Saturday, August 27, 2022
On this scene of Babylonian confusion
reminiscent of the last days men now see the coming of the eternal Christ presence as the only power on Earth capable of providing a permanent solution. This too is God’s mercy—a manifest talisman in the living Christ who cares enough to watch over the civilization which God so nobly created, and subsequently so lovingly entrusted to His own children as the legacy of Life and the inheritance of the elect. -Kuan Yin, Pearl 3:23
......... Darkness has ruled in the land of Egypt. Darkness has ruled in the hearts of men....
The forthright statement of the Christ, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” indicates that ignorance is the first sin upon which the Babylonian tower of error reaching for the skies is constructed. If then it be ignorance which is the first habit to conquer, it can be recognized that by the golden flame of Christ-illumination the realm of shadow is pushed back. -Kuthumi, Pearl 5:45
.............. Babylonian civilization. They have builded tall towers, monuments to their own vanity. They have ignored the Lord God of hosts. They have sought in avarice and a false sense of security to amass to themselves fortunes in securities, in gold and in good opinions of men. But they have not thought upon the good opinions of God or the respect for His Laws which the great fire of initiation demands. -Maitreya, Pearl 27:20
Think ye not that men of little faith in ancient Babylonian civilizations, dwelling in the beauty and splendor of the hanging gardens, and men and women of ancient Egypt seeing the grandeur of the Ptolemy dynasty and the mighty glory of ancient Egypt did not also witness miracles of nature and stand puzzled concerning the origin of life. The injunction “Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you” applies more to the present day than even to the past -Archeia Faith, Pearls of Wisdom 9:14
Lucidity of expression is the definition of the penetrating light that shines in the darkness in order that the darkness may comprehend the light. We cannot, we dare not out of the depths of our love, leave mankind alone, an infant, a child-manifestation of a multifaceted civilization which has become a monolithic society. A gargantuan Babylonian Empire spans the globe and multitudinous conflicts are the daily fare on which the masses dine. They feast upon the acidity of competitive passion and reuse the dross that has cloaked reality from them for centuries. -Gautama Buddha, Pearl 10:53
I demand the full power of lightbearers now establish the true unity of hearts of all those who live in all nations who are of the light! And I demand that this swelling of light and this manifestation of victory shall overturn the false ones and fallen ones who have encamped themselves in the Babylonian tower, the Tower of Babel that sits now in New York as the nest of fallen ones moving against the flame of true peace, the flame of purity, the flame of love, the flame of the intense action of Elohim. I call the American people to the visible accountability of the Law by the sacred action of truth. -Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia, Pearl 25:13
For centuries of development, back from the time of the Babylonian code of Hammurabi through English common law, the Mayflower Compact and other instruments of freedom have created the evolution of freedom that has brought to humanity in this age the opportunities for democracy, for the expression of universal love and for the reaching out for those cosmic initiations which are also administered to the nations of the world, determining their fate—whether they shall remain voices of freedom throughout all lands or instruments of oppression. -Maitreya, Pearl 27:21
Yes, it is planned, it is a possibility and it becomes expedient for the East to wage war upon the West for economic reasons, for reasons of survival and for reasons of Evil. For Absolute Evil will outplay itself that it may be no more. Thus the Assyrian and Babylonian, each in his own time, are the instrument of the judgment of Israel. -Saint Germain, Pearl 29:75
Malachi, a prophet of the mid-fifth century B.C., is speaking to the Jewish community almost a century after the return from Babylonian exile. The original enthusiasm and expectation of the tiny remnant who did return had by now turned into frustration and depression. The people had lost faith in God’s love for them and had become lax in their worship—conditions which Malachi lays at the feet of the clergy. -messenger ecp, Pearl 29:27
Let the deliverance come, I say! And resist not going forth into the wilderness, America, to come apart from this Babylonian civilization that will swallow you up even as malefic flowers do close and consume the very soul itself. -Saint Germain, Pearl 30:55
The fierce determination of the hordes of darkness to capture the minds of the youth of the world that they may trap in one Babylonian world-government of chaos the very wave of the future generation, is something to behold from inner levels! If you could see as we do I am certain that you would not let an hour pass without invoking assistance and protection on behalf of the youth. -Saint Germain, Pearl 14:18
O Holy Spirit, come forth! Come forth, O mighty Spirit of prophecy and of healing and of miracles and of the discernment of spirits and let this nation and this people perceive the oppressor in the midst, perceive the Assyrian and Babylonian and roll them back and restore Israel as the light of all that is real, as Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, O God. In Thy name we pray. [Give “I AM Lord’s Prayer”] -Archangel Uriel, Pearl 25:23
Beloved hearts, one must distinguish between that which is spiritual eternally in the heavens and not made with hands and that which is the Babylonian imitation of fallen ones. Therefore understand that in the early days of America even the Nephilim sought to retain the control of lightbearers. So it is true. But they are not merely from Britain. They are from the entire planetary body and even encamped in America. -Elohim Peace and Aloha, Pearl 25:14
Thirty-three-year spiral. In his Summer Solstice Address, June 21, 1985 Archangel Michael released “a spiral of thirty-three years for the outplaying of many of the prophecies of Revelation.” He said “I ask you to examine them, to therefore compose your calls and invocations, to see world and personal events in the context of these prophecies and to know that this is an hour whereby the mandate of the Law declares that if these cycles can be met and transmuted, a glorious day awaits—even the golden age...” Pearls of Wisdom 28:29.
Serapis Bey announced on April 8, 1984: “Note well at this hour and moment and this time that a thirty-three-year spiral of ascension’s flame is anchored in this body, in this Church, in the mystical body of God on earth and in heaven. This thirty-three-year spiral is for the fulfillment of the flame of of the ascension, its initiations unto all, and the building of my house. Thus saith the Lord: the building of the pyramid of this Church and Teaching that shall be and is unto the Aquarian age is established this day. It is a whitefire pillar of ascension flame—thirty-three turns in the spiral. It is a living flame within the living body of the Messenger. It is the flame that is the whitefire core above and below of Alpha and Omega, of the two witnesses and all who serve that flame. By that flame shall you discover the love of community, the building together, for this flame is God’s own skyscraper. It is the power of that tower and Rock, and it is the power that displaces Nimrod and his tower of Babel, the entire Babylonian civilzation, the Assyrian gods, the Cain civilization...”
After the Flood that responsibility rested upon the lightbearers but when they disobeyed the Laws of God and disregarded the warnings of His prophets and dispensations of His covenants, they were taken into Assyrian and Babylonian captivity under the rulership of the “Gentiles.” And to this day the children of light have been subject to the rulers of this world -messenger ecp, Pearl 32:26
Zoroastrianism has practically vanished from the world today, but much of what the Iranian Prophet taught lives on in no less than three great religions–Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It seems fairly certain that the main teachings of Zoroaster were known to the Jews in the Babylonian captivity, and so it was that in those vital but obscure centuries that preceded the coming of Jesus Christ Judaism had absorbed into its bloodstream more of the Iranian Prophet’s teaching than it could well admit. -messenger ecp, Pearl 35:35
Among the Old Testament examples of karma returning upon an entire group of people are the Assyrian and Babylonian invasions. Jeremiah, preaching in Judah (the Southern Kingdom of the Hebrews) in the seventh century B.C., said that the people of Israel (the Northern Kingdom) had been taken into exile by the Assyrians because of their faithlessness and worship of idols. -messenger ecp, Pearl 35:13
The covenant of Moses once again establishes the interaction of the Lawgiver through the one who is the embodiment of the Law--the Guru. Their violations of the Law of Moses are recorded together with the judgments of Jehovah. And though the prophets of the I AM THAT I AM were in their midst, their rebellious generation resulted in the Assyrian and Babylonian captivities. And the Old Testament is the history of the living Word, born in flesh and blood, waxing strong in the Lord, entering into the inner retreats of the Brotherhood and emerging for the Messianic mission. -Sanat Kumara, Pearl 42:2
You can march over systems of worlds with the flame of victory. The victorious sense of Abraham, the prophets and the great kings of Israel, Victory says, as well as the wealth that they had came from the inner God- flame. And when they lost the flame they went through periods of devastation, famine, plague, dispersion dividing the nation, the Babylonian captivity and the destruction of Solomon’s temple. -mesenger ecp, Pearl 43:3
What is Judah? Judah was an ancient kingdom in south Palestine between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea; its capital was Jerusalem. It passed under Babylonian rule in 605 b.c. and came to an end with the destruction of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 b.c. -messenger ecp, Pearl 26:36a
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