Sunday, August 28, 2022
on zero
Hierarchy comes to shorten the days of tribulation for all who have caught the vision of the goal. Straight as the arrow flies so is the soul shot from the bow of the Eternal Archer. Passing through the planes of Mater with the momentum and thrust of the great arm of Life, the soul reaches the mark of love and transcends all lesser images of selfhood. The arrow hits the zero in the center of being–zero ego, zero self-awareness apart from God. Here individuality is forever defined as an arrow aflame, so pining for the real Image as to become a magnet magnetizing the energies of the Great Central Sun, including every virtue and talent that counts in the expansion of Selfhood in and as the Holy Spirit. -Morya, Pearl 18:15
For illustrative purposes imagine a scale or ruler 24 inches long. Divide this in half and mark the symbol zero (0) at the center. Consider everything to the left of the zero symbol (12 inches) as negative, everything to the right (12 inches) as positive. Now try to realize that most people’s feelings fluctuate in an area 3 inches left and 3 inches right on this imaginary scale, alternating between periods of some disappointment and some happiness. Bear in mind that all emotions or feelings which are positive can have negative counterparts. Love sometimes begins with mild affection, intensifying to love and yet still deeper love. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 3:28
And another thing—a sense of the reality of God diminishes the foe to a microscopic level. But as we all know, microbes may also be deadly, and therefore we must also pierce through and dissolve and pop those microbes so that there is nothing, nothing left—zero! And the zero becomes an ovoid again, and through that zero you send the light, send the light, send the light! -Lanello, Pearl 26:30
Blessed ones, I tell you a truth: it is easy to overturn them and unseat them! For I ask you whether it is greater a feat to bind a single ghost of unreality or ten thousand ghosts of unreality. Is not the zero the zero? The nonentity is the nonentity, whether it is multiplied a million times over. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 28:6
Whether a man’s status be at the position of zero achievement or a zero plus x it ought to be acknowledged that the infinite possibilities attainable in the now are won by men and women who having the power of faith to believe in the justice of universal Christ-love and in the accuracy of divine Law are willing to implement their be of divine Law, are willing to implement their belief by right action. -Kuthumi, Pearl 6:48
America spends $300 billion a year on defense. But as we sit here today, this nation has no system in place to stop one incoming nuclear warhead, whether launched by intent or by accident, by a terrorist nation or by the Soviet Union. How did we get into a position of zero defense against nuclear weapons? It’s not for a lack of money or technology. We have no defense against nuclear weapons today because of the nuclear policy of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). -messenger ecp, Pearl 33:11 (Kissinger's policy-line)
Go not after these then but go after the lost sheep of the house of Israel who have lost their way through a false indoctrination and through the brainwashing of Zero Population Growth. Go after the children of God who are making the karma and who ought to be liberated from the Liar and his lie. Draw them into the sheepfold. Give them the teaching and above all the comfort of life. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 55:23
Some have said what a pity that the world has muddied itself, creating stain upon stain. But let them see the cosmic stream as it really is–a stream of gushing triumph, a fire of light that eliminates darkness and the barren hopes with which some men palliate themselves as though failures and a doomsday consciousness will convey to them those benefits that span the millenniums. How short-lived are the dreams of those linked not to Hierarchy but rather to those fantasies of the human imagination that convey nothing–zero, a hole in eternity. -Morya, Pearl 15:51
But first I must know that you are divested of the momentums of Western civilization whereby all achievement is measured by outer conditions, outer manifestations, where those who have worked a certain spiral then consider that they have somehow earned a gift or earned a status in their community or their social level. Putting in time or space however sometimes results in a zero achievement as more is lost than gained. -Maitreya, Pearl 43:44
Those who practice endeavors of darkness and do the work of satanic powers upon the planet will one day come to naught. Their efforts will be rendered a zero, and all their investiture of energy in negation (because negation is nothing) will vanish away and be no more. Yet during the time that humanity and these beings coexist upon the planetary body there is the ever-present threat that individuals will submit or be intimidated by a sense of oppression. -Lady Venus, Pearl 44:9
I declare to you then that those who are contacted this day in all planes of matter across the face of the Earth by my heartflame who elect to become one in the Buddha and in the cause of the Great White Brotherhood will enter in at point zero of the release of this spiral and therefore will be able to traverse it unto its culmination in their own individual ascension and in the ascension ultimately of Earth and those evolutions who have chosen to be caught in the upward sweep of this energy that comes from the Central Sun as a great magnet of the ascension flame. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 51:1
When the people are ignorant of the great lie of this manipulation and what has been done through ‘zero population growth’ and through the laws of abortion, when they do not realize that the manipulators are interfering with karmic cycles then, blessed hearts, the Earth enters new lows of degradation, deprivation, and that logical working out of the sequences of karma is denied unto the millions. -Lady Venus, Pearl 21:40
Cease your strutting about to be good humans doing good works, always busying yourself to reinforce your self-image as a good human being. Cease all of this. Become zero that God may become the one-hundred percent of Being where you are. -Morya, Pearl 23:45
Therefore let all energies vested in incompleted spirals which are not to be completed, for the time is past now according to the consent of your freewill, be withdrawn that thereby you might reinvest those energies in the common goals of our cause. Thus we show you how though past history has shown the sign of the zero of incompleteness in this age it can be the fullness of your victory in the test of the ten. -Arhangel Chamuel and Charity, Pearl 24:10
And all progress must be measured relatively for each soul. Those who begin at zero have progressed at a quarter of an inch; those who begin at ten miles have progressed at eleven; those who begin at a million miles have progressed at a million and one. And so progress, being relative, is a manifestation of God’s love for His children that are scattered in cosmos in a drifting time segment, in sequential relationships that defy comprehension by mortal minds, in sequential relationships that defy comprehension by the greatest computers upon the planet. For the giant cosmic computers that enable the universe to be integrated while it seems yet divided is a communion consecration by which hope can continually be regenerated in hearts that otherwise would be bereft of peace and robbed of Dame Reason. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 26:13
And then there is that planning by those who advocate zero population growth, and there is the indoctrination in the mass consciousness against giving birth to children in this age. And therefore those very precious and important lifestreams whom we have assigned to Terra are denied entrance into Terra by freewill of mothers and fathers who have taken the vow at inner levels to give birth to souls but in their outer minds have accepted brainwashing of the mass consciousness 33:27
I tell you, it takes a great deal of fire in the rocket to propel you into your ascension! And that fire must be banked daily until the eyes shine with a fire that is holy and unseen in most places on the planet. It must be a fire that builds in the chakras, for you never know when you are called [home]. And once you are called, everything goes back to zero. You can no longer continue [in your sowings and your reapings]. That which you have completed up to that point is yours, and if you need an ounce more [time], you will not be given an ounce more time. [According to the Great Law] you will have to reembody, [and if there is to be a mitigation of that Law, it will come only by the grace of God and His Son]. -Godfre and Lotus, Pearl 33:30
It is either a zero or it is victory. This is what you learn in the way of a cause. Either a cause has total victory on behalf of all people–because the components of that cause were able to see a greater life beyond that human form and that human beating heart, a life on which millions unborn would depend–[or it has total defeat because the components lost the vision and did not clearly define their reason for being]. -Morya, Pearl 36:5
We the hierarchs of the Piscean age are moving on and you must move with us. Therefore if you have been chary with your decrees, we put you on notice that this is the day and time and place to accelerate your use of the science of the spoken Word. For only those dynamic decrees that you have given will stand you in good stead. And those dynamic decrees that you have not given will of course not stand you in good stead. And thus whatever you should have done, might have done but have not done–perhaps because of your procrastination–will be a zero in your personal book . -Jesus Christ, Pearl 39:40
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