Thursday, September 1, 2022
a journey with Maitreya
Desiring to increase the span of shadows in the darkening world and to bring mankind under bondage the Black Brotherhood has tricked individuals and organizations, who believe themselves to be servants of God and has caused instructions to be issued through them signifying changes in the names and divine offices of many of the great masters. In reality these names have not been changed nor have these offices been changed, for the term of the offices has not yet run out. -Divine Director, Pearl 9:40
And in turning, my beloved, you are also turned toward the light. And as has been said, when you face the light the shadows are behind you. It is so. Let the light always be before and the shadow behind, but let the roving eye of God—the all-seeing Eye of God—remain in awareness and in God-control of the shadow. -Morya, Pearl 29:48
Of course we always hold inviolate in our minds that immaculate concept of the divine plan we are fulfilling in whatever project we serve. So when working with mankind (in whose realm human shadows sometimes attempt to interfere with or delay the manifestations of perfection) we give absolutely no power of any kind to such shadows but, wherever possible when the great law will permit it we simply pass the violet transmuting flame through that shadowed substance and raise it into pure light. -Morya, Pearl 2:27
I, Morya, Lord of Love’s First Ray, say to all mankind (men who are kind!) it is the sense of separation from God, or even one another, which furnishes material for mental shadows or so-called depressions. The cure is simple; it lies in the good feeling of unity with all that lives by the power of love divine say and feel daily our Father! -Morya, Pearls of Wisdom 2:35
Abba, Father! How my heart longs to take each one of you by the hand and generate in your consciousness the bliss and blessed experiences of our octave of light.
All that I am and all that every ascended master is is placed at the disposal of the lowliest individuals in the kingdom of God to enable them to have the blessed ease in their feelings which their hearts long for.
To surmount obstacles is the desire of the earnest in heart—to wipe away the webs of shadow and darkness, to disperse all negatively qualified energy, to part the veil of illusion and to feel the vibratory action of the light of God coursing through one’s being, even as the energy of the blood charged with the pure oxygen and nous of the air, does cause mankind to become temporarily renewed moment by moment and to obtain from life momentary reality.
But what is that? That is a passing thing. I am concerned with the permanent parting of the veils of illusion with a forward step that knows no backward gait.
Hear me then this night, for I have proposed to the Karmic Board that we might perform an activity of great assistance to the many lifestreams who have come here unto this place that they might receive some essential information, some great assistance that would propel them forward into a divine manifestation for which their souls hunger and for which they thirst.
Purity of purpose is the desire of such as these, and they deplore every error which they have created. Yet we, as the Christ stand not to condemn men but to say to all, Go and sin no more! Lift up thy heads, lift up thy hearts, lift up thy consciousness and understand that by the power of the sweet star of forgetting Lord God fulfills the ancient promise 'I will forgive their iniquity,,,,men are able to remember that which they ought to remember.
Surely the mind cannot be occupied correctly with two thoughts at a given moment. Therefore when the heart and mind and being of man are concerned and captivated by the all-encompassing power of His ever-flowing light and love, His wisdom and His deliverance, they cannot be caught by the snares of the world and the darkness of mortal creation of thought and of feeling.
I AM come then tonight, charged with the love of the living Christ that I might bring to all an experience of the Divine One. It is therefore my hope that you will permit me entrĂ©e into your world as the Initiator that I may start in you, utilizing the God-flame within, the tripartite flame—the threefold flame, as it were, of love, wisdom and power—and cause an expansion within the forcefield of your consciousness of that divine power, of that divine intelligence, and of that divine love. Here then is the way that we propose to lead.
We say to you tonight: recognizing by an act of faith that you have a threefold flame within your heart activated by the very consciousness of God in the beginning and pulsating with his love, light, life and power—we ask that you shall consciously join with us in the expansion of that flame. We desire to see that flame expand tonight far beyond that which has been the measure of its existence within the world of your being.
Pulsate then in the name of God, O flame of holy will within all who will receive it! Pulsate, O holy will! O will to live as God lives! O will to see His face! O will to behold how the universe vanishes in a pinch of cosmic energy—and in its place there is perceived the star of reality behind the universe, the Sun of reality that is within you all, the daystar and touchstone by which all intelligence is cognized!
There is a point of light then within the Mind of God, and there is then a point of light within the mind of man. And the point of light within the Mind of God shall surely enter into the point of light within the mind of man! And therefore by the will of God the divine nature is imparted unto all who will receive it—be it but for a moment. It can be made a permanent gift, for such is the intent of Life when man permits it and desires the existence of this within the forcefield of himself to magnetize and to draw forth this wonderful Spirit, to permit the ingress of the light, to commune with the light, to become the light, to bask in the light, to understand the light and to know that the light—the Christos—is the reality of life and is the consecrated effort which flooded the mind of Jesus the Christ.
Understand then all of you that the power of God to infuse the cells of your body with His cosmic energy already exists as pattern. For each cell has its own centrosome; and the centrosome has a potential ‘quickedness’ within it—the quickening of the Spirit. You have but to realize that there is within each cell a point of light. This is in minutiae. It is small, it seems insignificant, and its energies are encompassed about by dense shadow and substance of human misqualification and miscreation.
Understand that tonight I am asking the Lords of Karma to set aside for the moment a great deal of this substance and to cause the dross to be drawn off by the angels of blue flame, and to see that in the name of God there is a buoyancy created, first within your consciousness and then within your physical forms.
You must understand that you are able by the power of faith to consider the universe to be a sea of light. And this is a light of great delight! It is the light of God that never fails! And this is the light in which you live, in which you move and in which you have your being.
Relinquish then your own personal identity, a sense of personal existence and cognize that you are a point of light swimming within the sea of the Eternal One. Close your eyes and enter in deeply into the heart of the eternal power of light emanation: e—energy, man—manifestation of light. To emanate—to pour forth by grace, not by confusion; by light not by delusion.
Pour forth then, O light of God that never fails! I do not require even to raise my voice to command nature. For when I speak, it is fulfilled, for it is a fiat through which God has permitted me control—a fiat which every ascended master wields and which you also by the acceptance of your full destiny can one day wield to the glory of God and the magnificent manifestation of imparting to lesser manifestations the gifts that your own lifestream has externalized from the Father’s heart.
Enter deeply now into a realization of your own reality. Feel no sense of flesh existence but feel the buoyant dancing joy of living flame pulsing within each cell! As your heart beats recognize that it is a heart of light, and there surges through your flesh forms the power of the Infinite One—the power to rejuvenate, to recharge, to heal, to consecrate your efforts, to ennoble your mind and to raise you up out of human doldrums and sense-consciousness into the domain of spiritual achievement.
You were there once, and you knew the wonderful grasp of the cosmic law of your own being. You stood there once, bereft of a flesh form. But being pure Spirit, the pure manifestation of God, you had no sense of weight nor of oppression. Neither were you limited by the claustrophobic sense, which mankind have from time to time, of being confined to one place. You inhabited all space, and time was as a great loom. And you could pass the shuttle of your attention through this loom and weave beautiful patterns wondrous to behold and find a joy in the concepts that flooded across your mind, knowing that the source of those wonderful concepts was the consciousness of God shared with you—a breaking of the bread of His immortal substance.
He then who has loved life free in many past instances will also tonight love you free if you permit it. But o if there is a hardness in your feelings, if there is a doubt within your consciousness, if you will insist upon holding fast to mortal thought and feeling, I am certainly aware that you may not experience that which we desire.
However I have asked for a great cosmic tone to sound. And as that tone sounds at inner levels it shall come to pass that I shall raise you all into a higher state of consciousness according to your freewill, as you surrender to me and to the power of Life which beats your heart, recognizing that you surrender thus unto God and unto the ascended-master consciousness and unto the Life that desires to impart to you the fullness of the abundant life.
As the tone is now sounding I ask you to let go of all feeling, of all consciousness but listen to my words as I speak and feel yourself buoyed up upon this sea as it rises and falls with the undulations of God’s heart.
Now love, now wisdom, now power surging and surging throughout nature! Recognize that your mind can fly apart from the body, your feelings and sensations blend with the stars, with myriad suns and systems of worlds; that the tones of those systems of worlds as they turn upon their axes can be heard by you—a beautiful hum, a hum of the cosmic infinite power, the power of the aum.
Will you then one and all chant with me nine times the sacred tone AUM.
The sound of the universe is the sound of universal love. And in the ascended-master conclaves as the hours roll we listen to the sound of aum, aum and of the other vibratory actions of the Word. We have actually spent as many as twenty years listening to the sound of aum in some of our meditations. Can you imagine the joy that we must take in doing it?
Consider then the fetishes of mortal thought and feeling and observe how men are captivated by delusions of the senses. They think that they would be bored to praise God and say unto Him “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,” yet the blessed covering cherubim rejoice in the privilege of doing this without ceasing.
There must then be something in human consciousness that does not fit the patterns of initiation—a certain restlessness of mortal thought and feeling, an awareness of turning away from the light within to the exterior mold where the vibratory action of one lifestream disturbs another. And this is the truth which you must recognize and understand: that one lifestream disturbs another by dissonance, by inharmony, by the sound of clash and clamor, by the desire of the ego to express.
While men say “We are devoted to a cause” they have proven by their actions that the cause is themselves, and God has been left out. All who have placed God first have found the true devotion to Self, for the true Self is the reality of God. For there is no other reality in existence save the reality of God. And if any other consciousness could exist in the universe other than the consciousness of God, God would be other than God. And God is the vibratory action of His own Word called forth from the ungrund—the uncreated void— having given birth through the womb of creation by the Word of I forevermore.
And this vibratory action of the sacred aum, the amen—the great amen, the great I AM—is one and the same. It is being, reality, existence, bliss and joy! And the angels have it. And men, thinking of the angels as servitors of God, sometimes pity them and say “What a pity to be forced to serve the Most High God and do His bidding!”
This then is the penalty men pay for fraudulent nonsense. They become enmeshed in a web of their own creation, and they find that they are surrounded by the vibratory action of unhappiness. God desires to remove the web. He desires to give all the impartation of His cosmic light.
And therefore as you have chanted the aum I, Maitreya—mindful of the light upon the mountain, mindful of the summit of each man’s being, mindful of the living soul pulsing within—call unto you to understand that I am about to perform another act of service in the interest of the remission of man’s sins.
I have asked therefore for twelve legions of angels to come forth tonight and to chant for you the sacred aum. I have asked them to chant the mantram of being. Some of you if you listen may hear them now as they have commenced; others will feel perchance the glow-ray of their activity. If you do not feel it, trouble not your hearts, for the activity of it will be readily apparent to you one of these days when the latent action commenced this night begins to awaken your world to an awareness of the initiatic process whereby man becomes more than man.
Man becomes more than man because he cognizes the divinity that has shaped his ends from the beginning and recognizes the need to relinquish his own grasp upon the reins of life and enter into the heart of his Divine Presence, and there to once again seize the reins from the Presence by the direction of the Holy Christ intelligence.
Thus is the light and banner of Maitreya upon the mountain, summoning the elect from the four corners of the Earth to awaken to the Second Coming of the Lord Christ as he comes as a thief in the night and steals into the hearts of the multitudes, causing them to obtain grasp of his principles and understand that when they hold a child in their arms they are in reality the Christ in action and that they invoke his love to pour through their hands and flesh form.
This requires, I admit, a more than ordinary consecration. It requires the relinquishment of some of the habits which you have fallen into. It requires assistance from the Godhead to strike a blow in the name of God, to break the shackles which you have forged around yourself—it requires much activity of light, even as you have given ignorantly and in unbelief a great deal of energy to the powers of darkness, shadow and unreality.
I wish to clear up a point, for someone had the concept in his mind that I was referencing that mankind were engaged in nefarious activities of blackness and shadow. I did not mean to imply—and I wish to correct this in the mind of the individual who thought it—that mankind en masse were all thinking to the point of blackness. It is often but a matter of a gray tone, for there is a great deal of desire in men—far more than they are credited with—to do good, to be active in serving the Most High God. It is just that the shadow of miscreation is created because men are ignorant and because they are victims of their own malpractice, their own habits of faithlessness, their own habits of destructivity and the power of mimicry, which we might call tonight by way of evoking a smile from your lips human “monkeyshines.”
I say to you then that you must stand upright—not according to the concepts of Darwinian evolution whereby man is proclaimed to have descended from monkeys and often acts like it; but rather, men and women must understand that their spines are erect. They are not four-footed beasts that walk the earth. Their heads are pointed upward, and the medulla oblongata is capable of receiving the vibratory action of our light!
Sanctissima! O holiness of the sacred fire, revel in these hearts! Buoy them up. Let them feel sacred fire activated within their flesh forms, within their spirits and within their minds. Make them to know if but for a flash of a second the glimmering magic of Thy face, O God! Proclaim it from the housetops! Shout it out unto all the world! The Lord God of Hosts reigneth within the flesh forms of men in whom He has long manifested, and now He proclaims Himself King of kings within their hearts. He is Lord of lords; He is God of gods—yea, God of very gods. (Won’t you please be seated.)
The veil within the human temple must be rent in twain. The veil of illusion must part, and by initiation reality will shine forth.
Beware however of the penalty for engaging in automatic writing, in psychic activity and in all of those things which are contrary to ascended-master law. Take heed that you understand that there is no need for man to do these things which tie in to the psychic world. The Ouija board and many of these other activities bring mankind downward. I tell you, there are few upon the planet who understand how to operate the cards of the tarot.
You ought to understand then that the safest and best journey for the elect is under the direction of the ascended masters. [It teaches you] how you ought to study their words and to pray unto them, to call unto them, to seek initiation, to be a real person, to be a divine person, to activate the flow of cosmic energy within your forcefields by sounding the Word, by humming the majestic concept of the living Christ, by feeling the surge of the resurrection current, by entering in to the power within the Holy of Holies of your own being.
Men do not have to go outside themselves to find salvation, for the kingdom of heaven is within you. And that kingdom that is within you is our kingdom.
Brothers and sisters, children of the Sun, those dormant ones in whom the sleeping flame seeks to devour the carnal mind and produce the wonders of our love, understand that tonight there has occurred an event of great magnitude here in this room. And it is even now occurring, for the ‘chrysalis’ is in place. And we find a manifestation of twelve masters of wisdom from the Temple of the Sun standing round about this entire room and circling this entire building with their love light.
These twelve masters are extending swords of flame out into the atmosphere in order to produce in your consciousness the necessary changes that will help you to enter in to the Spirit of Christ-sanity, Christ-intelligence, Christ-devotion, Christ-adoration, Christ-magnificence, Christ-healing power, Christ-exaltation, Christ-resurrection, and Christ-ascension!
All of this activity is a direct intention of Hierarchy. For if we can justify the experiment and we can bring to pass out of the lifestreams that are here a cosmic reality of being, then certainly the end here, the divine end, will have justified the means. And the means we have employed is to take our energy and invest it on your behalf in order to produce those miracles of thought and feeling which you yourselves have not merited directly by some specific act according to karmic law.
And therefore we have extended to you the right hand of fellowship. We have given you a cosmic grant. We have offered our energy on your behalf, and we have sponsored you as children of the Sun, as children of the elect.
Now then what you will do with this energy is directly up to you. And if, blessed ones, you justify the expenditure of that energy, within twelve months we will be able to expand it one hundredfold in a special activity for and on behalf the mankind of Earth.
And I think you can see the handwriting on the wall from here—that the moving finger writes, and, having writ, moves on, and that in this case we hope that no one will even consider the canceling or the washing out of one line of it. For this is not a matter of human wit, but it is a matter all the way, and to wit, for the freedom of man in this day and age and according to the plan which does say “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?”
The Lord God of hosts made the universe, and He made it for the glory of Himself and all whom He created. And man today are not sharing the glory; they are sharing the gloom of dispersion because they have fallen away from the Edenic state of consciousness into a mortal, crusty state of consciousness which does not give them the happiness God desires to expand.
And therefore the entire purpose of our plan is for the consecration of light-energy within the forcefield of your being and the consecration of light-energy within the forcefield of your mind and the outflow of the light of God that never fails into the world of form to consecrate our power to the four corners of the earth!
And therefore I say: O Gabriel, thou messenger of God, go forth tonight to the mystic East and carry the ribbons of our light streaming forth from the banner of Maitreya. Go forth to the West, O beloved Zadkiel, and say “Hail to thee, O thou West!” To the farthest West carry this banner—the banner of Maitreya.
And we say also then to that great and magnificent Prince Michael: Go forth to the East. And we say also unto that blessed and magnificent Lord Uriel: Go forth to the West.
And we say unto Lord Morya El: Go forth to the South, and carry unto the people of South America and the Southern Hemisphere the light of Maitreya’s banner. And we say unto Saint Germain: Go forth to the North.
And let there be a polar action that shall cause the very axis of Earth to understand that the rod of power within the heart of the Earth, manifesting from the heart of Lord Gautama at Shamballa, is activated tonight in the magnetization according to the law of amber—of that great static charge of cosmic power from the Great Central Sun that shall direct a rising tide of cosmic energy upon the Earth planet itself, which energy shall go forth to initiate the Earth and cause her to understand that if she does not fulfill her cosmic purpose, she shall reel to and fro as a drunken man. And this shall come to pass because the laws of God will have been violated.
I trust you then to act as emissaries of our divine intelligence and to understand that there is absolutely no question but that this activity is a direct flow from the very heart of God for the salvation of mankind. And through the power of the Cosmic Christ vested in me, which I exercise tonight in response to the calls of the saints—those who are ascended—in response to the calls of mankind unascended who have loved and served Saint Germain and your beloved Jesus, who have understood the message of the resurrection flame and who realize that the arrows that fly by day and the terrors that fly by night—the psychic grips of darkness that terrorize the world—are not the intention of Almighty God but stem from the denizens of the underworld who have no power except that which they have stolen from mankind as their birthright.
And one day the cockatrice den and the roar of their substance shall no longer be heard in the world. For they shall stand upon the sides of the pit, and the voice of God, the sacred Word, shall consume them in an instant by his outgoing breath. And it shall come to pass that never shall they be anymore.
And in their place the righteous shall stand as the sons of God arrayed in robes of light—the magnitude of cosmic initiation. And all that is evil and dross and mortal shall be replaced by all that is benign and that is illuminating and that is immortal.
And you, blessed ones, shall stand in the robes that you have worn and honored by your office. And we shall hold your hand and say unto you “Friend, thou comest hither because thou lovest. Thou comest hither because thou servest. Thou comest hither because thou acceptest that which we have given out of the generosity of the heart of God.”
And from the power of the three-times-three and out from the Great Central Sun the majesty of God has swept forth! And surely it is not a vain thing, and surely the elect shall see it and rejoice, and surely the saints shall hear it and implore God for your success.
May I silently love you.
Peace be with you.
-Lord Maitreya, via Messenger Mark Prophet on March 25, 1967 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Pearl 27:15
However there it sometimes meets with the dense, solidified, heavy and slowly vibrating substance of discordantly qualified energy around the one in need, this shadowed substance acting like a shield against the light until the light has had opportunity to dissolve the obstruction. Do you see? Especially when one begins his journey home upon the path of kight one must be very patient with himself and with others until he has transmuted the already gathered momentums of shadows of the past and reversed his age-old habits of thought, feeling, spoken word and deed which continue to make more shadows now. Surely this is logical and understandable too. Sometimes the chelas are inclined to be quite patient with themselves but intolerant of others and this, without my saying so, is not quite the right attitude to be maintained. -Kuan Yin, Pearl 2:24
Speaking of variety I am gazing for a moment upon the lengthy historical tapestry of this Earth. Among its early records is the story of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, symbolizing the potential inversion of divine perfection by mankind. The dangers of permitting the mind to indulge in such inversion (which is shadow) were pointed out as forbidden fruit and so it is still! The statement “There is nothing but God acting here” is synonymous with “God’s in His heaven, all it right with the world”....and so should it be, but through inversion of truth error is born and the shadows of discord then cover the simple joy of living. The need men feel to classify persons, places, conditions or things as good or evil is nothing but human nonsense as every ascended master knows. -Kuthumi, Pearl 2:51
To all who are willing to accept the vision, this lighted page of the coming New Year offers every living soul new opportunities of divine love and hope, freely permitting each one to make thereof a cornucopia-like expansion of joy and peace in the practical use of all God’s good, or, just the reverse—imposing upon those sheets of pure light-essence the shadows of discord which produce distress of mind, body, emotions and affairs. Of course we all understand that the cause of all human distress primarily comes about through thoughtless and discordant use of life; through the release of thought, feeling, spoken Word and deed as well as by the careless use of God’s name—the creative Word I AM. -Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 1:21
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