Thursday, September 1, 2022
Chelas of the will of God, my friends and compatriots, I am here sent by the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. And in my heart there burns yet the sapphire of my first love and the ruby of my desiring to impart to this people the essence of the blood of Christ my Lord, thy Life, our oneness
-Morya, Pearl 30:54
The billions who call planet Earth home are broken fragments of a universal oneness. The liberty of oneness has been lost to the multifaceted sense of separation and thus beneath his own fig tree and attached to his own vine man goes his separate and several ways.
-Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 11:26
Knights and ladies of the fraternal order of the rose cross, by the heart, the sacred heart of our Lord Jesus Christ I welcome you to the innermost place of my being. In the point of our oneness I invite you now in this hour to counsel and deliberate with me and beloved El Morya at the retreat in Darjeeling in his council chambers. -Saint Germain, Pearl 26:50
I AM Mary, your Mother of light. I have held you in my embrace all through these hours and many aeons beyond. For, beloved, this day of Mother I have desired to see the saturation of your being—to see it absorb my own, and myself your own, that we might truly be called the Mother and the Daughter of God.
In our oneness therefore as you have received me now be seated.
-Archeia Mary, Pearl 30:23
I have stepped through that door down to this octave this day. By and by you shall step up and know the meaning of universal life and oneness—as heaven and earth are one and earth is dissolved in heaven and heaven does saturate earth. And the Sun shall shine forever and forever. -Saint Germain, Pearl 28:12
Now then the light has come. The light has increased and accelerated. And you will discover then that your oneness with the light will be the protection of your own path. -Saint Germain, Pearl 56:14
Yes, I am the beloved of Jesus. For he has loved me and I have loved him. I invite you to share in this intimate communion, beloved, and find the same oneness of love. In this you will prosper through the Holy Spirit. Without that love and its Holy Spirit you will not prosper. -John the Beloved, Pearl 40:38
Where is the transmutation of the cause and core of disease? I tell you, your diseases will never be healed until you pursue the path of individual Christhood and make an about-face in your attitude and lifestyle. Now is the time for you to enter into such a bonding of your heart to the sacred heart of our Lord that through his oneness with the Father you might once again know your oneness with the Father.
-Archangel Gabriel, Pearls of Wisdom 39:3
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