mankind; in the name of Hierarchy, amen. Maitreya, please add your amen to this; thank you, Hierarchy!
-r. p.s.: “Board of spiritual44 directors48 (=92)
of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity are the 7 chohans,” says Morya in a KoF Lesson. The Duffy claim to that title is dogshit37 purely and simply.
The phi or golden ratio is the natural growth curve which is 1 to 1.618 proportion. When one is employing numerology of words in English, as I do as a tool also for clues, note please that of course the phi ratio does not result in whole numbers, so one must take this into consideration. But one can anchor the phi ratio at a whole number and generate the phi ratio curve from there . E.g., start at 57.00. So the phi ratio curve generates 35, 21.5, 13, 8 and 5 from this number 57. I try that because if one wonders how the Putin clique or Duffy clique—both in numerology counting to 57, like Great Whore— operate growth-wise, it is just fine to use the phi ratio. Of course 21.5 is between an English word counting to 21 and one counting to 22, no big deal. Now the Masters have taught us on reactionary energies. “Reactionary” counts to 57. Way, arc, atom count to13; aum to 8; ma to 5. Skip 21.5 at this point. At 35 what words?
controls35 mirage35 darkened35
scatterness35, schizo35, ripen35, concealed35, crooked35, wishful35, atomic25 test10=35.
(By the way: trusted, crook, noise, nuanced, stupid are all at 26;
structure, aumpoint, necessary, perfect, correct at 37 along with connive.)
Now, let’s go the next step above 57.00 using the phi ratio which is 1.618, and this gives about 92.3 which is close enough to 92 to use. 23 x 4=92. Words at 23 include:
raid, logos, dream,
rapes, ended, wish, nuances, carcase, cruel.
So one can set the phi ratio generating from 23.00 which is Logos in numerologic letter count that employs a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, s=1, etc. Then the phi ratio curve is very similar but NOT ON the same curve as that curve setting phi ratio from 57.00 and generating the 7 points from 5 to 97. If one uses 23.00, then we get to 37 on the phi ratio curve going up via the 1.618 multiplication rate. So the contrast is easy to see: 5, 8, 13, 21.5, 35, 57, 92. I think this is analgous to chakra energy rising to crown at 7 positions. The pattern keyed to 23.00 in contrast goes: 5,8, 9,14.5, 23, 37, 60, 97. Telltale number precision makes a difference in such a pair of curves.
So I have contrasted 2 distinct curves: the phi ratio anchored at Logos23.00 and the phi ratio anchored at 57.00. It is absolutely a crucial distinction and necessary indeed to fathom. Not hard to fathom, just step by step multiplying.
regards to all who are brave enough to try, to persist, to double-check
and willing to be flexible rather than rigid especially in perspective of what this investigation is really about. Which is? Which is this issue: is the Summit Lighthouse (or, in the case of Russia, is Russia being misled by Putin clique) being misled by the Duffy clique or rightly led thereby? I attempt to show through both Teachings and tools of phi ratio and numerology what is going on. Yes, it has been trying to conceive the whole picture, like going a long tunnel; where is the light, please?. Watch out for conventional54 which Morya said is “the enemy of the Teachings” (meaning of course that the mystical body is not a conventional thing) in his Agni Yoga material (Leaves of Morya’s Garden 1925) wherein he specified conventional54 formulae37 (=91).
Since Duffys invented role called “spiritual director(91), since carnal mind calcination(91)—phrase used by Maitreya in his Pearl 10:10, and impure37 + action26 + funnels28=91—phrased by Gautama in a Pearl, since Serapis used “vainglorious(63) apostles(26) of(12) orthodoxy(54) in his Pearl 12:15, is it not?, since the list goes on and on from the Teachings, since peter28 + neroli37 +duffy26 counts to 91, I consider that this is evidence, not coincidental accident at all. But of course!! you might just type in Pearls of Wisdom 19:13, 19:14 and/or 19:15 that expose Ignatius37 Loyola26 and Lenin into online at: and see if these powerful and deep exposures by Kuthumi are there or not. (They were deleted around 2003; they also contain the inside story of Henry 8th of England, another major and profound monopoly gamer costing lives and setting Hierarchy back. Mother had been Chancellor Thomas More’s daughter, in case you didn’t hear her say so in person. I did.)
Betray26, another key word with its numerologic value. putin, duffy, icarus, babylon—at 26. yes i repeat myself because one must counteract the wedge of darkness set at a key point against this Summit Lighthouse Activity, for the love of God and mankind; in the name of Hierarchy, amen. Maitreya, please add your amen to this; thank you, Hierarchy!
-r. p.s.: “Board of spiritual44 directors48 (=92)
of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity are the 7 chohans,” says Morya in a KoF Lesson. The Duffy claim to that title is dogshit37 purely and simply.
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