Saturday, September 3, 2022
Aum ah hum vajra guru padma siddhi hum
In the fullness of all who have ever represented the Lord Sanat Kumara I bring you the path and the teachings, those teachings that I have given down through the ages.
Thus I, Padma Sambhava, am come to you. And the hour has indeed come when you should reap the magnificent blessings as fruit, luscious fruit from a tree or a vine.
Thus all teachings from Yeshe Tsogyal that were stored and remain are available. And you know and you understand that the fulfillment of the Mother in the Far East comes from that source.
So, beloved, be glad and rejoice for the victory of the day, of the past, the present and future and for Elohim moving among you. For this truly is the hour. And the hour is come, and this hour is the fullness of the resurrection and resurrection fires.
May you then find these texts which you may locate in the bookstalls of the world. May you ponder them and read them again and again. For thereby you too shall become the victory on the path--the victory of your threefold flame and of the everlasting life of your Mighty I AM Presence.
These are the days and hours of conviction and of primary manifestations wherein you determine that you shall be even the fullness of Godhead dwelling in you. All things are possible.
Thus daily invoke violet flame. Call to the Maha Chohan. Call then to Jesus. For you may know a resurrection. Even though you may walk the Earth that resurrection does walk with you and does teach you the way, the way of our Lord.
Come now, children of light, hierarchs, great beings and babes in arms. Come now. Rock the cradle of your little ones. And enter into the majesty of those who have fulfilled their ritual of becoming.
We seal you in the knowledge that you can conquer, self-transcend and know God-reality. And this is why El Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Kul have relayed to you this day that this is the hour of their coming.
Thus know the victory through them. Know it, beloved. And lean upon the arm of the Messenger when you are in need of healing.
We seal this class and we return to temples of light. There we shall commune with what you have accomplished and come back again and again until this world is in another dimension, a safe haven, a place where naught can destroy or desecrate the little ones.
Thus, beloved, again we say--rejoice! And think this night ere you take to your bed of all the little ones who shall one day graduate from this planet.
I, Padma Sambhava, seal this conference and seal your hearts in the intensity of Mighty Victory’s flame. In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother--amen.
-Padma Sambhava, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on April 12, 1998,
Pearl 41:22
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