Thursday, August 18, 2022
overview of RTR, 2000-22 should also begin to develop and maintain the habit of constantly telling himself that the blazing, dazzling reality of the fullness of God is being released to him moment by moment as the master plan of eternal purpose. Thus he should develop the habit of counteracting all examples of shadow and misqualification by applying the principle of internal reality.
What is real? What is real is released to man as he practices the ritual of penetration—of penetrating the light of the Son of God by the very power of the light that is within him and thereby more and more divine radiance can infuse the aura in its manifest pattern….The difference between momentary passions consciously willed, and sustained deep-seated emotional trends must be considered.
-Kuthumi, Studies of the Human Aura
Here we consider, dear hearts on the path, “sustained deep-seated emotional trends” that have been generated post-2000 from RTR staff led by Duffy clique. The legacy in this is not even meeting the probationary chela level requirements of the Great White Brotherhood: “absolute purity of motive needed"* (below). This chapter 2000-2022 of RTR cannot be sealed in light because it is too far out of alignment to Hierarchy’s principles—it must be stood up to soberly, faced fearlessly and put into the flame of God for consuming. Hierarchy does not adhere to divide and conquer, to end justifies the means, to deleting a series of Pearl exposures on false teachings and false teachers, to denying due process of the law, to accusers of Moscow brethren and to all the rest of the garbage that the Duffy clique has generated and RTR gone along with. This Summit Lighthouse, I say, is not a Duffy-led Summit at all, not at all! The opportunity to coordinate with Hierarchy has run now 22 years. One cannot serve two masters. This chapter has to be exposed truly; I have been just one chela so striving to do so since the Moscow 8-29-03 fiasco26 and the setting forth of a Duffy26
legacy26 that has not been upright as far as I have seen and experienced. It is not a personal vendetta of mine or of any chelas of light who stand forth to challenge this Duffy clique garbage. We are required by Hierarchy to do so as this Duffy course severely has endangered this activity and Hierarchy’s implementation of the divine design via this activity. I say plainly that the Duffy legacy/schism/accusers26 is a major21 setback16=37=Neroli37, who, I believe with much reason, first authored it, but one that we learn to refute and reprove and overcome step by step, facet by facet, and we are doing so, yes!, thanks to the Teachings so sparkling clear, so sublimely precise and penetrating! Thanks even more to the faithful example of the Messengers and their true inner circle of initiates of light! life! love/oneness!
Covert29 takeover34
Neroli37 Duffy26=
Communist37 Party26=
Ignatius37 Loyola26=
A1 House23 Divided39=63
=Jefferson44 Davis19=
34 light29.
///////////////// "conventional
54+ formulae37" (-Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925)
=91=spiritual director.
These numbers simply use the system a=1, b=2, c=3, j=1, etc. of numerology.
“vainglorious63 apostles26 of12 orthodoxy54”
(=155=5 x clique, deify, dirty, foibles, fearless, fantasies31)
-Serapis Bey: Pearl 12:15. Peter28 +Duffy26=54=falsifying, impediment;
human21 + nonsense33.
path18 of12 Solar-El 28
Kuan11 Shih26 Yin21, Saint18 Germain40.
light, signet, center29 x 2=58.
brothers42 of12 the15 shadow25=94
=2 x 47.
* In order to be a probationary chela of the Great White Brotherhood, absolute purity of motive is needed. No compromise with real God-truth is possible. Individuals do of course retain their human motives and still walk in light as best they can; the weights and impedia take their toll of course and when they are judged it will also be in absolute justice. To consciously cooperate with the Great White Brotherhood through identification with us can create a problem in thought. For example, when mankind continually invoke us and use our name, whether they represent us in spirit and truth or not, they will eventually draw our attention and our power into their own worlds. Now if they are not comfortable in the presence of great light, then let them not so determinedly invoke it! We are beings of light and when we reach into the world of the chela it is to inspire, sustain, fire, direct and raise them into all perfection their world can possibly contain. The law of our energy will naturally disturb discord! -Goddess of Liberty, Pearl 4:26
………….….. Now let me pay tribute to those servants of God still in physical form yet treading that “squirrel cage-like” existence where they remain bound to the karmic and dharmic wheel, trying all the while to find God and establish once again the full light of heaven in the temporarily darkened rooms of their own souls, and yet while still struggling with karmic ties of immense proportions, loving God and man enough to choose to be a focus of light according to their highest and best understanding. These initiates in various stages of development comprise our physical body, the material anchorage for the activities of the Great White Brotherhood. Some are probationary chelas, others more advanced, yet all are going through countless tests to see if they will be able to rise above the mere vanity of outer personality worship and adore instead in the shrine of their own divinity and divinity of one another. Some are destined to be full-fledged Brothers of the Diamond Heart or Golden Robe!
-Elohim Cyclopea,
Pearl 4:25
So another turn has come in the mission of the Messenger, and another turn has come in the mission of my staff. And so I welcome and congratulate all of you who have prepared yourselves for the new level of permanent staff, probationary staff and co-worker. Your rejoicing, your deep desiring to meet the standards of your El Morya is surely cause for my own rejoicing. -Jesus Christ, Pearl 47:47
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