Sunday, September 4, 2022
I have perceived the intent.
With the coming of the new age old things shall indeed have passed away! Men have thought destruction for so long that the main part of the whole prophecy mentioned above, upon which most have thought, has been in connection with destruction—and especially planetary destruction or downfall of civilization. Let me hasten to assure all mankind that while cataclysms do occasionally manifest by natural law, the passing away of the old order is purposefully to clear the way for the building of the new! This always brings the birth in consciousness of the Christ tendencies, or divine propensities.
You have perhaps heard it said even by your earthly mothers “As the twig is bent—so the tree is inclined to grow.” You see, the inner intent of the heart in man is in part inherited. Of course whenever war entities or hate entities and other mass-created, malign influences which cause the world so much personal and planetary unhappiness are removed or transmuted, the world or individual breathes free for a moment—but only long enough for someone to again start the chain reaction of misqualified freewill in the same old discordant pattern which for centuries and millenniums has made suffering on the Earth and in mankind’s experiences. Therefore only by universal acceptance by the world at large can final victory come to Earth and its multitudes, and only by rising in consciousness to your own ascension can you find personal escape. There is no other way!
The inner intentions of the heart are developed only in two ways: either by hallowed attunement with your own God Presence I AM or by listening to the mass voices of discord from the megatons of misqualified energy which mankind have created. Seed produces in kind. Therefore the only safe counsel comes from above where all cosmic virtue and purity are born. That which raises you into your ascension comes from above, that which pulls you down into discord is from below. It is that simple. Forget then personality, even injustices, forget even your own needs for a moment if need be, and concentrate on service to others in the holy name and power of the Christ. Do this and you shall find life even among the illusions of so-called death. The great Law cannot be broken!
Every day is a portion of the holy season of eternity. Through externalization of God’s kingdom in your own hearts and upon this dear Earth you shall in dignity and wonder unravel the sweet mystery of life which is my own keynote! (Victor Herbert’s “Ah Sweet Mystery of Life” is beloved Lord Maitreya’s keynote)
Rending the cosmic veil you shall come face to face with your own divinity without end, and in the magic circle of the Presence of God you shall know that charmed existence which, while making all life one, also gives to each one an endowment of such peace, power and protection as only God can give. Remember I had like existence upon Earth to your own present state and by the transcended power of my own God Presence was raised to where I now wear such garments of eternal life as you shall one day wear.
It is absolutely essential then that you do not faint or become immersed in states of hopelessness where you begin to feel out of touch with God, for all such feelings are only the result of too much thought about the illusions of self and mundane life, with not enough contact with the reality of your own Holy Christ Self and great God Presence I AM. The remedy must be applied constantly. You did not wander away from the light in a moment—sometimes it takes more than a moment to find your way home—but it is dangerous to delay the journey when life offers such grand opportunities.
So blessed ones who have delayed or postponed, begin again, and you who have long plodded-- continue! Keep on, and on and on! The most shadowed hour is just before the dawn of initiation. Many of you are nearing great cosmic initiations. Hold fast the light, the doorway into the eternal day of God.
I AM Your Friend, Companion and Brother
Pearl 4:10
Let them not stoop to a false humility that denies the divine intent and presume that they cannot accomplish it in the days of their purification. For it was by divine decree from the beginning the intention of God, and it has been throughout the ages. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 26:10
One by one they have come. One by one I have gazed upon their faces. I have read the record. I have perceived the intent. I have given my love. One by one they are raised. And yet the Law calleth forth torrents and multitudes.
The sweetness, the gentle simplicity of the pure God-design is so captivated by the strands of human personality that it is as though they were bound hand and foot, caught in a mesh of their own weaving from which they cannot extricate themselves.
And yet as an acetylene torch will cut through steel, so the power of love, the blue-flame power of the holy will of God, poureth forth its radiance and severeth strand by strand the fetters of human making until at last the soul goeth free as a bird from a cage and soareth into the heavens to reunion, to initiation, to understanding, to bliss. In the stillness of the holy radiance that poureth forth God’s love—in the stillness of that love all form vanishes in a burst of light!
I AM come. I AM come to represent the mighty Hierarchy, conferring upon those who would serve our cause a more than ordinary honor—the honor of the ages—anchoring them in the cleft of the rock of ages, extending over them our white mantle, consecrating them to the pure edict of light.
Understanding floweth forth as a sharp sword, a cutting sword, a piercing sword. It severeth as it were the unclean from the clean and divideth clearly the light from darkness. Initiation conferreth upon all the mantle of the Christ and holy portion that is every man’s allotment of the Holy Spirit.
Be thou still. Be thou at peace. Be thou aware of thy God. It is not in mere words, the release of holy sound, but it is in the release of holy substance that men are made clean by the clean flame of devotion, the clean flame that purifieth and sweepeth away all that is not clear and radiant and pure and lovely until that which remaineth is God, is good, the basic Christ child simplicity.
The holiness of Saint Francis and of the anointed Christ consciousness manifested by Jesus, the World Teachers who stand by my side to serve—these are tested men of God, men of cosmic honor, men of cosmic virtue. These came long ago and were presented to me. And as I gazed at their young faces I knew then that I beheld an avatar.
And I will tell you something about those who have the office which I hold. Those who have the office which I hold are as thrilled with a manifestation of the supernal radiance of the elect as God would have us be. Our delight is in these tiny things: to gaze upon a face and to know that here is a victor, to initiate such a one into the mysteries of heaven, to place upon such shoulders the clean white linen, the arrayment of our office. This is an honor conferred upon us and we are indeed grateful for the manifest opportunity of doing this for all who will come as a sweet child to receive the olive branch of peace and holy dove descending upon their consciousness.
There was a cry that went forth in the past, but it was negative. It pertained to human degradation; therefore I shall not use it this day even though it is recorded and written. But instead I shall utter the message of its antithesis, of its opposite, of its manifestation as God intended.
Do you remember the shepherd king David? Do you remember the psalms that flowed forth from his heart?
“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures....He restoreth my soul....Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow..., I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me; Thy rod and Thy staff....”
And so the psalms of David have brought a sweet music to the souls of men, and it has come to pass that the release of his energy has mounted to do honor to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. The tensions of the world are lessened, far lessened by holding the focus upon such holy words, by cherishing the outpouring of his wondrous heart.
And so I pay tribute today to those lonely souls, as Tabor did this night past, and call to your attention that these are not lonely souls in reality but are souls of divine union who have passed through the tests, the trying crucible tests of life and have attained a manifest victory which cannot be denied by man nor by their contemporaries nor by their own families or their friends. I would call to your attention the statement that was made by beloved Jesus pertaining to friendship, stating that whosoever doeth the will of God was his friend and, in a sense, his brother and mother and endeared one.
Blessed ones, as you go forth to keep the flame of your divinity you must recognize that some of you are as untried knights by comparison, and some of you are squires in the learning process, desiring to stand as the Knights of the Table Round but remaining yet completely untested and untried.
Were you to come to me today where I am—for I am in the Cave of Light, in Chananda’s retreat—I tell you that a very special dispensation could be given. For we have summoned a tremendous radiance. And this radiance is to be released tomorrow in accordance with the divine intent, with the breaking of the dawn and is intended to accelerate its tempo until at the hour of twelve it shall reach its zenith in the time zone where you are. This has been coordinated by the Darjeeling and Indian councils in order to confer upon the students assembled here the rising crest of that holy momentum, releasing it to the heart of America and dispensing it for all nations to drink of the cup of its radiance.
Of course if you were here today and could bathe in the accumulated radiance, I am certain you realize that it would indeed strip from your being layers upon layers of densified substance until by its power and pressure you would find yourselves so much closer to your precious goals.
I regret that I could not open my arms and form a pathway of light over which you all might walk to come here today to partake of this momentum. But I think by telling you of it that some compensation shall be given. For in your thoughts, your mental body and your emotional body can in a sense be projected to us here and receive the mighty flame passing through your mental body, through your emotional body to still the feelings of frustration and distress there, to wipe away from your being the cause and effect and record of memory that is sordid and destructive, and by divine discrimination to enable you to feel the anointing that was placed upon David’s head and upon the head of Jesus and upon the head of all avatars who have ever come to our retreat and who have ever knelt before me as the hierarch that I AM.
O precious ones, my love for you is so great this day that it is as though I would give another million years of service to this blessed planet if I felt that by so doing I could free this generation. And yet the Karmic Board will not permit it; the great Law will not allow it. And so we are all tempered, you see, in our moments of high inspiration by the greater wisdom flame of God which demands the best course for all.
Therefore as I speak to you now I advocate that in the stilling of your consciousness you cognize the meaning of quietness and contemplation and purity. Visualize now with me in a special manner so that you may have conferred upon you a mighty blessing. Before each one of you visualize a cube one foot square. This cube is white and resembleth alabaster. At this moment it is like unto a bulb through which a current is not passing. We will in this experience cause it to glow but not yet. We must first tell you of what significance this cube is.
The cube is foursquare. The cube is indicative of the New Jerusalem. The cube is indicative of the Holy City celestial that descendeth from God out of heaven. The cube is significant of the white stone and the new name that is given to all who are able to receive it.
The cube represents your potential entrée into that Holy City of God, builded upon the prophets and teachers and avatars of all ages, builded upon the lives of the saints, builded upon the cosmic unity of the Foursquare City, builded upon the initiatic system of the Great White Brotherhood. This great cube of light represents also then your own precious contact with the Great White Brotherhood.
This cube is symbolic and factual—factual in the sense that in God’s eyes and by His power He may make the largest offering of any relative size according to His desire. And therefore this cube appearing before you in space which you hold with your hands is in essence as big as God would choose to make the New Jerusalem—a place of limitless light and consciousness and purity, a place where all saints of the universe and all universes can abide. Could it then be small? Could it then be too large? It is exactly the correct size.
And as you recognize that this is your portion—your stone in the eternal temple, representative of the crystal-clear perfection of your identity—you will realize that were it surrounded now with mud and slime and human refuse it would be unfit to place in the temple all bright, all light, all pure, all holy. And therefore this temple must of necessity be held in spiritual dimensions, for it cannot yet be trusted to the flesh.
Ere the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice. Know ye not then that the aspirations of men and their intents are so frequently cast aside in desperate moments? Individuals have actually forsaken this fraternity without realizing the potential that is within it. This is most unfortunate for themselves and for us too. For had they remained, they would have had conferred upon them the eternal promises in a greater measure and a greater outpouring.
And yet this shall not deter the faithful. For in all ages the lonely ones have walked the pathway of initiation. They have understood the meaning of dedication and selfless service. They have understood that they alone must pass through the gate of initiation, that no one upon Earth could do this for them, that no other person could substitute.
Mothers have knelt at my feet and pled that they might pass through the most horrible of tests in order that their sons might be given a higher place in the kingdom. But the great Law would not permit it, and I have turned them away one and all.
All must come alone to this place where they recognize that in their hands they hold their own cosmic destiny, that this white stone that now is before you is a symbol of that potential which lies within you.
El Morya, with all of his mighty love and light which blazes forth through me now also because I have mentioned his name, is aware of the fact that he could not with all his love push you through and fit you into that temple perfect and beautiful. Only your own God-given freewill, continually driven against all forces of opposition, can hold a perfect balance—the key to your own soul’s salvation.
“In your patience possess ye your souls” is the power that will enable you to hold the God-design and God-direction that will make it possible for you to enter into the temple that is indeed more within your own hands than in the hands of God, for He has given it to you!
Do you see, beloved ones? It has always been yours. It was the enrichened cosmic design which God entrusted to you in the beginning which has always been there and has never been taken from you except that it was raised into a higher pattern not only in your higher mental body, but in the very center of the great God- flame within your own individualized I AM Presence. And it has descended this day from your own Presence as the gift of life.
It is possible for you to contact that Presence. It is possible for you to contact that perfection. It is possible for you to be fit into the eternal temple and to keep the flame of your divinity blazing—not only now but ever hereafter!
And for this reason I say to you—as you hold this seemingly inert temple of life which is your own being foursquare within the power of your own hands—know that at one given moment in this service we shall light it with the great cosmic flame. And then as that cosmic flame blazes in tremendous whiteness and radiance it shall come to pass that all of you shall offer to your own God Presence this white stone that is your own true reality containing your name, symbolizing your service to life forever. And you shall offer it to your Presence knowing that only your Presence has the perfect key that will enable you to work out your perfection.
And therefore as you return it to your Presence all splendid and shining with holy radiance you will always remember that you have held this divine treasure right within the forcefield of your own physical hands, and also that it has passed through the hands of your Holy Christ Self and is retained for you within the heart of your great God Presence within the very central flame of God’s own heart.
Now, precious ones, the moment draweth close when the angels of initiation shall draw very near. Therefore I shall ask that music be played, first in a soft manner and then coming to a crescendo where the radiance can blaze forth and awareness can dawn upon your blessed consciousness this day.
You have journeyed here in contemplation of greater light, and you shall receive that light. But the degree that shall manifest shall be determined by determinative factors in your own being and world. All are not the same and yet we have given to all the same cosmic cube. All are not the same, for all have not cognized the use of that which is within their hands.
And yet the possibility of equality lies as a gift in the hand of all. As men bear this responsibility and knowledge well they shall no longer blame another for their own shortcomings or failures. Neither shall they blame themselves, but they shall say to their own God Presence:
I AM ready! In all of the ages that have passed when failures have plagued me, generated by my own lack of understanding, I know that Thou wert there and that Thou have guided me unto the present hour. Therefore I stand, waiting my own cosmic initiation. I desire a place in Thy great sheepfold. I would be a stone in the temple pure and holy and immortal. I offer myself and all that I AM to Thee! Take me and use me, assimilate me and direct me.
And observe, dear hearts, how the cosmic response will generate in your minds a new law acting—a law that will fulfill your design with the speed of light, the speed of lightning and the power of the angels. This will happen if you expect it. This will happen if you direct it, knowing that it is your Presence that will act through you to bring about the manifestation you crave and desire and want so very badly.
O precious ones, go forward in the light! Hold thy cube now more closely and draw thy hands together until it is as though thou canst feel this cube and the pressure thereof restraining thy hands, until it is as though thou couldst not place them together, for this cube is the tangible light substance that is within them. And around this cube thy hands may feel the pressure of that immortal life which is the glory of the saints of all ages and the power of the eternal Principle made manifest. [music played]
Glow, radiant cube of light
With immortal substance white—
Let thy brilliance flash in fire
And let thy love all hearts inspire!
For Victory’s Presence here is manifest
And God Himself is blest.
O holy cubes blazing white,
Be offered now to God’s pure light;
Lift thy hands, O blessed ones,
Toward the Sun of thy Presence.
O angelic hosts, take up these cubes of light
Glowing with all the light of the firmament.
O Mighty God Presence, Thou I AM of all,
By Thy light and love we call
For the virtue of the light
And the power of God’s might
To manifest in human night
And see that all things are made right.
‘Tis God’s delight, O blessed ones,
That firms the resolution strong
And arms the heart to distinguish right from wrong
And offer in the name of God so fair
The love and light of a maiden’s prayer.
A beauteous soul of joy comes down,
Descending then to wear his crown;
And all men everywhere rejoice,
For light and power in God’s voice
Shall blaze forth from the mighty Son,
The cosmic being, God’s holy one.
And all men are the fullness then
Of that great flame ablazing there,
The answer to the maiden’s prayer,
The Cosmic Mother whose love shines round
And fills the circuit with the sound
Of heavenly rejoicing and the chord
That is the fullness of the Lord!
May the Great Sun Prince Michael, Lord of the Archangels, sever from thee, blessed ones, forever all that is not of the light of God. May the Great Sun Prince Michael be thy special guardian forever. May the Great Sun Prince Michael protect every Keeper of the Flame.
O Archangel Michael, take command of these blessed ones. Give them thy love, and may they give thee their love. -Lord Maitreya, via Messenger Mark Prophet on March 28, 1964 in Washington, D.C., Pearl 27:11
As we approach the season of the year when the advent of descending Christ consciousness brightens the being of man over the entire planet it is our intention this year to stress the valor of cosmic integrity. Self-deceit is so prevalent upon Earth, precious ones, that we must make further attempt to dispel it. It is much easier to justify one’s being simply by pulling the wool over one’s eyes, so to speak, whereas to take corrective measures within the framework of identity requires not only energy and foresight but also dedication and holy prayer. The temple of identity must be purified and heart altar swept clean of all human debris such as self-pity, vanity, cupidity and the corollary effects of wrong associations. -Saint Germain, Pearl 8:45
This is the emergence of the Corpus Christi, the body of Christ, out of the tomb of materiality. It is the rolling away of the stone of matter which signifies the calcination of carnal mind with all of its densities. It is the purification of the countenance, the refusal of the soul to be enslaved by legions and tribunals of Caesar or the power of the Sanhedrin.
This denotes that the soul must be freed from all banal influences of either church or state, for both church and state have come under the influence of nefarious powers from time to time which have made them instruments of a diabolical sort, even as they have been instruments of great good; hence the soul can no longer afford to brook the tyranny of family, friends or outer conditions of temporal power in any of its forms.
This does not mean that men should not be subject to the laws of the land or that they should fail to recognize legally constituted authority. However it does mean that they should recognize the superiority of heavenly intelligences and not permit the tyranny of mortality to8 put12 a1 yoke20 around28 their33 necks16 *=118=59 x 2), denying their God-freedom.
By releasing their light into manifestation through the presence of God which dwells in man as the Holy Christ flame within the heart they “rise from the dead” of corporeal substance, of the paper world of illusion that has far too long held man in bondage. The tangible reality of the radiant living Christ blazes through them because they have willingly and lovingly invoked it through their consciousness and through their flesh forms. They are able then to summon by the power of the spoken Word the mighty angels who assist each emerging Son to “roll away the stone” and to “come forth from the tomb—victorious.”
In addition to this they stand at the portal of transfiguration and are ready for the second initiation into the reality of be-ness. That which is within man, that which is the active—divine Principle, the Spirit, the Animus, the divine Ruach —all in complete harmony, will prevail and man will ultimately reestablish his relationships with God and humanity from the viewpoint of the initiatic level.
There is a difference between the natural man and spiritual man. This was clearly demonstrated in the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. His outpicturing of his transcendental ministry was ordained by the grace of the Eternal Father through my hand, and I stand ready to assist all who would experience the beauty of the resurrection Spirit in their lives this year. Each individual can come to a point of conscious knowing of the wonder of the light and none will ever regret it, as they have often regretted mortal passions.
Now then, let us go and see the place where the Lord lay. Within yourself envision the threefold flame of Life and God- intelligence sealing you in His grace daily.
I AM your mentor in Christ,
Pearls of Wisdom 10:10
Did you know, blessed ones of Boston, that God’s name is Victory and that I am His namesake? Does this not give you the pressure to realize that it is the intention and purpose of eternity that each one of you have the breath of freedom, and the breath of freedom that you shall have shall embody within it the qualities and characteristics of victory? -Mighty Victory, Pearl 42:44
My beloved, the pilgrims upon the mountaintop are few. The aspirants on the plains are many. And the authority of God rests upon every human heart. The summoning of the elect to consecration of divine intent is ushering forth. The Infinite calls and outlines the hills with rising splendor! For the night of man’s gloom and density has passed and the morrow dawneth with new hope.
The cup trembles and the cup of wrath that mankind have fabricated—to which they have contributed in banal ignorance their attention—is now ready to be delivered. Yet the angels of compassion unite with the ascended masters to stay the hand of world karma and say “Yet a little while, stay, that men may be quickened into wakefulness.”
Maitreya summons! The elect have received our banner. The unfurling is at hand. The consummation of God’s holy will is required now for every heart who will embrace salvation, for salvation is for all. It is not only for the few but for the many.
Now we come and around us, surrounding you all, angels with drawn swords of mighty light rays are consecrating themselves to the separation of individual man unto the monadic ideal—to the realm where the oneness of God is recognized and sought after!
Hearts hunger and thirst after righteousness. And the universal compassion of the universal Christ is pouring the supplication of our domain into the chalice of mortality that a quickening may occur, that with this summoning there may go forth into manifestation purity and love and grace and hope and all that will raise men and lift them into the supremacy of divine emotion.
What is divine emotion? It is love.
What is love? Love is God.
What is God if not ye all when ye love?
And by the ministry of love we will summon the little children to understand that the Master is waiting for neophyte hearts to expand, to enter into the gates of compassion, to feel what is happening in the world order, to understand that the tears of the world create a river that would wash away from the moorings of stability mankind drenched in self-pity.
The deeds of their own creation have not borne good fruit. Yet the mercy of God droppeth from heaven and kindleth a fire in the consciousness. And our fire approacheth nigh. And behold, the dust that has been raised as the tide of emotion bearing the whirlwind of mortal energy shall be dispersed! For the Lord God consumes all of that which is not the purity of love, of selflessness, by the fire that trieth every man’s work through sacred
initiations which are the requirement of this moment.
America, awake! World, awake! Individual man, awake! The purposes of heaven that have trembled in the cusp of the ages are now awaiting mankind’s acceptance.
The pure in heart shall see God. But is purity of heart only for the few? Purity of heart is for the many! Purity of heart is for all! Purity of heart is the requirement of initiation. It is the diligence which frames within the unity of God the reference of the divine ideal—the character of each man which seeks to fashion that man after the divine image and will not give power or aggrandizement to mortal image of imperfection.
Lay down your lives then upon the altar where transformation can take place. For the mountaintop experience is the requirement of this hour—that each man shall enter in consciously to that state of all-knowing where the Mind of God can produce in the individual monad the realization of that love of heaven which flows, and that that flow can become the breath of reality with the freshness of spring promising resurrection to men from dead works that have not borne fruit.
I call to your attention that supreme moment when the Master, the Lord Christ, walked before the unfruitful fig tree. At that moment when he sought to touch with his hands the fruit of that tree it came to pass that it was barren and he said “Henceforth let no man eat [fruit] of thee forever!” When they returned the disciples noticed that the tree was dried up and they spake unto him and said “The tree which thou didst curse is dried up.”
So it shall come to pass that those who shall not avail themselves of opportunity for initiation, that those who consider that they can play at the game of life without understanding the seriousness of divine opportunity shall find that the divine fruit shall ignore them because they have ignored it. The world is filled with those who say “We have played unto you and you have not danced.”
I call to your attention, children of light, that the hour of success in the cosmic venture is at hand, for the powers of darkness cannot forever rule over the minds of men. And the power of the light shall break the spell of mankind’s outer consciousness even as a coconut when it is cast to the earth with the force of Hercules. And it shall come to pass that it shall shatter! And the milk of divine kindness that is within Christ shall be given to all, and the fruitful cup shall issue forth the power of divine kindness.
For opportunity is renewed. And day by day men are able to understand that their yesterdays are but links in the immortal chain. They should understand that this is not a chain of bondage, but that this is a chain of cause and effect leading to highest destiny. They should understand that the Spirit of Christ-regeneration abides in their flesh, that the power of regeneration is in their hand to put forth and to eat of the Tree of Life that is in the midst of the garden of God.
Shatter delusion!
Shatter confusion!
Shatter destruction!
And break forth the bells of the morning!
Let the bells of the morning ring!
Let the hearts of men sing!
Let the good fruit come forth from bud and flower!
Know then that when good fruit is to be born it is because the consciousness has embraced the idea of it. And men must acknowledge that the power of good fruit rests upon their own lives—that the kingdom of God is within them! Let all understand it. And let the world hear it. And let the powers of Life from the world-to-come now be scattered abroad in the world of form.
For a few trembled concerning the earthquake which recently hit Los Angeles. I tell you that the Earth shall reel and shake as though a mother shook a naughty child unless this generation shall see God in greater measure. For the cup of wrath is now full. And although God has mitigated it again and again, and although the karmic lords have held it back again and again, and although a similar experience is now being given to the Earth that was brought forth in the Atlantean times, I say unto you all that union of hearts must come about, that men must understand the security of that union, that men must understand that they cannot gather grapes of thistles.
Let the world then unite as never before behind the power of truth. For the dark forces have scattered the children of light as chaff before a wild hurricane! And they have done it because men have been easily turned aside from the power of the light. It has taken no more than a fragmentary thought—a whisper, a rumor—and souls long rooted in the power of Christ have departed to listen to the voices of human inharmony.
I say then, let us cut the ties for all time that bind men to a sense of egoism and to a sense of oppression whereby they feel a need to oppress one another. Let all understand: the power of freedom is the greatest gift that mankind can have, and there is no higher initiation than the initiation of absolute freedom. For when men give unto others the same freedom that they expect to enjoy for themselves it comes to pass that the world is raised and men literally pull themselves up by their own bootstraps!
We have seen the blight of riot and ruin in this land. We have seen the blight of the lie and practice of deceit in this land. We have seen the world trembling to frame new orders of political significance. We have observed that food and clothing and material things have concerned mankind more than the bread that came down from heaven. And we urge upon you that every one of you will understand the beauty of God that intends all life upon the planet to share in heavenly abundance.
It is meet that order come to this planet. And it does not come because men, out of the storehouse of their bounties, will feed one another material bread while denying to them the bread of the Spirit. It will not come because men simply give food to those who will not work, for the karmic law requires that each man shall eat of his own bread which he does earn because he serves life in one way or another.
And so while there are those who are infirm and feeble, and while there are those who are caught up in a state of consciousness where they cannot seem to rise out of their own lethargy, there are many who possess power and strength of limb but not strength of mind who must now take strength of mind and offer it to God that they may themselves become overcomers in their own domain and not constitute a burden upon the world politic. For the world order must understand the laws of karma—that injustice does not exist by reason of the will of heaven but because mankind have continually thought that they were oppressed by one another.
We do not deny that oppressions have existed in the world. But we affirm that those oppressions were not nearly so great as the burden that men have brought upon their own heads by reason of their own failure to understand the law of karma and the infinite law of supply and demand. For every soul that puts his hand to the plow to plow a straight furrow in this world can find, by the cosmic law of justice and destiny, that he will be able not only to enjoy the fruits of his own labor but will also be able to find the pathway that leads to spiritual abundance where his soul is no longer dependent upon individuals around him to warm him, to clothe him, to feed him, to supply him with the essence of joy.
And therefore now in the name of Almighty God I say to the angels that have come with me this night:
Dispense to these,
The children of God,
The fruit of our energy.
Let them feel a peal of our joy!
Let them feel a touch of our hand!
Let them feel the glow-ray of God
That they may understand
That the heavenly intent is to raise them,
To free them, to bless them, to keep them
Guarded, guided and loved
Not only now but forever.
It is done. And let the joy of the Infinite permeate your bodies and quicken them by the fire of Life!
It is done. And let the fire of the Infinite Intelligence pour into your minds and stimulate them until the blossoms of eternity in far-flung worlds are visible to your consciousness. It is done. And the veil of flesh drops from the consciousness as easily as tallow from a candle. And the flame stands alone—the immortal soul—and it consumes the dross.
And behold, the face of purity shines within you. And that face will not leave you comfortless, for it will bring into view the face of the living Christ. And Christ will be formed in you as the highest niche to which man can aspire—in-niche-iation, the climbing of the ladder of Jacob.
Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one God!
Hear then, O ye children of the dawn: there is one God and ye are a part of Him. He is broken for you, and you have fed upon His substance. He is your life, and He is the life of all men.
And it shall come to pass then that the consecration of new ideas must occur; and the presentation of new ideas must be formed in the world community. And these ideas must embrace the old order that changeth not and yet introduces change.
The beast that was not, that is and that is to come must be understood, as well as the Son of God that goeth forth to make war with the dragon and with those who follow in his wake, having in their foreheads and in their right hands the mark of the beast.
Men must understand that the knowledge of carnal intelligence is the mark of the beast [upon them] unless individuals will use their minds to grasp the holy significance of cosmic law. For the minds of men cannot grasp through carnal intelligence the tremendous power of infinite love. But infinite love is at hand.
I am aware of the heat. This is being generated now in order to create transmutation for your initiation. And you will be grateful when this day has passed and you see, toward the dawn of Easter celebration, the great change that will occur in your countenance and in that which looks within and sees the Holy Christ image traced by the fingers of God upon the fabric of your mind and soul.
I AM come. I AM come. I AM come to make you whole. I AM come not to gild the soul as one gilds a lily but to evoke the response of that purity which is trumpeted forth by the lilies of the field—that you will understand the meaning of “they toil not, neither do they spin...,” that you will understand that God worketh in you to perfect His perfect work within you.
This is repetitious for a purpose: that you will understand it, that you will grasp the significance of perfection, that you will hold to the fires of life and the necessity of travail. For travail is for deliverance, and the significance of travail is that the beauty of the dawn then is great as it is contrasted with the midnight hour. Let men understand initiation as the means to rising, as a means to raising consciousness, as the means to assimilating the purity of the Law.
It is not so. It is not so! It is not so!: The lies of carnal mind are human vanity. They are trumpery. They will lead you to the pit of illusion and delusion. But the laws of God will give you your freedom.
Will you then enter in with me tonightinto the consciousness of the meaning of freedom and understand that the giving of yourself unto God freely is the key to beauty and security and dominion that the Law requires each one to take over himself? For who is the enemy of God? The enemy of God within the domain of the soul is the ego that is not transmuted! And the darkness of substance within man’s world opaques the light that would shine through the grail of man’s own chalice.
The Good Friday spell will be broken, and the fruit of Easter morning will be the resurrection. This is the surge of cosmic power toward regeneration. And all darkness of night and toil that mankind at times through illusion experience are as nothing when the dawn cometh.
We urge upon all then the understanding that the governments of the world are shaken by the tremendous distribution of the Atlantean rebellion, which is now once again coming into manifestation through the youth of the world who are in many cases reembodied Atlanteans—but not all. For, scattered among the Atlantean rebels are the children of God, the children of the Sun, the holy Buddhas, the holy Christ children and many diligent and magnificent incoming souls that have not yet taken embodiment.
We warn all of you then that you have a place in the chain of command, that you are identified with the Great White Brotherhood through this summoning. We have summoned the elect to make their calling and election sure. We have invoked the power of God for every little child upon this planet. We have invoked salvation for this age.
We refuse acceptance of the powers of darkness that create murder and mayhem in the world. We refuse acceptance of the powers of darkness that, as demoniac forces, radiate the lust of imperfection in the world by the greed of selfishness.
We demand the invocation of Christ within every child upon this planet. We say then, in God’s name, let our banner be raised! Let our banner be raised! Let our banner be raised!
We will not trample upon men to oppress them, for they have freewill. But we will impress the world with the thoughts of the angels, with the thoughts of the outline of the glow-ray of the rising Sun over the distant hills. We will show forth to the world that new hope is born, that the Sun of radiance is rising within human consciousness and that the power is even now being summoned from the four corners of the world to reverse the tide of man’s negative magnetism.
I say to you that your beloved Saint Germain has already fabricated the first early beginnings of a new release of unparalleled strength through the International Re-Source Conference to be held in San Francisco and Los Angeles. You will be amazed when you see the unity of divine purpose as it is released to the nations of the world when men are taught to summon their resources in a reversal of all that banal darkness which is presently oppressing mankind.
For salvation is personal but it is also universal. For the Christ comes to every man individually, per se, but he also comes to the world. And as a thief in the night he takes away and catches up those souls who love him and will keep his commandments into that great cloud of witnessing and glory whereby the world itself shall also be saved and regenerated as those very souls that bear witness to the truth return with him to the world to manifest the beauty of the Law. As Enoch, the seventh from Adam, said “Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of His saints to execute judgment upon the ungodly.”
And therefore it shall come to pass that that judgment shall be to restore to all men the former state of universal righteousness. And this is no robbery. For there is not a soul, according to karmic law, who can escape the fruit of his doings—for good or for ill. And therefore let all understand that redemption and the redemptive process will take place.
It is illumination that the age requires; salvation is automatic when men have illumination. For when men know the Law and are not ignorant of it they will pursue the path to God as though they were wild in stampede to find Him—to find at the end of the rainbow that potential which men have said is the pot at the end of the rainbow. It is in reality the potential of God that lies by mighty light rays within the domain of all who seek and are successful. And you can be successful if you will surrender your mortal wills to God and walk in the pathway the Master trod.
This is the initiation that will make of you one mighty body that will move in the family of nations and grow and expand your limbs as you add to your number daily such as should be saved and be in the vanguard of those who will save mankind by becoming the vehicles of Christ consciousness in the world.
Ask yourself then: are you ready to do the will of God? Are you ready to take your place with the elect? Or do you prefer to be as the chaff that before the wild hurricane does fly? Do you prefer to be driven by every wind of doctrine, by every disturbing outer condition, by fear and by mortal vicissitude?
Ask yourself that question. And if the answer is “yea” and you are willing to follow the path of light rather than “nay, I refuse to go and I will stay with the world,” then understand that you must follow in the wake of the ascended masters. You must follow the banner that we uphold before you tonight. For only by a sustained diligence can the world be saved. Only by a sustained diligence can an individual overcome.
For mastery comes not easy—albeit Saint Germain has said that the sense of struggle makes the struggle. I assure you, one and all, that as you understand and grasp the principle of surrender to God you will find that God surrenders to you.
I have given you a great mystery. It is up to you to ferret it out to its fullness.
In the name of Almighty God I call to the angels of initiation that are with me to convey into the world of form the beauty of holiness, the love of God, the power of brotherhood and the sustainment of the torch of freedom.
O Spirit of the Resurrection, flame in these Thy children!
O Spirit of the Resurrection, consecrate their lives anew!
O Spirit of the Resurrection, make them many, not few!
O Spirit of the Resurrection, love them free!
O Spirit of the Resurrection, expand, expand in thee!
Peace to the world,
Peace I give.
Peace to the world,
By peace I live.
Peace to the world—
And freedom too,
For the many, and not the few.
Will you heed my words this night and hold those words close to your heart. Clasp those words, for they are life—not for yourselves alone but for a trembling planet, for a trembling planet that knows not what it does, for a planet on the brink of destruction that yet can be saved.
In the name of the Christ of the ages and by the banner of our illumination flame I, Maitreya, salute you.
-Lord Maitreya, via Messenger Mark Prophet on April 11, 1968 in Colorado Springs,
Pearl 27:17
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