Saturday, August 27, 2022
it became a dangerous thing
It became a dangerous thing when individuals concentrated solely on the power vested in them as the right to choose and lost sight of the responsibility to choose the right! So, subtle shadows obscured the plan which God is still daily revealing as His will to those whose ears long to hear, and whose eyes yearn to see in true humility (honoring the Presence as the doer), the glory which shines from above!
Whenever energy is misused by the mass mind of mankind it creates by universal Law a record in the astral realm where it is fed daily by all discordant feelings and wrong thinking of men on Earth. It is easy to see that this composes a rather extensive and poisonous residue which adversely affects all who contact it. It can be a trap to those who possess undue human obstinacy, for when these pass from the body they sometimes refuse help offered by angels and helpers of the Christ and are then left face to face with the unhappy effects and causes of their own human creation remaining untransmuted, and sometimes, too, portions of the mass creation until such a time as they accept the guidance of divine beings sent in mercy....
Yield not one particle of your energy to fear. Did not God say perfect love casts out all fear? Would it not then be most wise to accept that perfect love which desires only good for each part of Himself which was sent forth in love that it might return home to Him in love? Right now today I am lifting all who will accept it to our level of consciousness where you may contact the angels of resurrection flame and ascension flame, changing even your physical appearance and giving you entrance while your physical bodies sleep into those temples and schools of beauty where face to face you can behold the light and love which we are, acting to prepare each one of you for a closer association with the ascended host and conferring our blessing even upon your loved ones—the blessed freedom and protection of light and its goal, the ever wonderful, ever transcendent yet untold wonders of all eternity with the Presence of God which I AM daily revealing.
Ever your own
Pearls of Wisdom 2:44
Nevertheless every son of God must be prepared to overcome this temptation as the Master did when he rebuked the lie of the carnal mind with the words “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” ...
Devoted ones, the pathway to the stars is found in the thread of light anchored within the heart whence the individual auric pattern expands naturally. ..
One of the facts men should understand is that along with the pollution of their consciousness with impure thoughts and feelings and emanations of the mass mind which seem to take possession of the very fires of being and entrap them within imperfect matrices is their desire for self-perpetuation.
Hence often the little pitiful dark-shadowed creatures of human thought and feeling will clothe themselves with a sticky overlay of qualities and conditions calculated to preserve the loves of the little self—thereby gaining acceptance in the consciousness bent on its own preservation. This is done in order to obscure the light of truth and to impugn it by reason of its very simplicity and perfection.
Do not be deceived. The light is yours to behold. The light is yours to be. Claim it. Identify with it. And regardless of whether or not men may mock simplicity, be determined in your childlike efforts to mature in God. -Kuthumi, Pearl 14:27
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