Friday, September 30, 2022
from the mercy seat
What is the miracle promise in fairy tale and folklore that has gladdened the eyes of children? It is but a well-done counterfeit of the real—a painting partially descriptive whose splendor brings delight to those whose vision has not yet widened to behold the ranges of a higher perspective.
The senses must be perceived as chaliced instruments fresh from heaven’s realm. Ever-new delights await them: the eye to be gladdened by pure color tones, pastel rainbow hues and purest light; the ear by sound crescendos, mingled solemnity and joy crashing mid universes in the macrocosm as pebbles in the universal sea harmonically fulfill each movement, as above so below. -Serapis Bey, Pearl 11:5
Why do men set up a counterfeit will and call it their own? Why do they engage in a continual struggle between the will of God and “their own” will? In the answers to these questions is to be found the key to happiness for every part of life. -Morya, Pearl 12:11
…….............Thus the absolute tyranny of the fallen ones has beget an absolute power that is a black sphere, the counterfeit to the sphere of the Great Blue Causal Body of the universe. That Great Blue Causal Body contains within it the inner blueprint for every lifestream—and the God-momentum of power with which to fulfill that blueprint! If I were the genie with the lamp and you could rub the lamp in this moment, would you not ask first for your blueprint and then for the power to implement it? This indeed would be a wise wish as long as it would be tempered by wisdom and by love -Morya, Pearl 24:43
Thus the term beast is also applied to the configurations of the Great White Brotherhood as the four beasts are gathered at the great white throne before the great God. These four beasts represent hierarchies of the four cosmic forces. And thus the beasts that have come as a counterfeit of these have become mass movements in the physical and astral planes—organizations of fallen ones organized for this or that means of extracting light, taking the money of the taxpayers for the downtrodden, for their causes of feminism, for their causes of socialism and all manner of activities along the lines of world socialism that have come to be merely the threading of the eye of the needle of World Communism. -Kuan Yin, Pearls of Wisdom 27:27
I refer to that individual known as Lady Luck. In the gambling casinos of Monte Carlo and Las Vegas and other parts of the world this individual is superstitiously regarded as an existent being. I assure you that this counterfeit of my own God-given originality is truly one who will lure men, as Sirens of old, to the rocks of gambling and dissipation, fulfilling nothing in reality but only more bondage and karma. -Fortuna/Lakshmi, Pearl 52:11
Their priesthood is the anti-priesthood, the counterfeit of the order of Melchizedek. Knowing as they know the inner Law of the great Three-in-One, they know that the knowledge of the Law will be the liberation of souls throughout the matter sphere and that with that liberation will come their own ultimate end, the second death of the fallen ones in the final judgment before the Court of Sacred Fire on Sirius. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:8
Now these ones, jealous of that light (Christ consciousness) which they cannot have because they do not bear witness of that light (neither in themselves nor in the Messenger), have set themselves up as the discriminators of Good and Evil, marking this and that religion as counterfeit of the truth according to their wholly false and fictitious labeling system based upon the dead letter of their33 own16 legalism33
=82=counterfeit55 leader27. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:7
So then when you enter the path it is not the unreal path of euphoria, of dancing merrily in the fields of daisies. It is the path where for every virtue you invoke you must first cast out the counterfeit vice and then be found worthy to receive and contain that virtue—not a virtue that is won by human effort but a virtue that is the gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit, virtue that comes by reason of the magnetization of God- flame. -Ray-o-Light, Pearl 25:29a
Beloved friends of the mighty light of God that never, never, never fails in mercy’s name I have come to establish with you that great fountain of mercy’s flame. Therefore I bring to your heart a spray of flowers, violet and purple with amethyst crystal dewdrops. I come to the shrine of the Lord Our Righteousness whose righteousness is always established by the mercy of the Law. Won’t you be seated then as we consider these things.
These things which we desire to consider are those things which have been considered by the avatars who have come to Earth for millions of years. Whether in the etheric octave or on any of the planes of being the Lord God had sealed with His planetary home always the presence of the Guru and chela.
Thus the Master’s discoursing in the full empowerment of the Word has always sustained the matter universe. And it is the Teacher and the disciples who gather therefore always to celebrate the mighty functioning of the Atom of Being that does indeed sustain the worlds that are framed by the power of the Word of Brahman.
Sometime and somewhere there is always at least one, one who represents the Word, speaking that Word continually, transferring it to hearts who are gathered. You may notice also how the increase of light, the spirit of community and activity is always there when the masters come to the quarterly conferences and dispense that light. Whenever the Messenger is releasing that Word, whenever a single soul is counseled or comforted or rebuked the power of the Word is sustaining the reason for being of matter itself.
Matter functions upon the very same principle. You will understand the hierarchy of the nucleus. You will understand that surrounding the one orifice of the light of Alpha and Omega there are the bodhisattvas—there are those who sustain that light and anchor it in the alchemical frequencies of matter. And therefore when the sun- center is intact the most beautiful, the most magnificent veil of cosmos is extended.
As the veil of the Cosmic Virgin, so the Milky Way as stars suspended together in this veil—you will come to realize that matter itself, which enables your consciousness to evolve in this dimension, is composed of that substance of light that is the perpetual spoken Word. Matter continues to exist while sons of God put on this veil of the Mother—these body temples. And in this veil of the Mother the flow of the Word is always the coordinate.
When you speak the Word of life, when you recite the beautiful sayings of avatars who have gone before, when you read our dictations aloud, when you give dynamic decrees, when you recite the Hail Mary you are the anchoring of the Word of the Logos itself. Therefore, beloved hearts, this is why the Lord Jesus taught the ultimate mercy unto those evolving in samsara—and it is to believe on the One Sent. For the belief is the connecting tie whereby you become the orifice of the Word.
You by free will elect to be the electron revolving around the center of the Word by which the worlds are framed. Ring upon ring upon ring establishes therefore the more complex atomic and molecular systems. And therefore all facets of the necessity of life—by mercy’s flame, by the giving of the Word, by the Guru—are established in the heart of the chela—the free who will elect to move by a cosmic rhythm, by a scientific formula, by a momentum that cannot be traced. So is the coming and going of freewill elect ones, so is the coming and going of the wind of the Holy Spirit.
You have heard of the solar wind. You have heard of the cosmic wind. There is a wind inside of the Earth; there is a wind that moves between therefore the elect ones. There is a wind that moves between atoms and molecules of life, and in the very entering in to their systems this wind is by way of the charging of matter spheres with the light of the Spirit and of the Holy Ghost. It is the Lord’s means of hallowing space.
You have noticed how without the movement of air life stagnates. There is no cleansing, there is no revivifying or purification, and after a while joy is lost. Thus in the breezes that blow, in the wind and in fire you understand that only in movement is God preserved in matter. And the movement of life itself, the diurnal turns are created by threefold flame of heart.
This is why those without flame are called the living dead. For without that flame the molecules and cells of life do not take on the radiation of other worlds, for matter is a bowl intended to be endued with a living spirit. And only by the Word, only in the Word, only in the perpetual creation and re-creation of life can all things sustain on Earth in matter the matrix for spiritual existence par excellence—the spiritual existence of perfection of golden ages and worlds beyond worlds.
Therefore the clay mold in its entirety, the physical cosmos is the experimental mode of the Godhead. There Elohim may create and sons may experiment, and even fallen ones who exist at sublevels of the matter universe may experiment in freewill and regain that status in the pure and undefiled material universe before the return into ultimate Spirit.
Understand, therefore that the levels of contamination in the astral plane, in the physical plane and even in the mental plane do not represent the entire physical universe—by no means! How could the Godhead maintain the balance of Spirit/matter, Father/Mother or positive/negative polarity if it were allowed that the entire matter cosmos could be contaminated?
Therefore the place of the etheric plane, therefore the higher octaves that still represent the Omega presence are the place where the matter matrix is held in matter. And because it is held in matter it may still be externalized by you, beloved hearts.
Have you ever thought and considered that your knowledge of the ascended-master octaves and our retreats is scant in the outer mind? A realization as to the fullness of what life can be in the eternal mode is not necessarily that which you are well acquainted with.
I can assure you, beloved hearts, that as you have longed for an existence of peace, of love, of enlightenment without friction, without the burdens of misqualified energy you find here, so that place does exist and you are also entitled to live there and move there and know the joy of an existence without weight of the Dark Cycle, of the Kali Yuga and of the return of karma and of the age when there is the binding of fallen ones; and the seed of Serpent forevermore must come before the Lord God and be bound—and the not-Self, the anti-matter and anti-Spirit be cast out. Now the anti-Spirit is that which is absolute evil pitted against the God-flame wherever it does manifest in matter. Forces of anti-Spirit moving in matter are opposing therefore the ones who have descended from the I AM Presence bearing with them the candle from the altar of heaven. The sacred fire held in matter is therefore the target of every form of war and terrorism and murder and contriving against the living Word.
O my beloved hearts, those who descend who are the candlebearers from the Almighty, from the Temple Beautiful who have determined to bear that light and therefore to ensoul a matter universe must come together and be one and manifest as a sun- center to life. As the sun- center is on Earth, so proportionately will be the descent of beings from the Sun, children of the Sun, angels magnificent, and the new day of Helios and Vesta.
The concentration of light representing not only the Great White Brotherhood but the Great Central Sun itself is our goal. And to that end we support the striving ones who are the Keepers of the Flame on Earth. To that end we set aside a land that is promised from the beginning. To that end we open our retreats and we hold there with the Messengers classes attended by tens of thousands per class. And these go on nightly, night after night as the witnesses witness unto the teaching at inner levels and here on Earth.
You understand the value of the mouthpiece. And therefore realize: without the mouthpiece the instrument cannot be played. Thus we would not desire to do without the missing part nor would you. Thus we send you forth, teachers of righteousness. We send you forth as ministering servants. And we hold you accountable, beloved, by mercy’s flame for the Word and words that have already been sent.
For this you understand is your level of maturity. You are not high school students! You are graduates earning graduate degrees not available to normal evolutions of Earth. Thus our University of the Spirit, the Ascended Master University, beloved hearts, is for those who take the initiative to study and to organize the material and to apply that which is given.
The admonishment has gone forth to study the Pearls of Wisdom which means not only to read but to study and organize the information and to be thoroughly acquainted with the dispensations that form a foundation for each new cycle turning.
We must build upon that which we have already builded, and we build upon the cornerstone of the individual and universal Christ Jesus—Christ in Saint Germain and El Morya and every ascended master. That person of Christ is one’s point of immortality, and the sons of God must contain that Rock that is the cornerstone.
All of the other stones in the temple of our building and in the pyramid of your life must be the exemplification, the bringing forth of understanding upon the principal manifestation, such as in the teaching on Christ as the presence of mercy. That presence of mercy, beloved ones, and the beginning of unfoldment of its awareness, its vibration and its presence give you a new consciousness as to what it means to be the Christ in the flame of mercy.
Thus the teaching does unfold applications of the universal Word, the universal Logos. Its applications are infinite, but we strive to bring to the evolutions of Earth, and specifically the souls of the Ancient of Days, those facets of the teaching which are necessary both to the victory of freedom on Earth and to the victory of the soul in the ascension of the light. Therefore we do not come to entertain, and all that we give is the meat of the Word and it is an understanding that is essential.
Even as wisdom and gift of the Holy Spirit of wisdom is given so the gift of knowledge is also given. And you may seek that knowledge where it is best available. Knowledge for instance of world conditions has ever been the method of our understanding of where to direct the wisdom of the Word.
Thus we have taken—prepared by stalwart hearts—the expose and analysis of terrorism that you might understand what it is and that you might realize that it is a plague fast approaching the United States. But, beloved ones, though Archangel Gabriel has determined to seal this nation from it there have been examples here already of terrorism in disguise so as not to alarm the people.
Two of the principal figures that were presented and presenting information in that film have already mysteriously passed from the screen of life—one who declared himself the patriot; one who was lost on the Korean plane. These are never accidents. These are acts of international terrorism. And other of the main and key figures defending the light of freedom in this country who fear not to expose the threats that are coming upon the people exist in the same danger today as those who have passed on.
And I can tell you that Henry Jackson—his passing was no accident either. And yet the people are not alarmed, and the Soviets and KGB know exactly how to execute their assassinations without the people suspecting that anything beyond natural causes or accident was involved. Thus “the American people are best kept asleep”—so has thought the world movement of terrorism. “Far more can be accomplished.” And these have been accomplished also during the period of the holding of the hostages in Iran when suddenly here and there great storages of oil and gasoline were suddenly aflame.
Beloved ones of light, somehow the leaders of this nation, influenced by the fear of death and hell itself, have preferred to keep the people of America uninformed and without knowledge that is common to those that live outside of this country—fearing that the people will panic, fearing that the people will challenge their leaders, fearing that the people will organize.
And thus those who are the terrorists, who announce very calmly that “there will be war in this land for survival, there will be anarchy, there will be uprising”—they know whereof they speak. For they are the ones that will bring the war, they are the ones who keep their stashes and who build their armies and who are prepared when the signal is given.
I can assure you that endless preparations have been made worldwide for the taking of America through many means. And all who desire and who lust after her light—to eat the light of the blood of her sons and daughters—have realized that to take on America may be no small war-game or no small act of terrorism. Therefore they have been content to prepare for this for decades.
And all should be aware of the fact that even though the front pages of the newspapers continue to display heroes of the world of sports or anti-heroes who have entered into treachery and intrigue and taken from the greedy and trusting (through their own greed) their moneys in investment schemes—the real news is not coming to the hearts of the people.
And therefore understand that those who control the media go to great pains to display before the people the anti-heroes, to discourage them and to enable them to become cynics but never really bring to their attention what is actually happening, what is common knowledge to many but what does not appear in the newspapers or on the news.
Beloved hearts of light, I am certain that I speak to those who are aware of these things, yet the speaking of the Word to the disciples is our office. And I come because my name is Kuan Yin that you might understand the meaning of mercy.
Mercy is a mirror. You may imagine myself standing here in a mirror that has the quality of violet. This mirror is fully charged with the mercy of God, the mercy seat, the point of the Christ Self, the mercy of the Lords of Karma.
And you will remember that the Lord God pronounced unto the Watchers “Never shall you obtain peace,” which is to say “Never shall you obtain mercy.” For mercy is the only peace of the Law that the individual can derive who has severed contact with that Law, violated that Law or abused it in any one of these little ones.
Therefore mercy enters the arena of the merciless. And in the full mercy of the Godhead I stand in the very midst of the dens and groves of those who plan their terrorist activities during the 1984 Olympics and elsewhere in the world wherever they can—those who are in their groves of the practice of satanic rite and murder, those who plot the destruction of free nations by terrorism and by other means.
I AM mercy. And I AM mercy’s flame and mercy’s person. And I bear as a banner and as a shield this mighty mirror. And the mirror points in all directions, having eight sides as a mighty octagon of mercy’s mirror. And therefore wherever I stand in the Earth as the representative of Buddha, as the manifestation of the one who goes after all in all octaves, so I come to those who have come forth out of hell and out of the astral plane.
And mercy is as mercy does. And the mercy of the Law does require therefore when I stand in the presence of those who have maimed life mercilessly that the mercy flame return in exact quantity the mercy which they have shown life.
Not only do they have an absence of mercy, beloved hearts, they have a minus-mercy. For they have pulled back their slingshots beyond the point of the Y, and they have taken from the not-side of life the full-gathered momentum of the false hierarchy of anti-mercy. And therefore they have not only withheld mercy but they have dealt mercilessly with souls of light.
And unto them therefore does the full power of the Godhead—drawing back now the full-gathered momentum of mercy’s flame—release that flame as the power of the Holy Ghost! It is the power of the judgment of everyone of these fallen ones who has sacrificed life mercilessly, who has come in the guise of the murderer and who has stood before innocent life to overturn God-government of the nations by these atrocities that are being practiced in this very hour.
Blessed hearts of light, I come so that you will understand what is the activity of mercy in this hour in direct relationship to the dispensation of Saint Germain for your own embodying of ascended-master consciousness, presence and light—that you will understand that I reinforce from beneath and from the very depths, for I AM the one that does enter hell, extending mercy to life.
And now you understand how that mercy is extended. For if they will reach out and give mercy to Almighty God and His holy innocents, so I intercede by the grace and mercy of the Law for every act that is pure and undefiled in mercy flame, in the grace of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I come to reward whoever it may be, whatever lifestream. And that reward will be with them until by the totality of their violation of mercy they lose the reward because they have not fulfilled the whole law of mercy’s flame.
Understand the meaning of this. Mercy is love. Mercy is illumination, beloved hearts. Mercy is the transfer of light. Thus unto those who have not given mercy is returned to them tenfold in this hour of their misqualification of that flame.
And this, my beloved, is the real meaning of the statement that the mercy of God endures forever. For mercy becomes the presence of the judgment of non-mercy. And you understand therefore why I am a member of The Karmic Board and how I come in the fullness of love that dissolves all unlike itself.
I desire that you should understand that there is that evolution—that has gone forth in support of Gog and Magog—evolving upon Earth, who are the ones who take up guns, who are the ones that fight in the streets and plant the bombs, the ones who are trained gladly to be the instruments of chaos. Do they desire to bring in World Communism or World Socialism? I tell you, nay. They have simply hung their hats on a particular ideology as an excuse to vent their hatred and their murder for the little ones of God.
Why do they hate? Because the little ones of God bear the candle from the altar of the Temple Beautiful, and they themselves may not bear that candle, may not approach that altar, may not take it to Earth and light the way because they are not the anointed teachers of mankind, angels who come as world teachers— because they are not appointed by God to bear the crown of illumination, to bear the teaching of the corona of the Sun, the crown of the World Mother.
So they have taken that office unto themselves. They have followed the false gurus of Marx and Lenin; they have followed a way of a rationale for an explanation of human events which they call scientific, which is no more scientific than their own hatred and their own chaos.
They understand the setting-up of the pillars of fire of Saint Germain worldwide, they understand the setting-up of mercy’s flame and they are determined to overthrow God-government—have done so in every age. And in every age they have espoused another cause to justify that overthrow. Therefore they22 are15 merciless40 with24 ones17 whom23 they22 say9 they22 are15 the15 defenders44 of12 (=380=10 x themselves38). They fit the part exactly of the hireling. They are not shepherds of those to whom they preach.
But therefore realize also that Nephilim gods created certain masses of the people to be responsive to these agitators. And others sown among them, as the good wheat, are the children of light who will not cooperate, who will not compromise; and therefore they are found slain and maimed and murdered in this wise.
Realize then that in imitation of the light of Alpha and Omega, in imitation of the divine polarity that must be a part of life there are those positioned as agitators and leaders. There are those positioned as ignorant masses who through their greed, their idolatrous nature also may be in polarity with them.
There are those who are in positions of leadership. There are those positioned in each and every place as counterfeits56 of12 the15 Hierarchy59 (=142) of12 the15 nucleus23 of12 the15 Atom13 of12 Life23 (=145; 145+142=287=7 x alignment41) all the way back to the presence of the living Guru Sanat Kumara and his disciple Gautama Buddha, down the chain of Hierarchy all the way to those who are freewill lightbearers who elect to be God in manifestation.
Thus there is the force of anti-freedom that compels those who are mechanization man into an alignment which is a substitute for freedom. They think they have free will and free choice. And yet they are daily programmed by what passes through media, by their attention to television sets, by fads, by music, by drugs.
They are programmed against all freedom to become the stooges28 and10 slaves14 of12 those22 who19 are15 masterminds
45 (=165=5 x inner33) who, if they are not connected at outer levels, are absolutely connected at inner levels as the false hierarchy of Antichrist moving from all planes (into which they have entered in the matter universe) against the souls of light.
The Great White Brotherhood in existence is a statement of our solution to this challenge. The organization of the Great White Brotherhood antedates that of the entire false hierarchy, as you know. Therefore from the beginning God has positioned His solution to this problem.
Blessed hearts of living flame, understand therefore that the filling in of those points of light must be by all means, must be the action of those chelas who understand the history of the people of God century by century, era by era, East and West on Earth. Therefore we have called and many have answered.
Where is the haven of safety for those who were once in Tibet, for those who were once in the Holy Land or in Glastonbury in the Isles, those who have been around the world, at Lake Titicaca or in the cities of India, those who have been slain for the bearing of the Word of God who now would reincarnate? Where is the haven of light for freedom-fighters of this nation who have been slain for their forthright stand?
Beloved children of the Sun, understand that there is no haven that can be guaranteed outside the United States of America. This is the place for the defense and this is the place for saying “Thus far and no farther!”
If there is any hope at all, it must be in this community, this government and this military establishment. Therefore understand why there is the oneness, why the Great Central Sun center is needed—why the Western Shamballa, why the temple must be builded, why that forcefield must be ensconced materially and physically by the only force that can consecrate it which is the threefold flame upon the altar of your heart.
Nothing else will suffice. They have all tried money. It has been the solution of the West: pour more money on the situation and somehow it will be resolved. Well, the problems of education have not been resolved or of the poor or of the military. And the spending of money is not the solution. It can be the solution when hearts of living flame make the decisions as to how to act, using the abundance of God for His plan and purposes.
Thus without consecrated sons of God the best-laid plans go astray. And so it is true in Washington, so it is true in your own households.
Therefore putting first things first we will see how the nucleus once established will therefore establish the surrounding concentric rings— rings upon rings of those who gather and do indeed sit under their own vine and fig tree. Just as the cell of your being cannot survive when the nucleus is attacked by the virus, by cancer, by alien energy, so neither can the nucleus of the people of God.
Therefore the call goes forth: let the temple of Solomon be rebuilt! And let the light of far-off worlds be the signal to each and everyone that in the face of world turmoil and world chaos we the forces of the Great White Brotherhood present the alternative to anarchy, the alternative to those who have the angry core—angry against God and like nothing better than to be in the very center of violence and take glee in the spilling of blood and bringing pain to the body of God on Earth.
This too shall pass, my beloved. This hell shall be swallowed up in the Lake of Fire, in the living light of the Almighty. This death and death consciousness shall be consumed!
You are in an era of the death-throes of the dragon and the beast. Thus heed the warning of the Presence of Mercy: Take care! Take care of your loved ones, your little ones, your leaders, your Messengers. Take care of all the plan of God and cherish each morsel of the Word that is for your protection.
Blessed ones of light, be assured of the sustaining power of the Godhead. Be assured of the presence of the Almighty One. Be assured of the action of judgment of mercy. And be certain that you always lead with mercy toward the Godhead, toward one another, towards oneself.
To effectively contain the flame of mercy you must project missiles of mercy into your own subconscious and let them be there—candles burning twenty-four hours a day—to consume all discrepancies, disparate elements of the past, beloved hearts. Consume therefore all that is unresolved and remember that each twenty-four-hour cycle is the opportunity for resolution with any or every part of life.
In the name of mercy’s flame I release to you the guardian action of the mercy seat.
O angels of living flame of mercy, O angels of sacred fire, angels from the heart of the Great Central Sun, legions of mercy, reinforce now the vow and will and purpose of the shining ones as each one becomes a part of the rainbow rays of God, sustaining then the stones in the temple of Solomon rebuilt.
Blaze the light of ten thousand sons of God! Blaze the light of ten thousand sons of God! Blaze the light of ten thousand sons of God within this activity of light! And let there be the rebuilding of the temple. And let there be the place of the Great White Brotherhood. And let it come quickly, O Lord Our Righteousness, within these hearts. The Lord has made known to us His timetable regarding the physical expansion of the Summit Lighthouse activity....At the appointed hour when the dust of man’s own chaotic and cataclysmic consciousness settles,...
I AM Kuan Yin. I seal my heart, one with the heart of the Christ Self of each one. I seal my heart with the soul that is forgiving unto seventy times seven, daily forgiving the patterns of personal and planetary karma—by violet flame! by violet flame! by violet flame! by violet flame!
O Saint Germain, I, Kuan Yin, come in thy name and in thy honor to serve thy noble purpose, thou Buddha of the light and of the Central Sun, and of the way of Omri-Tas, and of the way of Melchizedek, and of the way of Helios and Vesta and of the way of the temple of Zadkiel.
O Saint Germain, I serve thee and, through thy heart all life. I serve to maintain the flame of mercy as the violet flame that does receive the blood of the martyrs—that does receive it therefore and catch it and return that sacred-fire essence unto the Mighty I AM Presence of each one.
I AM Kuan Yin in the heart of every nation.
I AM with beloved Mother Mary.
I AM with the hosts of the Lord.
I bring legions of mercy to Earth.
It is mercy unto God in manifestation.
And it is the judgment of the Fallen One—with the sign of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother I seal, I seal, I seal the light of the Ancient of Days!
In the name I AM THAT I AM, amen.
-Kuan Yin, via Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet October 9, 1983 at Camelot, L.A., Pearls of Wisdom 26:54
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