Friday, September 30, 2022
chelas whose time has come
Let the counterfeit Illuminati-- imitators of the Round Table and of the mystery schools--carve up the Earth with their secret25 diplomacy44 and10 their trading37 in14 souls14 of12 light!29 (=185=5 x ambitious37) Saint Germain and Morya have never lost a fight! They hold the timing of the victory and they know their chelas whose time has come. -Archangel Gabriel, Pearl 22:3
I can tell you the fallen angels known as serpents are more than cunning. They have perverted the signs and signals of the Kabbalah and therefore used it to imprison souls of light. Not by mere enticement or the pride of the eye or glitter of body did they draw you away but by9 the very black magic that is the misuse23 of12 the15 set8 of12 the15 sefirot38 (=132=4 x inner33 or 6 x gain22). The counterfeit set [of the ten sefirot] had been created by the one Din in the intensity of the judgment itself, the judgment that [the fallen ones] meted out upon the children of God. And thus evil did gain hold in the manner described to you by the Messenger according to the teachings of the Zohar. -Saint Germain, Pearl 35:26
We would spin the Earth! We would saturate with violet flame that the Earth might have a new face and a new age and a new opportunity in Justice’s name to resolve the conflicting forcefields of those who make war against the light by9 their33 own16 abuse12 and10 counterfeit55=135=5 x make war27) of real alchemy of the Holy Spirit, of personhood through Christ, of individuality ordained—not gainsaid, not thrust or seized or forced but individuality that is the gift of God. -Saint Germain, Pearl 25:44
……...............This brings me to the exposure of the truth and exposure of the lie which will now be forthcoming at this conference and which we have scheduled for your celebration of Columbus Day on Monday—the exposure then of many aspects of the tactics of the Illuminati, of their origins and their current activities.
I come to tell you that the conspiracy of the Illuminati is a reality from astral planes, from the fallen ones who have been organized with their concept of the new order of the ages since the moment of the Great Rebellion and the fall of the Luciferians. From that hour the councils of the fallen ones determined to take over the Earth, to deprive man and woman of their rightful inheritance in taking dominion over the Earth and to set forth the counterfeit hierarchy and counterfeit plan.
And therefore I tell you that those who are a part of the Illuminati, they themselves conceive of themselves as the ones who are called and appointed to bring forth the new order of the ages. And just as you see in this sign and symbol of the Great White Brotherhood [the capstone of the pyramid,] the promise of the coming of the seventh ray of Saint Germain, so the fallen ones are as certain that the time is coming when their new order of worldwide power in the economy and in governments of the nations, as worldwide control, will be a manifest reality.
They envision absolute control of education, religion, government, the economy and all affairs of the nations. And they have made considerable progress in this area in this century. They have taken strides and they have infiltrated every aspect of human endeavor and human organization, including control of media in all of its forms.
Now I am Cyclopea and I am concerned then for the protection of the vision of the City Foursquare and the vision of your individual ascension. And I see that the vision and plan in the heart of the Great Divine Director for America and Earth must be precipitated simultaneously by Keepers of the Flame who would bring forth that manifest reality of all that is required in this octave for the international headquarters for our Summit University and our Montessori International.
Let it be disclosed then that there is being released by the false hierarchy the counterfeit vision for the counterfeit City Foursquare. It is this counterfeit hierarchy and counterfeit vision that we must challenge, that you must challenge. You have given many invocations to me for the all-seeing Eye of God to release the energies of the City Foursquare. I tell you of a truth: all that stands between your call and its instantaneous precipitation is the clearing of the debris and challenging of momentums and identity of the fallen ones who comprise that branch of the Illuminati especially concerned with perversion of vision.
Now let us examine these perversions of vision. You will be hearing more of the exposure of subliminal programming through subliminal seduction in this conference. You will hear of misuse of the sacred vision of mankind by those who are seized with the marketing of their products and who employ subliminal advertising techniques projecting all manner of darkness of fallen ones and their perversion of divine man, divine woman and the divine manchild. This they have done in every form of art and advertising through media, through television, through the motion picture industry until mankind’s four lower bodies are being saturated twenty-four hours a day with the imprints of the infamy of hell itself. I tell you, the very demons and discarnates from the bottomless pit have come forth through these forcefields to betray the Christ consciousness, and mankind have been the unwitting, ignorant tools, being the object of manipulation of those who sell their wares.
-Elohim Cyclopea, Pearl 53:21, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 9, 1976 at Pasadena
So proclaim the Word as you stand in the midst of the congregation of the righteous and rebuke the fallen ones as even the Savior rebuked them in the very face, in the very teeth, in the very manifestation of physical life on Earth! So his was the challenge that rang forth and declared them to be of their father the liar who speaketh of his own counterfeit creation, his own lie- manifestation. -Saint Germain, Pearl 24:59
Hearken unto this and remember! For there are many
charlatans and many psychics in the world today who can perform these signs and wonders. And thereby they call upon the name of the Lord, yet the Lord is not nigh unto them! Thus the miracles of the representatives of God are for believers and they are not flaunted before fallen ones. Thus you must be careful and judge righteous judgment when considering where is the flow of true light and where is its counterfeit. -Lord Ling, Pearl 24:4
..................CharlatanCharlatans34 who19 took16 pleasure34 in14 entrancing51 people33 with24 their33 own16 personalities
63 (=328=8 x brother41) for21 love18 of12 money27 and10 self-glory47 perverted50 the15 original49 design31 (=280=10 x loveless28) of this potential avenue for truth. Contacts debased22 themselves38 (=60=6 x test10) through association with the lower psychic or astral realm, paying heed to those discarnate entities whom they would never have deigned worthy of their attention while in embodiment. Thus another door was closed (spiritualism of 1800s) which we might have used to bring humanity nearer to the Godhead....
May God’s counsel guide and uphold you, always
Pearls of Wisdom 6:39
The RTR offers this version following (which in the part designated by^ in reality is from Kuthumi's 1976 exposure of Ignatius Loyola, Pearl 19:13 which RTR claims is "unavailable"!!! -r.
^The fallen ones who move among the children of God upon Earth have taken their training at inner levels from the archdeceivers of mankind. In the same way as your souls journey to the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, those who are committed to the path18 of12 ambition38 and10 pride34 (=112=4 x darkness28) journey to other retreats on the astral plane.
Meeting individuals there who pose as the most advanced adepts on the path, they truly are convinced at inner levels that they are working with the elite of Earth’s evolutions who are descended even from Almighty God Himself. The false hierarchy has an entire evolution—all the way back to the one who sits on the throne of the impostor of the Almighty One, the counterfeit throne of God.
So the souls who are duped are souls who have18 not13 a1 sincere37 and10 pure24 desire33 (=136=4 x deceived39) for reunion with God. Nevertheless they seem sincere in their activities; and those who train them give them to understand by a very distorted means what are the goals of life upon Earth and how they [the trainers] are concerned for the greatest good, the greatest happiness and greatest expansion of Earth’s people.^
Spiritual Counterfeits
Movements have, in actuality, promised soul travel to their devotees. They have invented names of masters and contacts on Earth. Many books and organizations in North and South America, in Europe and even in Africa have purported to represent the Brotherhood of Light.
Beloved ones, you can see that the false hierarchy behind them is complete and by their misuse of the energy of the chakras they too may create a simulation of vibration and all that which appears to be real and is not.
Now when children of the light do not have a direct experience with the Holy Spirit, with the Lord Christ, with their own I AM Presence because they have placed other gods before these, they have not therefore reached a level of discrimination
Let them come and sit at the feet of the ascended masters. Let them set aside all7 goals18 of12 self-15 aggrandizement72 (=124=4 x appears31)—the very subtle desires whereby those on the psychic path or the so-called spiritual path see themselves as being above others, and therefore able by their so-called powers to command respect. These powers range all the way from phenomena to actual healings to that which even appears to be the raising of the dead. This has been done by the fallen ones by mechanical means and even by the misuse of the energies of the chakras.
The Encounter with My Counterfeit
Beloved ones, some of you have no idea of the Path you walk and the path that you shall walk when you determine to become a disciple of the Cosmic Christ. I come before you with utter love, not to shock or frighten you but to tell you that when you plead with me from your heart for initiation, that initiation must first be your encounter with the one who is my counterfeit.
By Law I must determine whether you are worthy to stand in the presence of your own Christ Self and the level of scintillating light and cosmic consciousness that the Lord God has given to me. These counterfeits are numerous, so, I say to you, initiation is not the mere touching of your chakras for the passing of a current of energy. It is sending you forth as though blindfolded, saying, “Now find your way back to me by vibration. Meditate until you feel my presence as a pulsating cosmic love-wisdom and then direct your course to me though you see me not.”...
This is part 2 of a previously unpublished dictation by Lord Maitreya delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, July 2, 1978 at the Freedom Class, Sing a New Song, held in Pasadena and Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.
Pearls of Wisdom 43:34
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