Saturday, September 3, 2022
bowstring of the moment
Solar flare hit Earth on 9-2/3, 2022 at intense (x) level.
robotic, ambitious, connive, Communist, socialism, pretend, cunning, perfect, discords, strident (each one) 37 in numerology.
masquerading57, Duffy clique57
neurologics57, opportunist57.
disguiser48, discourage48,
willy-nilly, compromise, orthodoxy, self-deceived, pretentious,
corrupters 54.
Federal33 Reserve38System20=91; carnal mind44 calcination47=91. spiritual44 director47=
91; impure37 action26 funnels28=91
bowstring46 of12 the15 moment26
(=99=3 x inner33)
absolute23 purity37 of12 motive30 (=102
=6 x bear17). probationary64 chela20 GWB14
(=98=7 x aim14).
uncertain42 trumpet32
(=74=2 x pretend37).
As the arrow released from the bow of the Infinite Archer finds its mark within the heart of man so proceeds the ray of divine love, effulgent in all glory of God, to penetrate first into the heart of man.
Long before the Archer Himself can retrieve this arrow of love and give to the beloved the fullness of all that He Himself is—all that man shall one day be, all that life shall express through Him (the wisdom of the ages, the infinite compassion of God)—the inflowing charge of the original eternal inheritance-pattern is given to all with that first thought issuing forth from the heart of God into individuality.
A duality then exists whereby there is both First Cause and the creation—God and man. Man is intended to be the full manifestation of God, and God is the creator of that manifestation. Man is invested with original sacred fire which contains within itself the pattern and potential for expressing infinite wonders of the being of God in orderly expression as divine plan for each particular facet of creation.
Beloved ones, man in his search for God is also an archer, and he draws the bowstring of his attention taut and releases arrows of devotion in his search for love straight back to the heart of God. Before the arrow can be retrieved in either case there is a path to be traversed, a journey to a destination and a victory to be won.
The plan of God is quite simple, but it requires time and pressure of acceptance by every lifestream. The Giver gives his gift, and the recipient must accept, utilize, cherish/adore and rejoice in the perfection of that gift that is entrusted to him as a pearl of great price.
Beloved of the light, you have heard it said that men perceive as through a glass darkly and that men perceive but in part and know only in part. This statement refers to the time-span between the radiating forth of the arrow of love charged with the all-knowing mind of God from His own heart and the accomplishment of retrieving the arrow of love by man’s right acceptance of the Father’s will in the fullness of manifestation. Do you see then, beloved ones, that the journey of your existence into matter, form and human densities is made in order that you might become a manifest son of God, shining in radiant splendor like unto the Father?
O beloved ones, human density in all of its past-present opaqueness has seldom realized beautiful transcendence of eternal spheres. The rapture of our octave is seldom understood or felt in your octave as it ought to be because mankind have accepted in their four lower bodies pressure and feelings of the mass consciousness which does not understand the eternal plan. While men wander as in a maze and struggle to find the riddle of their existence know that we who have won our victory, we who have already achieved our manifest spiritual independence desire to serve in setting mankind free.
Tonight I, Orion, have come to you in honor of the great light of God radiating within that beautiful constellation which bears my name. I am come to bring to you drops of infinite wisdom in order that your hearts may find greater understanding and peace. May you share with the world at large that understanding which will widen the borders of the kingdom of God upon earth and make the brotherhood of man a reality beyond the pale of mere words. I am come this night to fulfill the fiat of God’s will to bestow on man infinite capacity to understand and relate the many individual parts of the whole manifestation of the fullness of divine radiance.
Have you ever seen a broken sunbeam or a shaft of light bent and twisted? Beloved ones, mankind have in a sense manifested a broken sunbeam, a disheveled heap of rubble, but this is not because God has discarded mankind. Mankind in their vanity and wandering away from the everlasting light of God have turned their own backs upon this great source of eternity’s radiance, the beautiful light of God which ought to bless every soul with purity.
Mankind have endured the pain and stain of sin. It seems as though a dye has penetrated the substance of their being and discolored all that they see until their power of vision is no longer expressing with clarity. Human vision is so limited, so concepted in human ideas, so devoid of wonderful glory of spheres of light that they dwell in almost total darkness.
Yet as you assemble yourselves together this eve, this holy eve—for all eves are holy, beloved ones, and the dawn symbolizes the outpouring of the Father’s love as the eve symbolizes the reception of that love by the Mother, completing the circle and the perfect creation—the perfect creation of everlasting peace is within your heart.
The character of God, the character of the Christ, the character of immortal life, the fullness of all that divine love represents is your own true character. Emblazon this into your very existence by the pressure of your acceptance and you will be obedient to the fiat of the Creator who said “Let there be light!” And there was light. God wove upon the loom of cosmic creation all that is both visible and invisible and beheld with His own eyes that it was “very good.”
Ye are a part of that creation.
I AM an Elohim! And I have observed the struggles of those elemental beings that are so little understood by the mankind of Earth. I have beheld the services and labor of a tiny elemental striving to sustain the radiance of a buttercup upon the hillsides of the world. How many of you understand as your eyes feast upon the nature kingdom the tremendous spiritual offering of power and glory that manifests in that natural kingdom because of the services of tiny elementals?
We who are Elohim embody the great feelings of love of the Most High. We are a part of the eternal creation. Our beings and very fiber composing our substance is charged with the mighty divine radiance which we pour forth into the feeling body of mankind in order to maintain universal order of creation. Beloved ones, I am come tonight to radiate into your midst greater understanding, greater compassion, greater purpose, greater meaning concerning life and the very essence of divine love.
ELOHIM [chanted]
Come thou holy cherubs of Chamuel’s band. Come thou radiant forcefield of immortal spheres. Thou never-failing cosmic light, come. By the power of the three-times-three and by the power of sacred fire I call now to the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun to blaze forth Thy limitless light!
Behold! Behold the radiance of the eternal One, creating now beauteous pink cosmic hearts, cosmic hearts composed of immortal substance charged with love-radiance of the eternal One. Behold, I see now coming forth and issuing from the Great Central Sun—carried to Earth by millions of cherubs (tiny radiant beings of light serving mankind) and into the atmosphere of this room—three beautiful hearts: one, beloved ones, for your physical form, one for your mental body and one for your feeling world. Each one within the forcefield of this room is receiving now by reason of the grace of God three beautiful pink hearts—descending from the Great Central Sun charged with the love of God in order to purify your physical form, your mental body and your feeling world by divine love!
Beloved ones, the violet flame will cleanse your etheric world until you stand forth as radiant suns shining in solar splendor, shining with galactic splendor, shining with universal splendor and shining with radiance of the Sun behind the sun.
Receive then the blessing of these three beautiful pink hearts which resemble iridescent mother-of-pearl and are descending into your forcefield now. Receive the descent of a beautiful pearly white ray into the forcefield of each individual, conveyed by angelic hands.
Beloved ones, if there are those that do not believe in angels, remember that we understand this and we have compassion upon those who are yet so far out of the way. The erroneous brittleness of individualized human concepts shall be shattered by the dawn of immortal truth within men, and millions who do not now know the pathway eternal shall turn and serve the light until the light serves them to make and keep this Earth a shining planet.
You who are here within the forcefield and orbit of the Great White Brotherhood, within protective arms and love of the Brothers in White are thrice blessed. And I say to those of you who know and those who know not, blessed are ye who have received this gift from the heart of Alpha and Omega issued in response to my fiat and request.
Beloved ones, the days of torment ought to be shortened. The world’s travail is not the desire of the love-ray of God. The anguish of the world ought to be transmuted because the elect invoke it.
If you are the elect and desire to make your calling and election sure, you will cognize the needs of the hour. You will recognize the need to imbibe and ingest divine radiance until you find yourselves no longer compatible with the vibratory action of the outer world and almost uncomfortable in that atmosphere in which you formerly moved.
Then shall you find yourselves preparing and desiring with all your hearts to spend as much time as possible at night while your physical form sleeps in octaves of light communing with the great divine intelligences of the universe. Then shall you receive from the heart of God and those great cosmic teachers who are so divinely able the wisdom, power and love that they will charge forth into the world to sweep the world free from all that ought never to have been!
Beloved ones, pause now and reckon with eternal principles of life. Do you think, beloved ones, that those children entering in kindergarten or first grade of school are able to understand the wisdom which is released to college students or those in universities of the world? Do you think, beloved ones, that all children of God upon this planet, for all of the great wisdom released to them, have understood the many mysteries of God with eternal certainty?
Beloved ones, those upon this planet who have made their ascension have spoken to one another and declared that they were just beginning to enter in to transcendent radiance of the eternal One. For the radiance of God does transcend itself and has inherent infinite capacity for expansion and radiant expression.
Mankind in their human density can scarcely realize the variety of tones and limitless power of divine love. The Presence of God seems afar off from them, and they do not know that the light of God that does not fail is stirring the energies of their world in order to bestow upon them angelic gifts from the heart of God which will enable all mankind to be a living Christ fashioned in the likeness of the universal One.
Beloved ones, the arrow has found its mark in your heart, and the arrow sent from you unto God has long ago found its mark in the heart of God. And there from the heart of God the divine responses pass forth through the entire hierarchy of heaven, and mankind receive the answer.
You have heard it said that the call compels the answer. Well, it is so! The call does compel the answer, and the light of God that does not fail responds to every human request made in sincerity according to great cosmic Law. The limitations of karma and those human limitations imposed by mankind upon themselves cause them to express to a far less degree the qualities that great light intends. But that is not the fault of great cosmic Law. For the great Law does not apply itself; mankind must apply the Law.
Therefore I come to you tonight with the wisdom and love of God charging forth into your world these concepts that will enable you to more efficiently apply this law—because you desire to apply it, because you love the light, because you honor the light and because you honor the cosmic honor flame of God which builds immortal character of the immortals within you and further causes you to shed as a cocoon the ignorance of old ideas.
Beloved ones, mankind must emerge as from a chrysalis. They must enter the great shining radiance whereby their bodies are changed so that they as Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego may enter in the fiery furnace of life’s trials and emerge victorious without even the smell of smoke upon them!
Continued in Part 2, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 50, no. 24.
-Elohim Heros, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on December 30, 1962 in Washington, D.C.
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