Thursday, August 18, 2022
What is real?
…man should also begin to develop and maintain the habit of constantly telling himself that the blazing, dazzling reality of the fullness of God is being released to him moment by moment as the master plan of eternal purpose. Thus he should develop the habit of counteracting60 all7 examples32 of12 shadow25 and misqualification79 by9 applying46 the15 principle57 of12 internal39 reality36 (=429=13 x inner33).
What is real? What16 is10 real18 is10 released33 to8 man10 (=105=5 x blessed21) as2 he13 practices40 penetration56—of12 penetrating57 the15 light29 of12 the15 Son12 of12 God17 (=292
=4 x 73; initiatory59 aim14=73, straight-ahead way73,
rigorous50 contacts23=73) by9 the15 very25 power32 of12 light29 within38 himself36 (=196=7 x emblaze28); and thereby more24 and more24 divine36 radiance37 can9 infuse29 the15 aura14 (=188=4 x Sun’s-vitality47) in its manifest pattern….The difference between momentary passions consciously willed, and sustained31 deep21-seated16 emotional 41 trends26 (=135=5 x dire27) must be considered.
-Kuthumi, Studies of the Human Aura
Blessed ones, first and foremost I desire to tell you that it is a most dangerous dogma to enter into this type of gossip and condemnation concerning the Messenger or the activity or to so imply without so naming. Rather it is always well to be direct and if you have anything to say, if you are not humble at least be polite enough to address your concerns and questions in the form of [a stated] desire to know what indeed is the explanation for this and that which you have observed….
Far better that you seek to understand the way of Maitreya’s Mystery School and the path of discipleship unto perfect love than by your own private understanding to tear down [our representatives] and also to tear down [thereby] the aspirations of others. Each one after all has his own freewill and may pursue his own course in life without the necessity of downgrading, especially to newer souls, those [disciplines as requirements of the Law] that are the very stumbling blocks whereby in spiritual pride individuals have failed to accelerate into the heart, the eightfold chamber of the heart, with Lord Maitreya….
and therefore understand that there is not a place where I can go [where I may] ask for your infractions of the Law of Life to be overlooked, to be set aside.
All must understand that we have accelerated this Community [to a level] commensurate with the necessity of every soul (who is intended to be a part of it and who is a part of it) for initiation unto the ascension because for that very reason you supposedly are here.
Refine your goals. Establish purity of heart. If you do indeed desire the ascension, then I say to you, it is well to accept or to come to an understanding so that you can accept, the role of the Messenger in transmitting to you those Teachings, those soul testings, those initiations which will be absolutely required of you–such initiations which cannot be passed either out of the body at night at Luxor or at the Western Shamballa nor between embodiments.
The critical factor of being in physical embodiment to balance physical karma is nowhere more critical than in this Community, for we have called you out from among the billions of souls inhabiting this planet because each one of you has the immense opportunity to set an example for a lifewave, a group soul–[for] individuals on a certain path and chakra, those working out a certain mandala of service. Each one of you has been called to be shaped by the wise Masterbuilder to become a keystone in an arch which shall be an open door whereby many may pass through.
The perfecting of the Law and of wisdom and of love of the heart then whereby the threefold flame can be balanced, whereby those initiations can be passed ought to be thy meditation day and night.
It does require, beloved, sponsorship from at least one ascended master for you to be seated here today, for you to be counted as a Keeper of the Flame in Saint Germain’s Fraternity, a communicant of Jesus’ and Mary’s and Saint Germain’s Church Universal and Triumphant [which is] my own dear Church.
Know, beloved, that unless sponsored, an individual does not do well on this path. That sponsorship is an immediate bracing of the soul and individual by the figure-eight flow of the Buddha to hold that one in alignment with his own inner blueprint and to steady that soul when choices must be made to control that energy in any of those seven chakras and to release it according to the divine plan.
What does not matter so much is the attainment you already have. This so to speak is as “money in the bank.” What matters most is the attainment you lack, which [lack] has been there for, [i.e., because of] the pitfall, the weakness, the shortcoming whereby over and over again you could not mount that spiral to round out attainment gained and fill it in with that which is necessary for balance.
Blessed ones, it is easy to develop a most unreal picture of oneself on the path when in the presence of so great a company of ascended hosts and in the physical aura of the Messenger and in a retreat situation where the land itself is guarded by cosmic beings. Thus in this happiness and comfortability and opportunity for striving (especially when the five faculties of the soul based on attunement with the Five Dhyani Buddhas has not been developed) [it is easy] to consider that one is far more advanced than is actually so according to inner coils of light, the strengthened spheres of secret rays around that heart, that secret chamber therein.
So understand, beloved ones, that in the mystery of God what must be recognized in all humility is that whatever one’s attainment, the path is precipitous and one must seek and seek diligently daily a greater God-mastery, a greater humility, a profound devotion to one’s God. In this seeking and in this finding, beloved, you must come to understand that you are sponsored because you have greatest need, because you have made mistakes before and because your Elder Brothers and Sisters are concerned lest you miss another cosmic cycle when for you at last the door has opened again.
We cannot stress enough how important it is to maintain the consciousness that “I am here by the grace of God and I will be certain that in the cups of the moments, the minutes and hours I will perfect, I will perfect, I will perfect my soul in those areas that have been my downfall too many times.”
Blessed ones, there are individuals connected with this activity whom we have called, for whom tremendous negative karma has been set aside [by our sponsorship]. One never knows when because of repetitious failure on a single point of the Law the mercy of the Law that has held back the descent of that karma for thousands of years will say “The hour has come. Thus far and no farther. Let the judgment descend.”
Blessed ones, the Law is embodied by the Lawgiver and the great Manus. When that edict comes forth out of the Law itself there is no longer intercessory power on the part of any mediator, ascended or unascended nor protest nor justification nor pity nor the seeking of popularity by protesting too much and convincing the many of one’s rightness. Not any of these things may turn back the inexorable Law of Karma which law, beloved, does become doubly severe when individuals have had many years of opportunity to invoke violet flame and have enjoyed its liberating power, not mindful of the great grace that is being accorded so very few–not because the Law would restrict it to the few but because the many have not elected to take this option….
Thus in the endless chain of figure-eight flow sponsorship must extend; and when you become co-sponsors with us of the next rung of lightbearers on the rung of the ladder beneath you, then those in embodiment who cannot see or understand us will embrace the path of the seventh ray of Aquarius because they see you and they see that though you may not be perfect or without fault, you are humble before your God, a joyously obedient servant, one who does not neglect the creative fires of Being on the altar of the heart.
Thus, beloved, concerning the mantle that I have placed upon the Messenger, that mantle is there whereby the office of Guru from Padma Sambhava through Maitreya to myself to Sanat Kumara may be extended and must be extended to all who are a part of the Mystery School, whether as staff or members of the worldwide community of affiliates.
Blessed ones, know the Law that governs the life and office that is shared by the Messengers, and that is that there may not be a sustained relationship between the Messenger and any student on the path if that student is not diligently fulfilling the requirements of the Guru-chela relationship. These requirements are most basic and should be obvious. But, beloved ones, some will not see, for they prefer themselves to be in the seat of the scornful judging rather than receiving the proffered gift.
Know then, beloved, that there does come a time when the unprofitable servant or chela, having so flaunted the Law and [so] flaunted our Brotherhood, must be informed by us through the Messenger that it is no longer lawful for that one to be in a direct relationship to us through the Messenger and therefore of no further purpose for that individual to be affiliated with Maitreya’s Mystery School, whether here at the Inner Retreat or in any of our centers throughout the world. -Gautama Buddha, Pearls of Wisdom 31:67
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