Thursday, August 18, 2022
impure action funnels
"absolute purity of motive needed," saith Goddess of Liberty in Pearls of Wisdom 4:26, in order to be a probationary chela of the Brothers in White.
absolute23 purity37 of12 motive30 needed28
=130=10 x yes13.
"impure37 action26 funnels28" (=91) (more negativity) -Gautama Buddha
Those who would ensnare mankind in the lies of the not-Self have taken the great impersonal Law of Being, the very truth of life itself, and perverted that flame into the personality of evil. They skillfully entrap mankind into identifying with the mass consciousness and veil of maya that enshrouds the planet in a garb of mourning. By and by individuals allow their chakras to become funnels for the flow of dirty energy that contaminates the rivers and streams of consciousness which make up the network of mass mind and feeling body of a planetary evolution. Now the individual takes in and takes on vibrations that sustain the energy veil called evil and personalizes, through impure action and vibration, whatever aspect of this force and forcefield may be magnetized to his world through conscious and subconscious cycles of negative karma.
-Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 18:27
When you think thoughts impure, unkind, critical, intolerant, blessed hearts, the Mind of Christ is not in you. The carnal mind of a fallen angel has entered! An archon has trapped you! Remember, beloved, it is not worth it. [For when you entertain fallen angels] you sacrifice being a world teacher in the flesh and the very messenger of your own Christ Self to many.
-Archangel Jophiel and Archeia Hope, via Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on July 2, 1989 at RTR, Montana, Pearl 32:36
………….I would like to point out to you that I, Godfre, wish to spread abroad to all men even this day the understanding of what it means to be God-free. To be God-free in fact means to be free from all desires that are not of the purity of the heart and the understanding of what purity means. I want you to know, blessed people, that unless people wear purity within, not just as a badge without, they can never expect to see the gates that men call the pearly gates swing open for them. For the so-called pearly gates are symbols of cosmic purity, a purity that is breathed in honor, not an affected thing but an act of grace from within the heart whereby men and women choose and prefer the honor of God to the honor of men.
-Godre, Pearl 55:19
In the name of your own beloved mighty I AM God Presence and the great hosts of ascended masters I invoke the Spirit of renewed faith in the heart of America and in its immortal dream. I invoke the Spirit of Christ-comprehension that will spread this dream into the hearts of laity and clergy alike who will see that the flame of the mystery schools of old is neither degrading nor satanic but that it is the all-enfolding luminosity of the dream of the ages for peace, prosperity and freedom to all. -Godfre, Pearl 11:31
Therefore as we plan and prepare in the International Re-Source Conference to give mankind keys that will enable them to make of America a cup of light to the world, to eliminate confusion that is now spread abroad in the land, to eliminate interracial strife, to perpetuate the Constitution of the United States in action, to reinforce the ring of the Liberty Bell, to assert the power of the Goddess of Liberty that does these twin harbors frame, to create a flame that pulsates across the land and is heard everywhere to stir the hearts of men from their lethargy, and to pour out into life and its chalice the awareness that the consciousness of God is the consciousness of man which he has crucified within his form and brought to open shame, that man must understand that the consciousness they use is borrowed from Almighty God and must one day be returned. -Godfre, Pearl 20:33
However people should understand that self-justification72 is one of the greatest dangers in the world; it blinds men to truth and beauty of clear vision. Humility is completely otherwise; it seeks not so much the power of condemning judgment or the pastime of listening to vain words of humans who talk for want of something better to do but rather the drawing forth of the real beauty of love as a cosmic bond of truth far above all human personality, which lies even within the reach of a babe who in faith reaches out to touch it! Religious history, as so many know, has a long record of infamy spread among its virtues. The godly who in physical appearance often looked no differently than their opposites have often been shamefully abused, stoned, vilified, misunderstood, spat upon and hated. Yet in most every case their revilers felt self-justified in so doing! -Saint Germain, Pearl 4:7
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