Saturday, October 1, 2022
woverthrow the counterfeit
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Who, pray tell? Not the dweller, not that counterfeit spirit, for you have seen it for what it is. Now you have but to slay it by the Word, by the call to the archangels and to stand steadfast as they do bind the evil and release the Good. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 30:79
But here we come to the first roadblock which men encounter upon Earth. The cry “I am not worthy,” or the admission of guilt seems to be the great plague which causes individuals to dwell year after year in a limited state of consciousness simply because, dear hearts, they are actually brainwashed by their own residual human substance as well as the mass accumulation of mankind’s degrading energies which have polluted the total stream of history. In what at time seems to be an overwhelming configuration of the counterfeit creation mankind can scarcely realize the measure of that which man in reality is, whom God saw as victorious, taking dominion over the Earth and producing the miracles of the Garden of Paradise, right there where each individual manifests. -Meta, Pearl 10:6
“In every area of the manifold works of my seven sons, the Chohans of the Rays, they have attempted and indeed created their counterfeit society. Therefore go forth, Maitreya. Tell the souls of light that if they are to succeed in overthrowing all of this pollution of the light of Omega, all of this pollution in the matter sphere, all of this perversion of Mater-realization, then they must have the all-power, the all-wisdom and the all-love of the Father, the Son and Holy Ghost dwelling within them. Only reality, the reality of God can overthrow the counterfeit. -Maitreya, Pearl 443:35
Your immortal destiny is all about you (as a vessel out on the sea floats majestically surrounded everywhere by water); in the increased or stepped-up vibratory action of your world and affairs by your own God Presence (the I AM in you) lies salvation—life so full, so abundant, so effortless by comparison to denser spheres that the outer seems but the unreal or counterfeit! (Actually—it is only the embryonic evolutionary being presently dwelling in a segment of eternity called time where it is in the state of becoming the reality which it already is at inner levels!) -Archangel Raphael, Pearl 2:49
Knowing full well that those of you who are my newfound chelas and those who have followed for many a year will desire equally to pass this milestone of which I speak I urge persistent constancy in demanding of the Presence of God the fullness of all beauty which it is! Be satisfied with nothing less, accept no substitute or counterfeit for the glory of the I AM Presence and you will not be disappointed. As Saint Germain has told you, “In the fullness of the Presence is all that you desire”! -Morya, Pearl 2:37
So let the Spirit of Christ and of Buddha pervade this Church Universal and Triumphant, and let this Spirit put to rest all lesser spirits that are the counterfeit creation of the One true light. -Archangel Michael, Pearl 63:17,
via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 30, 1975 at Anaheim, California.
The Great White Brotherhood in its role of establishing inner and outer focuses of light to assist the planetary evolution is the organization of the ascended masters whereby divine love, wisdom and power flow forth to the Earth to assist it in rising from its prone position. Each time we establish an outer school or focus the councils of the ungodly almost immediately set about to see how they can degrade its image and destroy its coherence, unity and effectiveness. To do this they utilize every means, including the release by counterfeit organizations of false statements in the masters’ names. -Master Rakoczy, Pearl 8:21
You see, God’s energy will not forever be confined to limitations and imitations of the counterfeit creation. As the Lord has said “My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh.” The Lord God will not forever allow Himself as energy to be imprisoned in the matrices of imperfection
Now I ask you this question: can there be a counterfeit creation if there is not first the true creation? Can there be false Christs and false prophets without there being true Christs and true prophets? Yet from the pulpits the wolves in sheep’s clothing have denied the proliferation of the Christ consciousness and the coming of true prophets in this age. -Saint Germain, Pearl 18:33
Plan on it, I say! For only the plans which you formulate will come true. And you can make the wish—the wish in the fountain, the fountain of the Mother’s love—and your wish can be God desiring to be God within you, God within you burning, burning, melting the wax of that human counterfeit. Oh, they shall laugh! How they shall laugh—the sons and daughters of God—when by fervent heat of the flame within intensified by the calls those manikins, those robots will melt, will melt as candlewax when the threefold flame burns bright on Terra in the hearts of the children of the One, the children of the Sun. -Lanello, Pearl 19:18
On December 30, 1968 Astrea–“concerned then with the cleaning up of the world of men that they may be fit candidates for the ascension in the light”–addressed those involved in psychic and spiritualistic activities, stressing the need for the purity of the Christ mind. Astrea declared that “the authority of your own I AM Presence is the only power in the universe that can ever give you your freedom. You cannot depend then on outer devices–on crystal balls, on fortune-telling apparatus and on various horoscopes which are cast.” Astrea explained that the true science of cosmic astrology is not known or printed in the world today but only in “the inner schools of the Great Brotherhood.”
Having given forth this understanding of the Law, Astrea pointed out that this “admonishment is not condemnation, the time must always come in everyone’s life when they finally can admit that some condition in their world, whether it may be cigarettes or liquor or other activities which they have desired to overcome, must be overthrown by the activity of Christ within them.” Astrea declared that the “traps are many. (Lady Luck is) the counterfeit of the Goddess Fortuna.” Astrea urged invocation to the circle and sword of blue flame as “one of the greatest blessings” in the overcoming.
Standing amongst the legions of light Purity “was consulted as to what should occur” and Elohim Purity said: “Let us once again enthrone the world in a concept of purity; for when they sank into that oblivion of mortal stature, when they began to understand themselves as mortal beings, when they thought of themselves as a puny intellect in a limited form they entered the realm of the confining world and joy and purity were no more within them....Let us rekindle in them the flame of purity. We remained holding the immaculate concept for every lifestream below...for the world had waned in its expression of the divine image but heaven had not, nor has it to this hour.
If you will stand with me this day in a fervent determination to reverse the course of human history, to reverse the course of human energy within the forcefield of your own individual world, I will stand with you for the balance of this embodiment and I will assist you according to my expression of universal law.” -Elohim and Their Retreats
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