Monday, August 29, 2022
What is the way?
Columbus was born into Renaissance Italy. The richly varied many societies of the Mediterranean world have had many adventures, many chapters, many trials and errors. Christopher Columbus travelled to the Iberian peninsula where Atlantic and Mediterranean mesh. He had his dreams. Following that rather volcanic-like phase of around 1490-1500, the following century had to steady itself and decide how to design a course forward evolutionarily, that is, find pathways that might steadily prosper into 1600 and beyond. So the embodiment of Francis Bacon came on in 1561, making him 39 years of age at Jan. 21, 1600 by the old calendar in use at the time. Bacon sought a comprehensive or more fully oceani-likc plan of progress, less Mediterranean; and in a zeitgeist manner Europe became more multi-demensioned, less Mediterranean-led. Since Mediterranean cultures of history had laid so many foundations, a review, a broad examination of those cycles was needed. Bacon was one of those who did examine, observe, ponder and advocate a sifting process that was and is truth-led, more longterm than shortterm. Hence science as a profession, as honest teamwork dawned upon Bacon in his musings and he pushed actively in that direction, albeit in Latin writings. A more systematic approach to evolution was unfolding with him amid his circle of bold but reserved allies. There were many rivers to cross in this approach, in fact, the early signs of a world-view were at hand. This involves going deeper than the typical approach that man has generally put forward. It takes more thought, more tempering, more integration of many threads to attempt a world-view, a wholistic view that aims to be coherent, malleable, to keep unfolding in a service and rapport or give and take with humanity. That is a revolution in consciousness.
The idea of well-based civilization in America aimed toward evolutionary unfodment in a comprehensive manner has then 1) the play of the Latin American motif and 2) the North American continent’s course where a Masonic underpining advocated by Bacon has been a key element. That is, the Masonic influence like the Rosicrucian influence is an attempt to push past regular boundaries that man in fashioning socieites have often accepted. The more ideal approach is emphasied in Masonic and Rosicrucian conception. Gradually some have tested out how these more ideal approaches might unfold sans war after war. In this manner in place of a pragmatic-based approaches already evolved —Old World methodology of conventional formulae—employed and pushed hard that have included the notion of monopoly-lead in politics, government, economy, religion and education. This has occurred alongside the more ideal tries. By and by some other approaches have shown up too. Things can appear to be quite jumbled, that is, a Babylonian mode can take place and has taken place. Out of all this man might tremble at his self-generated movie that he creates. Certainly fear and trembling is an angst of modern man The faith that drives some chapters of life can subside, can rise again; many wonder how worldwide matters will reconcie and if it is reconciliable at all Are they necessarily divisive then?
Well, the internet age becomes then the crossroads where these multi-dimensioned matters are being addressed as man tries to identify from this plane of being what his role and gameplan are. From another plane of being perhaps other viewpoints will enter into a larger equation of where the planetary evolution is headed. I welcome a comprehensive view and procedure rather than the Old World monopoly-like stance that perhaps is not fit for the challenges of a longterm framework of evolution. The shift by Bacon from a Mediterranean or Christopher Columbus-type approach that is full of fits and starts and dead-ends of imagination, guesses and too rigid approaches—well, Francis Bacon some 80 years later had his motivations, not so unlike modern angst where some of us realizze the world is in a dangerous phase where wrong steps could be pretty fatal. So a cautiousness is necessary now.
Science has moved rapidly and in many directions, akmost explosively. We find ourselves in interplanetary exploration with its attendant challenges and riddles. Man could well have been at this point before, perhaps during Atlantis or in another scenario. The unknown comes knocking generally across all centuries. Is there an exception to this? Well, yes, when a world civilization becomes quite divided near its root and in serious turmoil, such an impasse probably forces mcuh withdrawal from the more open adventure of life and a mobidity or disapppointment or fear can set in and disturb the general equibrium or readiness of a lifewave to face honestly and with faith the challenges of life in a measured way. In other words, a hole of chaos may dvelelop and widen and threaten to pull down or apart the whole civilization. That too can be considered a possible as we go about modelling this and that in a world-view type mode. The misguided course can become a convenient bubble insulation, a pseuo-security to hide behind. Obstinancy either collective or individual can carry a neatly arranged facade to further heights of absurdity. Man often learns the hard way. It can take generations to fathom where the bind or glitch lies in the recipe that becomes a popular device employed by societies as their sacred cow presuption or compromise.
Now in a rather Orwelian world phase some psychoogic analysis is needed. Does the facade outweigh everything else in life as the only “reality”? Then the schism is really on, isn’t it, when that is the case, when the Ministry of Truth is all-powerfully The Authority and there is no appeal allowed to, say, common sense. When it is concocted that compromise or divide-and-conquer must be the path chosen, even covertly, then the original issues at the crux can be swallowed up in an Orwellian expertise onslaught of a locked-in assumption that becomes the law/custom/mindset or propaganda line that must be towed or else. This is then a kind of chaos or breakdown of the give-and-take functionality of life. This is how the wheels of evolution can cease to be allowed to turn naturally. In other words, fear and such of that stamp gain deep foothoolds, enough to derail, say, an Abraham Lincoln from leading the country through its psychologic impasse in a viable way. The phrase “A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand” signifies then a deepset schism of some kind, but mention thereof may be verbotten/blacklisted. Surveillance of the whole populace may not on paper be legal but something else, some far-reaching strrategy, say, of complete takeover may actually be brewing. Perhaps it is considered necessary to further confuse and divert common sense, perhaps more mandates must be delivered upon the populace for their benefit/ security—Orwellian state of affairs.
Can such a state of affairs be swept under a rug, camouflaged, across generations? Not easily. But if there be a powerful urge to avoid reality, to avoid facing up to difficulty, then one can expect further expansion of chaos-like forces in the ascendancy.
The world heads where leading voices are either heeded or unheeded, and the leading voices may not be wholesome anyway. Certainly Kali Yuga isnot easy; mankind must pull together to bear the load, to refine and to cut through and trnsformin decency and in depth his many troubles. Then a golden age can unfold in some form or other, person by person, group by group and increasingly cover the world until a momentum is reached where heaven and earth can truly mesh.
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